The Little Pureblood [1]

By wintergirl08

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Book 1: Ava Fountaine, the American beauty and only daughter of one of the top wizarding families in Northern... More

A Note
Music Playlist
Chapter 1: The Drastic Change
Chapter 2: Social Scrutiny
Chapter 3: Summer
Chapter 5: Flourish and Blotts
Chapter 6: Leaving Home
Chapter 7: The Houses
Chapter 8: The Sorting
Chapter 9: The Night I Met the Slytherins
Chapter 10: We Meet The Slytherin Prefect
Chapter 11: My First Week of School
Chapter 12: An Unwanted Meeting
Chapter 13: Fake Friends
Chapter 14: My Mother Shuts Me Down
Chapter 15: The Day I Lost My Pride
Chapter 16: Hagrid and The Trio
Chapter 17: Licking My Wounds
Chapter 18: Halloween
Chapter 19: Books and Blood
Chapter 20: A Bad Bludger
Chapter 21: Dueling 101
Chapter 22: Izzy's Letter
Chapter 23: Dueling Club
Chapter 24: Parseltongue and Chocolate Frogs
Chapter 25: Christmas at Hogwarts
Chapter 26: Crabbe and Goyle
Chapter 27: Polyjuice Potion
Chapter 28: Let's Disobey Mother
Chapter 29: Morale Booster
Chapter 30: Another Attack
Chapter 31: The Revelation
Chapter 32: The Fraud
Chapter 33: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 34: The Aftermath

Chapter 4: London

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By wintergirl08

When we arrived in London, it was a week before September 1st, the day I was to start my first term.

Father had bought an apartment in Clerkenwell called the "Infinity House". It was the only one he liked that had at least 6 bed rooms which was big enough to house the entire family if wanted.

I looked down on the apartment the moment I walked in, seeing as the house was not bright, warm and colorful like Belcourt Estates. Instead it was grey, dark and cold. In fact, almost everything thing in England was grey, dark and cold. There were no beautiful colors to be found in this apartment. My anger rose but I stayed quiet as Dad gave the family a full tour of the house. After claiming my room, dad came back to find me and pointed toward the hall.

"I have something through there to show you."

I followed Dad through a small hallway filled with boxes and brown wrapping paper, passing my brothers rooms where in one, Damion and Theo were busy rough housing on the floor; probably about which one would get said room they were in.  We turned the corner and saw a large two door entrance made from panels of cherry wood that were entwined with decorative glass windows that blurred my view from behind the door.

Dad unlocked the doors with a quick tap of his sturdy wand where they both opened wide for us slowly. My jaw momentarily dropped open at the view.

A library the height of two stories was opened for me, showing lines of matching cherry wood bookshelves with matching study tables in each row. I rushed through one row of books until I reached the back of the room, showing a half circle wall that opened itself up through the many windows it held.

I heard Dad mutter a spell making me turn in time to see him light the fireplace from the opposite side of the room, the shadows of the room suddenly evaporated from the room. I walked closer to the fireplace where I saw a set of matching sofas made with blue finishing and grey throws.

"Come over here, Ava." I followed my father's voice to the opposite side of the room and climbed up the stairs to the second floor where along one wall stood large photographs of Belcourt Estate and a few of Rhode Island's beaches. I ran along the wall, finding a picture of South Shore Beach with its wave crashing quietly in the frame. I felt a wave of pride at finding it here since I had taken it over a year ago. I kept moving down the room until I stopped dead in the middle where the biggest picture hung.

It was the Fontaine Family Portrait, taken around Christmas time last year. I sat front and center in a cranberry red dress, guarded by my three brothers who stood behind me with their own personal excuses for smiles. Damion gave a charming grin; Edward gave a shy smile and Theo stood with his hands in his pockets smirking. My parents sat in front of the four of us looking dignified, and in my mother's case, graceful.

Or at least that would have been the case had the photo been no-maj made. It wasn't so there was a lot of shuffling and pushing up against one another. I could not help but chuckle at seeing Theo jam Edward out of the picture for a moment before Damion went on to kick Theo out as well. My picture self looked like she was trying her best to ignore the commotion while my parents kept looking back at the boys. While I could not see their expressions, I could visualize what my mother looked like.

