Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad...

By Raven_Hellfire

408K 13.4K 14.1K

HELLO EVERYBODY THAT LOVES MARVEL!! My name is Raven Hellfire and I am the author of this book. How are you... More

🥀Running away🥀
🥀Running Away Part 2🥀
🥀Running away part 3🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀The fight🥀
🥀The Red String🥀
🥀Where's Peter Parker!!🥀
🥀Mission Suicide🥀
🥀Don't Push Your Luck part 2🥀
🥀Disney Land🥀
🥀Auntie Tasha's comfortable🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 1🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 2🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 3🥀
🥀Just Call Me Anansi!🥀
🥀Peter is Artistic?!🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀Kidnapped Part 2🥀
🥀Bucky is NICE🥀
🥀Death- part 2🥀
🥀The Pranksters met Loki and FLOWER CROWNS🥀
🥀Back together/ Reunited🥀
🥀Road Work Ahead🥀
🥀The Big Reveal🥀
🥀HALLOWEEN🥀 (2018)
🥀We Are.....Venom🥀
🥀We Are.......... Venom Part 2🥀
🥀 Veterans part 2. 🥀
🥀Happy Thanksgiving!🥀
🥀The burning golf course // RIP 🥀
🖤🥀RIP White Wolf🥀🖤
🥀Finding out🥀
🥀Finding Out Part 2🥀
🥀On Your Left!🥀
🥀Swear Jar🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 2🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 3🥀
🥀Talent Show/Holiday's Special🥀
🥀An angry Peter, is not a Peter you wanna see🥀
🥀An Angry Peter, Is not a Peter you want to see Part 2🥀
🥀The end game/ I'm Coming Home🥀
🥀The End Game/ I'm Coming Home🥀 Part 2
🥀Holy Crap🥀
🥀Plan H🥀
🥀The Frozen Tongues🥀
🥀FINISHED Stop Stealing My KIDS🥀
🥀Kidnapped, The Rogues, and Ross🥀
🥀Dad jokes and Angry Peter🥀
🥀Appreciate Tony Stark Day!🥀
🥀Tony Stark Appreciation Day Part 2🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀 PART 2
🥀I Will Kill Everyone In This Room🥀
🥀In the Soul Realm🥀
🥀Catch Fast🥀
🥀Shotgun! Part 2🥀
🥀Happy Birthday🥀
🥀Too.... Strong....uuhhhh🥀
🥀Happy (Late) Fathers Day (I MESSED UP)🥀
🥀Caw caw Mother Fuckers
🥀Come little children~🥀
🥀Cousin Sergei🥀
🥀Back Again
🥀It's going to be ok...right?
🥀I don't care...
🥀Halloween (2019)🥀
🥀Watty's-This isn't where your story ends-Not on my watch
🥀I love you...🥀
🥀Bad day🥀
🥀Birthday Boy🥀
🥀Birthday Boy part 2🥀
🥀Mission gone wrong 🥀
🥀God bless America🥀
🥀Strange are you okay?🥀
🥀Floor Is LAVA🥀
🥀Happy Holidays!🥀
🥀Instant Kill🥀
🥀I'm your new Dad🥀
🥀Please Help Rhodey!🥀
🥀Oh My Thor!🔥
🥀New Years and GROOT
🥀Light Sabers
🥀That Was My Son!🔥
🥀Attacked Part 1🔥
🥀Attacked Part 2🔥
🥀Attacked Part 3🔥
🥀Your Son Peter?🔥
🥀Red Bull🔥
🥀Rare happiness
🥀My leg-
🥀Life is cruel...🔥
🥀Trans Visibility day!🔥
🥀The Unknown Blog/ Going on Hiatus🔥
🥀Russian Singers~🥀
🥀Bad idea🔥
🥀Shit talking🔥
🥀Beep Beep🔥
🥀A Menace🔥
🥀Holy- BUCKY?!?!
Howling Angels
🥀The sun will shine on us again brother.🖤

🥀Don't push your luck🥀

6.7K 202 327
By Raven_Hellfire

It had been a looooong year to say the least. Let me break it down for you.

