The Infinity Coven Trilogy_A...

By nabiilah25

15.6K 6.9K 1.8K

She knew he meant trouble. Yet she loved him. When seventeen-year-old Quinn Sophia Richards leaves New York t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

271 71 22
By nabiilah25

When Quinn opened her eyes, she found herself protectively wrapped in strong arms. Dravon's lips hungrily trailed kisses on her bare shoulders and neckline. His kisses made her skin flush and her blood in her veins warmed. The contentment of togetherness and pure joy she got with spending alone with him was addicting. She felt safe, needed and was loved and accepted for being who she really was...not for being the daughter of the tycoon Byron Richards. People valued status and wealth more than true emotions in New York.

But this time, she had found home. She refused of letting go of this. And the circles of spells which binded them brightened with a majestic force. Seconds later, the rings tightened around them, a surreal heat warmed their bodies, then slowly wore away.

Quinn sighed, still being held in his arm, her breathing once again steady while Dravon stroke her hair gently. "Do you feel the increase of power flowing in your veins?," Dravon questioned softly. Nodding, Quinn closed her fist when Dravon gently let go of her and opened it again with small balls purple flames dancing rhythmically.

The ground trembled then with the curtain rose wildly up and the black candles on the chandelier lit up by a violent breeze. The red flames burned bright, manifesting. The door behind them shook uncontrollably, it's doorknob turning by itself. Wide-eyed, they stared with bewilderment as the door slowly opened with a creak.

"We really need to get out of here," Dravon urged as he grabbed Quinn's arm and they ran in the corridor. They heard the door bang shut and creepy murmurs in Latin. But Dravon ignored all of that, in a hurry to run away from his evil uncle's west wing.

As soon as they stepped outside of the forbidden west wing, the door banged closed.

Heaving a sigh, Dravon closed his eyes and telepathically reached for the five chosen members.

Quinn opted for a quick shower to refresh her mind. Her stomach was churning terribly. She feared that something wrong had already happened. But somehow she knew the worst was yet to come.

Eyes closed, she felt her tense body relax slightly as the thick drops of hot water poured down on her. A strong scent of black orchid filled the air when she used the shower cream in a hurry.

Dressed in a black sleek jumpsuit, her hair naturally curled and her face bare of makeup, she ran off the stairs when she heard familiar voices in the study.

The door was wide open when she walked in. She gazed around to find Jade perfectly poised on the couch, an upset Lisa by her side. Jason leaned by the window, his back to them, busy pulling the red velvet curtain to his side. Ash and Shade occupied their respective seats, their drinks in their hands.

"Where's Dravon?," Quinn asked when they all gazed at her.

Jade glared at her. "Now that you're finally here, he won't be afar."Quinn rolled her eyes and ignored the high-pitched tone Jade used when talking to her.

"I'm right here." Dravon closed the door, the red old book in his hand. He handed it to her when he snapped his fingers and the seven magical crystals floated in an illuminated gold ring.

Shade examined his glass, then gulped his drink. "This better open this time." Ash pressed a finger on his slightly frowned forehead. "Blackwell, just end this suspense, will you?"

Dravon raised his eyebrow in sardonic amusement. He snatched the crystals from the air and gave Quinn three of them. Jade continued to glare at her and made a face.

Together, they carefully placed each one of them in their recommended positions. A bright light appeared, almost blinding them, warmed their hands. Surprised, they took their hands off to admire the Celtic marks engraved on the book being rearranged in an odd order. The red book eventually opened, its pages being flipped hastily till it settled on the required middle page.

It showed some paragraphs written in Latin. Dravon's eyes widened in shock as he read in silence. "It can't be," he mouthed faintly as the book dropped on the floor.

Ash turned to his twin. "Enlighten us now, Jason," he ordered. Jason gave him an icy stare but when Dravon did nothing to stop him, he picked up the book. His grey eyes also widened when he read the content. Ash tapped his twin's shoulder. "Well, we don't have all night."

Jason took a deep breath, obviously irritated by his brother and translated aloud.

