Odd Relationships [Completed]

By LucasFluff

1.6K 42 35

Under sad circumstances, love can bloom. But not all stories have a happy endings.... Join Ayber and Hiro in... More

Chapter 1 -I'm Here, Always.
Chapter 2 -Waffles to Tears
Chapter 3 -Family Issues
Chapter 4 -Dance Lessons
Chapter 5 - Freindly Turf Wars
Chapter 6 -Anceint Destruction
Chapter 7 -Past
Chapter 8 -Octo Commanders
Chapter 9 -Hunting Agent 3
Chapter 10 -Another Day
Chapter 11 -Mission S4
Chapter 12 -Having Fun Yet?
Chapter 13 -"Friends"
Chapter 14 -Testing
Chapter 15 -Escape
Chapter 16 -Next Move
Chapter 17 -Welcome Home
Chapter 19 -"Noir"
Chapter 20 -Reunion
Another A/N!!
Important! Please read!
New story is out!!

Chapter 18 -Monster..?

40 3 0
By LucasFluff

(Quick disclaimer, The S4 do not belong to me. They belong to Corocoro Manga) To explain a bit to avoid confusion. Ayber has been altered slightly by Valary to make him stronger and fiercer. Also the comic strip above reminded me of Ayber and Jayce. X3

Phone and Coms
Setting or background
Hiro: *breath quickens and presses self against the door, eyes wide and frightened* Ho-h-how did you get in h-here!?

Jayce: *emits a almost purring sound as he cuddles up to Ayber* ~

Ayber: *blinks at her slowly before covering Jayce's ears with his hands, fingers tipped with inky black claws* I have my ways..

Hiro: *shivers violently and slides over the wall and to the chair in Jayce's room* Wh-why are you here..?

Jayce: *ends up falling asleep, holding a blue Octopus plushie given to him by Ayber*

Ayber: *doesn't take gaze off of Hiro as she moves around the room before closing his eyes, only to open them and the whites of his eyes replaced by pitch blackness* To finish what I started.

Hiro: *grip tightens on the chair arm* And that wo-would be..?

Ayber: *stands up and lays Jayce down in his bed, putting the covers over him* I'm pretty sure you already know.

Hiro: *frowns and stands abruptly* No you will not! Leave this building!

Ayber: *growls lowly in agitation before turning to her and stands three centimeters from her face* Just because you knew me doesn't mean you Know me.

Hiro: *freezes in fear before hearing foot steps from outside the room* !!

Army: *sighs and walks down the hall way to Jayce's room then knocks on the door* Hiro..? I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier.

Ayber: *narrows black and red eyes at her before turning to the door opening it slowly*

Hiro: *holds her breath as Army slowly walks inside the room, not seeing Ayber behind the door*

Army: *sighs in relief* I'm sorry for assuming Jayce was Spying for his brother.. I was wro-..  Why are you looking at me like that?

Ayber: *puts a clawed hand on his shoulder before lightly digging his claws into Army's flesh* Because she is afraid of the thing behind you Army..

Army: *turns as pale as a ghost then turns around sharply only to have a large clawed hand grab his face* HEY! LEMME GO!

Hiro: *begins to protest then freezes seeing Ayber pull Army over to Jayce's bed and pick up his swords* ...

Ayber: *sheaths his Long sword and holds his Broad Sword to his side* Make a peep and neither of you will live to see the light of day again.

Army: *growls are muffled by Ayber's hand as he hits at it, trying to get free*

Hiro: *stays seated, not wanting to come off as hostile* ...

Ayber: *grip on Army tightens making him stop, then growls and drags him outside the room and down the hall. dragging his claws on the wall as he walks, making a ripping sound*

Skull: *freezes and looks towards the hallway* Wha..?

Mask: *doesn't look up from his phone* You might want to move Sskkuuulllll

Hiro: *waits until Ayber has left the room then runs out towards the living room only to be grabbed as well* -!!!

