Dynasty โœข Stilinski | 2

By stilesbiles

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โWe protect those who cannot protect themselves.โž Stacey McCall has had a lot happened to her in the past ye... More

twenty-one | season three b |
[book three coming soon]
[third book out!!]


9.1K 164 95
By stilesbiles


My eyes flutter open slowly, to the sound of a whistle. I was on someone's shoulder- Stiles' shoulder. Stiles looked down at me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, you could hear the thunder and crackle outside from the school bus that we were on. 

"Back to your seats." I hear Coach yell at some kids, and I slowly close my eyes again. Images from yesterday's events flash through my mind. 

I felt a few tears slip down my cheeks, and I woke up to a nudge from someone- Stiles. My eyes open again, tears were in my eyes, threating to come out. Through my blurry vision, I could see Stiles' thumb reach for my cheek, wiping away the tears. He pulled me closer to him. 

"Stiles." I mumble, and he sighed, kissing my cheek. 

"Yeah, I know, I know baby," Stiles whispers in my hair. 

I couldn't believe that I had the courage to go to this stupid cross-country meeting in another town. Especially after what happened yesterday. I should've stayed in bed like Mum and Stiles told me too. But I knew Coach would've hated me if I miss it. 

I wrap my arms around Stiles, as much as I could. Scott was sitting in front of us, his head resting on the window sill. Scott was badly injured after yesterday, and for some reason, he's not healing faster than he normally would.

The bus then comes to a halt, making more tears spill out of my eyes and I hear Scott groan in front the front. My eyes widen, and Stiles shushed me, trying to make me calm down a bit. 

"Scotty, are you okay?" I ask, and Scott looks back at me, he really wasn't. He just nodded. The bus started to move again, I felt a thumb wipe on my cheek again and I let Stiles wipe my tears away. 

"We shouldn't have come." Stiles told us, and I shake my head, more tears spilling out of my eyes. My lips quiver, I need to man up. "I knew it. We shouldn't have come." 

"We had to." Scott said, turning around to us this time, wincing. "There's safety in numbers." 

"Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay?" Stiles shoots back. "It's called a massacre, or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's..." I then hear Scott grunt, he's in pain. 

"All right, Scott, I'm telling Coach that..." 

Stiles was cut off my Scott. "No. No, no, no. I'm all right." Scott reassured him. 

"You don't look alright." I hiccup out. Oh, great. 

"Just let me see it," I feel Stiles jump up from his seat and leans forward, and Scott jumps back a little. 

"I'm okay," 

"Just let me see it, okay?" Stiles asked softly, Scott lifts up his top slowly, and there were two deep claws marks that weren't healing. 

Stiles then falls back into his seat, and we went back to the same position we were in before. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder, and I snuggle into his chest. 

"Oh, dude..." 

"I know it's bad. But it's because they're from an Alpha." Scott informed us. "It'll take longer to heal." 

"How come Boyd and Isaac are fine then?" I slowly lift my head up and saw that Boyd and Isaac were sitting with each other, a few seats down from us. I then rest my head on Stiles' chest again. 

"I can't believe he's dead." I whisper, a few more tears spilling down my cheeks. "I can't believe Derek's dead." 


"Two of you back in your seats." Coach blew the whistle. "Jerard, again, car sick, every..." I tried to turn off Coach's voice and sleep on Stiles, but I guess the universe hates me. "How do you even get on the bus? Look at me. No, don't look at me, look at the horizon. Keep your eyes... keep your eyes on the horizon. McCall, not you to?" My eyes snap open, and I realized that he wasn't talking to me and I groan lightly, shutting my eyes again. 

Scott clears his throat. "No, Coach, I'm good." Scott called. 

"Hey, Scott, you're bleeding again." Stiles informed Scott, noticing the blood going through the back of the seat. "And don't tell me this is just taking longer to heal, okay? Because I'm pretty sure that still bleeding means not healing, like, at all." 

"He's listening." I open my eyes and I sit up a bit straighter and noticed that one of the twins were listening. Pretty sure it was Ethan. 

"Is he going to do sometihng?" My voice came out raspy, and I cleared my throat. 

"Not in front of this many people." Scott told us. 

"Okay, well, what about the two ticking time bombs sitting right near him?" Stiles asks, and I looked over at Boyd and Isaac. I knew they can hear us. 

"No, they won't." Scott shakes his head. "Not here." 

"Okay, well, what if they do? Are you gonna stop them?" 

Scott nodded his head. "If I have too." 

