Lost In Time

By wolf_16

472 76 13

This story is for 17+ only ! contains - demons and angels - magic - alcoholic drinks -epic battles This is... More

The beginning
The key
A crazy man and illusions
Nice to meet you, i hate you more
Time to go home
A boy and his terrible climbing skills
The masks we hide
A father stalking his daughter
King Light
"Its not like that!"- Seishin
Strange sounds in the dark
Where is the Princess?!
I am ok, don't worry about me
Raziel and drunken sadness
A talk with Wine
A day with Lucca
Awake at midnight
Why are you keeping this secret?
"I just can't let her go."
Goodbye Raziel
The battle
Secret get away
Is it a dream or reality?
The OverLord
The Arranged marriage
Sakkaku and the box
The Interrogation
Dreams and dark wishes
The vacation and a King
An old story.
The magic crystal.
The wolf and the rabbit.
A talk with the Author #1
The Talk.
Erase the mistakes.
The death and the maze.
Kira's death and the jail
A talk with the Author #2
The Creators, Pt.1
The Creators, Pt.2
Laine is drunk.
Magic Memories
Forever lost
The final chapter
Thank you, the end.

Alone in the cold world.

2 1 0
By wolf_16

(Play music now)

-Psychopath: a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

-Alexithymia: inability to identify and express or describe one's feelings.

a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.


Once I cared, I cared about the rules, but now.. it over. I can't feel anything, no matter how hard I try, I just can't see away out of this.

It's hopeless.

Though I don't have a name, and I am forgotten throughout the universe. I like to call myself Xenon, meaning Echo.

(A/N: I pronounce it X-on)

I killed so many souls throughout the years, do I feel guilty?

No, i don't.


Seishin awoke in the morning, he felt tired. He looked over at Ghost, he was still asleep.

Seishin smiled, "Good morning handsome." He whispered.

Ghost mumbled something, then turned away.

Seishin sat up, then he stood and walked over to his desk, he drew up a map, but something wasn't right, the map had an incomplete part that he had never seen before.

Before Seishin could examine it further he heard a knock on the door.

(Who is up this early) Seishin thought as he walked over to the door, he cracked the door open, "Yes?" He asked.

A short figure stood there, "Raziel and Alva are gone." A voice said.

Seishin looked down, there was a boy standing there, he was in full armor, his hair was messy.

"Oh hi Tomoe, where is your sister?" Seishin asked. He yawned.

(A/N: I pronounce it as Tom-O)

"She went with Raziel, they choose the dark." Tomoe said with no expression.

"Wait, What?!" Seishin almost yelled, he leaned against the door.

"Aye, they left with Alva." Tomoe said, he looked at the stairs, "So when is breakfast?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't they tell me?!" Seishin asked, still in shock.

"So then no breakfast?" Tomoe asked.

Seishin felt an arm wrap around his neck, "What's going on?" Ghost asked, he buried his head in Seishin's neck.

"Raziel and Shiro joined the enemy." Seishin didn't move, he was angry.

"Don't forget about Alva, he went too." Tomoe commented.

"What? That's not right, I could've sworn last night-.. never mind." Ghost stopped himself, "What happened last night?" Seishin asked.

"Well, I was heading out the door and I heard someone in the other room, it sounded like a meeting room. I didn't think too much of it because the king was having a lot of meetings lately. One of the voices kind of sounded like Tamashī." Ghost paused.

"That's impossible, I saw him die. My father killed him." Seishin replied.

"That's what I thought, so I looked in the room and someone that looked exactly like him looked at me, then he disappeared? I know, it sounds crazy. But he looked exactly like Tamashī. If it was him then it might mean-..." he was interrupted by Seishin.

"Stop." Seishin said, "He is dead, and that's final." Seishin stopped.

"So should I just go make my own breakfast or something?" Tomoe asked.

"Something's not right, just leave, I need some time alone." Seishin said, Ghost let go of him and closed the door.

Seishin quickly ran to his desk, then he pulled out a book, something was missing.

How could he be alive?


Raziel, Tomoe and Alva arrived at the castle, the guards escorted them to a meeting room.

When they opened the door they saw King Light, Ivy, Ace, The OverLord, King UnderWorld, Cassiel, and Tamashī.

"Welcome Miss Raziel, Mr. Alva, and Shiro, we have been expecting you." King Light said, Shiro sat next to Ace, he put his arm around her.

"Welcome Shiro." Ace said, she smiled.

(A/N: Ace and Shiro have a very close relationship, they are exactly like brother and sister.)

Raziel hesitated, then she sat next to Cassiel.

Cassiel stood up, "Raziel, there is someone I want you to meet, Seishin has kept you from her for too long." Cassiel said, she walked to the door. "Give me a few minutes to go get them." then she walked out of the room and closed the door.

"I do believe that we haven't met in this lifetime, I'm Tamashī." A man said, he looked like a wolf. He grinned.

