Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.4K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



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By chibicandimei

Carl , Y/N and SM


Photo Cred: stock photos from PhelanDavion on DeviantArt


( Your POV )

No matter how shitty I feel and how much I just want to off myself right now,I couldn't be mean to Carl. I somehow grew to love his adorable and slightly oblivious face that when I realized he was in the tent I switched from wanting to kill mood to I'm just bored that's why I'm like this. Dammit.

I sighed at the thought of forgetting to clean face after hunting and eating,this is the only reason for why I'm glad Carl can be so oblivious,also that he believes every word I say.Although people do order rare that wasn't a complete lie

Carl and I were waiting outside of the RV for the others to finish whatever the hell they were doing before we all headed over to the shooting range,Carl was standing as he leaned against the RV while messing with a knife and a stick. I was more lazy, I was just sitting on the floor making random holes in the ground with a stick Carl had found for me when I proudly stated I was bored. It seems everyone is gonna be going to learn to shoot or whatever, I wonder if any of the women are any I thought this I raised my hand to my neck. Actually I know the answer when concerning Andrea at least.

"Y/N?" I looked over to see Carl watching Shane who was now heading over,"Do you think if I ask Shane to teach me about shooting my parents will be more okay with it?" I raised my eyebrow at him,I'm a bit surprised that he hasn't noticed the tension surrounding those three.Oh well.

"Might as well try, he does like you so maybe he'll pull some strings for you to learn."

Carl nodded at me with a smile before looking at Shane,"Nice lid man," i raised an eyebrow at Shane's odd greeting to Carl before his eyes zeroed in on me."Y/N."

My mask was still down so he saw me smirk at his awkward greeting,before I responded with a mimic of his greeting to me,"Shane." I raised an eyebrow as I saw the corner of his mouth lift up for a second,is he not angry at me for once? Nah. I waved it off as my imagination as I watched Carl and Shane walk to the front of the RV,I was to lazy to get up off the floor and stand with them so I just stayed seating as I listened. I mean they are literally at arms reach from me right now.

"What's going on?"

Carl put down the stick he was holding,"I..I wanna learn how to shoot too.Can you teach me?"

Shane sighed as he sat down, somehow, on the cars front bumper,"Well man,that's-uh that's up to your parents."

Carl looked over at me before focusing back on Shane who, no surprise, was just giving Carl the same answer I had given him, I would have expected Lori to want Carl to protect himself now but I guess not. "Can you talk to them,they'll listen to you."

I let out a small laugh which was accompanied by Shane doing the exact same thing,Rick listen to Shane,maybe,it's possible but Lori listen to Shane? Pfft! As if,never in a million years even I know that. Peering at them I noticed Shane give the smallest roll of his eyes before giving Carl an answer,"We'll see,ok?" I noticed Carl nod and begin to walk away so I stood up but at the sound of something clicking I paused in my movement,as did Shane,"Hey." We both noticed Carl freeze up,"Let me see what you got there."

Carl looked at me for help but Shane sent me a look that told me to shut up,seeing he had no choice Carl looked down before lifting up his shirt and revealing a gun that was being held in his pants,Shane instantly grew angry at the sight.I just smiled,So that's why he asked me to teach him how to shoot,well hunt,he already had a gun on him.


I'm technically an adult but I don't agree with why the others are so upset about Carl having a gun on it cause I don't have a kid that I don't understand? As I debated this I sat next to Carl who had just gone through a lecturing at the hands of Lori,his usually annoying cranky mother, I'm just upset cause she blamed me for him grabbing a gun. Maybe you should blame yourself Lori,or is that magically not an option. I sighed as I felt Carl lean into my side to which I wrapped an arm around his shoulder,"Sorry Carl,"I whispered.

"How the hell did this happen?"

I looked over at Lori,Rick,Shane and Dale who seemed to be the ones currently in the conversation of why and how Carl got a gun. Aren't all the guns in the RV? He could have just easily grabbed one, "Well it's my fault, I let him into the RV." Ha! Called it. With a small frown on his face Dale continued,"He said he wanted a walkie, that you sent him for one?"

Rick looked down with a sigh as Lori stared at Dale,"So on top of everything else, he lied?" Carl looked over at his mom, she quickly looked over at him causing him to stare back at the floor,"What is he thinking."

With a sigh I spoke, accidentally at the same time as Shane causing us to both look at each other with raised eyebrows,"He wants to learn how to shoot." I motioned for Shane to continue, I rather stay in silence right now,"He asked me to teach him, and I know now it's none of my business but I'm happy to do it. It's your call."

Lori instantly shook her head before giving an awkward laugh,"Well I'm not comfortable with it." Rick looked at her,while Shane motioned his head towards her,it was clear to me what they thought. They both see that Carl needs to learn, but Lori is...ugh. I rolled my eyes as she realized why the other two had gone silent,"Oh, don't make me out to be the unreasonable one here." When Shane just looked away Lori looked over at her husband,"Rick?"

"I know, I have my concern too but-"

"There's no but, Rick, he was just shot! He is just back on his feet and he wants a gun?"

