Chapter 8: The Sorting

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After our short discussion, the truth came out about how we had to change into our non-attached house affliction uniforms for the first night seeing as we only had an hour left before arriving.

I was one of the last to get changed so when I came back in wearing my ugly black cloak and matching skirt,  I felt a sudden need to hide from everyone. Never would I have ever having willingly chosen to wear a tie with any outfit.

But my dislike for the uniform quickly vanished when the door to our compartment was opened, revealing Draco of all people, surrounded by two other boys who were bigger and stockier in size compared to the taller and thinner blond boy starring right at me...

It was then that I noticed his uniform. Unlike me, he wore a green tie with a green lined cloak. Green. I wonder which house represents the color green?

"Fountaine? What are you doing with this lot?" He asked, his amusement was noticeable in his voice as was his distaste in the group of kids surrounding me in the compartment.

I was surprised to hear him speak to me in such a way as if we were old friends who have known each other for years. If the boy had been even slightly politer to me the first time I met him I probably would have called out every kid in the compartment and walked off with him back to his group of friends but he didn't act so kind to me and unlike him, the people around me were so far nice so when I responded, it was not in his favor.

"I found them, Draco. They are helping me learn about the school," I said in a controlled voice as my eyes raised back to face him. My gaze was unsure.

"Is that a problem?"

Draco eyed me in a not so friendly way that felt much more familiar to me. Then he looked around the cabin at the others situated around me. When he saw Ginny, he scoffed.

"Another Weasley? Tell me Fontaine, do you plan on having friends who can't even afford a living space the size of one your home's broom closets? Weasley's can't afford anything seeing with how big their family is. All that red hair..."

"Hey, that's enough! Leave her alone!" Sam cut in, her tone laced with poison as she glared at the boy. Draco stopped and turned to her in surprise as did Ginny who moments before seemed cold to the brunette.

"Oh look here boys, a first year who thinks she knows better. You don't understand how Hogwarts works. I'm a second year which means you lot do what I say. Especially you Weasley," he said the last part with venom. " Tell me, where is your brother? And Potter, I haven't seen him around yet. Did he already get too scared to come back for another year?" Draco asked, his voice lingering on amusement. Ginny glared at Draco but said nothing. Around the cabin the rest of the group started to mutter about Potter.

"Did he say Potter as in Harry Potter?"

"I didn't realize.."

I watched as Draco's expressin turned bleak, as all the attention turned away from him and on to the boy who lived. He caught me staring and matched me.

"I'll see you after the feast Ava. My father's counting on me to make sure you hang with the right sort. You don't want to be covered up with people like them." With one final glance at my cabin, he looked at me and then walked off, the other two trailing after him as the door slowly closed shut on us.

"How do you know him? He's awful!" Dominic asked, glancing at the door with an irritable expression.

"My father works with his dad at the ministry," I responded in an equally annoyed tone.

"You must love his company," Sam said with thick sarcasm that almost made me smile. I huffed out a sigh and returned my focus to her. She was smiling at me.

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