Chapter 15: The Day I Lost My Pride

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(Dear lord I am coming up with the stupidest chapter names and am loving it...)

I woke up bright and early Saturday morning with a start that made Oliver jump off the bed with a harsh sounding thud. I looked down and found him staring angrily up at me for waking him up. The look made me smile down at the cat before I slowly stepped out of bed, touching the cold marble on my bare feet.

I walked up to the window where the lake water moved slowly, drifting carelessly as the currents from deep below moved and shifted in the dark water. The sound of the current moving lazily has become what I'm used to over the short time I've been here.

I quietly got changed into a pair of skinny jeans with a peach colored short sleeve with a long sweater that hang comfortably down to my upper thigh. After slipping my sneakers on and brushing my hair as quietly as possible without waking any of the girls as their deep breathes went in sync to the sounds of the great lake outside the window, I walked slowly toward the door.

After I grabbed one of my cameras from my shelf in one hand and snatched Oliver in the other hand, who was much concerned to be taken out of my warm bed, I slipped out of the room.

As I walked through the common room, I found no one up yet, something expected at 6:40 in the morning. I went through the portal and kept Oliver comfortably grasped in my arms with my camera still clenched in my hand as I entered the great hall where only a few Ravenclaws, two Hufflepuffs and no Slytherins nor Gryffindors sat at their appropriate tables while some ghosts floated around the room, eerie quiet.

I rushed to the Slytherin table, dumping Oliver on it while I quickly grabbed a napkin and placed a few pieces of toast that I started to smother with marmalade. Oliver looked disgruntled about the sudden change in scenery before his curious side came over him and moments later he started to stalk towards the large milk jug that was bigger than himself.

After the marmalade was covering my pieces of toast, I grabbed Olly off the table moments before he pounced on said milk jug. I was rushing toward the exit, hoping no one had seen Oliver on the table when a low sound of a voice clearing his throat was heard behind me. I stopped and slowly turned around to find The Bloody Barron, the Slytherin ghost, floating in front of me with long thick chains dragging on the floor and silver blood covering his see-through clocks. His dark face was hard to decipher but I could tell that he looked disapprovingly at Olly who was staring at my toast like it was the milk jug.

"Was that animal on the Slytherin table?" I gave a shy smile at the ghost before shaking my head no. The ghost gave me a parental stare down that made me stare at Oliver who suddenly looked at me with a What-do-you-want glare.

"Next time you decide to bring your cat to the great hall, please don't place him on the table. It's unsanitary..." The Barron's low voice muttered making me give a quick nod before rushing through the door and towards the Hogwarts grounds.

I may have been here long enough to get used to the water in my dorm but the mascot of Slytherin, also known as that ghost, still made me deeply uncomfortable. And to think that he was giving me grief about being unsanitary when he still wore blood on his clothes from the killing he made while he was alive.

The moment I got outside I placed Oliver in the grass where he suddenly stopped and looked around at the grassy area with shock. He had found his new playground. He gave me a look as if not believing where he was.

"Go on, have fun for a bit. Just come back home before dark, okay?" Oliver looked like he couldn't believe his ears before he darted down the hill, his black figure drastic against the greenish yellow hill. I quickly took my camera and snatched a picture of Oliver leaping for freedom before he disappeared.

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