Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad...

By Raven_Hellfire

408K 13.4K 14.1K

HELLO EVERYBODY THAT LOVES MARVEL!! My name is Raven Hellfire and I am the author of this book. How are you... More

🥀Running away🥀
🥀Running Away Part 2🥀
🥀Running away part 3🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀The fight🥀
🥀The Red String🥀
🥀Where's Peter Parker!!🥀
🥀Mission Suicide🥀
🥀Don't push your luck🥀
🥀Don't Push Your Luck part 2🥀
🥀Disney Land🥀
🥀Auntie Tasha's comfortable🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 1🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 3🥀
🥀Just Call Me Anansi!🥀
🥀Peter is Artistic?!🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀Kidnapped Part 2🥀
🥀Bucky is NICE🥀
🥀Death- part 2🥀
🥀The Pranksters met Loki and FLOWER CROWNS🥀
🥀Back together/ Reunited🥀
🥀Road Work Ahead🥀
🥀The Big Reveal🥀
🥀HALLOWEEN🥀 (2018)
🥀We Are.....Venom🥀
🥀We Are.......... Venom Part 2🥀
🥀 Veterans part 2. 🥀
🥀Happy Thanksgiving!🥀
🥀The burning golf course // RIP 🥀
🖤🥀RIP White Wolf🥀🖤
🥀Finding out🥀
🥀Finding Out Part 2🥀
🥀On Your Left!🥀
🥀Swear Jar🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 2🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 3🥀
🥀Talent Show/Holiday's Special🥀
🥀An angry Peter, is not a Peter you wanna see🥀
🥀An Angry Peter, Is not a Peter you want to see Part 2🥀
🥀The end game/ I'm Coming Home🥀
🥀The End Game/ I'm Coming Home🥀 Part 2
🥀Holy Crap🥀
🥀Plan H🥀
🥀The Frozen Tongues🥀
🥀FINISHED Stop Stealing My KIDS🥀
🥀Kidnapped, The Rogues, and Ross🥀
🥀Dad jokes and Angry Peter🥀
🥀Appreciate Tony Stark Day!🥀
🥀Tony Stark Appreciation Day Part 2🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀 PART 2
🥀I Will Kill Everyone In This Room🥀
🥀In the Soul Realm🥀
🥀Catch Fast🥀
🥀Shotgun! Part 2🥀
🥀Happy Birthday🥀
🥀Too.... Strong....uuhhhh🥀
🥀Happy (Late) Fathers Day (I MESSED UP)🥀
🥀Caw caw Mother Fuckers
🥀Come little children~🥀
🥀Cousin Sergei🥀
🥀Back Again
🥀It's going to be ok...right?
🥀I don't care...
🥀Halloween (2019)🥀
🥀Watty's-This isn't where your story ends-Not on my watch
🥀I love you...🥀
🥀Bad day🥀
🥀Birthday Boy🥀
🥀Birthday Boy part 2🥀
🥀Mission gone wrong 🥀
🥀God bless America🥀
🥀Strange are you okay?🥀
🥀Floor Is LAVA🥀
🥀Happy Holidays!🥀
🥀Instant Kill🥀
🥀I'm your new Dad🥀
🥀Please Help Rhodey!🥀
🥀Oh My Thor!🔥
🥀New Years and GROOT
🥀Light Sabers
🥀That Was My Son!🔥
🥀Attacked Part 1🔥
🥀Attacked Part 2🔥
🥀Attacked Part 3🔥
🥀Your Son Peter?🔥
🥀Red Bull🔥
🥀Rare happiness
🥀My leg-
🥀Life is cruel...🔥
🥀Trans Visibility day!🔥
🥀The Unknown Blog/ Going on Hiatus🔥
🥀Russian Singers~🥀
🥀Bad idea🔥
🥀Shit talking🔥
🥀Beep Beep🔥
🥀A Menace🔥
🥀Holy- BUCKY?!?!
Howling Angels
🥀The sun will shine on us again brother.🖤

🥀Nightmares Part 2🥀

3.5K 149 111
By Raven_Hellfire

I am currently writing this at 2:01 am and yeah. Hope you enjoy and whatever. I don't care. And to those who wonder this song doesn't have anything to do with the chapter it's just how I've been feeling a lot lately. Anyways don't let my depressing mood dampen yours. Enjoy please


Tuesday 12:30 am

Peter walked into the compound waving at the receptionist who smiled warmly at him and went back to their work. Peter quickly swiped his card and walked to where the Avengers where. He looked up and soaked in what he saw.

Steve and Bucky where baking/ cooking. Clint Sam Scott and Rhodey where playing Mario cart as Natasha braided Loki's hair who was talking to Thor. Tony and Bruce where sitting and talking about some science stuff.

Peter smiled. This is what his life was like huh? Not bad. He said a quick hello before walking to his room. He had bags under his eyes so that was great. Peter decided to wear a turtle neck due to the bruises that where still there. He plopped down on his desk before he started doing his homework. His eyes closed every now and then but they would snap open after they closed. Peter finished his homework before deciding to go out as Spider-Man. He knew it was risky due to not getting much sleep but he had too. Peter grabbed his bag and went into the bathroom and quickly changed into Spider-Man except his mask. He threw on his cloths on top before walking out the room. After 4 hours Steve and Bucky had finished and now where just watching the news.

