Post-Apocalyptic (A BTS Fanfi...

By MirandaLimbDoran

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(BtsxReader) Excerpt: "Fucking hell," Yoongi swears next to me. All of a sudden my feet leave the ground and... More



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By MirandaLimbDoran

Y/N's P.O.V.

Three days pass as we aimlessly wander around with no destination in mind. Nobody really knows what to do or where to go. None of the boys will admit it, but I can see in their eyes how defeated they are. They just lost the place that they've called home for who knows how long. Hell, I was only there for a little over a week and even I'm upset over the loss.

Jimin keeps trying to get us to turn around, to go back and search for survivors and to make sure that Min Ku is okay. Of course, Yoongi strongly opposes, but the others are on the fence about it. I can tell they want to turn around, hopeful that their home is still there, but they also know just how dangerous that would be. Who knows how many people were infected? The camp could be crawling with the Unliving now.

But the camp is the least of my worries. My main focus right now is making sure that the guys get through this, that they keep their heads on straight so that we can figure out our next move.

Each boy has been grieving in their own ways. Namjoon attempts to keep a positive attitude, but the look in his eyes always gives him away. Jin hasn't made a single joke since leaving, preferring to remain quiet. In fact, I think he's said about two words since the other night. Jungkook basically clings to Taehyung, tears never seeming to leave his eyes. Taehyung attempts to comfort the maknae, but even it's hard when he feels the same way.

Hoseok has become the care taker. He makes sure we all eat and get plenty of water and attempts to remain the ball of sunshine that he is. He makes jokes in attempt to make everyone laugh, and sometimes it works.

Jimin has been huffy ever since that first night, angry with the world. And with me. He's still convinced that Yoongi has feelings for me and is mad at the boy for not wanting to turn back. The two always walk as far away from each other as possible. One of these days I'm worried one is going to lash out during one of their arguments and make things violent. I attempt to stay in between them at all costs, but I don't think I would make a good barrier if they decided to attack.

Yoongi has kept his distance for the most part. The only times he talks to me is when he's asking whether I got enough to eat or enough sleep. Other than that, he's been pretty silent around me. It hurts that he does this, but it's probably for the best anyways. If he does have feelings for me, I don't want to accidentally lead him on and have him mistake my friendliness for something else.

Okay, but what if it something else? I squander the thought in anger. Stop, Y/N. It's Jimin you like. Not Yoongi. Jimin.

These thoughts constantly play over and over in my mind. I know that I don't have feelings for Yoongi. Sure, we grew closer and I've confided in him more than I have the others, but that doesn't mean anything. He's like a best friend or a big brother. My feelings for him run no deeper than that.



"What are we even doing?" Jimin groans for not the first time tonight. "Where are we going?"

"Asking that every ten minutes isn't going to get you a different answer," Yoongi says, rolling his eyes.

Jimin glares at the older boy. "Well you would think someone would come up with something by now. It's been three, almost four days and we haven't gotten any farther than when we started."

"Maybe you should think of something then," Yoongi snaps.

It's Jimin's turn to roll his eyes. "I have," he says. "And I'll say it again if you'd like."

"Think of something else, then," Yoongi says.

"Why though?" Jimin argues. "Why not turn back? There could be other people, children even, out there. Are we really just going to leave them?"

Yoongi crosses arms over his chest. "Think for just a moment how dangerous that idea is."

Jimin takes a step towards Yoongi, and a nervous sweat breaks down my back. "Do you even care? Your grandfather could still be alive. We can go back and get him-"

"Oh my God," Yoongi groans, looking frustrated. "Can you take your head out of your ass for two seconds? I don't care if that man is either dead or alive. He could be a fucking zombie for all we know."

"And what if he's not?" Jimin challenges and this time Yoongi takes a step forward.

"Did you not hear me? I don't fucking care about that old bastard anymore now than I did before." Yoongi uncrosses his arms, his clenched by his sides.

Jimin laughs. "You are so fucking ungrateful," he curses. "The only one in the group that has a living family member and you rather have them dead. That's really fucked up."

"Hyungs," Jungkook whimpers. "Please stop fighting."

The boys ignore him and continue on. "If you want a living relative so bad," Yoongi starts, "then fucking have him. I promise you that he's not all high and mighty like you keep making him out to be."

"Guys," Jin says, stepping forward. "Enough with the swearing. Just stop."

The two continue to ignore the rest of the groups protests as Jimin gets into Yoongi's face, pointing a finger at the boys chest. "Do ever care about anyone but yourself?" He asks. "Do you ever think about anyone else? Or is it all about you in that arrogant head of yours?"

"I think we both know just how untrue that is," Yoongi says with a smirk, his eyes darting to me.

Jimin tenses, the muscles in his back contracting. "Don't," he warns.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow, his posture calm compared to the blondes. "Don't tell me that you actually feel threatened by me," he challenges.

Jimin scoffs. "How could I ever feel threatened by an ignorant asshole like you?"

Yoongi gives a casual shrug. "I don't know," he says. "Perhaps because maybe you're afraid that that ignorant asshole has feelings for your girl and that maybe, just maybe she feels the same way."

I inaudibly gasp at Yoongi's confession, though a big part of me isn't even that surprised. I'm more relieved to finally have the answer to the thoughts that have been haunting me for days.

"Fuck you," Jimin curses.

And then it happens.

Everything happens in slow motion. Jimin's fist is raised and it meets the side of Yoongi's face. The older boy barely moves from his spot, almost completely unfazed as he hits the blonde back. Jimin grabs Yoongi by the coat, but before anything more can happen, Namjoon and Hoseok are pulling them apart.

Hoseok throws Jimin to the ground before he can attack again, and stands between the two boys while Namjoon places a warning hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Enough," Hoseok barks. "Get over yourselves. Fighting isn't going to do shit. We need to be working together and not against each other."

Jimin stands up and points his finger at Yoongi. "Stay away from her," he demands and Hoseok has to pull the boy back.

"For Christ's sake," Jungkook says. Him and Taehyung then grab the blonde boy by the shoulders and pull him away. They take him a ways away, probably to try and calm him down.

I look over and notice Namjoon is now standing alone, Yoongi having disappeared. Jin and Hoseok glance at each other and then at me.

After what feels like forever, I finally find my voice. "What the hell just happened?"

Hoseok sighs and rubs his face with his hand. "I need a moment." He then walks away, shaking his head.

I turn to Namjoon, concerned. "Where did he go?"

Namjoon points to a house. "In there." I nod and begin walking towards it, but he grabs my arm to stop me. "Y/N... Maybe it's best to give him some space."

I pull my arm out if his grasp. "I don't care," I snap. "I need to talk to him."

"Why not Jimin?" Jin asks, looking to where the maknae line stands, deep in conversation. "Don't you think going to Yoongi instead will only fuel his anger?"

I glare at the blonde boy, angry at how he threw the first punch and how he told Yoongi to stay away from me. He has no right. It doesn't matter Yoongi's feelings for me. He's my friend. "I really have no interest in talking to him right now."

Namjoon and Jin exchange a look but both seem to understand that there's no stopping me. With one last huff, I walk to the house Yoongi had disappeared into, my mind swirling.

I pause outside the front door, my hand hovering over the door knob. Who knows what I'm about to face? Let's just hope you make it out with your life, Y/N.  You're about to witness angry Yoongi for the first time. Tread lightly.

With that thought in mind, I turn the knob and enter.

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