Connor X OC- Become human

By rebbsycrellbelt

31.7K 1K 447

Jayne worked as an It Tech at the Detroit police station. She owed her job and her life to her god father Ha... More

Plain Jayne
A song to sooth a metal heart
Gun Training
Stay The Night
The birthday party
Unhappy Birthday
We All Fall Down Sometimes
Jayne the lap dancer.
Honeypot (slight Smut)
A Wasp In The Honeypot
Lovers quarrel.
I Like You. (slight Smut)
A new Connor
Not Today
Eden Club.
Let me take you to a sex club
Steal her away.
A family dinner
The Macarena
Please don't hate me
First Time (smut)
The Morning After
The Broadcast
When Worlds Colide (quick Smut)
Finding Jerico
Am I Deviant?
The Battle of Jericho
Church For Sinners (smut)
The Zeltaid Group
Two Connors Are Better Than One?
Hold On
Human Ambassador
Like Mother Like Daughter
Late Part 2
Oh Its Happening.
Finding Kamski.
Jealous Much?
President Warren
Well Thought Out Plan
Team Work
un-answered questions
Getting Creative (smut)
The doctor is in.
Rk 900
oh Canada
Home sweet home
not long
Keep away from me
Out Of Control
Finding Kamski......Again.
Hello, My Name Is Jayne. Did I Mention I Work In IT?
Little Brother.
Alone Time (smut)
Christmas Tradition
A Visit From The Christmas Fairy
And So Child Was Born
And So A Child Was Born Part 2
What now?
Trap In My Mind
Adam You Motherfucker!
Wake up Jayne!
an explanation.
Mind Palace
Back together.
Honey pot.... Again
Jayne in the Honeypot.
Everythings Fine
I need something from the shed.(smut)
the name game
Holy Mother
Hank, the man with a plan.
Lets Do This
Blending In.
Party Crashers
Friendly neighbourhood murder.
Dont Die
Chem Labs
All good things must come to an end.


204 8 12
By rebbsycrellbelt


The kitchen was eerily calm. We all sat around the kitchen table. The body of the android Rk-900 still laying lifeless on the floor, blood pooling around him.

"I have been looking through the lab notes" he pulled out his laptop opening it to show us the data. He paused "I have to warn you, this might not be pleasant" he passed the laptop to me. I scrolled through the files of names I clicked one.

Name: Isabelle Rooke
Age: 31
Gestation: 10 weeks.
Status: dead.
Subject showed signs of violent moods swings and histeria. Cause of death mass organ failure. Possible edrometic trigger.

I clicked open another file.

Name: Janet Kingsman
Gestation: 34 weeks
Staus: dead.
Subject went into perm ture Labour. After labouring for 36 hours subject had to be restrained due to increased rage and adrenaline. Subject lost control injuring nursing staff. She was put into a controlled coma while fetus was born via c section. Neither subject or fetus lived. Further analysis needed.

"there has been 12 woman in total so far. Non of them have servived as far as I can tell" Kamski said

"does that mean... Am I going to die?" Jayne words hung in the air.

Kamski shook his head.

"I don't belive so, iv looked over your test results and compared them. You are doing far better than any of the other women. It seems the pills you were given were some kind of fertility drug. They prepared your body for months, take a look at this" kamski pulled up a file.

"this is what you were implanted with, they laced Connors sailine component with something called Rhesus Aphamation 9 protein. Which when mixed with your egg created the perfect blend of android and human DNA. It looks like they only included one shot though."

I nodded trying to follow on with what he was saying.

" I don't understand, why Jayne?"

" honestly, it seems like pure coincidence. When you went to hospital, when you fainted the time you got given the pills. Well it just so happeneds that all of the other women in the experiment were patients at that hospital."

"so that's how they are getting subjects, the hospital is sending them information on patients who come in"
Jayne said leaning back in her chair.

"yes. Jayne listen, the Zeltaid Group know that your pregnant. I don't know how, but they do. And they will stop at nothing to find you and your baby" Kamski was serious.

"what can we do?" I asked.

"I think the best thing would be to move Jayne to a safe house. Somewhere where we can monitor the pregnancy and keep her safe" I nodded in agreement looking back to the android on the floor. We couldn't risk staying here, not anymore.

"I don't want to just leave! This is my home!" Jayne complained.

"Jayne if Kamski thinks this is the best way to keep you safe then we are doing it" I said forcefully.

"I have a place, it's a remote cabin in Canada. We can keep you safe there until the baby is born." kamski said

"what about Hank, and Grace and the girls! And what if something goes wrong like those other women" Jayne protested

"Jayne you will be safe, anything feels off I can be there in a matter of hours and Connor will stay with you."

"and Hank and the girls can visit, it will be like a vacation" I said trying to sound cheerful.

"for nine months" she said, still protesting.

"actually it's closer to seven now" kamski chimed in.

"what about when I give birth were am I going to do that?" she spluttered.

"the cabin has a lab in the basement, we can convert it when the time comes" Kamski shrugged "this makes sense Jayne. Once the baby arrives we can decide what to do next but right now we need to move you"

"I just don't want to move" Jayne turned to me "I'm scared Connor, please don't make me leave everything behind" she was breaking my heart. I took her hands in mine

"please trust me, this is for the best I promise I won't let anything happen... To either of you" I reached down and rubbed her stomach. We locked eyes for a moment. My heart never felt fuller, I saw how scared she was. I wanted nothing more than to take it all away.

"take a few days" kamski stood up from the table. He pointed to the android corpse. "do you mind if I take that with me?"


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