Street Dancer (BTS fanfic)

By Chromiee

117K 3.3K 761

Warning: the following story contains a lot of cursing and maybe sexual content. All Rights Reserved! I own t... More

Ch. 2 - Meeting BTS
Ch. 3 - Annoying Hyungs
Ch. 4 - Jackson
Ch. 5 - Tae-hyung's Magic
Ch. 6 - Evil Elevators
Ch. 7 - Noona of Seoul
Ch. 8 - Jackson vs Eun-ha
Ch. 9 - The Accident
Ch. 10 - Sushi, Mochi & Kimchi
Ch. 11 - Umma Fangirl & Signatures
Ch. 12 - Meeting Army
Ch. 13 - Slapped by Flowers
Ch. 14 - Eun-ha's Ancient Crush
Ch. 15 - Kookie's Birthday
Ch. 16 - Eun-ha's Birthday & LoL World Championship 2017
Ch. 17 - Jun Forfeits
Ch. 18 - JYP Entertainment
Ch. 19 - Steamy
Ch. 20 - Jump
Ch. 21 - Big Bangin'
Ch. 22 - Spoiling Suga
Ch. 23 - Snapped
Ch. 24 - They're Back
Ch. 25 - Eun-ha's Breakdown
Ch. 26 - Hong Kong We Go
Ch. 27 - Suga's Relief (R.I.P Jong-hyun of SHINee)
Ch. 28 - Little Things Can Mean Something Too
Ch. 29 - Stop It Jun
Ch. 30 - BTS + GOT7 & Bye Old Apartment
Ch. 31 - The Truth
Ch. 32 - A New Start
Ch. 33 - Big Eyes
Ch. 34 - Curtain Call
Ch. 35 - Hoo Hoo This Hoo Hoo That
Ch. 36 - Ask Us Anything
Ch. 37 - Chaotic Dinner
Ch. 38 - The Crazy in Her
Ch. 40 - Return of the Fashionista
Ch. 41 - Gorilla and JB's Weirdness
Ch. 42 - Crushing Cans
Ch. 43 - Their Deal
Ch. 44 - Damn Eun-ha
Ch. 45 - His Moves
Ch. 46 - So So SOOOOO
Ch. 47 - Separation Difficulties
Ch. 48 - Jungkook's Words Man
Ch. 49 - Bittersweet
Ch. 50 - Eun-ha of the Past
Ch. 51 - Underground Hell
Ch. 52 - The King
Ch. 53 - Plan P-O-E
Ch. 54 - Last Stand
Ch. 55 - The Magazine
Ch. 56 - Eerie
Ch. 57 - Cats
Ch. 58 - Someone is Watching
Ch. 59 - Just Us Two
Ch. 60 - Coffee
Ch. 61 - Maknae Plan
Ch. 62 - Strangled
Ch. 63 - March 9
Ch. 64 - Conflicted
Ch. 65 - JB's Risk
Ch. 66 - Distance & Guilt
Ch. 67 - I Can See Your Voice
Ch. 68 - MAMA
Ch. 69 - Limit
Ch. 70 - Fighting For Them
Ch. 71 - Who
Ch. 72 - Her Infamous 'Heart Disease'
Ch. 73 - Pocky Deal
Ch. 74 - BBMA's
Ch. 75 - Ultimate Family
Ch. 76 - First Summer Night
Ch. 77 - Stingray and Seagull Friends
Ch. 78 - Each Other's Presence to the Other
Ch. 80 - Their Closure
Ch. 81 - Locked
Ch. 82 - Nam-joon and Eun-ha
Ch. 83 - The Eve
Ch. 84 - Hum
Ch. 85 - Lost in Malta Pt. 1
Ch. 86 - Lost in Malta Pt. 2
Ch. 87 - Lost in Malta Pt. 3
Ch. 88 - B-Boy Waltz
Ch. 89 - Promise
Ch. 90 - One Love
Ch. 91 - AAA's Lullaby
Ch. 92 - Artist of the Year
Ch. 93 - Countdown
Ch. 94 - 2 Year Promise
Ch. 95 - Lil Meow Meow
Ch. 96 - Feelings Not Returned
Ch. 97 - As Time Passes
Ch. 98 - Reunion of OT8
Final Chapter: One Love

Ch. 79 - Hyo-rin is the Best Wingwoman

383 12 2
By Chromiee

It was early in the morning with the sun still trying to rise. Hyo-rin was the first one to wake up and got out of her and Jun's room.

