Connor X OC- Become human

By rebbsycrellbelt

31.7K 1K 447

Jayne worked as an It Tech at the Detroit police station. She owed her job and her life to her god father Ha... More

Plain Jayne
A song to sooth a metal heart
Gun Training
Stay The Night
The birthday party
Unhappy Birthday
We All Fall Down Sometimes
Jayne the lap dancer.
Honeypot (slight Smut)
A Wasp In The Honeypot
Lovers quarrel.
I Like You. (slight Smut)
A new Connor
Not Today
Eden Club.
Let me take you to a sex club
Steal her away.
A family dinner
The Macarena
Please don't hate me
First Time (smut)
The Morning After
The Broadcast
When Worlds Colide (quick Smut)
Finding Jerico
Am I Deviant?
The Battle of Jericho
Church For Sinners (smut)
The Zeltaid Group
Two Connors Are Better Than One?
Hold On
Human Ambassador
Like Mother Like Daughter
Late Part 2
Oh Its Happening.
Finding Kamski.
Jealous Much?
President Warren
Well Thought Out Plan
Team Work
un-answered questions
Getting Creative (smut)
The doctor is in.
Rk 900
oh Canada
Home sweet home
not long
Keep away from me
Out Of Control
Finding Kamski......Again.
Hello, My Name Is Jayne. Did I Mention I Work In IT?
Little Brother.
Alone Time (smut)
A Visit From The Christmas Fairy
And So Child Was Born
And So A Child Was Born Part 2
What now?
Trap In My Mind
Adam You Motherfucker!
Wake up Jayne!
an explanation.
Mind Palace
Back together.
Honey pot.... Again
Jayne in the Honeypot.
Everythings Fine
I need something from the shed.(smut)
the name game
Holy Mother
Hank, the man with a plan.
Lets Do This
Blending In.
Party Crashers
Friendly neighbourhood murder.
Dont Die
Chem Labs
All good things must come to an end.

Christmas Tradition

220 8 13
By rebbsycrellbelt

Connor POV.

Christmas. Another human holiday that baffled me. I understood the gift giving and the religious aspect, aswell as the food. It was the other things I didnt understand. The strange little rituals that each family seemed to have.

I scanned the living room, Jayne had layed out all of the gifts she had bough for everyone. It took her three whole days of shopping tp get everything she 'needed'. Now we were going to spend the whole day wrapping them up.

Apart from what we had gotten each other, we where keeping that secret. I had struggled to know what to get Jayne and when I asked her what she would like she just said 'anything, just get me what you think'

It was utterly unhelpful. I finally decided on a bottle of perfume. It was the one Jaynes mother used to wear. I had noticed it in the back ground of a picture. It was almost empty so I assumed her mother used it often.

It was quite hard to track down but it was worth it.

I watched in horror as Jayne came into the room carrying a large box.

"Jayne, stop!" I took the box from her and set it down. She clutched her back wincing slightly. Jayne was now well into her pregnancy, s he was now coming up to 35 weeks. Which is the furtherst any of the other subjects had gotten.

"thanks Connor" she said sitting down on the floor

"Your going to give me a thirmium pump malfunction" I tutted, joining her on the floor. "you know Kamski said to rest. Speaking of I need to check your blood pressure"

"Do it later please! It's one week to Christmas and iv got nothing wrapped  and I haven't gotten the tree out of the attic" Jayne groaned.

I took her hold of her hand.

"I will get the tree down, and we will finish the wrapping in no time" I soothed her.

"good. you will have to do it before everyone comes over tonight to decorate it" she said pulling a cushion off the sofa to prop up her back.

"why can't we just decorate it? It would be much more efficient" I asked, as I rolled out the wrapping paper and began to wrap the first gift carefully.

"its not about being efficient. It's about having fun, and family. Besides it's tradition. We always decorate the tree a week before Christmas and always together. I remember one Christmas when dad was away and he had to video call us. " Jayne smiled taking the blue ribbon; that I was about to wrap around the present and replacing it with a green one.

We sat for awhile in a comfortable silence wrapping gifts.

Jayne jumped suddenly.

"Connor she's moving, feel" she pressed my hand to her belly after a second my hand was kicked away by a roaming leg. I smiled kissing Jayne on the lips.

"she?" I questioned.