The then comes to a halt, and I looked and saw that there was a huge traffic jam ahead of us. I groan, and slide down in my seat some more. This bus ride wasn't all bad, at least I have Stiles and Scott. If I didn't have either of them, I would've killed myself by now. 

Stiles leans forward, and Scott groans in the front. Stiles then sits back in his seat, and I sit up and I stretch, then smiled over at Stiles. There were some cars honking ahead, understandable. Who the hell made this one hell of a traffic jam? 

We could miss the meet. Scott then slowly got up from his seat, and my eyes widen. "What... what... Scott?" I asked slowly, his eyes widened and he was looking at Boyd and Isaac. I bite on my lower lip. 

"Where are you going?" Stiles asked as he watches Scott slowly slide out of his seat. 

"Boyd." Scott started. "He's going to do something." 

"You know who else is going to do something? Coach. He's going to make you sit back down and oh, my god." I mumble listing what could go wrong right now in my head. Stiles pulled me into I sigh heavily. 

"Okay, what? How do you know?" Stiles asked. 

"Look at his hands," Scott said, his eyes never adverted. I glance at Boyd, whose claws were gripping the seat. Oh, no, not here, not now! 

Scott then got out of his seat, and he slowly walked to Boyd. "Are we really going to let him do this?" I asked Stiles, who pursed his lips together. 

"I guess so." Stiles mutter to me. I exhale, and I watch. I watch Scott bend down to Boyd, all my tears were gone, now I'm worried for Scott. I can see Boyd and Scott talking, I wish I had supernatural hearing. 

Scott then wonders back over to us, and sits back down in his seat, wincing. "Crisis adverted?" I asked, watching Scott. Scott nodded. 


"Okay, good." Stiles mutters. "'Cause we've got another problem. Ethan keeps checking his phone, like, every five minutes. It's like he's waiting for something, you know, a message, or signal of some kind. I don't know, something evil though, I can tell. I have a very perceptive eye for evil, you know that." 

"I don't like him sitting with Danny," I glance over and I saw Danny sitting next to Ethan, smiling at him. 

"Yeah, neither do we." Stiles said to Scott. "I'm gonna ask what he's waiting for." Stiles then digs out his phone out from his pocket, and he brought up Danny's contact. 

"What are you doing?" I asked Stiles. 

"I'm gonna ask." I roll my eyes, and I saw him typing on his phone, he then waited. You can hear Danny's phone chimed, and he looks down at the phone. He then glanced back at us, Stiles raises his phone, and Danny shakes his head as a no. 

Stiles then type another message, Danny replied with a no. Stiles sends off another message, I was in amusement. Danny turns around and shakes his head again. Danny then puts his phone away, giving up. But Stiles hasn't. 

Stiles then spam him, you can hear Danny's phone going off, making me chuckle. Stiles looked like he was having fun spamming Danny's phone, and I grin. Stiles then gets up from his seat, leaning forward, and I roll my eyes. 

Then, Ethan turns around sharply, looking at us and we quickly hide in the seats, sliding down. "Well, that wasn't very subtle." I mutter to Stiles, who lets out a small laugh. We then raise our heads again, once it was al clear and Ethan wasn't looking at us.

Danny then sends Stiles' a text message, and I lean over Stiles to see what it was. Danny sent someone close to him is sick. Might not make it through the night

"Ennis?" Scott asked, reading the text as well. 

"Okay, so does that mean..." Stiles trailed off. 

"He's not dead." I mutter. 

"Not yet." 


"Jerard, I'm warning you." Coach warns, I sigh deeply and watch the scene. Jared looked like he wanted to throw up. "I'm an emphatic vomiter. You throw up, I'm throwing up right back on you. And it will be profoundly disgusting." 

"Please don't talk about throwing up. It's not good." Jerard shakes his head. 

I turn to Stiles. "Coach is an awful person." I slowly said. Stiles smiled at me, and briefly kissed my forehead. I hate being trapped in a school bus, especially when majority of it is boys. I can only stand Stiles, Scott, and Isaac. Maybe Danny. 

"I might throw up on you just to make a point, Jarard," Coach told him, please, don't. 

Jerad shakes his head. "It's not good, it's not good." 

"Now, the rest of you. Don't think we're going to miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam, a minor tornado warning, Jarard. "We're going to make this thing. Nothing is going to stop us! Stilinski, put your hand down." 

I looked over and saw my boyfriend's hand rose. "You know, there's like a food exit about half a mile up." Stiles suggested. "I don't know if we stop and then maybe the traffic jam..." 