Yawning, she makes her way to the living room and stops by the kitchen to grab a can of sour cream Pringles. She then made her way back to the living room and stops her tracks as she sees two heads leaning on each other on the couch. She goes to the front and sees Eun-ha wrapped in Suga's protective embrace. The two of them were sleeping peacefully while sitting up that is.

"Aaah.", Hyo-rin munches on the Pringles and sits on the single love seat that was close to Eun-ha's side. "Did something happen to these two last night?", she mumbled to herself, grinning. "Psst.", she nudges Eun-ha's calve with her foot. "Psst Eun-ha."

Eun-ha groans and attaches herself on Suga like a koala. Suga cuddles her and strokes her head.

"Psh. So early in the morning.", Hyo-rin quietly cackled to herself. "Now I know why she never took interest in Jun.", she shrugs. "Jun wants a dominant lady. And she's one. Just not in the situation she needs to be. Mhm mhm."

"Shut up...", Eun-ha grumbled.

Hyo-rin scratches her head and sighs. "I better wake her up before she freaks out.", she stands up and shook Eun-ha's shoulders. "It's time to wake up. We got a lot to talk about.", she puts the tube of snacks under her nostrils.

And of course, Eun-ha wakes and hisses. She rubs her eyes and stands up. "Cheese Pringles and the pizza one are so much bette—"

Hyo-rin shoves a mouthful of sour cream Pringles in the latter's mouth. "Shut up and eat it. Let's talk outside. You're lucky that I found you before the others did. Otherwise, you would've gotten teased the whole day."

"Yo righch.", said Eun-ha while painfully chewing on the not so favorite flavor of Pringles.

The two girls went outside and sat down on the dining table. Eun-ha groans and lays her head on the table.

Hyo-rin ruffles Eun-ha's hair and leans her face close to her to peer over. "Ok. Tell me what happened."

Eun-ha kept quiet for a while then spoke. "I want to know what happened. But somewhere at the back of my mind, I don't want to remember what the reason of the incident was."

"Your fight with him?"

"Yeah. Do you know anything about it?"

The older female puts one leg over the other and ponders. "I don't think I'm in the position to say anything. Your boys told me bits and pieces of it but Taehyung-ah told me not to bring it up. So, I can't really say."

"Why is everyone hiding it from me?", Eun-ha whines. "It's just so unfair that everyone knows while I don't know a thing about it."

"Ah Eun-ha. So childish.", Hyo-rin giggles. "Maybe this is why they don't want to tell you. Another thing maybe, is because they don't want you to get hurt hm?"

Eun-ha looks at her and puffs her cheek. "Why is everyone protecting me? No one really did that besides my family till now. Even in the Pack, I did all the protecting."

"You know what I noticed about you.", Hyo-rin sighs. "You're only like this when you're with them. Even though you were childish but mature back then, right now when you're with BTS, you become like, the center of their attention."

"Maybe because I'm the only girl in the group?", said Eun-ha.

Hyo-rin hums. "No, I don't think so. You were the only girl in the recent the Pack group too and you weren't like that."

"You're right. I didn't think about that.", Eun-ha hears Kyu-yoon's hooting and his cage shaking. She stands up and walks to the tree where the cage was. "I'm coming you bird. Settle down."

"Of course you didn't.", Hyo-rin raises her voice a bit. "But how long are you going to make Suga-ah wait? Especially with that thing he has. I can't figure out how he's coping with this."

"Thing? What thing?", Eun-ha sits down across from her with her on the table, fingers clutched into a prayer and Kyu-yoon lands on the table, nestling in Eun-ha's arms.

Hyo-rin gulps and realizes that she said something she shouldn't have. "Uh, so he didn't tell you even back then.", she mumbled. "Do you want coffee or what?"

