Cerulean Feathers

By EchoingHowls

744 85 1

An Omega is thrown to the streets, where he raises himself until he catches someone's eye. As he is shown a l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 5

14 2 0
By EchoingHowls

"Should we let him sleep?"

"I checked out his place, this kid hasn't slept on a real bed in years."

"He's probably exhausted, let's just leave him alone."

Jonathan blinked his eyes open, jumping when he saw the crowd of people around his bed.

"Great job. Now you woke him up."

"I did not!"

Jonathan quickly rubbed his eyes, looking at the people that were watching him curiously.

All of them were Omegas, with Ohm standing the closest to Jon.

"Good morning!"

He said cheerfully, smiling and sitting beside Jonathan.

"How'd you sleep?"

Asked one of the other Omegas. He had a mohawk and eagle wings, his green eyes bright and friendly.


Jonathan said, smiling awkwardly.

"Great actually. Best sleep in years."

He admitted. All the Omegas brightened at his statement before Ohm cleared his throat.

"Jonathan, Evan asked us to help you get settled in, so let me introduce you to Brock,"

Ohm motioned to the Omega with the eagle wings who gave him a small wave.

"Craig, or Mini,"

The man nodded his greeting, his glasses glinting in the morning light as his pigeon wings shimmered with glints of blue and purple.

"And Smitty."

The last man tipped his propeller hat, his eyes hidden behind 3D glasses as his milky white dove wings rustled slightly.

"First thing's first,"

Ohm continued, turning back toward Jonathan.

"You're going to shower. I know it's been a while since you've had running water, so get cleaned up. We already got you a fresh change of clothes, and then we can go shopping for more later today. How's that sound?"

Jonathan blinked in disbelief, then asked,


Smitty scoffed.

"Of course really! You're part of our family now!"

"Now hurry, Brock made his special breakfast and all the Alphas will eat it if you don't."

Craig said with a smirk.

"I saved him a plate! He is eating some whether he likes it or not."

Brock snapped, giving Jonathan an excited grin.

"Well come on! Into the shower with you!"

Ohm said, pulling Jon from the blankets and toward the bathroom door.

"Okay! I'm going, I'm going!"

Jonathan laughed, stumbling into the bathroom before closing the door behind him. He managed to figure out how to turn the water in the tub on, although it took him a bit to figure out how to pull the plug and turn the showerhead on.

Then, he stripped the torn black t-shirt he had been wearing for years off, along with the ripped and ruined jeans. He laid his gun delicately on top. Shoes were the main thing he bought with the money he stole, so he did have a nicer pair of black and white Nikes that he took off and placed gently beside his pile of filthy clothes.

He turned and looked in the mirror, surprising himself at the fact the mirror wasn't cracked. He could also see for the first time how many of his ribs of his were visible, and how pale his skin was.

Was this how everyone else saw him?

He didn't look like he could blend into the crowd at all, he was clearly homeless...

And his wings...

Jonathan closed his eyes and turned away from the mirror.

He wasn't dealing with his reflection right now.

The small room heated up and grew more humid as the shower ran, covering Jon's reflection in fog as he finished changing and stepped into the shower.

When he finished in the shower and had a towel wrapped around his waist, Jonathan tentatively opened the bathroom door to make sure all the Omegas had left before stepping out and into his room. On the bed was the change of clothes they had mentioned, a white t-shirt and jeans, and with a small note on top of the neatly folded pile.

When you're dressed, come downstairs.

Time to go shopping!


Jonathan smiled, moving the note to start changing. Clearly, the clothes had been someone else's who had grown out of them, but Jonathan was grateful anyway.

He slipped the pants on, and when he put the shirt on, he gently fit his wings through the holes in the back.

There were new shoes too, but Jonathan wanted to keep something of his wardrobe and grabbed his Nikes from the bathroom before putting them on. Sure, they were worn down, but he had gotten them from his own hard work.

They were legally his, even if the money had been stolen.

When he finished putting his shoes on, Jonathan stood to leave the room, pausing just outside the door.

He turned and walked back toward the bathroom, looking at the pile of dirty clothes where he had laid his pistol.

Better safe than sorry.

He told himself, slipping the gun into the pants pockets and pulling the shirt over it.

Jonathan then headed downstairs, moving slowly to see if he could spot the Omegas before he reached the bottom.

He quickly found them and a few Alphas sitting at the table, playing a card game and laughing. Ohm was sitting with a bearded Alpha over his shoulder, who seemed a bit too intimidating for Jonathan to bother for Ohm's attention, so instead, he headed toward Smitty who was leaning against a wall watching the game go down.

