Chapter 22: Izzy's Letter

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"Good Fountaine. Now try Immobulus. Spencer, stand still," Nyx ordered from across the field.  Sam gave her prefect a sarcastic glance before stating quite bluntly that she was going to have a hard time not staying still once the curse hit.

She was right, of course. I flicked my wand and muttered quickly the spell Immobulus and suddenly Sam went still.

"I wonder what would happen if I pushed her," Nyx questioned as she neared Sam's still form. The girl's eyes continued to move and blink and, upon Nyx's closeness, gave her prefect a pleading look.

"Don't knock her over, Christy. Just unfreeze her, please," Livy chided. Nyx kept a small smile on her lips as she muttered the counter curse, releasing Sam.

"Really appreciate you not pushing me over, Nyx." The prefect winked before turning over toward the Ravenclaw boys who were in the middle of their duel and then promptly pushing Sam expectantly into the dirt.

While Sam was muttering darkly while brushing dirt off her shirt, both boys were having a stare down, both wands drawn but a stillness was in the air.

"Are they still at it? What have they been doing?" I asked, turning to Sam who shrugged in response.

"They're thinking, young Slytherins. Something neither of you tried to do," Livy said smartly making Nyx turn to laugh at us. We fixed our prefect matching stares before Sam started on the defensive.

"We went with plenty of spells! And each of us got hit which made the duel more exciting and action packed in comparison to, well, this-" I looked back to the boys and saw them still walking back and forth, silent as the grave.

"Any day now ladies," Nyx called out.

And then it happened. Dominic rose his wand up and started to mutter his curse Depulso when Jasper came in and quickly muttered Flipendo.

I watched in awe as Dominic was pushed back, flipping out into the air until he landed with a thud into the dirt.

"Wow! That was awesome, Jasper."

"Rather Brilliant," Nyx said, giving an okay nod.

"You okay, Dominic?"

"Wait can I try that?" Sam asked excitedly, turning to Nyx. She nodded curtly and before I could process what that meant, Sam turned toward me.

"Wait, wha-"


A force hit me square in the gut, and just like Dominic, I went flying back until I hit the ground with a splat. As I got up, spiting back dirt, I heard Sam cheering before running over to me. But Jasper was there to help me up. I rubbed the dirt from my mouth in hopes to get rid of the taste when suddenly, I heard commotion from behind me.

The four of us turned and saw the Slytherin team walking back from the Quidditch field, the lot of them seemed to be laughing about something.

They were hallway through the field when one spotted us, followed by the rest.

"Oh Merlin," Sam muttered while Dominic scoffed.

"What are the lot of you doing out in the middle of the field?" One of the teammates asked as they started coming toward us.

"Who is it anyway? Can't see- oh! It's the little traitors with some ravens," Flint asserted, as he brought the rest of his team with him up to us.

As if smelling trouble, Nyx came up to the front and waved Flint over.

"You boys are back early! What, too good to practice anymore?"

"Oi, Nyx, Are you with this lot now? Didn't think you liked first years.." Nyx laughed as if he said something funny and walked towards Flint.

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