"According to the book, when the destroyer of the prophecy succeeds in conducting human sacrifices on the bloody lunar eclipse night, then..." he was interrupted by a worried Jade. "Then we die?," she demanded with impatience.

"Please let Jason finish," Lisa pleaded. Quinn glanced at Dravon who's face was unnaturally pale at that moment. She knew then the happy ending of this mess was totally crushed.

"So, if Morgade succeeds, the only way to defeat him is by the fusion power spell cast by the cursed immortal and a Campbell witch." Jason faced Quinn, his face grave. "But that spell is mortal."

"Meaning?," Shade inquired. "Only one of them will survive. It's either Dravon or Quinn...but not both," Jason muttered, his expression dead serious. Everyone fell silent for a while, digesting the fact that one or more of them will lose their lives tonight.

Ash shook Dravon who sat on the couch, grim and confused. He has a lost look on his face. "Blackwell, are you sure this is the only way to kill Morgade?" "I'm afraid so," he voiced out after a while.

With great difficulty, Quinn managed to stand still. Her body was shaking from that news. Dravon could die...that was the only thing that echoed in her mind.

"This can't be true," Jade snapped. "If by mistake Dravon dies, then we all die." Jade pointed her finger at Quinn. "But she won't."

"That won't happen. I promise," Quinn managed to say. "Good. Then it's settled. Quinn will play her role of saviour according to the prophecy, save us all even if she will lose her life in doing so," Jade announced triumphantly.

Dravon gave her a deadly stare. "How can you be so heartless Jade Moore? Quinn's part of us, not just a sacrificial pawn."

Quinn shook her head and frowned. "I agree with Jade. Six lives value more than mine." Everyone except Jade gazed at her like she was a dangerous crazy woman who fled from the mental asylum.

"Don't be stupid. We can't afford to lose you," Ash said. "Yeah. We will join forces to combat evil but we won't let you be harmed," Shade muttered.

"It take two of us to cast the spell. And obviously I refuse to do so," Dravon said in a matter of fact tone. "Whatever happens will happen. But be sure of one thing. Quinn won't die," he went on.

Quinn loved the way they were thinking of protecting her but her fate was already sealed the moment she stepped her foot in Blue Haven. Her death was the only solution to save these six fabulous persons who made her feel at home, who protected her, who sheltered her and most importantly accepted her fully. If they succeed to kill Morgade, the town and the citizens will be safe. For all of that to happen, she will have to sacrifice her life.

"Why don't we vote for either the life of Quinn or Dravon?," Jade suggested with a smile.

"Seriously Jade?," Shade grunted. "It's the only way to survive. I vote for Dravon,"she went on. "We're not choosing sides Jade. Get that in your head," Ash threatened.

"Why not? We all know whatever happens, we'll be screwed one way or another," Jade revolted. She turned to Quinn and pointed her finger at her, her eyes glossed with tears that were on the verge to fall, a furious expression on her face. "Since Quinn Richards arrived in our town, all kinds of incidents happened." She paced the room in a fury. Everyone silently watched her, too stunned to say a word. "First the gruesome death of our loving teacher Mr Sinclair, then the arrival of Morgade Whitmore, the narrow escape of Shade and Ash against vampire elders, poor Luke's death, our fight with the demon serving hell, Aamon and to top the list, now we have to die if she doesn't sacrifice herself when the spell will be activated."

Quinn gazed at her, confused when Jade grabbed her hand in a tight grip. "Don't be selfish Quinn. A whole town's future is in your hands. If evil isn't defeated, it will rapidly spread like an epidemic and kill millions of innocent souls." Jade's voice was sharp. She looked deep in Quinn's brown eyes as if searching for her soul. "You don't wan't this to occur, right?" Still dumbfounded, Quinn blinked hard. "There's no place for emotions, members. It's a battle, for god's sake. The winner gets it all." Quinn was surprised when her own voice didn't betray her. She was frightened to death but she just had to do it.