"It's nice to meet you Tamashī, I'm Raziel." Raziel said, she watched his movement, he was constantly looking at Alva.

Cassiel walked into the room, "Meet your mother, Anastasia." Cassiel said as she stepped aside and held the door open.

A medium height woman walked into the room, she had long, white hair and light brown eyes.

Anastasia looked at Raziel, tears filled her eyes. "Raziel?" She asked.

Then she slowly walked over to her, then hugged her. "I missed you so much! I'm so glad I found you." Anastasia said, then she let go of Raziel and sat down next to her.

"Please just let me explain of why I left, Seishin probably filled your head with lies." Anastasia looked at the ground, her long curly hair was sparkling in the light.

"When you were born that was the happiest time of my life, your father and I were a happy family, but when he went off to battle and  when I found out I was sick I didn't want you to see me like this.

So I let my father take care of you, then one night my grandfather, Seishin and I got into a fight, he was angry that I didn't let you and your brothers stay with him. So he took the matter into his own hands.

He poisoned my father and kidnapped you and your brothers, he made sure that I couldn't find my own children. He hid you and your brothers away.

Alexander has been trying to find you and your brothers for years. He's been looking for our children to rescue them from him, it still makes me angry but the past is the past. I'm so glad that you were able to find me." Anastasia explained.

Something was more clear in this story, but.. who was telling the truth?

Raziel didn't say anything, she was looking at the table.

"Are we done with the mushy stuff?" The Overlord asked, he rolled his eyes, "Seishin can't be trusted, he killed his wife, he poisoned his own son and kidnapped his great grandkids. That's the facts." The OverLord said, he glared at Raziel.

"Why isn't Alva changing?" Tamashī asked

"Changing?" Raziel asked, she looked down at Alva, he was sitting still, watching Tamashī.

"Into a human.." Tamashī replied, he looked at Alva differently, "Oh little lion, why have you been hiding your magic?" Tamashī asked, he stood up, then walked over to Alva.

"Get up." Tamashī mumbled under his breath, then he looked around the room.

He smiled, "Griffin, get up." He held out his hand, Alva walked over to him, he hesitated, then Alva held out his paw.

Something happened, Alva started to glow. Raziel watched as he turned bright blue, then stood up, his body changed into a young man, in human years he looked 18.

"There you go 6, now you know how to change." Tamashī said, Alva looked at his hands "Thank you but I can't go back with you." Alva said, he looked at Raziel,

"Raziel needs me." Alva finished, then he sat down next to Raziel.

"I understand 6, that's fine with me." Tamashī replied, he seemed calm but he was clenching his fist and biting down on his tongue.

Tamashī walked back to his seat and sat down.

"Now we will begin, since everyone is done with the surprises I have one last one for everyone, please, wait here." King Light said, he got up and walked out of the room.

"I am shook." Ace said as he looked at Alva.

"Agreed, Raziel, did you know Alva could turn into a human?" Cassiel asked, she rested her head on her hand.

"I'm just as surprised as you." Raziel replied.

"I'm just surprised, I had no clue Lions could turn into humans." King UW said, he was leaning back on the chair, he was resting his hands on the back of his head.

"Ignoramus demon, he isn't a normal griffin, he uh..." he paused when he realized that everyone was looking at him.

"I gave 6 magic, 6 is normal." Tamashī said, he nervously laughed.

"What does Ignoramus and griffin mean?" King UW asked.

"It means idiot and lion, I haven't heard those words in a long time.." Cassiel said, she looked at him with suspicion.

"I'm sorry, my master likes to speak with old English, what do you call a griffin?" Tamashī asked, he looked at Alva, he was studying his face.

"A lion." Alva said, he stared back at him.

"Ok, a léon." Tamashī replied with an accent.

King Light entered the room with Azrael, Zella and Laine.

"They are here to join us." King Light said, Anastasia got up and hugged Laine, after 2 minutes of talking everyone was silent.

"We have to find the missing page of the book before Seishin and the others, I fear if they get the book Seishin will try to go back in time to save his parents, if his parents live then all Demon, Angels, Gatekeepers and Elf's will cease to exist." King Light explained, he looked around the room and took a deep breath.

"Seishin has to be stopped-..." The King was interrupted by Cassiel, "I hate to interrupt you but that's not why Seishin wants the page." She stopped.

"Then why would he want it?" King UW asked.

"He wants to destroy all darkness, he told me that. He doesn't listen to us." Cassiel said, she closed her eyes and smiled, "It's pointless, Evil is in everyone."

"I see... well I'm ready to fight, I don't mind killing a few more TimeKeepers." Ace said with a straight face.

(Good, I don't mind erasing this from time if this goes bad, I need to take 6 back, I need him to trust me, but more importantly I need the others to trust me.) Tamashī thought, he was looking at the table.

