Chapter 5: Flourish and Blotts

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It took us five minutes just to enter the store and even longer to find Damion and Edward. Finally, we looked up to find the two dark haired boys looking down on everyone and knew it was them.

When we reached my brothers, Edward rushed over to mom with a pile of books in his hands stating that this store had a whole new section for Herbology that were unfamiliar to him making it important that he have them.

Damion walked over to Theo and me and glanced down at the pet cages we now held in our arms.

"You got a cat, Ava? I didn't think you would..."

"His name is Oliver, here hold him, I don't want him," I said hastily before tossing the cat cage at Damion. I then walked off to another portion of the floor away from my family who were busy showing each other their purchases.

As I walked, I kept a hand on the railing while looking down at the boisterous crowd below. Following the line of people rushing to the far back of the store, I continued to walk until noticing where all the attention was pointed towards.

A man with a full head of curly blond hair and attractive features for a middle-aged man stood behind a large desk smiling gallantly towards the crowd

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A man with a full head of curly blond hair and attractive features for a middle-aged man stood behind a large desk smiling gallantly towards the crowd. He wore a stunning lavender shade of robes with hints of ballet pink between the seams. His whole persona screamed for attention and boy was he getting it as he waved about. I could only guess that he must have been Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart himself.

"Make way! Make way!" A stoat little man called out as he tried to part through the ever-growing crowd of people.

"Make way for the Daily Prophet!" He called out again, this time causing a better response from the crowd. He rushed over to the front with a large camera that after some short glances I figured to be some form of a Pentacon Six Camera but when the short man took a picture, a wisp of purple vapor came into the air making me take back the camera name.

How boring. It was just some sort of magical camera.

I had little to no idea as to why the store suddenly went silent moments later. I took another step along the railing and then stopped to look down to get a better look at the crowd.

I watched as the camera man grabbed a boy who was standing in the front of the crowd and basically tossed him over to Lockhart.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, what an extraordinary time this is. When young Harry stepped into Florish and Blots this morning to purchase my auto biography: Magical Me, which has casually been on its 27thweek atop the daily Prophet's top ten best sellers list, he had no idea that he would be leaving here with my entire collected works, free of charge." The strangely feminine voice of Mr. Lockhart announced aloud.

The moment the light bulb went off in the Daily Prophet's camera was the exact moment I figured which Harry he was talking about.

Harry Potter. The boy who lived.

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