The Duet

By aworldwithoutaname

46K 1.9K 655

Kat is the reserved, introverted nerd. Austin is the popular, attractive "bad boy". They have nothing in co... More

The Duet
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Seven

1.5K 57 27
By aworldwithoutaname

“But why did he cancel?” Sophia asked. It was a few minutes past noon and my two best friends decided to come over to my place, bearing pizza and Thai food. Yes, we were a bunch of fatties.  I was just telling them how Miguel cancelled our date.

“He didn’t say.” I shrugged and took a bite of my pepperoni pizza.

“You mean to say he asked you out and then cancelled without giving you a reason?” Evan questioned. 

“Yeah…” I said sadly. Now that

 Evan mentioned the situation like that I was more upset about it. How does a guy ask a girl on a date, cancel the night before and not give her a reason why? I know I didn’t ask but he should’ve still told me, right?

“I always thought Miguel was the sweet gentleman.” Sophia said putting down her Thai noodles. “He should’ve at least given you a reason.”

“I don’t trust him.” Evan spat, irritation laced with his words. “Like don’t get me wrong the guy’s okay, I don’t hate him. I just don’t trust with him with girls, let alone my best friend.”

“Can we not talk about him please?” I asked. It was sweet that Evan cared about me but I couldn’t stand hearing their thoughts about Miguel.

They agreed to stop blurting out their thoughts and opinions and we continued pigging out on the food that was still left on the living room table while we watched the movies that were playing on TV.

A few hours later we were watching our third movie which was A Cinderella story, to Evan’s dismay.

“Damn Austin Ames is so hot!” Sophia squealed.

 I agreed with her. Our eyes were glued to screen, staring at Chad Michael Murray, the actor who portrayed the role as Austin Ames in this movie. The sound of Evan’s groan made us turn our attention away from that beautiful actor.  

“What’s wrong with you?” I nudged him.

“This movie is for girls. I am a man.” He pouted.

“Well men don’t pout.” Sophia smirked.

I burst out in giggles while Evan narrowed his eyes at the two of us. The sound of the doorbell rang through the house. We did rock paper scissors to decide who will open the door. Unfortunately, I didn’t do good when it came to choosing either rock, paper or scissors under pressure so I was forced to get up from my comfortable position to answer the damn door.

I wasn’t expecting anyone anyways. The only visitors I have today are Evan and Sophia. Logan was working an evening and a night shift again and Kale was still at Brian’s house. Maybe it’s a delivery?

When I opened the door, my breath was taken away instantly. Guess who it is? I think it’s pretty obvious.


Miguel was standing in my doorway with a sheepish but adorable smile on his face. He wore khaki pants and a navy blue button up shirt. His emerald green shined and his hair was nicely combed. He was holding a bouquet of roses and placed them forward so they were in front of me.

“I know it’s a stupid move to ask, but would you still like to go to the summer carnival with me?” he asked. “The thing that came up got cancelled so if you still want to go, I’d be happy to take you.”

Before I could answer two voice cut in.

“What’s taking so long Kat?” Evan asked as he walked to where Miguel and I were, with Sophia trailing behind him. Evan abruptly stopped in his tracks which caused Sophia to run into his back.

“Why’s Miguel here?” Sophia questioned, quirking her eyebrows. Evan just gave me a questioning look and a cold glare to Miguel and walked back to the living room.

What was his problem?

“Uhm his thing got cancelled and he wants to take me to the summer carnival.” I said slowly, paying close attention to Sophia’s facial expression.

“As long as Kat wants to.” Miguel added quickly. “If you guys have plans I don’t want to interrupt-“

“No.” Sophia said. “No plans at all. You two have fun. Evan and I will chill here for a little while longer and we’ll leave. No worries, Logan gave us an extra key for your house.”

“Are you sure?” I asked feeling guilty.

I didn’t want them to feel like a second option. But I really wanted to go with Miguel.

A smiled formed on Sophia’s face. “Yeah. You guys have a good time.”

“Alright then,” I clapped my hands together. “Give me five minutes to change?”