Coach shakes his head. "We're not going to stop." 

"Okay, but if we stop..." 

"Stilinski!" Coach yelled. Come on, Coach! My brother's dying over here! He then blows the whistle, and I cringe a little. "Shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus! Stop asking me questions!" 

Stiles then leans back to me, and rubs a hand over his mouth. "I hate him." Stiles mutters. I pursed my lips together. "Did you call Deaton Scott?" 

Scott sighs. "I keep getting his voice mail." 

"That's it I'm calling Lydia and Allison." I frown, as Stiles gets out his phone. 

"How are they going to help, they're back in Beacon Hills?" I asked, and Stiles shakes his head. 

"They're not. They've been following us for hours." I snort, of course. Stiles then calls Lydia, and puts it on speaker. 

"Pathetic." I mutter, and the phone rings. 

"Hey, Stiles." Lydia voices over the phone. "Yeah, we're just about to walk into a movie, you know, the popcorn and..." 

"I know you are right behind us put us on speaker." Stiles told her quickly, and I let out a quiet laugh. 


"Okay, look, Scott's still hurt." I started, and Stiles huffed. I rolled my eyes. 

"What do you mean, still? He's not healing?" Scott's ex-girlfriend asked over the phone. 

"No, he's not healing. I think he's actually getting worse." Stiles told them. "The blood's turning into, like, a black color. 

"What's wrong with him?" My strawberry blonde friend asks. 

"What's wrong with him? I don't... do I have a PhD in lycanthropy? How am I suppose to know that?" The familiar sarcasm flows through my boyfriend's voice. 

"We need to get him off the bus." 

"And take him where the hospital?" 

"If he's dying, yes. Stiles, there's about a rest area about a mile up. Tell the Coach to pull over." 

"Yeah, I've been trying." 

"Well, reason with him." 

I roll my eyes. 

"Reason? Have you meet this guy?" Stiles hisses, I purse my lips together. 

"Just try something." 

With that, they hang up with us. 

"Coach, it's five minutes for a bathroom break, okay?" Stiles was up front with Coach, I missed him, so much. Wow, stop being dramatic Stacey, he's only a few feet away. "We've been on this thing for, like, three hours..." Coach blew a whistle. 

"It's 60 miles to the next rest stop..." 


"Being cooped up for hours is not good..." 


"You know, our bladders aren't excatly..." 

Whistle.  "Coach, this is..." whistle. "Can you..." whistle. "Please..." whistle. "Let me talk! I'm..." Coach laughs. "Every time..." Coach then blows on the whistle very hard, making his face go red and I exhale loudly. 

"Get back to your seat, Stilinski!" Coach yells. 

"Okay!" Stiles yelled right back, and I ran a hand through my hair. 

"And Jarard, keep your eyes on the horizon," Coach told Jared. Stiles was about to walk over to me but stopped. I frown. Stiles then turned around and sat next to Jarard. I huff, jealously going through me. 

I've got to stop with the whole needy thing. It's annoying me. Anyways, I've been cuddled up to Stiles for three hours. Stop with the jealousy, Stacey, it's not needed. 

I smile. 

Stacey Stilinski

What a good combo. 

"Jarard! You suck!" Coach yelled. What just happened was that Stiles made Jared throw up, which wasn't good... because the whole bus stinks. Good thing we're at the restroom. "Hey, somebody grab some towels or a mop or a new bus." 

Everyone climbs off, either coughing or gagging. 

I walk next to Stiles as he and Allison both helped Scott to the bathroom. Lydia was behind us. Once we got into the bathroom, Scott was gently put down against the bathroom wall by Allison. Allison lifts up his shirt, there was some black substance with his injury mixed in with blood. 

"Oh, my god. Why didn't you tell us?" Allison worried. Stiles had wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling him closer to me and I lean on him. I guess we both needed each other. 

"Sorry." Scott replied. 

"Okay. Just give us a second, okay?" Allison asked and Scott slowly nodded. Allison then gets up and off the ground, walking back over to us, nibbling on her thumb nervously. She takes her thumb away from her mouth. "This shouldn't be happening. I've seen him heal worse than this." 

"Okay, what do we do then, do we just call an ambulance?" Stiles suggested, giving my hand a squeeze. 

"What if... what if it's too late? What if they can't help?" Allison asked. 

"We gotta do something," I reply, my eyes welling up in tears- oh, no, not again. I'm not going to let my brother die. My other half. 