"I'm telling you it's a girl"

"you can't possibly know"

"erm, excuse me I know OK, call it mothers intuition"

I turned away from her feeling guilt rise up in my stomach. I still hadn't told Jayne about the deal I had made. I knew I would have to tell her soon. Because we need to come up with a plan. We couldn't run forever, not with a baby atleast.

"annnddd done" Jayne sang, wrapping the last present.

"Jayne, if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" I asked pulling her close to me.

"ooo, good question. Somewhere in Europe maybe"

I hummed my response, if we where going to have to run somewhere, I could atleast try to make it somewhere Jayne wanted to go.

"why? Are we going somewhere?"

"no, just thinking for when the baby is born"

"Connor, sweetie. I love you but thats a stupid idea. Travelling with a newborn. Rookie move" Jayne tutted playfully shaking her head.

We might not have a choice. I thought to myself. I pushed the thought away. No not now. Now was Christmas

After struggling with Hank to get the tree down we finally had it up, waiting to be decorated. Luckily I had one willing volunteer.

"can I put the star on?! Please!" lola begged pulling on my leg.

"of course, don't you want to wait till all of the tree is decorated" I smiled

Lola shook her head "no putting the star on is the best part! I don't want to wait till the end!.

"should I lift you up?" Carter asked. Looking to me for approval.

"yes please Uncle Carter!" Lola nodded frantically.

"1.... 2....3!"Carter lifted her up onto his shoulders allowing her to place the star on top. He then proceeded to run around the room with lola on his shoulders as s he squeezed with delight.

" Carter be careful! "Grace warned. Carter immediately stopped, putting lola on the ground. Carter blushed slightly avoiding Grace's gaze as she touched him on the arm.

Lola Groaned flopping down onto Hanks knee.

" hey watch it kiddo, you could do some serious damage" Hank chuckled.

After some arguments on what decorators go were, we where done.
Even Charlie joined in, despite her saying the Christmas was uncool.

"looking good guys, right who wants hot chocolate?" Jayne said carrying a tray of drinks.

"OK we got hot chocolates for the girls  and grace, extra marshmallow for lola. A tea for me. And an, Irish hotchoclate for Hank"

"wonderful" Hank said taking his drink.

Grace frowned at me

"its a shame you can't drink anything" she said. "Jayne, your all compuery can't you make something for them?

" actually, you know I probably could"

"maybe Mr kamski could help?" Carter suggested. Grace put her hand on his shoulder.

"oh Carter us Patterson women don't need a man to get the job done." she winked at him causing a weird sound to come out of his mouth. It was becoming more apparent of Carter's, affection for Grace. He had talked to Jayne about it, she had insisted it was cute.

" I will work on something for the new year Im sure Kamski will let me use his lab."jayne sipped her tea in thought.

" do you still need the extra table for Christmas day?" Grace asked.

" definitely" I replied,

"yep gonna be a full house" Jayne nodded. Hank groaned from the arm chair

"why? Who's coming " he grumbled.

"don't be so grumpy it's christmas, time for joy" grace frowned at him.

"that depends who coming" Charlie said tearing herself away from her cell phone.

"oh it speaks!" Jayne quipped, "well there's me, Connor, Hank, you three, oh Adam..."

"Adam isn't coming" Grace said quickly.

"oh, that's a shame" Jayne said shooting me a side look. "OK no Adam that leaves, Carter, Markus and North"

"oh why have you invited North" Hank moaned.

"why do you have a problem with her Lieutenant?" I asked, Hank had never really got on with North. I knew she wasn't the easiest person to get along with. But still she wasnt all bad, she kept Markus occupied anyway.

"its because she calls him out on his bullshit Con, that's why" grace said.

I cringed at her nickname, why does she insist on calling me it.

"please Grace, My name is Connor" I said.

"I'm the android sent by Cyber life" everyone said together. Laughing at a joke which I did not find funny.

"your such a meme Connor" Charlie said.

"whats a memme" asked Lola,

"meme, its like an old Internet joke" Jayne explained "and you are way to young for that, Connor don't look it up"

"why shouldnt I look it up?" I asked.

"because your not my dad" Carter said. Causing grace, Jayne and Charlie to erupt into laughter.

"I don't understand"

"because your not the sharpest tool in the shed"

"why are you doing this?"

"that's what she said"


"you mad bro?"

