My Hero Academia: Oneshots

By quoteoftheday

4.1M 81.4K 112K

Officially the first My Hero Oneshot Book to reach 1 million reads! Reader inserts! Everything from painfully... More

☁️Izuku x Reader: Blindfolded
☁️Katsuki x Reader: Soulmate AU
🍋Katsuki x Reader: Hot Tub Harem
☁️Izuku x Reader: Cuddle Party
🍋Izuku x Reader: Blackmail Part 1/3
🍋Izuku x Reader: Blackmail Part 2/3
🍋Izuku x Reader: Blackmail Part 3/3
Quick Update
🍋Shouto x Reader: It's ART DAMMIT!
☁️Denki x Reader: Rose Festival
⚠️💔Izuku x Reader: With My Last Breath
🍋Izuku x Reader: Power Outage
☁️Katsuki x Drunk Reader: Fruit Loops
☁️Izuku x Reader: The Love Spell Quirk 1/2
☁️Izuku x Reader: The Love Spell Quirk 2/2
🍋Shinsou/Reader/Monoma: Who's in Control?
☁️Shouto x Reader: Yoga-roki
Upcoming Stories
☁️Izuku x Reader: Birthday Special
☁️Amajiki x Reader: Butterfly Kisses
🍋Amajiki x Reader: Ears
☁️Katsuki x Reader: Waterpark
I did some art (Deku, Shouto, Kiri, Baku, Amajiki)
☁️Tenya x Reader: Pebbles are for the Birds
☁️Kirishima/Reader/Midoriya: Micro-jealousies
Kinktober Begins
☁️Amajiki x Reader: That Elusive Blizzard
🍋We wrote this drunk😂
☁️Izuku x Reader: Rival's Sibling Rivalry
🍋Shouto x Reader: SHH!
🍋Shinsou x Reader: A Very Good Morning
🍋*Amajiki x Reader: Quirk Experimentation
🍋Izuku x Maid!Reader: Dirty Work 1/2
🍋Izuku x Maid!Reader: Dirty Work 2/2
🍋Kirishima x Reader: Rockin' Bod
🍋Submissive!Katsuki x Reader: A Good Punishment
🍋Kaminari x Reader: You're a Treat
🍋Izuku x Reader: Prescription for You
☁️Mini Fluff Cleanse Scenarios
🍋Todoroki/Reader/Bakugou: Striptease Me
🍋*Shouto x Reader: Cold, Hot and HOTTER
🍋Amajiki x Reader: Walls are Kinda his Thing
🍋Baku/Deku: Grand Theft Bakugou 1/2
🍋Baku/Deku: Grand Theft Bakugou 2/2
🍋*Baku/Deku/Reader/Todo/Kiri: The Repayment 1/2
🍋*Baku/Deku/Reader/Todo/Kiri: The Repayment 2/2
🎃☁️Katsuki x Reader: The Hunted
🎃☁️ *Destination Fluffery Part 3: A Wardrobe Crisis
🎃☁️ Shouto/Ghost!Deku: One Last Wish
🎃☁️ Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 1
🎃☁️Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 2
🎃☁️Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 3
🎃☁️Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 4
☁️Shouto x Reader: PDA
☁️ Shinsou x Reader: Of Bugs and Stargazing
☁️Mirio x Reader: Leaves
🍋We Wrote This Drunk Too
☁️The Big 3: Tamaki's Thoughts
☁️*Neko!Amajiki x Reader: A Good Home
☁️*Neko!Amajiki/Reader/Kiri: Human Love
🍋*Neko!Amajiki x Reader: In Heat
☁️Amajiki x Reader: Forward
☁️Dominant!Amajiki x Reader: Off the Cuff
🎄Tamaki Saves Christmas
🎄Tokoyami x Reader: Mistletoe (And A/N)
Massive Writers Block. HAAALP
☁️Various x Reader: Purely Sweet
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 1
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 2
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 3
🍋We wrote this drunk three: Triple Threat 😂
🍋Bakugou/Amajiki: What's a Pornhub?
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 4
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 5
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 6
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 7
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 8
1 Million Reads and a Special Oneshot!
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 9
☁️Sero x Reader (Fantasy AU): The Baker's Boy
☁️Katsuki x Reader: Tunnel of Mushy Bullshit
We wrote this drunk- Oh no...
☁️Kirishima x Reader (Fantasy AU): Little Dragon
🍋Drunk Fanfiction 6: Jesus in space
☁️Izuku x Reader: Confidentiality
🎃🍋Kinktober: Amajiki NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Shinsou NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Mirio NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Shouto NSFW Alphabet
Announcing a New Oneshot Book
🎃🍋Kinktober: Katsuki NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Izuku NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Dabi NSFW Alphabet
💔Amajiki/Reader: The Meaning of Fear
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🎃Mystery x Reader: Who done it? Part 1
🎃Mystery x Reader: Who done it? Part 2
My Anime YouTube Channel
🎃Mystery x Reader: Who done it? Part 3

☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment FINAL

13.5K 424 687
By quoteoftheday


You glanced around the classroom, but nobody's behavior struck you as abnormal. Tamaki looked as nervous as usual; Mirio had a blank expression as usual. You quietly unfolded the piece of paper, glancing up to make sure the teacher didn't see you.

'Dear F/N,

Your eyes shine more radiant than the sun,

making each day brighter.

And like the sunrise warms the blue,

your light stops me from feeling down.

When you disappear,

the day goes with you.

And although darkness comes,

I can still find my way,

because I know you will rise again in my life.

All I have to do is wait until


You blinked in awe of the touching words; you were speechless. You weren't sure what you were expecting at first glance, but it certainly wasn't a heartfelt love letter. Your cheeks burned warm at the beautiful sentiment, but your lips turned downward when you saw no trace of a signature. 'Who's this from?'  You wondered. After the whole ordeal at the dance, the note could be from almost anybody. Or, considering that the dance was equally catastrophic in nature, this letter was just as likely to be a cruel prank. You decided it was time to investigate.

Through the halls you crept, trying to eavesdrop on any potential conversations that could lead you to the culprit. Unfortunately this process was instantly hindered because... you had no idea where to start. Truth be told, it wasn't even clear that your secret admirer was genuine, so all of your sleuthing had the potential to be in vain.

"What are you doing?"

"UWAH!" You yelped when you heard a voice behind you. You had essentially been caught red handed, peeking around the corner at some of the 1-A boys. You turned to see who it was. "Mirio, you startled me."

"Sorry about that." He smiled wide before repeating himself. "What are you doing?"

"Uhm..." There was no real logical explanation to why you were hiding and spying on your peers. "I was just..." You realized you couldn't tell Mirio the truth, for you would run the risk of word getting out that you were searching for your admirer. If that happened you might never discover his identity. "I was just... trying to jump out and scare the underclassmen..." It was a lame excuse, but it was the best you could think of at a moment like this. Togata tilted his head, delighted by the mischievous idea.

"Well why didn't you say so? Allow me." And with that he proceeded to phase halfway into the wall, keeping a grip on his uniform pants to keep them in place as he did so. The next thing you heard was the startled shrieks of the younger students around the corner. Midoriya's high-pitched holler was the most notable of the bunch. Your palm met your forehead with an audible slap. 'Close call...'  You thought, narrowly escaping the scene with your pretense intact. 'Secret admirers nearly always strike more than once. I just have to make sure I'm watching when they plant the next note...'

