Love at first sight

By tobelaideisreal

34.5K 854 172

Mary has been traveling for the past year but while she was gone a new boy, Francis Valois, came to school. N... More

The Return
The Party
The Game
The Boat
The Library
The Deal
The Smoothie
The Talk
The Store
The Car
The Rose Petals
The Necklace
The Freezer
The Dinner
The Hotel
The Texts
The Voicemails
The Deer
The Hospital
The Release
The Coat
The Plane
The Bags
The Video
The Background
The Paint
The Sweaters
The Bus
The Sandals
The Butter
The Shoe
The Alarm
The Crowns
The Light
The Candy
The Rain
The Beach
The Cheese
The Crabs
The Tray
The Bow Tie
The Tutor
The Top
The Tea
The Dog
The Dalmatian
The Tent
The Blanket
The Secret
The Backseat
The Suitcases
The Breath
The Pasta
The Garden
The Breeze
The Shoes
The Buckle
The Feternity
The Balcony
The Loft
The Water
The Ball
The Uber
The Drink
The Memory
The Bottle

The Drinks

522 10 3
By tobelaideisreal

Mary's point of view
When I woke up I was facing Francis and he was stroking my shoulder, I wore a tank top to sleep so I felt his warm fingers stroking my cold shoulder. I cuddled closer to him and pulled the blankets further over us. "I wonder if my girl friend is awake." He laughed "You'll just have to wake me up." I giggled and laid on my back, my eyes were still closed. "One." He kissed my left ear lobe. "Or two?" He kissed my right ear lobe. "Mhm two." I giggled "One." He kissed the left side of my jaw. "Or two?" He kissed the right side of the jaw. "One." I bit my lip. "One." He lightly sucked on my neck. "Or two?" He sucked on the other side. "One." I smiled "Awake yet?" He laughed "No." I giggled, he rolled off me and faced me. "What should we do today?" He asked "Just lay by the pool, maybe go snorkeling." I said "Or make out by ocean." He smiled "Or we could go into the town tonight and go to dinner." I smiled "That sounds fun too." He smiled holding my hand, he brought our lock hands above the covers and kissed mine. I smiled at him and he got on top of me and held my other hand, he started kissing my neck. "Francis we should go get breakfast." I smiled "I like what I'm eating right now." He bit my ear. "Your going to make me stay in bed all day when we're in Greece Francis!" I giggled "Are you sure you don't want to stay in bed all day?" He sucked up my neck. "I need to get tan." I giggled "Well I never got repaid for the plane." He smiled rolling off me, i straddled him. "Maybe if you get a couple drinks in me I will." I smiled "I think you'll want to do it completely sober." He smiled "We should get down there before all the cabanas are taken." I smiled "Let's go." He smiled, we brushed our teeth and got into our bathing suits. We went down stairs and rented out and cabana and snorkeling stuff. Finally I got to lay out in the sun. "What if you get pregnant? Would that make you marry me sooner?" He asked "Francis!" I pulled down my sun glasses. "It's just a question." He smiled "Francis I'm on birth control and we always use condemns, I don't think we have much possibility of getting pregnant. And besides I don't want to have kids until I'm out of college." I said "Well that will be like five more years. I don't want to wait to get married." He said "Francis were juniors in high school, I don't think we should be getting married." I said "Yes but once were out of high school and were 18 nothing is stopping us." He said "Okay francis like I said yesterday I would love to marry you but I'm not getting married until I'm out of college." I said "Well when I propose you won't see it coming." He laughed "okay baby." I smiled. I don't know why he keeps talking about getting married. I don't want to be mean but if he asks me to marry him I will say yes but we will have to be engaged for a couple years. I mean he's not thinking logically, if we get married now we will start off college in debt from the wedding. Actually our parents will probably pay for all of it. Damn. But we're still young, I hate so say this but if things don't work out I mean I could get divorced at twenty years old. Again if we get married I feel like other people will be weird around us because like all the college couples are going out but the married freshman are staying in. I sound like a bitch but I can't be the only one thinking logically here. "I'm going to go get a drink do you want anything?" He asked "just a strawberry daiquiri thanks babe." I said, he came back a few minutes later and handed me my drink. "Do you want to go swimming?" He asked "Sure." I set my drink down. "I'm sorry about all the marriage talk." He held my hand. "Don't be sorry." I smiled as we got in the pool. "I just want you to know how much I love you." He said "I love you a lot too." I smiled, he smiled back. "When we get back my parents have a New Years gala in New York and I would like you to be my date." He smiled "I don't think I have anything for a gala." I smiled "So is that a no?" He laughed "It's a I need to go shopping for a gown." I giggled, he smiled, I splashed him and swam away. He laughed and swam after to me.

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