"your mom gay" Grace  said joining in

"that was very sad, Alexia play despacito" Charlie said shaking her head

"I have no idea what is going on." I said truly confused Jayne patted me on the shoulder.

"don't worry about it" she said, "Hank doesn't understand either"

Hank leaned forward in the arm chair.
"hey, bye Felica" he said with a completely stright face.

Yes there was some human traditions I did not understand. This was definitely one of them.

(small time skip brought to you by santa clause)

Jayne POV.

"Jayne! where are we putting the table! " Hank yelled, from the living room.

"just in the middle, then we can put the kitchen table on the end and we can all sit together" I called back

I stirred the various pans on the stove, thank god half of the dinner guests didn't eat. Carter walked in from. The livingroom I greeted hims with a smile. He had really come into his own over the last few weeks. Involving himself with the family activities and he was being so helpful

I noticed he was carrying something.

"do you need any help?" he asked.

"not really Carter sweetheart. Thanks though, what's that" asked pointing at whatever it was in his hand with the wooden spoon.

He held out a piece of mistletoe proudly

"its mistletoe, I understand that humans use it as Christmas time as decoration. It is also used by lovers in order to get kisses." he blushed

"oh really, and who are you hoping to kiss Carter" I teased, raising an eyebrow

"I-I don't actually have anyone in mind" his blush deepened.

"aw I'm heartbroken Carter. I thought you were trying to get a kiss from me"i joked again. Carter's eyes widened clearly not getting the joke

" I'm joking, very clearly joking. Although I am Slightly hurt by your face." he relaxed slightly before leaning down and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek

"merry Christmas Jayne"

"marry Christmas Carter" I laughed

Grace wondered in through the back door her teeth clattering.

"its boltic out there, my fingers feel like that are going to fall off" she said blowing on them

"oh, here."Carter said walking over to her cupping her hands in his. Blowing on the gently.

" as a android, I don't feel the cold. And my machinery produces a lot of heat so I am always warm to the touch"

"ooo thats so much better. I will have to keep you around Carter. Incase any other bits of me get cold" Grace said innocently. I snorted back a laugh, Grace shot me daggers into the back of my head

"you can use me however you like Grace" Carter said quietly before taking his hands away. I sniggered again, only laughing out loud when Carter had left the kitchen out of embarrassment.

"would you stop, he's going to burn to death from embarrassment" Grace hisses laughing slightly.

"me! Your the one shamelessly flirting with him"

"I am not! Although he is cute"

I cringed at her.

"grace he looks exactly like Connor"

"no he doesn't! He is completely diffrent, he's eyes, he's taller"

"his dick is bigger" I muttered under my breath.


"I mean he's practically his twin brother. There the same model line" I said, making a grossed out face.

"so, they are completely different... Carter doesn't have a massive stick up his butt"

"stop" I gave are a warning look.

"what! I'm only teasing! He knows I love him. Don't you Con" I turned round to see Connor in his Christmas Jumper I had forced him to wear.

"don't I what?" Connor said coming to join me at the stove placing his hands softly on my waist, kissing the back of my neck quickly.

"Grace was just saying how cute Carter is" I said taking the pan off of the heat.

"is that so, because he is madly inlove with you. I can tell."

"no he's not! How can you tell?"

"because he looks at you the same way I look and Jayne." he replied. I turned my head backward to kiss him.

"your very cute". I said.

"you two make me sick" grace said tasting cranberry sauce I had on the counter

"so, no Adam?" Connor asked, I elbowed him. Could he be anymore suttel. He looked at me with his what did I do face.

"erm no. Honestly I don't know if we are going to work out. He's been really werid lately."

"aw Grace, that's sucks I'm sorry" I said turning away from the stove now giving her my full attention.

"its ok. Plenty more fish in the sea"

"or androids in the livingroom" Connor suggested causing us the laugh, Grace pushed him playfully.

"no i dont think so, although Markus would definitely get some"

"ew Grace no."i cringed

" what!? It didn't stop you...." I looked at Grace with wide eyes. She looked horrified she clapped her hand to her mouth. I felt Connor take his hands off my waist.

" what do you mean?" Connor asked looking between up both

Connor POV.

" nothing i  mispoke I-" grace started.

" what does she mean Jayne?"i said ignoring Grace only focusing on Jayne. " did something happen between you and Markus."
I felt panic in my chest. Did something happen between them.
I vaguely heard the  front door open behind me.