Peter and May found out May had stage four heart cancer and died at the beginning of the year. Peter worked at stark Industries as an actual Intern now and got paid pretty well. Tony didn't know about Peter's aunt and Peter wanted to keep it that way. He had moved to a smaller apartment and had most of his and Mays things. He had donated a lot of things to homeless, to the poor even. May's cloths and other things but kept hers and Ben's wedding rings. Peter had a funeral for May and it was only Peter and a few of May's friends. Peter remembers it perfectly how Tony had found out.

Flash Baaaaaaaaaaack!

Peter sat in his apartment alone looking at Uncle Ben's and Aunt May's wedding rings on his fingers. It's been 2 Months since May's funeral. May's death day was also Ben's death day so that was just great. Peter slowly got up and walked over to his kitchen and starting the coffee machine as he went to go get dressed and ready for work. It was spring break so Peter wore a short sleeved shirt and some black shorts. He walked to his kitchen pouring himself coffee and got it ready to go. He grabbed a sweater just in case it got cold and walked out his apartment and locked the door. He walked out to see his beautiful 1967 Chevy impala (Supernatural Fandom you will understand ILY) waiting in the garage. He put his coffee down slowly and threw his sweater in the seat next to him. He started driving off to work.

1 hour later Peter walked in and scanned his ID when F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced his entrance getting a few glances. Peter to tired just said a simple hello to F.R.I.D.A.Y. And walked up to Tony's private elevator and went up to the Pent House where he would meet Tony despite it being 7:30 am. Peter saw Tony as a father figure but no one would catch him dead admitting it out loud. He walked into the kitchen once the elevator dinged. He started fixing Tony's living room which was a mess and then made Tony breakfast. Peter just did this because he was bored till Tony woke up. Peter also made Tony some Coffee when he told FRIDAY to wake Tony up. Tony woke up grumbling about how 8:30 was such an annoying time to wake up. He walked in with a Black Sabbath shirt and shorts on when he saw Peter and smiled. He said a quick good morning when he sat down eating his breakfast after Peter pointed to the Fresh coffee with bacon and eggs. FRIDAY put on the news which caught Tony's and Peter's attention.

"17 Year old Peter Parker has been living on his own for 2 months after his Aunt May Parker died of heart cancer 2 months ago. People who know Peter say he has gotten a job and is living on his own in his apartment. Not only is he balancing school but also a full time job. Child Services only now just found out and are trying to find out where Peter is so they can talk to him. So if you see Peter Parker give him a call and tell him Child Services are looking for him. Now to you Jimmy."

FRIDAY stopped the news after Tony had dropped his fork on the plate and looked at Peter who was pale as a ghost looking at the TV in the living room from there. He quickly got up not knowing what Stark would do and started walking out.

"I'm sorry Mister Stark I meant to tell you but I never got to-" Peter was pulled into a hug from Tony after he quickly got up and pulled the kid to him. Tears welled up in Peter's eyes as Tears ran down his face. Tony held the broken boy in his hands only NOW hearing about the news. How could his kid, wait did he just call Peter his kid whatever not relevant, be so happy yet so broken.

"It's ok underoos don't worry ok I'll figure something out but next time please tell me. I want to be there for you ok buddy." Tony said in a gentle voice playing with Peter's curls as he held him close. Peter stopped crying and pulled away his eyes red as Tony stared at his Tear stricken face.

"I'm so so so sorry Tony I didn't want to be a burden or a bother so I didn't say anything. I just really hate when I make people worry about me or when they pity me I just feel so weak when they do." Peter said wiping the few tears left in his eyes out and just kept looking down. Tony lifted Peter's face up and smiled at him.