Get back into the picture right now or your brooms and wands will be locked in a closet for a week.

"Your mother is not pleased with this picture," Dad said from behind me, a hint of amusement coated his voice. I giggled in response before adding:

"I wonder why."

Although Dad seemed to successfully convince me to like the new apartment, or at least it's library, he failed at convincing me that shopping for my supplies for Hogwarts would be fun.

Theo was to attend his third year of schooling at Hogwarts while I was coming in with a bunch of fresh first years. That might have been the only good thing about the situation. I didn't have to join an already accustomed class like Theo.

"Looks like you will finally get a wand, Ava." Damion stated as he read over my shoulder. An owl came that morning baring another Hogwarts letter with my name written in emerald ink on it. My mother had opened it before I had a chance to burn it and so I was now stuck with reading it.  We were both reading the supply list for this coming year at the moment. At the mention of getting a wand, I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Everyone else in the family had wands already. I was the odd one out once again. I flipped the page to the wardrobe section and my smile was replaced with a grimace.

"Yes that is true but do you see the clothes that are required? Maman, look at this! It's awful!" I called out, turning to the kitchen window where Mom sat with a cup of hot tea in her hands. She motioned me over and I quickly walked by, handing her the list as I went.

She gave a tsking sound before mumbling in French about how her old uniform was so much classier than this.

"I still wish your father would reconsider you attending Beauxbatons. At least there you would be part of the legacy already established by my family." I hugged mom from behind and gently rested my head on her shoulder, looking down at the supply list still in her hands. The smell of her lavender perfume sprang to me like a reminder of home in the states and suddenly my throat started to ache. I moved away from her and back toward the kitchen where Dad stood with a mug of coffee in one hand and his newspaper in the other. His reading glasses made his blue eyes look sharp and even when he looked up to smile at me, I still felt out of odds.

"Do you think there are a few loop holes that I can use over the uniform?" I asked casually in French as I turned back to face my mother. She chuckled lightly in response.

"Mon ange, I think it best that you stick with what it says. That way you will feel well blended with the other students."

"But I don't want to blend in!" I replied loudly causing Edward, who was sitting outside on the patio by the picnic table reading, to glance my way with an are-you-kidding-melook.

"You're already going to stand out Ava. You're an American going to a British school. There is no hiding that accent."  I sighed.

"Well that's not so bad I guess..." I stated only to be cut off by Theo who was now lounging on top of Edwards book while smirking up at his older brother and poking him repeatedly in the arm.

"Let's not forget how you will stand out for having an ugly look about you too, Ava..." Theo called out before being pushed off the table by Edward with an agitated shove.

"You two cut it out and Theo stop speaking that way about your sister. She is the most beautiful girl for her age. No doubt she'll catch one or two boys' glances in no time," Mom said admiringly as she glanced up at me, causing me to go red while my three brothers snickered aloud. This only caused mom to chuck her poetry book at them through the door, telling them this time to just shut up with her usual French flair of an accent hinting dangerously.

After a late brunch the next morning that was filled with Edward reading allowed multiple passages from a book he found titled Hogwarts A History, the whole family decided that today was going to be the least dreary day to go out shopping for our supplies. I still believed England was too dreary for my complexion but Father was not hearing it.

At 12 noon Dad had us marching outside in the grey atmosphere where we hailed a cab.

Damion had found out about Diagon Ally from a newspaper article written from the Brits side of a wizarding newspaper titled The Daily Prophet so he led the way. Theo was the one who was over the moon to go visit this place while I was only slightly curious. Damion was interested about the social scene for the wizarding world here in London which he spoke about with Dad for most of the way there while Edward walked in line with mother, listening to complaints about the weather.

"It's like the color has evaporated here!"

Upon reaching the ally, I almost immediately regretted my curious wish to be there. The road was packed with witches and wizards alike, running along from one store to another, some stopping on the side to talk to another or coming to a stop in front of small street shops on the side filled with the strangest of things.

The ally was best described in that moment as chaotic. And I did not like chaotic. Mom however, seemed to be right at home in the ally as she, once arriving, wilted off to one of the small street shops that was selling flowers of every variety.