You were so excited about the whole endeavor that you hadn't stopped until now to think about who you wanted it to be. All of the potential admirer's faces appeared in your mind; and there were so many reasons to love each one of them. For instance, Midoriya had a heart of gold and the attitude of a true hero. His inspiring nature sent everyone shooting for the stars. Bakugou, on the other hand, may have his head in the clouds, but his fiery spirit left a whole delicacy of spice to a relationship just waiting to be uncovered. Could you tame him? Some part of you desperately wanted to find out. Shouto had an inexplicable elegance that cultivated romance. He took to charm like a fish takes to water. Yet in him there lay a subtle vulnerability, a desire to better himself from the inside out, and such a drive left an impact in you the way a lit cigarette might brand a coffee table.

Speaking of memorable impressions, Kirishima's bubbly energy resonated everywhere he went, and despite his honesty, it was clear he always had your best interests at heart. He was loyal and eager to please like a puppy; he was similar in that regard to a familiar boy you grew up with. Tamaki, your close friend and classmate; the one who made it very hard to study because of his distractingly cute face... Though stricken with terrible social anxiety, he always managed to pull through and reach his goals, which was extremely admirable. Granted you were fighting at the moment, but you had been on the outs with him before, and likely would be again; but in the grand scheme of things, you knew he would not leave things the way they are now. One way or another he would find a way to make things up to you... you hoped. Last, but not least, was the boy who just helped you scare a bunch of first years for no other reason than you asked him to. In a way he had faced similar hardship- arguably worse than Tamaki if you consider how much public nudity he probably endured in his lifetime- but still managed to conquer it with a bright smile. He was sunshine incarnate, and it almost felt like that note should have been delivered to him instead of you.

You tried to ponder all of these things objectively, weigh the pros and cons of each one and choose, but you forgot that your heart had a say in all this. Despite all the wonderful qualities of them, there was only one who kept resurfacing in your mind over and over. The one you favored above all the rest...


Over the next day or so you kept the note business on the down low, not even mentioning it to your closest friends. It was becoming increasingly difficult because you found another letter slipped within the folds of your locker this time and all you wanted to do was gush about it. You were certain Nejire would have interrogated people on your behalf and ultimately solved the mystery, but you didn't want to inflict her questioning on anyone, especially not a potential love interest.

Instead, your plan was simple; if the admirer was going to strike again, you had to make sure you were there to catch him. The next morning you arrived at the school building at the crack of dawn, long before even your earliest classmates showed up. You yawned and hid in the girls' bathroom for a while, wiggling with excitement when you heard footsteps passing the door. You listened closely, waiting until they disappeared before you slowly emerged. Just as you suspected, the person in question walked quietly into your classroom. Pin drop silence engulfed the hall and you approached with bated breath.

You craned your neck, peering in on the suspect. What you saw did not disappoint. A figure was hovering over your desk with a piece of paper in his hand. At second glance you were able to recognize him. An overwhelming warmth filled your heart as you stepped into the room.

'I was hoping it would be you...'

For all of you who were worried that you couldn't read about your favorite boy:

I wrote an ending for all of them anyway! I always planned to do that. ^___^

If anyone is curious about the final tally, I placed them in order by number of votes. I only counted spam votes once, and for people who posted 2 names, they got one vote for each of those people. If you posted 3 or more names, your vote didn't count. Sorry.


Tamaki Amajiki (WINNER: 86 Votes):

There stood the boy with the undeniable hunched posture, Tamaki Amajiki. It took a moment for him to notice your presence, as he was slipping the note into the confines of your desk with utmost care and precision. But then he looked up. The noise he let out... You could have walked in the room with your eyes closed and still instantly recognized that signature screech of horror.


"Um!" His lips pressed into an uneasy squiggle and the color drained from his face.

"It was you? You were the one who wrote me those sweet things?" You approached and his posture stiffened. He opened his mouth and closed it, then did it again. He thought perhaps if he did it enough, words would come out. He was mistaken.

"You must be... disappointed..." He mumbled and turned his face away.

"Why would you think that?" Your tone softened and you frowned.

"Because I know you're probably still mad at me..." He hung his head. "I totally blew it and ruined everything..."

"I'm not mad at you, Tamaki." You took a step closer and reached out. "In fact... I'm so happy it was from you."