Dravon rose as he dragged his fingers through his hair. In just one stride, he stood close, grabbed her arm and gave it a quick squeeze. "Don't you understand what Jade is saying? She wants you dead in return for everyone's lives," he growled. Without giving her a chance to justify her action, Jade again interrupted. "In the beginning, you were ready to Quinn for your selfish motives. She didn't get time to adapt to a new town and the surroundings when you made her realize whose bloodline runs in her veins. Your conscience didn't stop you then!."

Dravon opened his mouth but shut it when Jade raised her hand up to make it clear she wasn't done yet. "Right before the initiation blood ritual, you didn't find it necessary to point that according to the prophecy, Quinn's fate was automatically predestined. You already knew something bad would happen to her. Still your 'I care for every single soul in Blue Haven' didn't find it wrong to conceal that very fact from her." Dravon gave her an icy stare to shut up but in vain. Quinn's cheeks paled. "Why Dravon? Why so much concern all of a sudden? You always hated Campbell witches for killing your beloved mother." Jade pointed an accusatory finger in Quinn's direction. "Yet she was spared of all that raging hatred."

Jade grabbed Dravon's arm and pulled him to face her. "Is it because of her striking beauty? I assure you it will fade in due time," she insinuated. Shade nearly dropped his glass in fury on the coffee table. "Don't you dare forget that she has pure dark powers. Sooner or later, Quinn will become like her ancestors. The greed for more power and the urge to rule the land of the Shadows will overwhelm her thoughts. She will end up being wicked." Quinn's cheeks got paler. What if what Jade said becomes the truth?

Dravon had enough of her. "Satisfied now Jade? Look at Quinn's state now." He shook his head and punched the wall. "A witch' powers are determined by her moods. Anger can bring chaos, brooding or wounded can create storms. Calm is the only state one can control." He clenched his fist to suppress his anger and Jade stepped backwards. "You just had to ruin everything." This time Jade got seriously mad. "I ruined everything? Before Quinn, I was the most important person in your life. I did everything possible to make you happy, always blindly obeyed you. And what did I ever get in return? Zero appreciation."

Quinn put her hand on Jade's shoulder when she sobbed, but Jade shook her hand off. "What's my point of supporting you all when I don't have any importance?"

Then Jade whirled around and snapped at her. "I hate you Quinn...really hate you." Without listening to any of them, she dashed out of the room and of the house, in distress. Ash ran after her.

"Quinn, I...," Dravon trailed but Quinn stopped him. "Let's focus on our objective. Let's make a plan to be one step ahead of Morgade."

"Okay," Dravon simply said. Shade, Lisa and Jason agreed.


Jade had never cried before anyone in her life before...but tonight she did. All because of Quinn. If Dravon stood against her, that was again all Quinn's fault.

She never thought her constant envy could turn into such a vicious hatred. She wiped off her tears in disgust. She hated Quinn to the core for reducing her to this level.

She gave a quick glance at her surroundings. Since it was still the bloody lunar eclipse night, the highway road was eerily desolate. Nobody dared to roam around free. The sky was pitch black and clear. Not a thing moved. It was too still and that wasn't a good sign.

Just then her hazel eyes spotted a figure of a woman. She used her power to whoosh in the woods where she saw that faint figure.

"Hello Jade," an enchanting female voice startled her. She turned around and saw here. A beautiful woman dressed in a ruby red gown, her hair black and her stare, oddly piercing. A demon, Jade thought.

"Justify your presence here, in Blue Haven, demon," Jade muttered. "Oh so you're figured out what I am. The demon flashed her a triumphant smile. "I'm Mara, by the way."

"Get out of my sight Mara. I wish to stay alone," Jade said, feeling defeated and low. Mara got closer to her. "Dravon will never give you importance as long as the witch's around. But you have the power to change that," Mara compelled her with her enchanting voice. "Jade what the hell! Snap out of it, you idiot," a angry male voice yelled. Jade glanced around and saw Ash coming in their direction.

Mara gave Ash a quick backwards glance and murmured to Jade. "Looks like your prince charming isn't happy. But never mind. Both of you will do."