Ayber: *walks to the entry way of the living room then stops as his red eyes cast an eerie glow before roughly throwing Army and Hiro in between Skull and Mask's chairs* ...

Army: *grunts as he slides over the ground before standing up* -!!

Hiro: *yelps as her head hits the chair* Ow!

Skull: *stands up slowly, seeing how his leg is still not fully healed* Hiro!

Mask: *still doesn't look away from his phone as he sends a Text to Jason* Mask| You almost here?

Jason| Yeah, About thirty minutes out.

Ayber: *growling becomes louder as he sees Mask* I see Rysher failed to kill you Mask. Why is that?

Mask: *looks up from his phone before tilting his head to the side* Over conffiiinndence?

Army: *hisses in pain as his wounded ear starts to bleed again*

Skull: *helps Hiro into a chair before stiffly standing infront of her* Finally decided to come out of hiding huh!?

Ayber: *snarls at Skull, eyes flaring brightly and unsheathes both swords* Come closer and say that why don't you!

Mask: *looks at Skull and shakes his head no*

Army: *is now sitting against a chair as his ear burns harshly*

Hiro: *tries to keep Skull from going up to Ayber* Skull don't!

Skull: *scowls and limps forward before standing infront of Ayber then hisses* I said. Have you finally decided to finish the job Ayber!

Ayber: *snarling gets louder and eyes glow a deadly crimson before thrusting his broad sword into Skull abdomen, with his free hand brings Skull's now pale head closer to his* Unlike you all those years ago Skull. I get the job DONE.

Hiro: *covers mouth in horror as purple tears well up in her eyes* No!

Mask: *stays frozen in his seat* ...

Army: *skin pales dramatically and stairs at Skull with wide eyes*

Skull: *coughs harshly before spitting out blood and purple ink then grimaces as Ayber removes the sword from his body* At lea-least you did wha-what I couldn't..

Jayce: *frowns in sleep before shifting in discomfort* nnnu...

Hiro: *rushes over to help Skull only to have Ayber put his Long Sword to her neck warningly* NO!

Mask: *takes his Carbon Roller Deco from it's resting spot against the table* Mask| Hurry!

Jason| Alright, alright!

Ayber: *watches as Skull crumples to the ground bleeding out fast, then uses his Broad Sword to block Mask's Carbon Roller* Don't bring a plastic toy to a sword fight Mask. You know better. *removes Long Sword from Hiro's throat then swings vertically at Mask, barely missing him*

Jayce: *blinks sleepily hearing a loud shout* Hiro...?

Hiro: *pulls Skull away from the fight and tries to stem the bleeding* Your going to be o-okay Skull!! I ca-can fix this!

Mask: *dodges to the side before trying to hit Ayber again* Yyeess but why not ttrrryyy?

Ayber: *scowl stays the same and spins rapidly, digging his swords into Mask's Carbon Roller, damaging it almost beyond use* Why try when the result is the same. Why not join the winning side?

Jayce: *hears noises of fighting and gets out of his bed, still holding the Octopus Plushie* Ayber..?

Skull: *grits his teeth in pain as his life blood seeps away into the carpet* Yo-you can't hea -heal this Hiro..

Hiro: *starts to cry and rips off part of her shirt to use as a bandage* Dont say that! I can still save you!!

Mask: *grunts as he is forced back a few feet by the power of Ayber's blow* Why jjjooiiinnn when I can ddiiiee with friends.

Ayber: *growls in anger before ripping Mask's Roller away then pins him to the floor, Long Sword over his neck and ready to kill* Friends will only leave you to die in your tim-

Jayce: *stands eyes wide with horror, in the entry way to the living room clutching his Plushie tightly as he sees Ayber about to kill Mask. tears welling up in his eyes* Mon-monster..!!

No words to say, all have be lost in this chapter.

Good luck and best wishes


1232 words.

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