Survivor mode on

By enzobersanelli

966 213 155

**COMPLETED** In the not so distant future in California a teenager writes her new life on a diary. When she... More

Happy birthday Kristen
Update on my life
Starting a new life
Not good news
New name
Building a fence
Freaking out!
A bit short on supplies
A good meeting
More meetings
New plans
Starting Over
El Dorado Hills
New people
To the bunker
Confesions & Feeling
Wanna explore?
Trikova's culture
301 days
Saving the Planet
The Final Bunker Part 1


13 6 4
By enzobersanelli

July 19. Dear diary, 

I miss her. She caught us 10 minutes after we left and had the gun.She was pointing at me with it, crying -I can't let you go, you can't break my heart, you can't Kristen! Stay! I can't shoot you! - We were about a mile away from the campment so I knew they couldn't hear her screaming but a gunshot... - You can't leave, Ok Kristen?- she said and kissed me. I just couldn't believe it - You'll stay now?- she kinda stop crying but I ran and she started crying again. I'm sorry Brooke, I think I do love you now...

We're far from the old campment, about 130 miles I guess. We ran as much as we can but we won't be there in like 6 days. I guess that I won't have to write in that time because nothing happens but I'll try to make a daily update. 

July 20. Dear diary, 

We're ok. We have food and we found a knife. We'll eat noodles till we get there. I hope we find my family. 

July 23. Dear diary,

You were at the bottom of my backpad and I had to take out everything out of it to find you to make just a quick update. 

Nothing happened I mean, we found a burnt out fire and a dead guy that had a bullet on it's pocket, pretty boring, I guess.

We're guarding every night. I always make the bonfire and Noah cooks (his food is actually pretty good). I don't wanna write again until something interesting happens, so I won't write until that. Bye.

July 26. Dear diary, 

We are at the campment, there was nothing left. Not the crops, nor the walls, nor last nun, just silence. I miss those days when we all sat around the bonfire telling our stories. We wouldn't be able to because the campment is almost totally burnt. We found a few footsteps but they weren't big enough to be my dad's or small enough to be my brother's. They might be Alicia's but the track only goes for a few steps.

We can't go back with Carol. We wouldn't find her and they wouldn't take us back in. I miss Brooke.

July 27. Dear diary,

Alicia found us right after lunch. Her clothes were covered in blood and she told us they were my brother's but then she fell asleep. She hasn't slept in a long time and her eyes are red which means she cried a lot. I hope my brother is ok. I miss him.  

Now I'm making guard but we're using Marcus's alarm method. It consists on puting in a rope a lot of cans so if you touch the rope they all make noise which means that someone entered so I'm writing but also putting attention on the rope. It's going to be a long guard, I'm bored.

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