"What do you mean?," Ash asked Mara as he got close enough. Mara laughed and held a hand which showed a black rose. Red flames shot around the rose and it burned slowly, it's bewitching strong scent filled their nose till both she and Ash fell down and drifted in a deep enchanting sleep.


Quinn rose from the couch when suddenly Dravon, then Jason became agitated. "What is it?" She was worried now. "Jade," Dravon muttered softly. "Ash," Jason voiced, his face incredibly blanched. "These two are in danger.We need to go. It's now or never," Dravon announced, taking control.

"I can't believe they walked right in a trap," Shade lost his patience.

Dravon snapped his fingers and next minute, they found themselves standing in the dark forest. As they walked, Shade swore when he nearly lost his balance when he tripped on something. They all looked down. Quinn and Lisa screamed when they realized they were marching on a bloodied and damp forest flooring. Mutilated bodies were scattered everywhere, blood had stained the soil. "It's where the rite was held," Jason acknowledged.

"I can't trace neither Ash nor Jade. Where are they?," Dravon voiced faintly.


Jade opened her eyes slowly. She felt weightless and her head was aching painfully.

"Welcome back on earth Jade," Ash's deep voice mocked. Jade gave him a sideways glance and noted that they were chained. "No need to try any magic. Nothing works against these resistant chains," he added sullenly.

They were interrupted by the sudden presence of Morgade. "I see you lured one more," he said to Mara. "Well I told you to create quarrels, disputes between them so that their coven breaks apart. But you did no such thing." She lifted her eyebrow, gave them a cold look and played with her hair. "So I had to fulfill your part," she trailed.

Jade watched wide-eyed when Morgade assessed Ash and her as if they were vermin. "The blonde was already stupid and easily manipulated." Jade made a face at that remark. He turned to Mara. "But what about the reckless twin?"

Mara leaned closer to Ash and caressed his face. Ash raised his eyebrow sardonically. "Hmm, a soft spot for the blonde girl. Interesting," she muttered with a wink.

"What the hell Ash," Jade questioned, aghast. "Since when do you believe demons?" He threw his head and laughed. "Oh I forgot. You never used your brain Jade. Now I'm suffering too," he shot back at her.

Jade glared at him. "Last time I checked, I never asked for your help."

"You ungrateful girl. I risked my life for you and you're not even sorry we're in this mess," he scorned. "Shut up Ash."

"I curse myself for trying to save you Jade. Now I will die too because of your stupidity." Jade rolled her eyes. "Stop being dramatic Ash and focus on our damn situation." Ash chose to cross his arms and ignore Jade completely.

"These two are cute," Mara teased, her stare icy.

Aamon then joined them. "We've got company." Ash and Jade's eyes lit up with hope. "Don't count on your friends, infinity members. Their end is near," Morgade threatened, his arms spread as he embraced the darkness.

"I won't let it happen Morgade," Quinn's voice echoed in the dark. Morgade, Aamon and Mara turned dramatically to notice a fearless Quinn, shrewd Jason, ruthless Shade and pensive Lisa.

"Where's the prince of the Shadows?" Morgade asked playfully. "He didn't back out like a coward, did he?" He smiled at Quinn.

"Answer me Quinn. We're family after all," he teased playfully. "What?," all infinity members echoed. "I can't believe this," Jade said. Ash's jaw dropped from that news.

"Shut up Jade," Dravon's voice echoed in her mind while their chains got loose.

Dravon, are you using your invisible form, Ash sent telepathically.

An invisible Dravon tapped him lightly on his shoulder as a yes. But that will drain half of your energy level, Ash reached out mentally. Dravon avoided him and Jade and Ash moved like cats, sleek and careful till they stood behind Morgade. Ash grabbed him with all his force.

"Now everyone," Dravon commanded as he took his immortal form again. Ash used his protective shield against Morgade's attacks. Mara did nothing to save Morgade but Aamon held his left arm. Bright orange balls of fire blasted everywhere. Dravon summoned a spell and chanted loud.