"Hey Pete, where you going!" Tony asked as he stood up smiling at Peter. Peter was like a son to Tony and when he say the forming bags under his eyes he was slightly concerned. They weren't horrible, bruise looking but he saw it was the start. Peter just smiled.

"I'm going out I need to go to the intern labs and help out. I may be your personal intern but I need to be able to work with others too you know?"

Tony nodded. Peter waved him away and walked away to the elevator which would take him to the Intern labs.

4 Hours Later

Peter walked into the tower to find everyone asleep. He sighed knowing he stayed out late. He had a curfew of 12:00 but oh well he was half an hour late it's ok. He limped to his room holding his left arm. He had been shot so that was just great and he had sprained his ankle. Half an hour later he finished wrapping his ankle, putting ointment on the bruises from the other night and fixing the gun wound when,

🔥Pietro🔥 (same night)

Peter it seems Mr. Maximoff is having a nightmare

"Thank you FRIDAY" Peter started running the limp not that visible. He thankfully changed out his suit, it's basically the first thing he does when he gets home. He was wearing some sweat pants and a loose tank top. He walked opening the door to find Clint hugging the thrashing boy who was crying and whimpering. Clint looked up and Peter's heart broke. When he looked in Clint's eyes he saw a broken man who had lost everything, his family, nearly his life and love. He also had tear in his eyes. Peter quickly closed the door and held Pietro's hands.

"Pietro wake up it's just a dream! WAKE UP!" Peter yelled. He also shook the boy but that didn't do anything when he had an idea. He knew Clint and Pietro liked each other but neither admitted it to each other. (Clint's 22 and Pietro's 18)

"Kiss him!"

"WH-WHAT?" Clint's eyes widened. He was also blushing crazy.

"I said kiss him. I know you like him and it's the only way to wake him up."

Clint was going to argue when Pietro started whimpering again. Clint pulled Pietro's face toward him and kissed him. Peter looked away not wanting to interrupt when he found it safe to look he turned around to find Pietro and Clint hugging.

"Thank you"

"You should be thanking Peter, he told me to do it" Clint said smiling at the boy. He winced when he saw Peter's wrapped up neck remembering how he nearly killed him. Peter just smiled at him and shook his head.

"I may have told him to but he did it. You want to talk about what that was about?" Peter said sitting in front of the 2 who were now cuddling. "If you want to of course"

"It was with when we fought Ultron and when I was shot at. I kept imagining it was Clint and that I couldn't get to him in time, that I wasn't fast enough" Pietro said his voice cracking as new tears formed in his eyes.

Peter patted his arm gave him a small smile.

"It didn't happen. That's all that matters. Ok? Your alive, Clint's alive, everyone alive ok? Whenever you get dreams like that remind yourself, it is not real, Clint is alive and breathing. And if you can't convince yourself enough wake up and run to Clint's room and check up on him ok?"

"Ok thank you Peter, and Clint." Peter smiled at them both and patted their backs.

"Alright Clint stay with Pietro for the rest of the night, need me just call FRIDAY and she'll alert me ok, I'm going to be awake for a little longer. Good night." Clint and Pietro smiled and nodded. Pietro thanked them both again but Peter just waved him off while Clint kept saying it was fine. Peter closed the door behind him before walking across the hall and sliding down the wall. He knew what it felt like to not be able to make it in time to save someone. He gets those nightmares a lot. Some would say he was too young to be this broken but there's nothing he could do. He got up slowly ignoring the throbbing pain in his ankle as we started walking back towards his room, but he should know by now, he will never get rest.

🔥Wanda🔥 (Same night) 1:40 am

Sir Ms. Maximoff seems to be having a night mare now.

"Thank you FRIDAY" Peter slowly got up and speed-walked towards Wanda's room to find her hands red and sobbing in her bed. The things around her started floating, so Peter quickly tackled her onto the bed, which was a bad idea since that caused Wanda to pick him up and throw him across the room. He got up and slowly started walking towards her and sneaking behind her before hugging her from behind not letting her go. She slowly calmed down but didn't stop crying. Peter turned her around and hugged her tighter as she sobbed in his chest. He whispered soothing words into her ear as he rocked her back and forth (EW dirty mind go away) before her breaths evened out showing she was asleep. He held her a little longer before slowly putting her down on the bed and closing the door behind him.

"What time is it?"

3:00 Peter. I would-

FRIDAY stopped talking for a little which scared Peter slightly

🔥Bucky🔥 (same night)

It seems Mr. Barnes is having a nightmare.

Peter was sprinting down the hall the second FRIDAY said Mr. Barns. He opened the door to find Bucky thrashing around on the bed. Steve had gone on a mission so he wasn't here to help. Peter quickly walked to where Bucky was and held him down but Bucky found it as a threat since Bucky's metal arm automatically found its way to Peter's neck.

Shit shit shit he's going to kill me. SHIT!