My father gave a sigh and asked her if she really needed to buy flowers at this moment only to get a sharp reply back about how he seriously needed flowers in that 'dreary' apartment.

My brothers seemed to have figured that mom would take a while buying flowers so they all scampered off to a window with a sign overhead titled Quality Quidditch Supplies.

As I walked over I heard my brothers talking about the new broom standing out front titled The Nimbus 2001.

"I want it." Theo muttered adoringly as he goggled at the broom. Damion stood beside Theo and nodded as if considering getting one himself. Edward was not paying attention to the broom but rather at a sign above discussing the types of wood used for the broom as well as what was different about this one compared to last season's product.

"Theo you have that broom already in Newport. There's no need for another one." I stated logically but Theo seem to not care. He gave me a look that read shut-up and flicked me in the ear making me flinch back. I watched him saunter off to father who now carried a bundle of different flowers while mom continued to place a dozen and more flowers onto the pile.

"Is he seriously asking Dad to buy it for him?" I asked aloud, while rubbing my ear.

"Yes." Edward and Damion said together making me pout.

The three of us walked back to our parents just as mom payed for the flowers. She then pointed at me and Theo and told us to follow her.

"The rest of you boys stay with your father and watch my flowers. Or else."

With that sweet farewell, Mom disappeared through the crowded streets with Theo and me just barely keeping up.

Mom seemed to be on a mission whenever she shopped. She walked with such a pace that it was hard to keep up at times. While I kept slowing down to gawk at store windows or wizards passing by in ugly outfits, Mom just kept walking without any thought of me or Theo getting lost in the crowds.

When we finally caught up with her, we walked inside the wand shop where we met Mr. Ollivander.

The place was gloomy and was very close to exterminating the joy I felt for finally getting a wand.

Mr. Ollivander appeared silently from around the counter with his eyes glassy and wide. If I hadn't known any better, I would have said I felt frightened of him.

After quick introductions and a full measurement ordeal that was done by a magical tape measure that scurried around me, it became time for me to choose my wand. We went through seven wands that were no luck for me before finding it.

13 inches and made from maple wood, the wand was made with Dragon heartstring. I rotated it around in my fingers as the the thin lines of moonstone shown out against the wood, creating an art deco pattern toward the handle of the otherwise simple wand. The complicated lines seemed to capture my focus long enough for me to not be the first to pick up on Ollivander's strange expression on his face. Rather, Theo was the one to speak  up. 

"What's the matter?" Theo asked intrigued as he watched Mr. Ollivander change his expression. I looked up at the wand maker to find him looking me in the eyes.

"Your wand was made for thieves and troublemakers alike. Manipulators and cons. Those who do not often land in favorable places. Does this sound familiar to you, Ms. Fontaine?" He asked with a quizzical brow. I opened and then shut my mouth in surprise. I was unsure of what to say to that.

"Are you implying that my daughter is of that list you claimed that wand to be from?" My mother asked, a flare of her French accent came through her voice mixed with her anger.

Before Mr. Ollivander could respond, Theo stepped in and broke the tension.

"Mom you are forgetting that Damion's wand belonged to a murder, Dad's was to a Mr. D. Giggle and mine to a supposed hooker-"

Mom hit him over the head with her bag while trying to hold back a smile.

"Alright, fine. Let's just get the wand before you say anything more about your filthy wand, Theo."

Theo winked my way when noticing my smirk and then headed outside.

After getting said wand, we went to get the required ugly black robes and winter black cloak with everything coming with silver clasps.

Seeing my annoyance of it all, mom mentioned to the seamstress about trying to get something added to the cloak and so it was decided that the internal lining of the cloak would be made from silver fabric. But that was it.

It was not much but it would have to do.

Theo did not seem to care about any of his clothes so by the time he had finished, I was still being measured and pointing out which black fabric I wanted.

After another half hour waiting for the proper clothes to be ready, we left the store and headed to get the rest of the items on our list.

Potion cauldrons in sizes 2 and 3, a set of glass or crystal (I wanted crystal) phials, 2 sets of brass scales and 2 telescopes.