"Huh?!" He swung around to stare at you in shock, and color filled up his face when you took his hand in your own. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"I'm saying that I feel the same way, Tamaki." He finally looked at you and tilted his head.

"...About who?"

"YOU, silly!" You almost laughed at how obtuse he was to your confession. Did he really not believe you could share his affections? "Why do you think I was so upset when you turned me down for the dance?"

"Because it was mean..."

"Because I LIKE you, Tamaki!" You had to almost literally spell it out for him, but when the message finally hit home, his reaction was not disappointing. His blush reached all the way to the tips of his ears, and he tucked his chin bashfully.

"You don't have to say it so loud..." He uttered in embarrassment despite there being nobody in the room. There probably wasn't anyone within the entire building yet, but that was Tamaki for you. You absolutely had to grin at that, and there was no way you'd be able to resist what you wanted to do now. His reticent nature was just too cute.

With his head tilted down, it was quite easy to reach his lips with your own. You felt him tense, but only for an instant. Amajiki couldn't fight the uncomfortable somersault that his stomach did when you kissed him. It was warm and welcoming, just like the sun.

"Um." That was the only word that found his brain after you pulled away. His blush was even worse than before- assuming that was at all possible- but somehow a crooked smile made its way to his lips. "So... do you want to go with me to the next dance?" He asked, swallowing his fears and finally finding the courage to ask you.

"That's like a year away, Tamaki."

"Oh... Right..." His brows furrowed; he felt like a blockhead for asking.

"But I'm still saying yes."

Mirio Togata (39 Votes):

Catching the glowing light of the sunrise was Mirio's stark blonde hair. He was standing right next to your desk, note folded ungracefully between his large hands. You cleared your throat to catch his attention, but all he did was freeze in place, not looking at you. You walked up to him but he stayed like this in complete silence. Your curiosity got the better of you and you had to ask.

"...What are you doing?"

"If the prey holds perfectly still, the hunter can't see him..." He narrated in a documentary style fashion.

"Oh my god, Mirio." You rolled your eyes and tried to hold back a smirk. He finally moved and stood upright, and a bead of sweat began forming on his temple.

"Welp... I guess you could call me the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary." He flashed you a crooked grin and handed over the note. He figured he might as well own up to it, considering he had been caught anyway.

"That was awfully poetic of you." You raised an eyebrow of suspicion. "Did you really write it?"

"Cross my heart!" His mouth fell open; he was honestly a tiny bit offended that you didn't think him capable of such good language skills. "I've always been flattered by the way Tamaki compliments me. He's better with words, you know. So I just modeled it after what I figured he might say."

"Couldn't that wording be kinda misleading?"

"...!" His eyes widened. "I hadn't thought of that." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "You must have been expecting a confession from Tamaki."

"Well honestly I didn't start to suspect anyone. I thought it might have been a prank."

"Why are two of my best friends so terrible at taking compliments?" He shook his head with an endearing smile.

"Why is my best friend so bad at being sneaky?" You retorted with a shrug and he laughed.

"I should've known you'd find me out when I saw you snooping the other day."

"You knew that's what I was doing?! Aw! I thought I was good at hiding it..."

"You're about as good at keeping secrets as Nejire."


"So, do I get a kiss out of this or what?" Togata wore his signature playful grin, but you could tell something about it was slightly out of place. As casual as he played it off, it was evident he was nervous to hear your answer. The last thing he wanted was to alienate one of his favorite people.

"..." You tried to maintain your own poker face. "After what you just said?" You took a defiant step closer to him. "...Absolutely." You were able to watch a look of pleasant surprise wash over Mirio's face as you swooped in for a kiss. With his amazing response time, he managed to meet you halfway. When you pulled apart, his cheeks were dusted pink and he appeared to be getting shorter. "Ah! Mirio! You're phasing!"

"Whoops!" He sprung himself back up to normal height, now barefoot. His socks and shoes must have fallen from the ceiling one floor down.

