The Story Of Chandlyn

By Soulful_Soup99

24.3K 575 195

The Story of Chandler Riggs and Katelyn Nacon's relationship, from first kisses to marriage to children and a... More

New Hair
Nowhere I'd Rather Be
It Wasn't Real, I'm Not Going Anywhere
First Kiss For Real
Even When You're Sick
Supporting The Other Team
Damn Bird
We'll Get Through This Together
Best Road Trip Ever
I Love You
I Hate Fighting With You
Rainy Days
A Few Years From Now
Cheesy Is Great
Scary Movies And Sleepovers
As One Chapter Ends, Another One Begins
Our Place
We Were Just Sleeping
Instructions For What
Safety Dance
You're An Amazing Father
Thankful For You
A Day In The Life Of Beaky
In Pajamas and Christmas Hats
Quality Over Qauntity
They Still Were
We Won't Drift Apart
You Forgot To Lock The Door
See You Later Dad
A Little Less Nervous
More Than Friendship
You're My Brother
Yeah We're Dating Now
Cool Parents
An Unforgettable Mother's Day
Your Very Own Drawer
Over Thinker
The Beginning Of A Lifelong Friendship
Safety, Love and Happiness
Flowers And China Patterns
Worth It
Love Note
I Won't Let You Fall
Happy Birthday Lightweight
Happy First Father's Day
Two Little Aliens
The Wisdom Of Chandlyn...And Beaky
What Makes It Even Better
I'm Gonna Love You
Sick Together
Titus And Dori
Broken Hearts Suck
Halloween Traditions
Beaky And The Bat

A Typical Morning In The Riggs House

218 5 3
By Soulful_Soup99


Date: September 2037

"No Gina that's fine...oh okay um yeah tonight should be fine," Katelyn said over the phone as she shook the box of cheerios, emptying some onto the highchair trays for the twins. "Okay we'll see you tonight."

She hung up the phone and looked at the twins who were stuffing cheerios into their faces. She smiled at her youngest children and placed a kiss on each on their foreheads.

Tyler and Tessa Riggs were little miracles in their parent's eyes. They'd been born at thirty weeks. They were several weeks premature and spent almost two months in the NICU in the Atlanta Hospital.

When they were born, they had weighted less than four pounds. It had been a rough eight weeks but the twins were fighters and they'd beaten the odds. Now barely a year old the twins were thriving and had met every milestone in their growth.

"Chan," she called her husband's name as she looked through a script to the newest episode of 'Rivalry.' The show was about a two high schools that are merge into one and focused on the complicated relationships between students from both schools as well as the relationship between the English teacher and music teacher at the school.

"Yeah Kate?" her husband asked as he came down the stairs. Chandler was wearing a green plaid shirt and brown cargo pants. To Katelyn he was still as attractive as he was at seventeen when they started dating. He walked over towards her and placed a kiss on her lips.

"You're mom called, she and Mitchell are coming over tonight. She said they have an announcement to make," Katelyn said when she reluctantly pulled away, both of their lips still tingling from the kiss. After fifteen years of marriage, the spark between them hadn't dwindle, it had grown bigger, through years of love, children and even some rough times. They weren't the perfect couple because no couple is perfect, but they were soulmates and to those who knew them, they were a fine example of what love is.

Mitchel was Gina's boyfriend and had been for the last two and a half years. While most people including Grayson, Katelyn, Mark and Natalie had been happy to see Gina finally start seeing someone else and finding someone who made her happy, Chandler had not been so pleased about it. Even after two years the relationship between Chandler and Mitchell was civil at best.

"Oh yeah, I think I'm working late tonight," Chandler said and tried to dart around Katelyn.

"No you don't," she said and smirked at him.

"How would you know?" he asked.

"Because we have the same work schedule," she said and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Look I know that the subject of Mitchell and your mom isn't your favourite, but regardless of what the announcement is you should try and act happy for your mothers sake and then later you can rant and complain to me all you want okay?" she said as she rubbed his shoulder.

"Okay fine," he sighed.

"Daddy," Tessa squealed and held up her tiny hand, cheerios falling out of it and landing on the floor. Titus and Dori bolted up from the floor and gobbled up the fallen cheerios in seconds.

"Hey little monkey, are you sharing your food with the dogs?" he asked softly and kissed her cheek as she giggled.

"Shar," Tyler said and held up his cheerio filled hand. At that moment a black blob swooped through the open window and flew right into the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Good Morning," Beaky squawked as he flew by and into the hall towards the den.

"Where was he off to?" Kennedy asked as she ducked to avoid him. Kennedy was the spitting image of her mother. At eleven years old she had an interest in dancing and singing and had been in her middle schools production of 'Beauty And The Beast,' where she played Belle. She was currently wearing a green T-shirt and blue jeans and a pair of red converses.

"Probably to see the morning news," Chandler said.

"You hungry Little K?" Katelyn asked as she placed toast in the toaster.

"Can I have some toast please?" she asked as she took a seat at the table.

"Sure honey," Katelyn turned towards her, "Have you seen your siblings?"

"We're right here mommy," Cayden said as he ran into the hall followed by Julia and Andy.

"Morning kids," Chandler said, giving them all a hug and ruffling Andy's hair.

"Dad I just spent half an hour on this," Andy said with a huff and turned towards the hallway.

"Where are you going?" Chandler asked.

"To redo my hair," Andy said and turned back towards his father, "I have a girlfriend now dad I need to look my best."

"Andy I don't think Jenna will care if your hair is a little messed up," Katelyn said as she set plates of toast out for everyone else before taking a bite of her own.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah bud and besides we have to go so grab your toast and get suited up," Chandler said as he kissed both of the twins on their foreheads, "And you two be good for mommy." The twins squealed and offered their dad some more cheerios.

Katelyn walked over and she wrapped her arms around his neck and beamed at him, "Bye babe," she said and kissed him on the lips. Their kiss grew deeper until the horn honked outside and Tyler knocked a bowl of yogurt onto the floor.

Chandler and Katelyn pulled away and smiled at each other.

"See you later," he said and kissed her once more before grabbing his keys and a Banana and running out the front door.

Katelyn smiled and turned around, her smile replaced by a look of horror. Tyler had smeared his pieces of banana all over his face and Tessa had dumped her yogurt over her head.

"Mess," Tyler said and banged his hands on his try.

"Ig Mess." Tessa babbled.

Katelyn couldn't help but laugh. Despite the mess, the twins looked adorable. As she started to clean them up she heard her phone buzz.

Sabrina: my mornings been crazy, hbu?

She smiled as she texted back: Just a typical morning in the Riggs house lol.

She was used to her oldest son fretting about his hair, to the kids and Chandler scrambling out the door at the last minute and to the twins making a mess of their breakfast. It was a typical morning in the Riggs house and she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

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