"In the land of the Shadows, I demand power in the darkness of the night and the destruction of chaos.

Oh Lord of the Shadows, bless me with your obscure power."

Next moment, a storm was created and a heavy downpour of rain drenched them. The flames turned to vapor. The trees swinged as the violent wind blew in their direction. The branches threatened to fall on them.

Dravon admired his doing with a triumphant smile.

"Not so easily," Aamon voiced arrogantly. "As a servant of Hell, I seek refuge in the mighty flames of the hellfire. Grant me the power to vanquish my enemies," he screamed. A pale red and pink lighting struck, making the dark sky animated. Morgade struck free and used telekinesis to lift a huge stone and aimed it at Ash. He didn't get time to escape when the stone mercilessly fell on him. Jason yelled in pain too. The twins were both wounded as they were connected.

Everything happened fast then.

Shade multiplied himself and distracted Mara.

Lisa wrapped Jason in her arms tightly and cried. Morgade used a similar tactic and this time aimed for Jade. Quinn stepped forward and shielded Jade with a protective bubble spell. She sighed when she suddenly felt dizzy. Her energy was draining at a rapid rate. She won't last for a long time. Jade fell unconscious. It was a painful scene and the longest night of her life.

All that time, Dravon had closed his eyes and his lips were moving as he meditated. A long crystal blade appeared in front of him. Aamon gasped when he no longer could use his fire powers as he was drenched. Dravon swiftly moved forward to chop Aamon's left arm. Aamon backed away in horror. "Nooo. Don't do that," Mara screamed and used all her strength to shoot sharp metallic arrows that sought refuge in Shade's body. He laid on the floor, in his own pool of blood.

Quinn gasped. "Quinn, stop Dravon! Or you'll never know what happened to your parents," Morgade menaced, his black eyes piercing. "I no longer care about the past, you cruel destroyer." Morgade seemed out of control. "You'll regret that decision soon enough," he barked. But Quinn didn't want to hear anything more. She didn't trust a word of Morgade anyway.

She used more of her energy to create a barrier between Morgade and the rest of them. Now he won't be able to save Aamon. If the demon dies, Morgade will die too. She succeeded in confining Mara in a transparent floating bubble.

Quinn stared coldly when Dravon chopped the arm of a weak Aamon. He cried in pain. Morgade got on his knees too as his arm too got detached from his body.

Mara then got out of control and used her black power to vanish from the bubble and shot massive arrows at Dravon. Unfortunately he couldn't escape them all. He winced in pain.

A tear flowed from her cheek. She couldn't bear to see them all injured. This had to stop.

Then Quinn started chanting her final spell, the spell which will cause her death, the destruction of her enemies and eventually give back the lives of the members.

"Quinn don't...," Dravon pleaded faintly. "Say it with me or watch me waste my life for nothing Dravon," she threatened. "I can't," he refused. Tears dampened his cheeks.

"Now Dravon," she urged. Dravon gave her a long affectionate look, his tired blue eyes resting on her face. Then they began reciting together.

"In the land of the Shadows, as we seek help from the mighty Lord of darkness, let the absolute obscurity empower us...

May our enemies who dare to stand facing us be destroyed...

May our friend be spared from the wrath of the chaos...

By the dark power we now posses, create chaos and set ablaze our enemies,

Blue fire."

Quinn felt the last ounce of energy leaving her body when she fell on the ground.

The storm was gone and the blue fire destroyed Morgade and Aamon to dust. Mara had fled when they were casting the spell, she noted.

Dravon slowly came to her side and yelled. "Don't you dare die leaving me alone Quinn Richards. I WILL NOT ALLOW IT," he yelled. His voice shook her senses. "I can see the light Dravon," she whispered. She felt warm and weightless. "No. Quinn, stay with me. I love you, you beautiful witch." He kissed her forehead, her head on his lap. Some drops of his tears moistened her face. She smiled faintly.

His confession was the last thing she heard and the wounded yet striking face of Dravon was the last thing she saw as her eyelids shut firmly.

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