"What happened? You're usually so good at controlling your quirk."

"Haha. It's just that the falling feeling was so similar, I guess I couldn't tell the difference for a second." You couldn't help but blush at his answer.

"You're a goof." You mumbled, feeling equally flustered.

"But I'm your goof." He corrected, beaming at you. You returned it, and found enough composure to speak again.

"Put your clothes on, mister." You gestured to his bare feet with a snide smirk. "This is only our first date."

"How scandalous of me." He replied and you both shared a warm laugh. As you went downstairs to help him retrieve his shoes- one of which was stuck in the ceiling tiles- it was impossible not to smile, because you were certain you had many more laughs to share together in the future.

Izuku Midoriya (21 Votes):

You heard an audible gulp when you stepped into the doorway. It seemed your fluffy haired fugitive sensed your presence before you made yourself known.

"G-good morning!" Midoriya half-shrieked, turning robotically to see who had seen him hovering next to your desk. He tensed, anticipating the worst; and he was right to do so, for there you stood, the one person he hoped wouldn't catch him.

"Hi, Izuku." You gave him a knowing smile, but he instinctively hid the note behind his back, crumpling it from clutching it so tightly.

"H-hi, F/N! ...Gee! You're here early!" He was speaking much too loudly considering the quiet intimate situation you were in. "N-not that that's a bad thing!" He stuttered out when he saw you narrow your eyes. "As my friend Iida says, 'It's never too early for learning!'"

"...What are you doing there?" You approached him and he kept his back hidden from you.

"Ah, just! Enjoying the scenery!"

"...Of my classroom?"

"Oh! Is this uh- YOUR classroom? I thought it was mine! Silly me! HAHAHA!" He let out a very forced laugh, freckled cheeks burning hot. He wasn't ready for his secret to be revealed yet. He would need at least a week's worth of rehearsal before he'd be properly prepared to sweep you off your feet with a suave romantic speech. If he could just escape without you seeing the note...

"You okay?" You reached out in concern when he started taking stiff sideways steps towards the door, eyes looking in every direction but yours.

"E-everything is fine!" He exclaimed with a big fake smile plastered on his round face.

'Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the hard way...'  With a swift activation of your quirk you appeared behind Midoriya, causing him to let out a yelp. From closer up you could see he was sweating bullets.

"Ooh, what's this?" You snatched the paper from his hand and stepped around to face him.

"Oh! Uhm! Who could say!" He feigned ignorance, but the guilt was clearly written in his big round eyes.

"Oh, I see." You played along. "So you're just the messenger, huh?" Midoriya saw an out and took it.

"Y-yes! Exactly! I'm delivering it for a friend!" There it was, the light at the end of the tunnel. He just had to convince you that he had no idea about the contents of the note and he would get off scot-free.

"Hm..." You swept up to him, cornering the poor thing between you and the teacher's desk. "Well, could I pass a message back to this person?"

"Uh-uhm... sure."

"Well, let me see here..." A sly grin pulled at the edges of your lips. "I want you to tell him that his green eyes and fluffy hair is super cute."


"And I simply adore his obsession with All Might and that irresistible smile of his." You traced a line from his freckles to his chin with a gentle fingertip, and Midoriya's blush filled up his entire face when he realized the jig was up, and that you were very blatantly insinuating about him. At this point he still sort of wanted to deny it, but your open declaration of affection compelled him to be honest.

"Uhm... F/N-senpai... I might have... lied before..." He stared down at his half-tied red sneakers.

"Oh?" You had to bite your lip to not let out a chuckle.

"I'm the one who wrote you those letters." He finally met your eyes, and to your amazement, he didn't stutter once. "I just... had a lot of nice things to say to you, and... I didn't know how to tell you in person." Your resulting warm smile caused the butterflies in his stomach to bubble up again. You didn't expect Midoriya to initiate the kiss, but you leaned into it anyway, cupping his blushing face and pulling it towards your own. He was so sweet and innocent; you were powerless to his charms. It was hard to picture a safer place to leave your heart than in Midoriya's gentle hands. After a long passionate embrace, you both parted for air and it was quiet for a moment. Izuku spoke first, barely above a mumble.