" Connor, nothing happened look can we talk about this later?"

"No I want to talk about this NOW!" I yelled making Jayne and Grace jump.

Lola came skipping through the doorway followed by Markus and North.

"Connor, come play with me!" Lola whined. Tugging at my sleeve.

"not now Lola" I said my eyes darting back and forth between Markus and Jayne.

"everything alright?" Markus asked looking at me. I wanted to punch him directly in his smug handsome face.

"I don't know you tell me" I challenged him

"Jayne what's going on?" he asked Jayne.

"no no! Don't you speak to her!" I yelled pointing a him.

"Connor nothing happened, please let me explain" Jayne cried tears welling up in her eyes.

Lola sniffed beside me

"why are you shouting?" she sobbed.

Hank now appeared at the door.

"what the fuck is all the shouting about?"

"Jayne slept with Markus!" I yelled.

"no that's not what happened" Markus said, Jayne started to sob. Grace put her arms around her.

"so what then!" I continued to yell.

"Connor calm down" Hank said

"lola go find your sister, tell her you can both open one present early OK" Grace said softly, lola ran out of the room quickly.

"Jayne came to Jerico one night" Markus started "it was the night that you had died, she was grief stricken. We kissed, it could have gone further but it didn't"

"what does that mean, it could have gone further?" I spat.

"I mean, fuck sake I don't know what I mean."
There was a silence in the room for a moment. I was suddenly very aware of all the people that were in the room.

"can we, can we have some privacy please" I asked.

"I'm not going any where. Not when my sister is in tears" Grace said.

"I'm OK Grace, Connors right please go" Jayne croaked.

North, Grace and Hank left the room closing the door behind them, before they left Hank gave me a look.

"I'm going to be on the other side of this door OK" he said, I couldn't tell is this was some kind of warning or not but in any case I nodded.

There was silence once more. Jayne was still in tears I couldn't look her in the eye. I felt so hurt, so angry.

"Connor, you have to understand. I didn't think you were coming back. I thought I had lost the love of my  life. I wasn't thinking clearly. I just wanted a distraction, something to take the pain away" she sobbed.

I gripped the chair in front of me. So hard I thought the wood would crack. The thought of Markus touching Jayne in that was was like a knife to the heart.

"and like I said, it was just a kiss. Nothing more I swear " Markus said.

"but you wanted more didn't you? Iv seen the way you look at her" I looked up at Markus he looked me dead in the eyes.

"no" he was lying.

"dont lie!" I yelled I had never felt such rage before.

"Connor, please. Stop!" Jayne cried walking over to me trying to touch me.

"No, Jayne. I want to hear the truth"

"fine! Yes I did is that what you want to hear. I would have fucked her silly and she would have loved it!" Markus yelled
I Charged at him landing a punch right to his face. I was shocked at myself. I watched as blood pouring from his nose
" Connor" Jayne breathed.

"are you done?" Markus asked wiping the blood from his face.

"fuck you" I spat. Pushing him hard in the chest

" Are. You. Done?" he said again. This time getting closer to me.

"Connor, please I love you so much" Jayne sobbed getting in between us. Gripping tightly onto my jumper. Begging me to look at her. I couldn't. I didnt know how to handle any of this my sensor where working overtime. It felt like I was drowning.

"please say something." Jayne sobbed. I felt eyes watching me. I turned around to see everyone stood a the door. They had all just seen what had happened. I couldn't stay here.

"I have to go..." I said pulling away from her "I have to go" I repeated heading for the back door running into the street and far away from the house.

what just happened?

"well it wouldn't be Christmas without a fight would it" Charlie said

"I'm going after him" I said ignoreing my swollen feet, aching back and tear filled eyes.

"your not going anywhere. We will find him, Come on old man" North said grabbing Hank by the arm.

"don't grab me woman" Hank grumbled

"shut up, don't worry Jayne we will find him."

I sank into the kitchen chair in totally shock

What just happened?

Holy fish that was a long ass Chapter. I'm interested to know what everyone's Christmas was like. Because mine really wasn't Christmas without someone fighting a storming out. But my family is a tad mental sooooo.
Hope you like thw Chapter im not sure now much more we have left in this story but I'm still loving writing it so if you guys still wanna read I will deliver!

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