Chapter 24: Parseltongue and Chocolate Frogs

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I was not altogether wrong about the boys causing mass destruction and chaos. By the end, it turned out that both boys had managed to cause a spectacle with Harry Potter flipping Malfoy across the stage with a painful landing. So naturally, Malfoy had to one up him, by summoning a giant snake to the center of the floor.

And while this was great and all, those two acts were not what caused the main chaos. It was with what happened afterwards, with Harry Potter.

I knew before this meeting that Harry Potter was a strange guy. Normal, yet strange in the way he interacted with his fame and fortune. He never looked put together nor did he seem to bring attention to himself.

Until of course he decided to speak parseltongue to said giant snake in the presence of most of the student body.

He had to choose this exact moment to be a show off. And with that particular skill of parseltongue, didn't he?

But parseltongue was something unbelievably rare. I remember Sam and I reading over Salazar Slytherin as being one of the few who knew such a language as did most of his descendants... Harry couldn't be from Salazar's bloodline now, could he? I watched opened mouthed as Harry slowly approached the staggering serpent, speaking in hushed yet concentrated sounds of hisses and rolls. The snake in question gave one look at Harry and then proceeded to stalk towards its prey, a boy from Hufflepuff that was in a year above me.

The look on the boy's face was of horror and fear that is found when one is about to be attacked.

And then it stopped.

Snape had appeared by the snake and made the beast vanish. The unhinged silence that had taken control of the room suddenly broke as people started to turn towards one another in hushed whispers. Lockhart tried to gain control of the room while Harry was dragged out of the room by Ron followed by the familiar back of a bushy haired individual.

I shifted toward the exit but was stopped by Pansy who still looked unsettled by her defeat from earlier.

"Where do you think you're going? Off to console Potter and the freaks about his hidden talent?"

My expression darkened with annoyance at her remark but I paused to look around at the other Slytherins surrounding us and saw some looking my way.

If I walked out of that door in pursuit of Potter, ending Pansy would have been for nothing, social wise. After all, I joined the dueling club to gain popularity back in Slytherin, and running after Harry Potter of all people would only destroy any ground I covered tonight with my house mates. So, I stepped down and turned back to Sam who was busy listening to Ebony explain how Potter could not possibly be a parseltongue.

"He has to be pureblood to have such a talent!" She said seriously.

My eyes shifted around the room again, watching the students now fluttering about while Lockhart called for this session to be dismissed. I looked back around in search of my brother in the Slytherin crowd when my eyes caught hold of Malfoy walking up to me.

"I'm surprised you haven't run to Potter and his mudblood friends. Aren't you curious about how he did it?" Draco asked, passingly, as I turned to face him. We shared a look that felt almost too similar, like he knew I was trying to sneak my way out of here to talk to them. Calling me out on it made that desire dim as I straitened up to face him.

"For the record, Malfoy, I haven't spoken to that lot since the supposed Chamber has been opened. No one likes to sit near a Slytherin now a days.."

"That must be so lonely for you. With what, only one friend to sit with..." Malfoy drew out, ending with a side smile as his eyes drifted to Sam who was now pestering Ebony and Kennedy.

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