"Don't ever thing you're a bother or a burden ok. I honestly don't think you're a bother or burden so don't ever say that again ok. I expect you to move in by the end of the month ok while I get legal guardian ship over you ok. And just so you know kid you are always welcomed here. After I found out Pepper was cheating on me and I fired her and got someone new as the CEO it's been really lonely up here with no one ok. And Peter I worry about you cause I care about you ok" Tony said with a small smile.

Peter smiled brightly as he hugged Tony, Tony hugging him back.

"Thank you so much Tony and I'm really sorry about Pepper she was a good person but I guess not good enough for the Tony Stark." Peter said chuckling a bit. Tony just laughed at the kid. He would never admit it but he saw him as a son.

Present Tiiiiiiiime. That was a long ass flash back. Brought to you by Tom Holland

After Tony had gotten legal Guardian ship over Peter he actually adopted him a month later. Ever since Peter and Tony had gotten really close. Rhodes had met Peter and he instantly liked the kid once he saw how happy and calm Tony was with the kid.
Peter had long since moved in with Tony. After Tony had shown him his car Tony was impressed

"Where did you get this baby?" Tony said looking at the car impressed with the kids first ever car.

"Do you know the show supernatural, well they were giving the car to a lucky fan and I just so happened to have been that lucky fan. They even gave me the license plate signed by the whole cast. Of course they got a new car because like that TV show is never going to die out but seriously. I have never looked at something more beautiful." Peter said as he looked at the car with a smile remembering how excited he was when he won the car.

Few Days Later

Tony was nervous and really anxious. And Peter he had no clue why. Tony even had an anxiety attack that Peter had to help him out of. Peter and Tony told each other everything Tony from Afghanistan and Peter from the Vulture. Expect they had both kept 1 thing from each other Peter with how the Vulture dropped a building on him and Tony with what happened in Siberia when Steve had thrust the Captain America shield into the arc reacted and left Tony there alone and to die.

It wasn't until a few hours later when Tony had another panic attack telling Peter what was going to happen.

"The X-Avengers are coming tomorrow and Bucky is going to be with them. Bucky killed my mom and Howard while under hydra's control and I forgave him for it since he was forced to and didn't have any memories about it but I can't help but feel angry. And I may or may not have told you something that had happened in Siberia (This is where it was Tony vs Cap vs Bucky) " Tony said sadly. Peter just helped him to his feet and sat him in the living room.

"Tell me what happened ok. I won't be mad just tell me everything." Peter said with a comforting smile.

And Tony did. He told Peter about the video that was shown to them to Tony attacking Bucky out of anger and rage and to how Steve had plunged the shield in him and just and walked away with Bucky leaving him there bleeding on the floor. Peter just nodded and whenever Tony needed to stop for a moment Peter would wait. After Tony was done Peter got FRIDAY to call Rhodes and tell him to come have dinner and spend the night and to order pizza. Peter also left Tony in the living room got a load of blankets and pillows and made a fort on the floor Tony confused and only looking at Peter.

"Me you and Uncle Rhodey are going to eat food have desert which is Ice-cream while watching a few movies and then after if you want we can either sleep in the fort or in our own rooms." Peter said finishing putting the last pillow down as the elevator dinged, FRIDAY informing Rhodey of Peter's plan and walked in with the pizza. The next few hours where spent with the 3 laughing and eating and then falling asleep in the fort. Thankfully none of them had nightmares since they had their family there but FRIDAY totally didn't take a picture of it and show it to KAREN Peter's AI.

The next day and after school at the Avengers compound. (Peter's in senior year FYI)

The X-Avengers has arrived an hour ago and Tony was about to meet with them in the room when his phone rang and saved him. He saw it was Peter calling and opened it with a smile.

"Hey Underoos how you doing"

"Good good just hoping you have good luck with the Assholes today. And remember you need anything call me ok."