"Iida was right..."

"Huh? About what?"

"I should come to school early more often..."

Shouto Todoroki (19 Votes):

Two colors; that was the first thing you saw upon entering the classroom. First his hair, then his eyes. They were peering up at you from across the river of desks. It almost startled you. Had he heard you sneaking down the hallway?

"Oh." His eyes widened, only slightly. His expressions were always quite subtle. "I kind of thought you were a teacher."

"Oh. Uh... Sorry?"

"No, no. I don't mean it like that." He said awkwardly before twirling the note betwixt his fingers. "...It seems I've been discovered." It was strange; of all the boys who could have written to you, Shouto was one who possessed the persuasive skills necessary to convince you of his innocence. All he had to do was bat his lovely lashes and smile and you would have forgotten why you were in the room to begin with. However, he instead opted for honesty without hesitation, and that was one of the qualities you loved about him.

"So it's true? The letters were from you?" You couldn't help but smile at the idea. Shouto was the kind who could have chosen any girl in the school and worked his magic on her; but instead he chose you.

"I hope you don't find it too forward of me-"

"Not at all!" You interjected with such ferocity that it made Todoroki smile. "Uhm... I mean..." You blushed in embarrassment and that seemed to bolster his confidence, for he walked up and took your hands in his own. You half expected for one to be hot and the other to be cold, but you were mistaken; they were both warm. "I think... the things you wrote me were beautiful."

"Well, I'm genuinely glad you feel that way."

"Did you... mean them?" You asked and he tilted his head. "The nice things you wrote?" You couldn't help but feel a tiny wave of self-conscious doubt.

"Are you really asking me that?" He looked taken aback. What had he done to make you question his sincerity, he wondered.

"Uhm..." You looked down but he lifted your chin with a fingertip.

"I meant every word... from the bottom of my heart." The smoldering passion lingering behind his words was enough to cause your composure to falter. Your cheeks burned with heat and you were certain he noticed.

"Heheh. How are you so romantic without even trying?" You chuckled nervously, and he seemed to ponder that for a moment.

"...I'm not sure. I think if I actually tried, I'd be rather bad at it." His brows were knit together, as if he had expended a measurable amount of effort coming to that conclusion. You had to laugh. His assessment was probably accurate. Shouto had a naivety of social interactions that was nothing short of endearing. He was honestly just fortunate that fate smiled on him and gifted him a natural charisma.

"Well, why don't you try it and see?" You challenged, gaining back some of your confidence.

"Hm. Alright." He nodded before cupping your face with both hands. "You once called me talented when we first met. Do you remember?" You nodded. "Another time you told me I looked dashing in my new suit." He gazed at you with an intensity that rivaled staring at the burning sun. "...But calling me yours is all I really want from you."

Your stomach dropped at the sentiment. You hadn't expected his first attempt at romance to be quite so effective. It was akin to watching an amateur archer fire an arrow and hit the bull's-eye on the first shot. Your lips drifted closer to his as if you were being pulled by a magnetic force.

"How was that?" He asked matter-of-factly, breaking you out of the haze. You blinked at him as he continued to pick apart the fantasy he just created. "It was sincere, but I thought it sounded a bit corny... What did you think?"

"It was perfect, ya goof!" You guffawed. "Who ever told you that you couldn't be romantic?! That was like Shakespeare level!" He let out a low chuckle and a tiny blush bloomed on his cheeks.

"Well... as long as I'm able to capture your attention, I'm happy." And with that, he leaned in slow, and you craned your neck to meet him in the middle. You sighed against his lips, weaving your hands into his soft hair. He pulled away slightly, just enough to keep your noses touching. "Mmm. Well it seems you've swept me off my feet with your romantic prowess this time..." He breathed, obviously enamored by your bewitching kiss.