"Better than him being afraid of em.There are guns in camp for a reasons, he should at the very least learn how to handle them safely,"I nodded in agreement with what Rick was saying,gotta say I respect the daddy of the group.

"I don't want my kid walking around with a gun." "But how can you defend that? You can't let him go around without protection."

"He's as safe as he'll ever be right here." B*tch. "Look, everything you're saying makes perfect sense,it feels wrong though. I mean, I didn't feel good about him following you out into the woods and look what happened. I wish I'd said something, and I should have gone with my gut then." I totally forgot that I wasn't around when Carl first got shot, I wonder how bad it was. I'm actually surprised Carl isn't traumatized by having been shot.

Rick sighed and leaned closer to Lori,"He's growing up,thank god, but we've got to start treating him more like an adult-" "Then he needs to act like one,he's not mature enough to handle a gun!"

"Lori." She instantly looked over to me and Carl,"You're against him using a gun, but you admit he needs to learn to protect himself." She nodded slowly so I continued,"Would you be okay with me teaching him to use knives and my crossbow before working his way up to using an actual gun."

Before Lori could respond to my recommendation Carl left my side and walked over to his mom,"I'm not gonna play with the gun mom, it's not a toy." With a smile I stood up and walked over to Carl,"I'm sorry I disappointed you,but I wanna look for Sophia and I want to defend our camp.I can't do that without a gun or a weapon. Please let Shane and Y/N teach me."

Me and Shane side glanced each other before focusing back on Rick who tried his hardest to convince Lori that leaving Carl in our hands would be fine,after much mumbling she made her way to Carl and grabbed his chin to make him look up."You will take this seriously, and you will behave responsibly. If I hear anything from anyone in this camp that you are not living up to our expectations-"

"He won't let you down." Lori looked back at Rick before focusing on Carl again,"I promise."

"You start with Y/N before moving onto the guns with Shane,ok?" Carl nodded at her, she then looked up at me and tossed me a look to which I nodded before stating I would make sure Carl is careful,with that she walked off.

( Dale POV )

Sorry but I just love this part cause Glenn is so stupid.

After me and Glenn waved the others off I turned to Glenn who looked extremely nervous,"Spark plugs huh?" He looked down in embarrassment, did he fight with Y/N again? "Want to tell me what's going on?"

"You're old- umm I mean you lik, you know" I raised an eyebrow for him to continue. "What would you do if you knew something that somebody else should know-"

I rubbed at my forehead, and sighed in annoyance,"Glenn stop being dramatic and just spit it out."

He froze in thought before opening nd closing his mouth ,what is he so unsure about saying to me,"T-There's walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant."


( Your POV )

Bottles? I've never used bottles as a target before,kinds cool actually.

With a shrug I went to the opposite side that they were shooting and began to set up my own stuff for Carl,basically his target would be a couple of thin trees that just so happened to be near by, luckily I was able to dig around the RV and I found a couple of knives I had hid back when I first joined the group.I placed all the knives down on the floor and parallel to them was my crossbow with the many arrows that I owned. "You ready Carl?"

I looked over at him to see him nodding at me in excitement,so cute.

Unfortunately before I could begin Shane walked over to me,"Y/N." I raised an eyebrow at him only to see him hand over a small gun, I looked at the gun for a bit before I felt a small smile come onto my face,god how I hated these guns, at least that was until I had to save SM one day and it was my only choice.

I grabbed hold of this gun and twirled it in my hand,"What do you want Shane?"

"I know you gotta show Carl but I want to see just how good everyone says you are with a gun,"he said this with a smile on his face before pointing over at the array of bottles that were untouched because they were meant for me. "You can get closer if it's too hard."

I sent him a smirk as I twirled the gun in his face,"Trying to challenge my abilities huh?"


"Fine then,tell everyone to move and spread out the bottles,I'll shoot them spot on while walking from far away,got it?" With a doubting look on his face he turned and did as I said,everyone watched in disbelief as I checked to see how many bullets the gun I was handed carried.Once done I looked up to see Shane had finished and was now walking back with a smirk on his face,"Imma slap that look off Shane."

After making sure Carl was out of the way even though I knew I wouldn't hit anyone I took even more steps back and away from the bottles,thankfully there's no wind to interrupt with the distance between me and the bottles. Once I was far enough from the bottles I turned away from the group,closed my eyes and held the gun against my chest with both hands.There's only one reason for why I was a master of all guns now.

Me and sergeant major were sent on a pairs mission once,he was angry that they had sent me out on something so dangerous even though he knew I could protect myself, but, in the end it was my fault that he got hurt.

We I was were running out of bullets and....he was running out of blood

"Sergeant Major,don't you fucking dare to sleep right now,"I yelled this before leaning out of hiding to fire more rounds that thankfully struck two people.Unfortunately I took too long to duck back down and I felt a bullet graze my cheek."Fuck."

I heard him chuckle at my command for him to not sleep,I tossed him a glare before leaning out and firing two more times,"You're the one who sleeps more than I do Y/N ."