"Ok okay Pete I'll call you later bye"


Tony ended the call and walked into the room with a smile. He was going to correct Peter's language but then though. Who cares? He was right anyways. He sat down next to Rhodey and Vision who was on the Left side of the table. On the right side where the Assholes as Peter put it. It consisting of:








(Hope that's all of team cap If not tell me who I missed)



Steve had a small smile on his face glad to see his old friend again after 3 years of hiding. He's missed Tony he wasn't going to Lie. His snarky comments, always being late to important meetings because 'I don't care.'

"So you will be living in Stark Tower on the right side of the pent house where you usually lived. There's even a room for you Barnes. I have a few rules. No fighting only training is allowed for the fighting. Pick up after yourselves you're not children and don't bother me when I'm in the lab ok" Tony said getting straight to the point not sparing anyone a glance as he told them everything they need to know. There were a few yes's and okay's.

"Good now I'm going home. You can stay here at the Avengers compound if you want I don't care. I've got to go" Tony said wanting to get out of there as fast as he could. Steve quickly grabbed his arm making him stop. Tony just glared at him and Steve let go and a look of guilt came over his face.

"Tony I'm sorry about everything that happened during the 'Civil War' my intentions where never to harm someone I swear. I'm sorry." Steve said looking genuinely sorry

"Are you just saying this or are you actually sorry for what happened in Siberia." Tony said glaring at Steve. Steve and Bucky stiffened at that and the others looked confused other than Rhodey since Tony told him.

"What happened in Siberia" Natasha asked?

Tony laughed

"Oh that's PRICELESS Steve you didn't tell your team didn't you. How we watched the video of how Bucky Murdered my parents in cold blood while he was under HYDRA's control and you know what's funny he looked guilty but you, you knew and you didn't tell me but then later you decided to plunge the shield into the arc reactor you know THE THING KEEPING ME ALIVE AND LEAVING ME THERE TO DIE!" Tony said snapping at the end and slamming his fist on the table. Tony heard a thud but knew it wasn't his hand.
Peter. That's who it was. Oh god be ok Peter.

"Now if you can excuse me I have to go. Have fun Rhodes I have somewhere to be but come with me for a second." Tony said as he walked out with Rhodey in tow. The two walked and rounded a corner to see a big dent in the wall around the dent there where cracks in the wall. Tony and Rhodey looked at each other worried.

"You think he heard everything?"

"Knowing Peter for like 3 or 4 years now yeah he did. He probably got the camera's to show him what happened. Just shocked he got away so fast. If you want go back to them but I need to go check up on Peter. I'll send someone to fix this" Tony said as he trailed one of the cracks that looked like a spider 🕷

He quickly took a picture with his Stark Phone than waved at Rhodey as he walked away his suit forming around him as he flew to the tower. Tony felt confused but also worried for Peter. That was a really big dent. Had he punched it? Is he hurt? Is he going to be ok? These questions went through his mind as he landed on the Tower as the suit quickly disappeared around him. He looked around into the rooms in the kitchen, living room, labs and even at the intern labs when he had an idea. The gym. Tony quickly went to the gym and what he saw surprised him. In the corner where 3 ripped up punching bags as all the sand spilled on the floor that was covered with something so cleaning it up would be easier. But he also saw blood on them. He looked at Peter who was beating the crap out of the punching bag in front of him. It had a picture of Steve and it had blood all over it. Same with the other bags. It was Peter's blood.

"Hey Pete"

"Hey Dad.... what are you doing here? Thought you were at the compound with the Assholes." Peter said panting slightly.

"Just came to ask you what this was about" Tony said pulling up the photo of the dent in the wall which if you looked closely you could see some on Peter's blood on.

"Don't know what you're talking about Dad. I wasn't at the compound today. Was here all day beating the living crap out of these poor bags." Peter said as he round-house kicked the punching bag causing the chain holding it up to snap and get thrown on top of where the other punching bags where.

Tony pulled Peter into a hug.

"Kid I know you where there ok. Everything is sorted out ok everything will go back to normal soon I promise."