I turned to Miguel. He nodded and a ran up the stairs and threw on the first thing I found in my closet –a floral shirt with a lace back and my denim shorts.- and grabbed my phone from the desk and shoved it into the butt pocket.

I practically ran back downstairs to see Miguel waiting for me. I slipped my white converse on and yelled good bye to my two best friends. I locked the door and we started walking to fair grounds.

"So where do you want to go first?" Miguel asked once we entered through the ticket booth. Right on front of my eyes were so many rides; from roller coasters, those swinging rides, Ferris wheel and many more. 

"I want to go on the cyclone" I pointed excitedly to the fire color roller coaster. He smiled and led me to line up of the ride. We waited about ten minutes before we finally got on.

Once we were buckled in, I grew nervous and scared. How could I forget that I was afraid of heights when I decided to ride one of the highest - according to the brochure - roller coaster at the carnival

"Scared?" Miguel smirked. I nodded. Then he did something unexpected; he clasped his warm hand over my petit slightly rough (because I forgot to put on lotion) hands. "I'll hold your hand"

The sound of the roller started clacking on its track. It started off slow, going uphill. My heart was racing so fast, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was scared of going downhill or because Miguel was holding my hand.  

The roller coaster stopped at the top of the hill. The view at the top was breathtaking. The sun was starting to set which made the clouds a nice pink/orange color which I liked. I was still admiring the view when the roller coaster started going downhill.

I screamed my lungs out and held Miguel's hand tighter. The wind was blowing my brown hair all over the place. My throat was getting dry from nonstop screaming. But I was still having fun.

When the ride ended I jumped out of our seat and ran through the exit gate.

"That was so fun!" I said excitedly as I bounced up and down. My adrenalin was high and I wanted to go on another ride.

"Where to next?"


It was past 10 o’clock and we were riding the Ferris wheel while watching the firework extravaganza. The loud but stunning fireworks lit up the dark night sky with their colourful lights. Good music was playing in the background as the fireworks exploded into the sky. It was a great sight.

The Ferris wheel came to a halt and we were at the very top. I was still kind of nervous being so high but the view was worth it. The whole carnival was lit up with neon color lights which made the fairgrounds livelier. I shivered when the cool summer night breeze kissed my skin.

Miguel felt me shiver, since we were siting really close to one another. He didn’t give me a sweater but he wrapped and arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I grasped the courage to lay my head on his shoulder. The wheel started moving again back down. When our carriage stopped, we were escorted out.

“Let’s go now. It’s getting late.” Miguel said.

 I nodded and we walked through around the rides and booths, through the crowds of people until we were at the entrance gate again. We started making our way back to my neighbourhood which wasn’t so far from here. The streetlights, as well as the signs on some stores, illuminated the streets so it was less scary.

When we arrived to my house we sat on the steps for a while in comfortable silence.

“I had fun tonight.” I said honestly. I had more fun tonight than last night. Maybe because it was the person I was with.

“I had a fun night too.” Miguel smiled. “Would you like to go out again sometime?”

I smiled broadly and nodded. “I’d like that.”

“Next Friday, let’s go to the sushi house. It’s a 10 minute walk from here and their food is amazing.” He said.

I made a face. “I don’t like sushi. It’s nasty.”

He gasped dramatically. “Well we are now definitely going to the sushi house this Friday. 6 o’clock sweetheart.”

Before I could protest, he kissed my cheek and jumped off the porch steps. He bid his good night and started walking back to his home. I stayed on the porch steps a little longer and touched the cheek he kissed. A goofy smile formed on my face as I got up and made my way inside the house.

I was definitely excited for our next date. 

A/N: No Austin in this chapter but more Miguel. Their date was so cute. I want to go on a carnival date. Too bad I'm only interested in fictional boys.. lol actually guys aren't interested in me. haha 

Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to _imfreakinawesome_, who made the new cover of 'The Duet' check out her other covers because they are AWESOME! 

Remember to vote if you liked this chapter.

Remember to comment if you have anything to say. 

Until next, happy reading!! (:


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