When we finished buying the lot of those, we came across a store I had no intention of entering. But of course, Theo did.

The pet store.

"Should I get a dragon toad or an owl?"

"Mom, look at that owl, it's drinking blood!"

"That is not an owl, Theo. Keeping walking."

"Woah, look at that one!"

While mom followed Theo around the store as he literally fell in love with every single rodent there, I stood by the entrance glancing around in disgust.

It smelled awful in there and yet there were so many people running about, watching rats dance in cages or seeing birds catch on fire and then distinguish themselves. The place was never ending in magical pets that I had no use for.

I turned away from the hustle and bustle where I saw what looked like an empty cage. I saw something move from the upper corner and so I ducked to get a better look only to find nothing there. I slowly stood back up only to almost scream in shock.

A black kitten stood with his claws holding him to the front of the cage glaring at me.

It had pounced there the moment I stood up, as if expecting me to do so. Did he do that on purpose?

"What is your problem, cat?" I responded angrily back at the ball of fur. The cat tucked his head to the side as if understanding what I just said before hissing at me.

I took a step back.

"Well excuse you. Sorry if I hurt your feelings." I muttered. The black kitten unlogged his claws from the bars and fell on his back, rolling around like he had an itch that was hard to reach. I took a step closer only to realize what he was doing.

"You're trying to play cute, aren't you? Well it's not working. Animals are gross and you are gross so no." The cat gave me one more look before continuing to roll about happily. I sighed but somehow did not look away as he slowly sat up and looked at me.

"You are not cute. Stop it." The cat meowed at me again before turning to face the opposite side, his back facing me. The only thing moving was his black tail that seemed to wave at me daringly.

"Oh so now you think you can ignore me? Well you're not doing it right because your tail is still bothering me." I stated, crossing my arms as I spoke.

"Meow." The cat sounded as he turned to look at me again, his green eyes glancing at me curiously.

"Okay I'll give you a point for your pretty eyes but that's it."


"Stop meowing at me!"


I glared at the cat and the cat mirrored my movements causing the cat to consequently glare back.

"Look Mom, Ava found a pet after all," Theo said as he came up from behind me.

I looked at him surprised before looking back at the cat that was now back on his back wiggling from side to side.

What a show off.

"Wow, how cliché. Of course you want a black cat!"

"Shut up! He is not my pet. I don't want a pet." I said quickly but Theo once again pretended not to hear. Mom raced over just as the cat rolled over again, showing his tummy.

"Oh Ava, what a great idea for a pet. A black cat is such a classy witch pet to have, especially at your age. We simply must have him. Ava, grab his box. Theo go to the front. The lady told you that it would only take a moment to get that owl in her separate cage.

"You got an owl?" I asked, turning to my brother. He picked up the cat's cage seeing as I was not and nodded.

"Yeah. Her name is Hootie, short for Hooters." He then rushed off with the cat in hand, pushing past lots of people until he got to the front while I rolled my eyes at him.

Mom and I followed along and against my wishes they bought the cat.

"May I ask the name you wish to give this kitten?" The lady at the counter asked, as she looked up at me.

I turned to look at the kitten who looked back at me with a quizzical look.

Did he know I was trying to name him at that moment?

I looked around the shop and down at the ground, flustered above all else as to what to do. It was then that my eyes caught sight of my wand still clearly concealed in its Ollivander box.

Ollivander... Oliver?

"Oliver. His name is Oliver." I spoke out finally, glancing back at the cat suspiciously. The cat gave me a once over look, seeming satisfied before sitting up and pacing around his cage once again.

When we left the store, I had to listen to Theo talk about how stupidly girly the name Oliver was for my cat while I retorted about how cheesy his name was for his pet. In the end, mom made us go quiet when we stopped in front of the book store. A book store that was packed full with people with signs littering the front with the name Gilderoy Lockhart written all over the place.
This was going to be hellish. I could tell already.



Apart from using a Sherlock trailer image for this chapter, I think this is going along smoothly :) Thanks to those reading in. Let me know what you think of Ava at this point. Too bitchy for a 12 year old? I was going for a mini Blair from gossip girl but with other twists to her profile. Let me know what you think!

Vote and comment!
Lots of love,

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