I let out a growl,"This isn't the time for you to be making fun of me,"I looked back at him to see the huge red splotch that was just getting bigger,against my better judgment I removed my jacket and after grabbing his that he had scrapped on the floor a bit ago,I combined then both and tied them around his wound to create a lot of pressure. I heard him groan out in pain before looking at me with a smile,"Shut up, you're loosing too much blood. I need to get us out of here quick."

I ducked out to shoot at the incoming men when my eyes winded at the sudden clicking of my gun,in fear I instantly dropped to the ground as more shots were taken at me,tossing my now empty gun I reached to my back to grab another gun,my last gun.I rolled away from my spot on the floor as more than half the men easily open fired on my frozen figure,"Eighteen against one? That's just not fair guys!"

At my yell I heard many aim at the wall I was hiding behind,I need to make this quick,they hurt SM where it hurts and he can barely move without immense shocks of pain threatening for him to pass out. After calming my breathing I ran out of my hiding spot,my gun outstretched as I fired quickly while running,many went down quick but a couple were smart and hid the second they spotted my figure make its way out to the open.I heard my gun clicking again and I quickly ran back to the spot where SM was laying down with raggid breaths. "You're out of bullets aren't you?"

I let my gun fall to the ground,"Yes." Knowing fear was clear in my eyes I stretched my hand out behind, refusing to look at SM,"Give me your last two guns."

"Y/N, my guns are-"

"I know." He handed them to me without any other words, before I ducked out of the hiding spot again I looked back at him with a closed eye smiled,"This is a good as time as any to learn how to use these......right?"

Before he could say anything I ran out of hiding, they were waiting for me, they were ready and I knew it as I felt a bullet rip through shoulder, I didn't flinch though. I kept running around, hitting the men into the walls or items around the large open room before putting my gun against their head and pulling the trigger. This is the only way I know I can't miss, but it's risky. I continued running, the bullets constantly grazing my body but not yet hitting it straight on, at least that's how it was until I tried to shoot when one of the guns had run out. This time trying to avoid the bullets didn't work as I felt one go straight through my thigh,"Ahh!" I instantly fell to the ground.


My eyes widened as the remaining men split up between coming to me and racing towards Sergeant Major,no no no nonononono! I pushed myself up and onto my feet only to fall as one of the two men in front of me shot at my ankle causing the already burning pain in my thigh to increase.It felt like my leg was on fire,I couldn't stop the few tears that began to blur my vision from the pain,"Kill her."

My eyes shot over to SM who was now standing, barely, as he clung onto the wall with a simple knife in his hand,"SM." With my good leg I balanced on it as I swept my broken ankle against their legs.I jumped on top of one of them and snapped his neck with my legs while I shot the other in the head with my gun.I stood up to run to SM only to fall face forward onto the ground just as one of them pushed a gun to his head."SM!"

Please don't miss,please don't miss! I quickly stood up, balancing on one foot as the other leg had gone completely numb by this point,and Iraised my gun with a glare filled with tears from both pain and fear and I took two quick shots,I need to save SM!

I saved him but then I only scared him cause before my bullet killed one of the two men they just happened to shoot me in the neck,it was about the same place Andrea had shot me by accident.I couldn't breath and I fell to the floor like a corpse.The excessive bleeding didn't help calm SM either....oops   

Bringing my mind back to the present time I made sure the gun was ready to fire before twirling it in my hand and outstretching my arm,That was the best time to learn how to shoot that gun,for once my bullshit was correct. I'm a master of all guns because I've had to ignore my inability to do something, when the time comes, there are no other options. With a sigh I looked over at the first bottle, a clear glare of hatred on my face as I focused on it. My reason for being like this is the need to live just long enough protect.

After I shot the first one everyone watched me in amazement as I began to walk forward and shoot at the same time as if it was nothing,I missed none of the bottles,and each time I took a step I shot a bottle.At the last one I lowered my arm to the side and turned to look at Shane who was just staring at me with an unreadable expression,"You didn't shoot the last one."

I smirked at him as I raised my hand as showed that the gun had no more bullets,"Don't worry ,this is my first lesson to Carl." At the sound of his name he looked at me in confusion,"Out of bullets,what do you do?"

"A knife?"

I shook my head as I turned to face the remaining bottle,"I'm gonna teach you to have perfect aim Carl,with it you can use anything," no one knew what the hell I was talking about until they all watched me toss the gun up into the air.

"What the hell are you-" before the gun could strike the floor I kicked it towards the bottle, I didn't need to watch it break the bottle to pieces.I could simply hear it happen as I turned to look at Shane,"doing.."

I carried a smile on my face as they all stared at me,"So, can I start training Carl now? Or do you still want to test me, hmm?"

It sucks,it's lame, it's also not that long and its really really late! Im sorryyy

please don't hate me,I just can't motivate myself

and I can't help but procrastinate

Im soryy!!!

Hope you enjoyed the weird double update even though its so late, oh my god whats wrong with me?

Again sorry it sucks and enjoy


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