"You know," Lydia looked at me. "It could be psychological." 

"What do you mean, like psychosomatic?" Stiles frowned. 

"Somatoformic." I whisper. Stiles looked down at me, obviously not knowing what I mean. "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause." 

"I'm glad someone's on the same page as me." Lydia huffed. Stiles looked at us, wanting more information, something easier. "Yes, it's all in his head." 

"All in his head?" Stiles repeated. "Because of Derek." Allison nodded. "He's not letting himself heal 'cause Derek died." 

"So what do we do?" Allison requested. 

Lydia then got something out from her purse, needles, and thread. What, stitch him back together? "Stitch him up." Lydia said. Allison exhales. "I'm serious, maybe all he needs to do is just believe that he's healing." 

I then nodded. 

Okay, stitch him up. 

"He's gonna need another shirt, where's his bag?" Allison requested. 

"Um, I'm gonna get it. I hate needles anyways, so..." Stiles trailed off and grabbed me by the hand. "Uh, you know what you're doing?"

"Yeah, my father taught me." Good enough for me, let's get out of here. 

"I mean, how fast are you going... I mean the bus, like, the bus could leave." Stiles told her. 

"Okay, then just make sure it doesn't leave." Allison rolls her eyes. 

"I can help, come on." Lydia said, and walked right by us. I bite my lip and Stiles and I quickly followed. 

Oh dear lordy. 

Lydia, Stiles, and I stand outside the bus. Well, I was pacing outside the bus, nibbling on my thumb nervously. I'm thinking of the worse things that could happen right now, which I shouldn't be, I'm already trying to stop myself from crying. 

"Stacey," Stiles calls my name slowly, and I start to mutter a few things, my pacing going faster, up and down up and down. I hate this. "Stacey. Hey, Stacey!" 

I felt my hands get pulled towards Stiles, and I looked up at him, scared. "What? Stiles, what!?" I yelled out. I then close my eyes and breathe. Just breathe Stacey. 

"Stacey, Scott's gonna be fine." Stiles whisper, and brought me closer. 

"I already lost Derek. I can't lose Scott either. I wouldn't be able... I couldn't live with myself if something happened to Scott." I whisper shakily, god you need to toughen up.       

"You're not going to lose him, Stacey," Stiles mutters, bringing me into a tight hug. Feeling this close to Stiles, makes me happy. 

"Okay, okay," I mumble. 

I then hear a whistle blow from the Coach, who was standing in the bus entrance. "Let's go." Coach booms his voice. "Back on the bus!" My eyes widen, oh no. I then let go of Stiles, and just side hug him instead. I looked over to Lydia. 

Allison needs to hurry up. 

No pressure.

My eyes soon watch the bathroom like a hulk. I bite on my lip, come on, Allison. Come on. It felt like a freaking miracle when Allison comes out, helping Scott out. So much weight came off my shoulders. 

I then made a sprint for them. "Is he okay?" I quickly asked. 

"Are you okay?" Lydia comes up behind me. 

"Yeah. Stiles. Where's Stiles?" I look around, wondering where my boyfriend went also. Lydia had taken Scott's bag off him, swinging it around her shoulders, and then helps Scott also. 

"Trying to stall Coach." I snort, oh yeah, really nice. "We still don't have gas." 

"I'm not leaving him." 

"Then we have to leave the car." Lydia reminded Allison. 

"Sounds good." 

"What? That wasn't an actual suggestion." 

I stand there, watching them leave. I fold my arms. I purse my lips together. 

"Stacey," my boyfriend I look over and saw Stiles jogging towards me until he finally reached me. "Stacey, we're leaving now." 

"Y-yeah, I know." I stumble over my words. 

"Are you okay?" I close my eyes shut. I haven't been asked that in a long time. 

I then nod my head, and opened my eyes. "Yeah. I'm okay," I then grab Stiles' hands, and made my way towards the bus, where everyone else was heading towards. 

"All right. Let's go over this one more time." Stiles said, as I turned to him. Allison was sitting with Scott and Lydia was sitting in front of me and Stiles. "So it's the sacrifices, right? Everything has to do with them and someone who think's he's like, a dark druid of some kind." 

"Or actually is a dark druid." I suggested, Stiles, turning his head to me slowly. We both look at each other. 

"A Darach." Stiles nodded. 

"You know, some ancient cultures sacrifices people in preparation for battle," I recall. 

"So we have Alpha werewolves against a dark druid," Stiles said. I nodded. 


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