Odd Relationships [Completed]

By LucasFluff

1.6K 42 35

Under sad circumstances, love can bloom. But not all stories have a happy endings.... Join Ayber and Hiro in... More

Chapter 1 -I'm Here, Always.
Chapter 2 -Waffles to Tears
Chapter 3 -Family Issues
Chapter 4 -Dance Lessons
Chapter 5 - Freindly Turf Wars
Chapter 6 -Anceint Destruction
Chapter 7 -Past
Chapter 8 -Octo Commanders
Chapter 9 -Hunting Agent 3
Chapter 10 -Another Day
Chapter 11 -Mission S4
Chapter 12 -Having Fun Yet?
Chapter 13 -"Friends"
Chapter 14 -Testing
Chapter 15 -Escape
Chapter 16 -Next Move
Chapter 17 -Welcome Home
Chapter 18 -Monster..?
Chapter 19 -"Noir"
Another A/N!!
Important! Please read!
New story is out!!

Chapter 20 -Reunion

55 1 5
By LucasFluff

(Quick disclaimer, The S4 do not belong to me. They belong to Corocoro Manga) Had time this afternoon on the bus ride home to finishing writing this chapter. I hope you enjoy.

Phone and Coms
Setting or background

Hiro: *backs away in fear as Ayber's black lifeless eyes stair her down* !!

Ayber: *growls loudly before walking closer to them both* Never cared about the consequences of your actions!! Never cared about what happened to those around! How you tore them appart, killed them from the inside out!!

Hiro: *grabs Army's arm before running down the hallway towards Jayce's room* Jayce! Open the door!

Army: *covers her mouth as Ayber walks into the hallway, casting a large shadow different from his own. the shadow of a monster* shhh...

Jayce: *turns off the light and runs over to unlock the door quietly* hurry!!

Ayber: *hears the door open and heads towards it, dragging his swords behind him as he walks, creating a loud grating sound* Playing hide and seek hmm?

Hiro: *pulls Army in before slamming the door shut just as Ayber rushes at them, then hears an loud growl of frustration* Away from the door!!

Army: *shuffles over to Mask then puts a knife in his hands* use it wisely old friend.

Mask: *looks in his direction then nods*

Ayber: *growling gets louder before stabbing his Long Sword threw the door and opening it* It's rude to slam a door in someone's face Hiro..

Army: *stands in front of Hiro protectively* Go away!!

Hiro: *holds Jayce close to her, trying to comfort him* shh.. its okay Jayce.

Mask: *runs hand along the wall as he tries to get behind Ayber* ...

Ayber: *growls and turns around running Mask through with his Broad Sword, killing him in seconds* Not close enough..!

Jayce: *covers ears in fear as he hears Mask's pained scream, then starts to cry*

Hiro: *holds Jayce behind self as Ayber turns and looks at her*

Army: *blocks Ayber's way, bright orange eyes glowing with defiance*

Ayber: *growls and rips his blade from Mask's body before grabbing him by his throat. bringing him to his own face* Defiance is a death wish Army..

Jayce: *manages to get off the bed without Hiro knowing and scoots over to Mask's colorless body, taking the knife from him* I'm sorry..

Hiro: turns and to hug Jayce only to find him missing* Jayce!?

Ayber: *hisses and throws him into the wall*

Army: *blinks the black spots from his vision as he slides down the wall before hissing in pain*

???: *opens the front door only to freeze seeing Skull's colorless and lifeless body* Oh that's not good.. *whips head around towards the hallway as a heavy thud echos through the apartment* ...

Jayce: *hides behind the chair not wanting to be seen*

Ayber: *growls and holds Long Sword to Hiro's neck angrily*

???: *cautiously walks down the hall way to the badly damaged door before peeking around the corner* -!!!

Jayce: *holds the pocket knife to his chest, still hiding behind the chair*

Hiro: *eyes flick towards the unknown Octoling as he looks inside the room then back to Ayber* ..

Ayber: *growls, noticing her gaze shift behind him before turning and holds the tip of his sword to the Octoling's chest* Jason..

Jason: *looks at Ayber with sad and confused eyes* Why? Why are you killing Inklings Ayber?