Peter grabbed onto Bucky's arm trying to pry it off as black spots started appearing in his vision.

"B-b-Bucky, Bucky ple-please s-s-stop B-BUCKY!" Peter yelled tears going down his face, when Bucky's eyes snapped open realization sinking in as he gasped and let go of Peter who was gasping for breath now.

"OMG Peter I'm so sorry I didn't realize it was you and omg I'm so sorry omg I nearly killed you I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry." Bucky had tears going down his face as he held his metal arm in horror.

"I-it's ok. B-believe me this isn't t-the first time s-someone done that" Peter said choking on his words a bit and then laughing. Bucky looked at him in shock.

"Now you want to tell me what that nightmare was about that it caused you to freak out like that or do you not want to talk about it" Peter said regaining his composure and fixed himself so he was sitting across from Bucky who was still holding his left arm in silence. Peter sighed and took Bucky's left hand in his which caused Bucky's head snap up and look at Peter who was giving him a reassuring smile.

"Remember you're not the first ok so don't blame yourself. I don't know what's going through your head but it was not your fault ok. Don't worry." Bucky gave him a small smile.

"I was under hydras control......... and I was on a mission. To kill Steve...... and we were on the helicarrier when I was about to punch him he said.... I'm with you till the end of the night and I....... I killed him." Peter pulled Bucky in for a hug as he started crying again. He kept hugging him until he stopped crying. Peter gave him a smile.

"You want to come and get a drink and then we can call Steve? See how his mission is going?" Peter asked, already knowing the answer but asking anyways. Bucky smiled and nodded. They walked to the kitchen, Bucky went to the fridge and pulled out two Coca-Cola cans as Peter started calling Steve on a Stark Pad. Bucky opened them both and gave one to Peter, just as Steve answered.

"Oh hey Peter how's it going"

"It's good but someone wanted to see you" Bucky walked into the frame and gave Steve a sheepish smile.

"Hey buck what happened."

"I had a nightmare but Peter helped me through it.... but I uh......... I nearly killed him." Bucky looked down ashamed. Peter just sighed.

"Steve tell him I'm fine ok I'm fine really I'm alive"

"What happened?"

"FRIDAY alerted me he was having a nightmare and I went to wake him up and when I did I startled him so his metal arm wrapped itself around my neck and he started choking me by when he woke up and realized what was happening he let go immediately." Peter explained quickly. Steve nodded.

"It's ok Buck alright he's breathing right don't worry he's ok" Bucky just nodded as he took a sip of his drink.

"Listen I need to go I'll call you later" Steve said ending the call. Bucky and Peter waved goodnight before ending the call. Peter could tell he was guilty.

"Remember when I said you aren't the first person? -Bucky nodded- "well last night Clint was having a nightmare and I went to help him when same thing that happened with you happened with him and he started choking me. He stopped when he realized it was me and kept apologizing so don't feel bad ok?" Bucky nodded slowly.


Peter it seems Mr. Wilson is having nightmares

Bucky looked at Peter confused who had jumped off the chair and started running to Sam's room, Bucky hot on his trail. He threw the door open to find Sweat dripping down Sam's face as his body shook. Peter slowly walked up to the man and gently shook him and slapped him a few times before he woke up. Peter smiled at him as he just closed his eyes and took a deep breath than got up into a sitting position.

"You ok?" Sam snaps his head up to see Bucky leaning on the door frame looking worried. Sam chuckles and nods.

"Nightmares?" This time it came from Peter. Sam just nodded again.

"You want to join us for a drink or do you want to go back to bed." Bucky asked.

"I'll come I need to sort my thoughts out anyways." Sam said getting up and following the 2 to the kitchen, where Bucky sat down and took a sip from his coke and Peter handed him a coke.

"So why are you two up?"

"Nightmare" Bucky said.

"Couldn't sleep plus FRIDAY alerted me Bucky was having a nightmare same with you." Peter said nonchalantly as he took another sip.

"Why did she alert you?" Sam asked sitting across from them both, confused. Bucky looked at Peter waiting for an answer who just drank his coke and didn't say anything for 5 minutes.

"What time is it FRIDAY" Peter asked. The two looked shocked, Peter never ever ever ignored a question.

It is currently 5:39 am Peter. I would suggest getting rest.

"Thank you FRIDAY. Anyways I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, goodnight and go to bed. It's really early." Peter said getting up and drinking the rest of the coke and throwing the can away. He waved them goodbye and walked out.

That was close.

Peter walked into his personal bathroom and took of the bandages around his neck to find an even bigger bruise. He touched it lightly and hissed at the pain. He quickly undressed and turned the water on, taking a quick shower. He got out, got dressed in a different pair of sweats, wrapped up his wounds, and then went to bed.

It was going to be another long day of school tomorrow.


Welcome back my little Demons wow 2 updates in 2 days anyways I hope you enjoyed and thank you to who requested something I will make one soon I just we'll need to write it anyways hope you enjoyed. Vote and Comment

Love Laugh Lie ♥️🖤

Posted on: 9/9/18

Word count: 2355

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