"Tamashī, Tamashī!" Ace raised his voice, making Tamashī break his train of thought.

"Hm?" He replied as he looked up, "Were you listening? We wanted to know if you knew anyone that could help us." Ace said, Tamashī looked at Alva.

"Yeah, I know someone that could help us, but it comes at a price." Tamashī paused.

"Which is?" King UW said, everyone was watching Tamashī.

"I need Alva to go with me." Tamashī said, he looked at the floor.

"No, we barely know you." Raziel said, she looked at Anastasia, then at Alva.

"It's the only way for them to come, what do you want to know about me? I'll tell you anything." Tamashī said, he looked back at Alva, he was watching Raziel.

"Anything really, favorite color, Hobbies, interests, some of your past, what do you like to do during your free time, things like that." Cassiel said.

Tamashī thought for a second, "I like white because it's pure, I like to archery, I like to watch the moon at night and draw the stars, I was created by magic, my master created me. I like to be in my original form during my free time." He paused, then he stood up, he lifted up his shirt, there were wires and a clock that was apart of him, then he sat back down and pulled his shirt down.

"I have a clock that's built in me, I can't say why, my master doesn't want me to say anything about that, is that all?" Tamashī asked.

"Who is this Master you talk about?" King Light asked.

"My Master is... is... King North." He looked around.

"Oh Ok, that makes sense, Raziel, it's your call If Alva should go with him." Laine said.

"I still don't think-.." she was interrupted by Alva.

"I want to go with him." Alva said, he looked at Tamashī.

"Why do you trust him?" Zella asked, she was watching Anastasia.

"I don't know, I just feel like I can trust him." Alva replied.

"Good, then we leave tonight and we will return in two days." Tamashī said, he blinked, then looked away, Alva immediately looked away, then started to breath heavily, like he was just running.

(Forgive me 6, I manipulated your thoughts, but I couldn't let you just leave, your not just a pet. You are 6, I can't let you leave the-...) Tamashī thought, then he stood up, "I will be right back." He said, then he walked out the door.


Tamashī stepped into an empty room, then he said, "Did you hear that Master? 6 is coming home, he looks older, and much more alive." Tamashī said, a voice echoed through the room.

"Good, now return to the others, we don't want them to get suspicious." The voice said.

"Yes Master." Tamashī replied, then he opened the door, King Light was standing there.

"Who were you talking to?" King Light asked as he looked over the wolf's shoulder.

"Sh.." Tamashī mumbled.

Then Tamashī walked around the king, "Master, he heard you, erase him." Tamashī said with a cold voice.

The king couldn't move, then he looked at Tamashī, "Your a monster! Let me go now!" The King raised his voice.

Tamashī stopped in his place, he was face to face with the king, then Tamashī lifted up his shirt, a shadow hand came out of the clock, the King wanted to yell, but someone or something was making him silent.

Then the King fell to the floor, Tamashī pulled his shirt back down, "Undo this.. miss fortune, replay the last 10 minutes." He said, then time rewinded.

"I'll be right back." Tamashī said, then he left the room, he knew someone was following him, so he cast a spell of confusion, making anything seem like a maze, it only last for 15 minutes but it could kill someone if they are not careful.

Tamashī went to the bathroom, then he locked the door and turned on the faucet, he splashed his face with the freezing water until his face was soaking wet.

(Only 3 hours until 6 and I go home.) He thought, then he looked at the mirror, he couldn't see a reflection, that was normal if you were made from dark magic.

"Get it together, now is not the time to freak out." Tamashī said out loud, then he heard a knock on the door.

"Oh great." Tamashī mumbled, then he opened the door, Alva was standing there, "Are you Ok?" Alva asked, he had sympathy in his eyes.

"Why do you care 6?" He asked as he looked away.

"My name is Alva and your spell didn't affect me." Alva replied, he leaned against the open door.

"Oh is that so? Then why did you agree to go with me?" Tamashī asked, he scoffed.

"Because I want to know you more, I remember you, from when I was younger, in the lab... right?" Alva tried to remember.

"Shut up, you can't talk about that here." Tamashī replied.

"Oh? Then you wouldn't mind me telling everyone about your so called 'Master' ." Alva said with a cold voice.

"Master will kill you." Tamashī replied with a low growl.

"Then-.." Alva stopped.

Tamashī pushes him, he passed out, his soul was pushed out of his body. His body turned back into a young lion.

"I'll make you forget about everything." Tamashī paused, he held back tears, "Your supposed to be different than the others. Don't make me regret helping you escape." Tamashī said.

Alva passed out, all of his magic was used up.

(I'm sorry brother, your broken, And we need to fix you.) Tamashī thought.

-Later Tamashī and the still asleep Alva went to a unknown point in the universe, where only one portal will take them there.

When they arrived the shadow was waiting for them, they took Alva away to the lab.

Soon Alva would realize the truth about him.

He couldn't run anymore, it was over.

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