"We'll see about that..." You glanced down to the note he had left on the table. "Can I read it now?"

"Of course." He replied, and you grabbed the letter with excitement. Unfortunately, you unfolded it in such haste that the paper sliced you right across the palm.

"Ouch! My hand!" You hissed. Todoroki's eyes grew much wider this time.

"It's the curse!" He exclaimed with a distressed expression, cradling your hand.

"Pwahaha! You're so funny, Shouto!"

Eijirou Kirishima (14 Votes)

"Kirishima!" It was the weirdest sensation; you were trying to be sneaky, but something about the red-haired boy in front of you made you blurt out his name with excitement anyway.

"F/N-senpai!" His head snapped up, and with the way his hair was spiked today he kind of looked like an alert little red fox.

"...I said you didn't have to call me senpai, remember?"

"Oh. I thought that only applied when we were outside of school." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"What brings you here so early?" You asked, although judging from the note in his hands the answer should have been obvious. For some reason you didn't feel nervous at all around him, only excited. Spending time with Kirishima was always something you looked forward to; the chemistry between you came naturally, easy. He held up the folded letter in his hand as an answer.

"Well, you were a little busy to talk lately, so I thought I'd write you notes instead."

"Really?!" You lit up with joy. "You wrote them for me?!"

"With a little help from Amajiki-senpai." He admitted with a big toothy grin. "Ah, wait... You didn't know they were from me?"

"No. How could I have known?"

"Oh my gosh..." His eyes widened when he realized something. "Did I forget to sign them?!"

"HAHAHA!" You laughed aloud at how shocked he looked.

"You must have been confused all week!"

"Ya think?!" Your giggle was irresistibly contagious to him and he joined in.

"Man, I'm such a dimwit sometimes. I don't know how you put up with me."

"Because you're a delight to be around." You admitted and he smiled at you, one of those adorable crooked hopeful grins that you loved so much.

"Aw. You're gonna make me blush." He chuckled, though it was far too late for that. At this point the color of his cheeks was already close to matching the shade of his hair. "But anyway, I thought we really hit it off at the dance, and I was hoping... maybe we could go out again soon."

"I'd love to." You leaned over the desk to get closer to him, noting the way his eyes twinkled like rubies. They were like Katsuki's but with much more sweetness in them. By comparison you imagined Bakugou's eyes were filled with the blood of his enemies, whereas Kirishima's reminded you of a relaxing sunset.

"Yeah?!" His eyebrows shot up and he took you by the hand. "Do you wanna go right now?" His enthusiasm was hindered only slightly by your answer.

"But we have school in a little while."

"Oh, right. Whoops."

"Though I do love to see my guy taking initiative like that." You winked. "It's very manly."

"If that's the case, let's go right after school!" He clenched his fist with vivacity. Your cheeks already hurt from smiling and you'd only been talking to Eijirou for five minutes. His bubbly personality was a simply perfect way to brighten your day.

"Sounds good. So would you like your kiss now or would you rather wait until later?" Your vixenish tone caught him off guard.

"Huh?" He blinked at you in shock until you leaned over the desk and planted a kiss on his lips. He was frozen in place for an instant; then he finally made an attempt to kiss back. Kirishima fit perfectly in your arms like a puzzle piece; everything seemed to just fall into place. You pulled back and shared a flustered little giggle. It was now you heard footsteps in the hall; someone else had arrived early to school.

"Well... I guess we'll have to continue this after class." You sighed in disappointment, though a huge smile was still plastered on your face. Kirishima answered with a loud and boisterous:

"Can't wait!"

Katsuki Bakugou (9 Votes)

"Katsuki?" You blurted out in surprise before thinking and he swung around. He was honestly the last person you expected to be here. 'This must be a mistake. I think I followed the wrong person.'

"The hell are you doing here?" He asked as calmly as he was capable of, though it probably would still sound hostile if it fell upon normal ears.