"Ha? What did you mean by that—"

"Do you want coffee or not?!", Hyo-rin shouted.

Eun-ha was taken aback and slowly shook her head. "No..."

"Ok. I'm heading inside to make some for me and the boys.", Hyo-rin stands up and goes back into the house, leaving a confused Eun-ha.

"What the heck was that all about?", Eun-ha scratches her cheek and turns to the owl. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Hoo.", Kyu-yoon shakes his head as he pecks his wing pit.

When it got past ten in the morning, pretty much everyone was awake. With the ultimate couple cooking brunch for the gang, Suga and Nam-joon just got out of their nest.

Suga scans the first floor and sees nobody but Jun and Hyo-rin. "Where are the kids?"

"If you include Jin in kids, the kids are downstairs at the basement. Playing.", Jun was flipping meat on the frying pan.

J-Hope comes in from the basement door with an empty tray. "Hyorin-ssi, Jun-ssi! Do we have anymore drinks? And another roll of toilet paper. Jimin and Eun-ha are crying rivers downstairs.", he bursts out into laughter and made his way to the kitchen, stealing some snacks.

Jun smiles in disbelief and points at one of the cabinets. "We'll be done with the food soon so clean up the table downstairs. And tell Eun-ha to stop playing the damn thing. Last time she played it, she cried herself to sleep for a week.", he looks at the confused Nam-joon and Suga. "Don't ask."

Hyo-rin takes out glasses from the cabinets and smiles at the boys. "Just head downstairs boys. We'll be there soon."

"WHYYYYY!", Eun-ha's wails were echoing from the basement entrance door.

"EUN-HA STOP CRYING CUZ YOU'RE MAKING ME CRY TOO!", Jimin follows with his wailing and loud hiccups.

J-Hope starts panicking and grabs two rolls of toilet paper. "Let's go Nam-joon, Suga! Those two are really emotional people.", he laughs.

"You're not wrong about that.", Nam-joon laughs as well and grabs a juice bottle from the fridge and a bottle of water. He hands the water to Suga. "What's Jin-hyung, Tae and Kookie doing?"

"Same as Eun-ha, playing games. Bro, it's freaking awesome down there! I can't believe Eun-ha had this all to herself!", J-Hope guides them to the basement.

Suga stayed silent and just listened to the loud cries while drinking water.

Few minutes later, the deeper Nam-joon, Suga and J-Hope walked down the stairs, the louder the shouting got between a whiny Jin, an angry Jungkook and an annoyed Tae-hyung.

"Ya! The the freaking Mei behind us! Get her Jungkook!", Jin yelled.

"Ya ya ya ya! Bait him to the middle I'll snipe her!", Jungkook followed.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?! JUST GET HER!", followed by a chair screech, Tae-hyung was wailing in anger.

J-Hope sighs and looks back at Nam-joon and Suga. "They're playing Overwatch. And it's been three rounds of losing for them."

When the three of them finally got to the basement. It was cloud nine for them.

The sun was somewhere still in there through underwater reflection from the windows and it was like a gaming station in there. Like literally. There were at least five PC cubicles, a couple of arcade games, a big ass flat screen TV where Eun-ha and Jimin were having their emotional train wreck on the couch. The two of them had a bin between the two of them while rolling off their last rolls of toilet paper to wipe their snots and tears.

"Why can't she just stay alive till the end?", Eun-ha sniffs and rolls a couple of inches of toilet paper around her hand and blows her nose. "I should not have touched this damn game. Garrus, you have to find her!"

Jimin kicks his feet and blows his nose on his last few inches of toilet paper. "Eun-ha just let it go to the finishing credits. You replayed this scene like three times already."

Suga walks down the last few steps of the staircase and takes his seat on the soft arm rest next to Eun-ha. "And what is this now?"

"Mass Effect 3 breakdown is what it is. Eun-ha found some of her old games and loading files. And well, she decided to go back to nostalgia lala land with me riding on the back of the emotional ride. And here we are.", said Jimin, shrugging in tears and his voice was still slightly muffled from the crying.