Jayce: *looks around the chair seeing his two brothers* Jason..!

Ayber: *hisses in anger as he puts more pressure on the sword* Of all the days you could have come back..

Jason: *tenses feeling the blades sharp remind of its presence* I was told Jayce was in danger. So I came ba-

Jayce: *perks at the sound of his name being said but doesn't move from behind the chair*

Ayber: *anger builds in his dying heart before slashing at him* Now you come back!? After our sister and mother are dead!! You ignored all the letters I sent to you after you left us to die!!

Jayce: *hurriedly runs towards Hiro before pushing her over to Army* Go..!! Take him somewhere safe!!

Hiro: *turns to him, taking his hand then opens mouth to speak only to see the determination in his eyes before hugging him tightly* I'm proud of you Jayce...

Jason: *swiftly doges the sword blade then grips Ayber's wrist tightly forcing him to let go of the sword* What did Inklings ever do to you Ayber!?

Ayber: *snarls and swipes at his face in rage* They did nothing! They watched in satisfaction as we where starved and hunted! They took our power sources from the Domes, killed hundreds!! Though it's not like many of us even lived past the age 10 anyways!

Jayce: *hugs her back then pushes her to Army* Now go..!!

Jason: *frowns and ducks under his claws before cutting him across the back with his own sword* Yet you kill those who had no knowledge or part in your strife!

Ayber: *hisses in pain, only to have Noir replace the blood and flesh that was cut away* And they killed us! Innocent Children, Mothers, families! Because they see us as one in the same..!! Cold blooded murders! So why not show them their fears..?

Jayce: *opens the door then shoos Army and Hiro out*

Jason: *eyes fill with uncertainty at the sight of the oozing black liquid* Why show them fear when you can show them trust?!

Ayber: *growls loudly before lunging at him, pinning him to the floor* I have tried! I was betrayed, tortured and threatened with the life of our LITTLE BROTHER! A innocent child who was caught in the crossfire! *angry expression turns to a evil snarl, sharp white teeth flashing* I've lost my sympathy for Inkling kind and their sympathizers.

Jason: *presses self to the ground trying to stay far from Ayber's sharp teeth* So you'd kill your own brother then huh!? Just because I got in your way!

Jayce: *closes the door as he turns to his two quarreling brothers, gripping the pocket knife tightly* -!!

Ayber: *hisses as Noir drips from his mouth, falling onto Jason's exposed skin creating a hissing sound as it burns him* I know where you've been Jason.. All theses years, you've been with the Inkling PD telling them places where you knew I would hide from them. Betraying your own Blood..

Jason: *hisses as the Noir burns into his skin making a burning smell* I was trying to find you and Jayce. Bring you two home!

Jayce: *shivers as he creeps up behind Ayber*

Ayber: *puts a heave clawed hand on Jason's throat, squeezing it tightly resulting in a sharp gasp of pain from him* You say that.. but I know your lieing. You wanted me de- *lets out a pained shriek, jolting backwards violently*

Jayce: *grips the Knife tightly as he drives it into Ayber's throat before letting go and starts to cry* I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry..!

Jason: *coughs raggedly before pulling Jayce to his chest* Jayce!!

Ayber: *pained shrieking turns into strangled screeches of pain, Noir tries to push the knife out of its hosts body only to pull it in deeper. causing Noir to bleed freely from his body*

Jayce: *crys harder in fear, hearing the loud screams of pain that he has caused and tries to cover his ears*

Jason: *kicks Ayber away as he tries to reach a clawed hand out for Jayce*

Ayber: *strangled screeches of pain are cut short as the knife finished its job, completely cutting off his source of life and ultimately killing him. now dead body falls still, Noir spilling from his deceased body draining him of all color*

Jayce: *now quiet cries and whimpers of fear are muffled by the soft shirt of his last living brother* I-I killed him..! I di-didn't mean to kil-

Jason: *hushes him gently as he holds Jayce to his chest comfortingly* I know.. it's okay Jayce..

Thus comes the end of Ayber's life, and the return of Jason. The death of Mask and Skull, the vengefulness of Valary and Rysher.

Best wishes


1355 words.

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