"It's my classroom." You narrowed your eyes. Was he really trying to act like you were the one in the wrong place?

"Don't you think I know that, you ingrate?! I know where I am!" He snapped, blowing up for no reason.

"..." You eyed the paper he was holding for a moment, not sure if you even wanted to ask about it. "What's that in your hand?" You approached and his eye twitched slightly.

"Tch. What do you think it is?" He accused, but was staring daggers at the ground nearby.

"You wrote the letters, Katsuki?" You chewed your bottom lip in suspicion. 'No. There's no way he wrote it.'

"Psh. Nah." He shrugged. "I convinced that twitchy classmate of yours to write it."

"Of course you did..." Your lips curled in annoyance as you imagined Bakugou bullying Tamaki into writing a love letter. It was a strange thing to picture; as you were pretty sure Tamaki would win if they were pitted against each other in a real situation. But it seemed like Tamaki chose the underclassman's forced assignment over conflict, which wasn't that hard to believe. You crossed your arms. "I figured if anyone were playing a cruel prank on me, it'd be you."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?!" He glared at you, mouth agape.

"I'm saying I couldn't think of anyone else mean enough that would do this."

"It's not a prank, ya idiot!"

"You don't have to lie about it. I'm not gonna tell the principle or anything, so-"

"WOULD YA SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR ONCE?!" You blinked in surprise at his outburst. "Look! I just had octo-fuck write it because I'm bad at that mushy shit! It's not like..." He cut off and lowered his volume, pouting his lips slightly. "It's not like I didn't mean what it said..." Despite all the restraint it took, he thought he would appear more believable to you if he scaled down his anger.

"...!" You were struck speechless by the fiery blonde's confession. "B-but... I don't understand. Why would you-"

"Because none of those other shitheads deserve you."

"Why is that?" You finally gazed up into his crimson eyes.


"Yes." You smirked when his face turned red. Whether it was from rage or embarrassment at this point was unclear.

"FINE!" He huffed in frustration and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Whatever. I just... don't see a girl like you every day. Would be a shame to let you go I guess..." He tilted his head back and looked at the ceiling. When you didn't respond in the allotted few seconds his patience allowed for, he spoke up again. "Well, are you happy now?! I said the girly shit you wanted!" You let out a hearty laugh from that. Bakugou was always entertaining to be around. You meandered up to him and smiled, playing coy.

"Hm... well..." You twirled your hair, intentionally trying his patience. He scowled. "I suppose it would be a waste to let such a talented handsome future hero slip through my fingers..." You figured it wouldn't hurt to stroke his ego a bit, and Katsuki's smug grin instantly returned.

"Well, what's a girl like you gonna do about it?" He gripped your waist tightly with both hands.

"This." You yanked him against you by the front of his shirt, locking lips in a fiery kiss. He was exactly as rough as you expected him to be, but at the same time you still felt secure in his arms. It was clear that, despite his lack of emotional restraint, he had no intention of hurting you or letting you go. By the time you parted, your hair was disheveled from his hot hands passionately raking through it. "Katsuki, can I ask you a favor?"

"Eh? What is it?"

"Could you not force other people to write notes for you? It seems a little extreme."

"Hey, what are you on about?! It WORKED, didn't it?!"


I hope you had fun, guys!

Shew, that probably took so long that nobody cares about the ending anymore. Haha. But hopefully now that this is over, I can get back into the swing of fun shorter stories. I even missed the fun opportunities of October because I had this story hanging over my head. So next Halloween (or sooner if I get around to it), prepare for the murder mystery AU I've been waiting to publish for a while, as well as my planned kinktober fic, which I do believe to be the peak of my self-indulgence. It is a tale in which Midoriya is an incubus...

I also plan to do more Mirio (since I was impressed he won second place in this), Kirishima, Tamaki, and also the contest winner fics I've neglected for soooo long. Good to be back, y'all.

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