Chapter 27: Polyjuice Potion

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There are many things I can block with a poker face, even if whatever is happening surprises me. But walking into a closed girl's bathroom to find Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley in oversized Slytherin robes that were supposed to belong to Crabbe and Goyle, yeah, no poker face of mine could shield the shocked expression that graced my features.

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered, still processing what I was seeing. Potter and Weasley looked at one another, as if trying to figure out what to do when I spoke.

"You were in Slytherin common room.." I stated quietly. Harry went silent while Ron started to shake his head, faking confusion.

"No, of course not! How could we get in there? Harry and I were just.."

I stayed silent, waiting for an exaggerated and false explanation but even Ron couldn't come through with a response.

I looked around the massive bathroom in search of some sort of answer. Maybe Crabbe and Goyle were still here, but hiding. No- how stupid of me to think so. Why would they hide from me?

My eyes shifted from the curved walls, to the ring of sinks where I saw a half-crushed vial from a potions set was placed in the middle of one of the sinks.

"What are you doing here anyway? Can't you see this bathroom is out of order?" I swiped past Ron who still seemed to want to avoid the conversation we all were thinking about.

I stopped by the sinks and grasped the vial by the chipped handle and brought it to my face.

"You drank something, didn't you guys?" I asked, examining the vial further.

"That was there when we came in," Ron stated, his voice now very uneasy. I turned to glance at Harry who's eyes were no longer on me or even Ron but on the one bathroom stall that remained closed.

"The pair of you wouldn't have been able to make such a potion to change your looks. But as for your friend..." I stated quietly, as I started toward the bathroom door. Immediately, both Ron and Harry jumped in front of me, blocking my way.

"You can't go in there."

"Why not?" I asked, raising a brow at the two of them. "Afraid of who I might find in there? Probably the one who made the potion you two drank." I pushed the boys aside who were putting up a fight before calling out Hermione's name loudly.

"It's me, Ava. I know you're in there, Hermione!" I said rashly, as I pushed Harry harshly to the side. The boy wobbled back for a moment before pausing as a sound of a pitiful cry came from the locked stall.

"Go away!" A squeal came from the door that was enough to make both boys and myself look at each other in confusion. Suddenly forgetting about hiding the identify of his friend, Harry turned to the door and took a step closer.

"Hermione, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Now just go away," The voice exclaimed again. I watched as the two boys looked at each other, exchanging thoughts before turning back to the door.

"We've changed back already Hermione. Surely you have too.."

My eyes glanced at the vial in my hand and a thought came to me.

A potion that changes a person's image. Even to the point of changing their voice. Such a potion was familiar to me in theory. I had read about it earlier from my new potion's book.

A sudden apparition of a ghost, with looks of a young girl, appeared from the solid stall door with a humorous look on her face.

"You should see her! She just looks awful." The ghost gave one last little laugh before flouting up toward the high ceiling while the lock to the door was heard opening.

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