The X-Avengers never ran into Peter surprisingly. Except Today. Peter got back from school and things went to hell.

Peter walked out of the elevator to see all the X-Avengers sitting on the couches and scoffed. He walked to the Kitchen and took a bottle out of a hidden compartment. It was Alcohol, but it was alcohol Peter could use to actually get drunk. Cause of his enhanced healing he wouldn't get drunk and if Tony ever found out he secretly drank alcohol to cope with not killing Steve on the spot he would not be proud. He walked out the room when Bucky realized his presence and got in a defensive pose.

"Who are you?!"

"None of your concern so fuck off" Peter said flipping him off as he took a swing of the bottle. It would take a few swings for him to actually get drunk so that was good, and what was better was it was in a plastic water bottle so no one knew what he was drinking.

All the others realized his presents and took out their respective weapons.

"I'll ask again who you are!" Bucky said this time getting impatient as he took of the safety of his gun. Peter just looked at them and all the guns pointed at him calmly. Then he looked at Steve with hatred on his eyes.

"Someone you shouldn't piss off cause if you do you would be 50 feet in the ground. Now if you can excuse me I'm going to my room to try and get rid of my anger towards your Captain and not accidentally put him in the hospital. Even though it wouldn't be accidental" Peter said whispering the last part to himself as he took a swing from the bottle again and started walking to his room before he could get drunk in front of the team and they call Tony.

A Few Hours Later

Tony walked into the penthouse and went straight into the kitchen to get himself some soda. Tony has been sober now for 3 years. Ever since he met Peter. The last time he ever drank alcohol in his life was when he was so stressed he drank a lot and accidentally yelled at the kid. Of course the kid forgave him after but after that he swore to never drink again. As he walked into the living room he put on the news and sat next to Natasha. She and Tony had become friends again but the others he was still not 100% good with yet.

"Tony can I ask you a question" The Ex-Assassin asked.

"You just did" Tony said laughing slightly. Natasha laughed a bit but then shook her head.

"Who's the kid? He had brown curly hair and brown eyes. He scared the living hell out of half of us when he left the kitchen with a drink. He even threatened Cap." Natasha said looking at him. Tony just kept looking at the TV. He sighed then looked at Natasha not looking at the others who were intrigued with who this kid was.

"He's my adopted son. About a 3 years ago his last living family member died and he'd been my personal intern for 1 and a half years. I only found out when I heard on the news 2 months after his Aunt died that he's been living by himself for the past 2 months. He'd grown on me and Rhodey a lot so I decided to adopt him and to be honest it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. But after what I told him that happened with Cap in Serbia he hasn't been happy with Cap since. But what was his threat exactly?" Tony asked

"Someone we shouldn't piss off unless we wanted to be 50 feet in the ground. Then he said he was going to his room to get rid of his anger and not accidentally kill Cap." Clint said

"Sounds like him. Alright I'll be back. I got to go check up on hi-

Sir Peter's heart rate seems to have quickened at an alarming rate. He seems to be having a nightmare.

Tony rushed and ran to Peter's room and thrown open the kid's door to find the kid curled up on his bed his sheets kicked off. He was breathing heavily and was asking for help.

"Someone help me please. Please don't leave me, please someone HELP ME!" Peter said as he kept crying. Tony quickly ran onto the bed and started holding Peter and whispering in his ear how everything would be ok.

"It's ok underoos I got you ok don't worry I've got you."

Peter woke up and hugged his dad crying harder. He held on tightly as he sobbed into his father's chest.

"I couldn't breathe no, no one heard me as I was being crushed. It hurt dad it still hurts so bad. I can barely breath sometimes when I'm in small places god I'm so sorry dad I'm so sorry." Peter said as he just kept hugging his dad. He was terrified. When the vulture dropped that warehouse on him god he was terrified. He could barely ever sleep. Usually when Tony came in to check on him he'd perfected his fake sleeping.

"Kid breathe ok. Explain to me what happened ok but calmly." Tony said holding his sons head in his hands.