"Hey, Jonathan"

Smitty said with a smile, using his wings to gently pull Jonathan in a sort-of hug. He didn't move off the wall though and nodded toward the card game.

"They're playing Uno. We'll leave when they finish this game."

Jonathan looked at the table again, right as an Alpha shouted,



Ohm yelped, looking around at the people sitting beside him.

"Can anyone do anything?"

The others sadly shook their heads as the last few cards were played and the Alpha put down his last card.

"Yes! I finally won!"

The Alpha leaped to his feet, raising his fist in the air as he let out a victorious whoop. The surrounding Alphas and Omegas let out annoyed sighs, pushing all the cards to the center to set up another game.

"Hey, Ohm, Jonathan's out."

Smitty called, trying to catch the Omega's attention before they started the next game. Ohm looked up and smiled at Jon before standing up.

"Right. Craig, Brock, let's go."

Craig dropped the cards in his hand with a frown, Brock waving goodbye to the Alpha that won the game.

"Wait, shouldn't you have an Alpha with you?"

Asked an Alpha from the couch. He got up, his dark skin accented by his ivory deer antlers.

"Marcel, we'll be fine. If anything, the Alphas out there should be afraid of us."

Ohm said with a smirk. He pulled out a pocket knife from his respective pocket, before hiding it away again and leading the way down the stairs.

They got inside one of the vans, Brock driving to the mall.

When they got there, all the guys began dragging Jon to their favorite stores, shopping for themselves as well as trying to help the new Omega.

Admittedly, Jonathan had a blast.

Although shopping was perhaps more of a girl thing, Jonathan had never been able to buy his own clothes, and being able to choose his own style was freeing.

At the end of the day, he was able to find several changes of clothes, as well as a hoodie that matched his wings in coloration.

He loved it all.

As the group of laughing Omegas made their way back to the van with armfuls of clothes, Jonathan's new hoodie hanging loosely on his shoulders, the conversation paused as the topic previous ran out of things to be said. Jonathan saw this as the perfect moment to get some answers to some questions he'd had floating around his head all day.

"So, I know I'm part of this family-thing now, but what do we do? I was told I was being recruited for a job, but what is it?"

The Omega's smiles all fell as they looked around each other, Jonathan's blue eyes finding themselves on Ohm. With a sigh, the dove-wing began.

"We...we can't talk about it right now. I'll explain it in the van."

Jon frowned, but nodded anyway.

At least he'd get an answer.

The rest of the walk to the van was tense silence, a pebble finding its way in their path as Smitty kicked it away.

After piling the bags into the back and getting everyone settled, Ohm began as Brock pulled out of the parking lot.

"Jonathan, do you know much about gangs here in Los Santos?"

Jonathan was sitting next to Smitty in the back, with Ohm and Craig sitting in the row in front of them.

After the question though, Jonathan stiffened.

Living on the streets meant he knew of every crime that happened near or in the allies around his home. He had seen and heard of the gangs around the area, but never names.

Is he saying what I think?


Jonathan breathed, watching Ohm carefully. Craig's wings twitched as he stared forward, and Smitty kept his eyes on the view outside the window beside him. Ohm frowned, his brown eyes darting to the window beside Jonathan before back on the younger Omega.

"We brought you with us because Mini saw you running from the cops about a year ago, not thinking much of it since you looked like an Alpha able to handle your own. We saw you several times since then, with weeks where you just seemed to disappear."

Ohm paused, and the car slowed to a stop at a red light.

"I...I got worried about you, and I brought Mini with me to see if we could find you. I had previously...followed you...and knew where your house was, but when we arrived you were still nowhere to be seen."

The light turned green and the van started forward again. Smitty had turned away from the window to look at Ohm as Craig now stared out the window beside him.

"We decided to wait a bit and see if you would come, but then-"

"Then I smelled an Omega in heat."

Craig finished, still staring out the window before sighing and turning toward Jonathan. He kept his eyes on the ground.

"We went inside and I could hear you whining in one of the rooms. Ohm realized you had locked yourself inside and decided we should leave you some food and water for when you finished."

Jonathan remembered opening the door and finding the bottles of water and bags of chips, but in his hazy mindstate, he thought he had been the one to leave them there.

I'm so stupid.

"Since then we've been keeping a sharper eye on you, mostly worried you'd get in a fight with an Alpha or taken while you were in heat. When Evan found out, he decided you'd be safer with us, even offering you a place in our ranks."

Craig looked up at Jonathan now, his gaze unreadable.

"Jonathan, if you want to know what we do, then I won't lie. We brought you here to protect you, so you deserve to know what we do for a living."

He paused, then taking a deep breath, said,

"We're a gang. The BBS."

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