Chapter 18: Halloween

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It was the weekend of Halloween when I got my cast off. Sam was there when it was done and was the first to celebrate.

"This is such a great feeling," She stated happily as she walked in step with me through the hallway toward the library. I smiled subconsciously as I looked down at my newly healed arm. My wrist had only a few small scars from where the plastic of my camera had embedded into my hand. I had watched with curiosity as Pomphrey worked her magic getting my arm free and functional again. Now that the cast was off I felt relieved at having one less trouble to deal with at school. I was glad to have my arm back.

"You sound like you just got your arm back rather than me," I responded slyly. Sam shrugged.

"Well in a way I think I have. No more cutting double the ingredients in potions nor helping you with the most common chores of your life.." I gave Sam a side hug which made her go pink before hugging me back.

"You're not a hugger." Sam shook her head.

"I like my bubble of space very much, thanks."

"What about hip bumps?" I asked jokingly. Sam gave me side eye, definitely against my idea, giving a hard no.

Right before we turned the corner I hip bumped her, causing her to crash into the wall while I rushed off laughing.

"Not funny, Fountaine!"

We ended up meeting with Ginny and to my surprise, Dominic and another Ravenclaw at the library. The new Ravenclaw introduced himself as Jasper Deller, a first year that I saw often in Charms class but never went as far as to introduce myself to mostly because he was almost always surrounded by other girls in the first year.

Blond hair that curled at the end that went with his equally golden tan could make most girls boy crazy but then to add his bright blue eyes to the mix you basically had a dream boat. But while he visually portrayed the look of a beach boy, he acted and looked at people like a scholar. The moment he caught sight of Sam and me coming to the table he seemed to take us both in not only by our house but by how we stood, how I was carrying a side strap bag over Sam's black backpack, and even to the way I kept my hair down my back carefree to Sam's ponytail.

Of course, I could have been making all this up in my head but if anyone has met someone who studied detail like Jasper, they would know the feeling of being analyzed and make assumptions as I did.

"Dominic. Didn't think we'd be graced with your presence today," Sam said with amusement as she took a seat next to him causing Dominic to smile down at his textbook before saying hello to Sam. I sat down next to Ginny who I realized had literal steam coming out of her ears. Her face was red too making her flaming red hair to clash with her face.

"What's happened to you?" I asked, showing my worry plainly though my voice. Ginny gave me a weak smile before explaining.

"Percy made me take Madam Pomphrey's pepper pick me up for this winter cold. It makes my face go red and face steam like this for a few hours I've been told." I frowned and looked at Sam who shared my look of worry.

The poor girl has already been acting homesick since being at Hogwarts. Now she was getting sick and having to take magical potions that made her look like a steamed cherry.

"So you're sick?" Sam asked. Ginny shook her head.

"No. But my brother wanted to be sure that I did not have it. I guess I've been pretty pale recently."

"Homesick?" Dominic asked. He too looked a little worried about Ginny although he tried to mask it. I made quick eye contact with Jasper whose eyes were trained on me making me become flustered and quickly turn back to Ginny.

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