"Remember the-the Vulture? Well before the big airplane fight I went to confront him instead of staying at homecoming. He was in this abandoned warehouse. When he called his wings toward him. They kept on coming at me and I didn't realize I was never the target. He was getting rid of the support beams. I didn't realize till the last support beam broke what his plan was. His wings then flew him out of there and I was being crushed under the-The ruble and god I couldn't-I couldn't breathe. No one was there to help me and I realized I could either die there or pick up the ruble off of me and I did but god it hurt so badly. Whenever I'm in a closed room or in a tight space I usually get panic attacks remembering the vulture or nightmares about it. To be honest I haven't gotten any real sleep for a long time other than the day before the Assholes came. Other than that I haven't really gotten any decent sleep." Peter said as he finished. He had a few silent tears rolling down his face and stuttered on some words. He was terrified he would die that day. I mean wouldn't you.

Tony just pulled Peter into a hug. He had smelt alcohol in his breath but was going to question that later.

"It's ok kid. You got me here I promise you're not dying and you're not under that rubble. I won't ever let you die I promise." Tony said as he spoke comforting words into his son's ear till he fell asleep. Tony slowly laid him down and picked up the sheets of the floor and covered him. He walked over to where a bottle was and saw some writing on it.
The thing keeping me from killing Steve for Dad's sake.
Tony sighed and picked up the bottle and sniffed it but gaged at the smell. Alcohol. He walked to the door where all the X-Avengers stood with wide eyes and shoo them away. He closed the door. They all walked into the kitchen where all the X-A (I'm typing that for short cause it's really annoying writing out the whole thing.) Tony just spilt the drink in the sink.

"He kept drinking to not beat the living crap out of Steve." Tony whispered to himself but unfortunately loud enough that the others heard they all snapped their heads up at Tony. Steve got up and walked toward Tony who had sat down on one of the bar stools holding his head.

"Ok so what we have learned is that kid is your son and that apparently he's nearly died. But how the hell is he alive. I can't even pick up a warehouse. And there is no way a 17 or 18 year old can." Steve said really annoyed now.

"It's because he's Spider-Man. You know the person you dropped one of those airport tunnels on him. He was Spider-Man before I met him I just gave him a better suit. But I never knew that happened with the Vulture." Tony said mostly talking to himself than to Steve. Steve picked up Tony by his shirt and slammed him against a wall.

"YOU BROUGHT A KID TO A FIGHT TONY WE COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!" Steve said yelling at Tony. Clearly he'd forgotten the first rule of no fighting. That's when he heard a gun cock.

"Put him down if you want to live" Steve didn't know who it was but immediately put Tony down when he felt the gun get pressed to the back of his head. He slowly turned around to see the kid Peter with an angry expression on his face.

"First rule no fighting and you've broken that rule. Don't make me put you in the hospital because you couldn't listen to a few simple rules." Peter said getting rid of the safety.

"Peter! Peter it's ok alright no need to put a bullet in his brain ok. He was just angry I brought you to Germany to fight." Tony said taking the gun away slowly and putting the safety back on.

"Well his dumb-ass should learn to listen to someone else's Point Of View before jumping to conclusions." Peter seared as he just glared at Steve. He looked away and looked for any injures on Tony. When he found none he backed Steve into the wall and glared at him before saying.

"You dare hurt Tony again I will kill you" Peter said emphasizing kill to Steve.

Peter glared at Steve one more time before walking out the room fuming.

"You fucked up Steve. Big time"

I am so sorry this sucked I'm going to make a part 2 to this if people like it idk if you like it but oh well. I really didn't know where to end it so uh here you go. Anyways I'm actually going to Post every Monday and Thursday. I have a lot of ideas for future one shots but I'll see in the future. Anyway Vote and Comment and tell me what you think.

Live Love Lie

Posted on: 8/27/18 1:07 pm

Word Count: 4407

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