Love at first sight

By tobelaideisreal

34.5K 854 172

Mary has been traveling for the past year but while she was gone a new boy, Francis Valois, came to school. N... More

The Return
The Party
The Game
The Boat
The Library
The Deal
The Smoothie
The Talk
The Store
The Car
The Rose Petals
The Necklace
The Freezer
The Dinner
The Hotel
The Texts
The Voicemails
The Deer
The Hospital
The Release
The Coat
The Plane
The Drinks
The Bags
The Video
The Background
The Paint
The Sweaters
The Bus
The Sandals
The Butter
The Shoe
The Alarm
The Crowns
The Light
The Candy
The Rain
The Cheese
The Crabs
The Tray
The Bow Tie
The Tutor
The Top
The Tea
The Dog
The Dalmatian
The Tent
The Blanket
The Secret
The Backseat
The Suitcases
The Breath
The Pasta
The Garden
The Breeze
The Shoes
The Buckle
The Feternity
The Balcony
The Loft
The Water
The Ball
The Uber
The Drink
The Memory
The Bottle

The Beach

441 14 4
By tobelaideisreal

Mary's point of view
When I woke up Kenna was sleeping with half body of the bed and the other half on the bed. The night before the last day of school Greer, Kenna, and I have always slept over the night before the last day of school. But Greer is being such a brat. She got mad at me for being sad about Francis and I breaking up because apparently no one cared when her and Keith broke up. It's petty and stupid. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I went over to my bath room and wash off my face which was covered in obnoxious make up from Kenna doing my make up. I put my bathing suit on because we're going straight to the beach after. I put on shorts, a tub top, and a sweater over it so I don't get dress coded. I flat ironed my hair and did all water proof make up so it wouldn't come off at the beach. I put on jewelry on then went over to my bed. "Kenna wake up." I said "No." she rolled over "Yes." I pulled her out of bed "Oh my god I'm so tired." She said "Because you stayed up watching tv." I said "Whatever." She said walking into my bathroom. "Spray extra perfume you smell really bad." I said "I smell fine." She yelled. "Okay well get ready quickly." I said then went downstairs. I had breakfast then got on the couch. After a few more minutes she came downstairs. She grabbed a smoothie and we got inside. Bash sat in the back with her. Francis got in the front seat. "Good morning." I smiled "Good morning my love." He smiled then kissed me. "Ready?" I asked "Ready." They all said. I pulled out and drove to school. We all got out and Francis but his arm around me. "You look hot." He smiled then kissed my cheek. "Wow, what every girl wants to hear." I smiled "Yes it is." He smiled then kissed me.
After school
"Schools out!" Everyone yelled, I went to my car and waited for everyone to come. Francis walked to my car then push me against the car and kissed me. "We're seniors." He smiled "I know, that's what happens when you graduate junior." I smiled "What's going happen if we go colleges far away from each other?" He asked "We can meet in the middle on weekends." I smiled "Yes for a while, but eventually, were going to have find another way." He said "Let's not worry about that, it's still a whole year before we have to." I said "I love you." He said "I love you too." I smiled "Can you sleepover tonight?" He asked "Sure." I said, Kenna and Bash came over. "Hey." She smiled "Ready for the beach?" I smiled "Hells yes." She smiled "Hells?" Francis laughed "Yup." She giggled then we got in the car. "How was your day?" Francis smiled "It was fine, but now I get to go to the beach tan and hang out with my boyfriend." I smiled "Mhm sounds fun." He smiled "How was your day?" I smiled "It was great because I saw you." He smiled then kissed me. "Can we just drive to the beach all ready?" Bash asked "Schools out bitches." Kenna yelled as I drove out of the parking lot. "Oh my god." I laughed, then drove like 10 minutes to the beach. We got out, I took my shorts of then my sweater then my shirt. I put my hair up in fun and I felt Francis come up behind me and kiss my neck. I started giggling. I turned around to face him. He was wearing swim trunks. His abs were showing which was really hot. "Ready for a day at the beach?" I smiled "Mhm." He smiled then kissed me. "Lets go I need to tan." I smiled "I need to tan." He smiled in a high pitch voice. "Oh my god I hate you." I laughed "Oh you love me." He smiled "Carry me down to the beach and I'll love you again." I smiled "Deal." He smiled, I jumped on his back and he carried me down to the beach. I put sun screen on. "Can you do my back?" I smiled lifting down my sun glasses to make my eyes meet his. "Of course I can." He smiled, he walked over to me and straddled my back. He gently rubbed sun block on my back. It felt so good. "All done." He whispered in my ear. "Mhm but it felt so good." I smiled laying on my back, he laid down next to me also on his back. "So." He smiled "So.." I giggled "My fathers friend," I cut him off. "Is a secret agent?" I giggled "Mary just because my dad works for the government doesn't mean all his friends are secret agents." He laughed "Yes, but I firmly believe one of them is." I giggled "Okay think what you want, may I finish now?" He smiled "Yes." I smiled "My fathers friend came over for dinner a couple nights ago and asked me to house sit his estate. He said I can have as many friends as I want come stay as long as nothing is missing and it's all cleaned up when he gets back." He said "For how long?" I asked "The whole summer." He said "Where is it?" I asked "I don't know, somewhere on the beach." He said "On the beach? It's so expensive to live here he must be loaded." I said "Oh he is." He smiled "Like makes more money than your father?" I smiled "Probably triple." He said "And I'm assuming your just going to spend the summer alone gathering your thoughts, preparing for senior year." I giggled teasing him. "I was actually thinking of asking my beautiful girlfriend to come play house with me for the summer." He smiled "I don't know, I have lots of plans this summer." I smiled "Well," he kissed my cheek. "you think about spending the summer in a mansion and being able to do whatever you want for a little while then get back to me." He smiled "Well my father will be gone a lot during the summer because that's prime time for hotels so I guess even if he says no I could just stay with you then." I smiled "So Yes you'll stay with me this summer?" He smiled then held my hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed it. "Yes I will." I smiled

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