"Garrus and Shepherd deserved better. Screw the bloody galaxy villains!", Eun-ha throws her arms in the air. She then turns to Suga, tearful. "Here, let me show you hyung.", she grabs her PS4 controller and loads in a saved file of the game.

The whole game scene that the two were crying about replayed on the screen. While she understood the voices, the boys had to read off of big subtitles.

"We're a team, Garrus. There's no Shepherd without Vakarian...", said Shepard on the screen.

"DAMN WELL THERE'S NOT!", Eun-ha starts crying and sniffing.

Suga shakes his head and watches the sad scene.

"Goodbye Garrus. If I'm up there in that bar and you're not— I'll be looking down. You'll never be alone."

Eun-ha slaps her lap with the controller and her and Jimin started bawling.

The scene moves to another one where guns were firing and Shepard was helping an injured Garrus to the ship. Shepard lets the other soldiers take Garrus and she takes a few steps back.

"You gotta get out of here.", she said.

"And you've gotta be kidding me.", said Garrus.

"Don't argue Garrus.", she said back.

And Garrus doesn't give up. "We're in this till the end."

Shepard approaches him with a determined look, her voice shaky. "No matter what happens here... You know I love you. I always will.", she cups his cheek.

"Shepard... I—", Garrus puts his hand on top of hers. "Love you too..."

Garrus watches Shepard walk away from him, staring at her figure while being pulled away by a subordinate.

"WAAAH!", Eun-ha cries out loud and tried to throw the console controller but her hand was stopped by Suga. 

And just when he was about to speak, the power couple walks down the stairs with food with its aroma filling the air. That calmed down the angry members that were yelling at each other because of Overwatch.

"Brunch boys. Grilled seafood and other shit you can eat at a beach resort. Trust me. Jun's cooking is a lot better than those stupid five star hotels I've been at Paris.", Hyo-rin cackles while approaching the big table. "Help me with this Jiminie-ah."

"Be right there noona.", Jimin tosses his empty roll at the bin and stood up. "Get her off the PS4 hyung. If I can't, you can. For sure.", he said and walked away to go help Hyo-rin and Jun.

Hyo-rin smirks at Jimin's statement and beckons him to come closer to give his hair a ruffle. "I will need your help convincing your nerd brothers to uh, get off the comps.", she watches Eun-ha trying to stop crying with Suga comforting her in a way that she found cute.

Everyone knows Suga wasn't the happy-go-lucky type. But just the fact that he was doing his best, trying not to ruin his cool image but it was crumbling because of Eun-ha, Hyo-rin finds it really cute. With Suga being flustered and all.

"Hey guys.", Hyo-rin spoke quietly as the rest of the boys gathered around the table. "You guys mind doing me a favor?"

Jin and Jungkook were still pinching each other and Tae-hyung was in the middle of it.

J-Hope, Nam-joon and Jimin were the only ones paying attention. "What is it Hyorin-ah?", said the leader.

Hyo-rin rolls her eyes at Jin, Jungkook and Tae-hyung and opens the pot of seafood stew. "I would like to keep the basement available for those two over there.", she points her head at Suga and Eun-ha. "But, your little nerds over there don't seem to want to leave any time soon."

Jimin looks back and Eun-ha and Suga then back to Hyo-rin. "What? What happened to them?"

"You might be in Masters ELO but how can you miss that bloody Reaper?", Jin hisses at Tae-hyung and grumbled.

"Ya! I play Overwatch more than you do. Stop blaming me!", Tae-hyung hisses back.

Nam-joon shakes his head and bounces his head. "Ya you guys. Time to ditch the computers for a day hm?"

"B-but why?!", Tae-hyung, Jin and Jungkook shouted in unison.

Nam-joon points his eyes at the couple on the couch. 

Everyone looks at Suga and Eun-ha and well— it was a good, nostalgic atmosphere. Suga was wiping her tears, cooing her while agreeing with all the things that she kept saying about how the game ended etc etc.

"They need to have the talk.", said Hyo-rin. "It's about time Eun-ha realizes that no matter how much she's trying to forget, her heart will always remember.", she giggles and shows off a motherly smirk.

The boys looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

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