Fuck your gender binary

By localtrashcanTM

166K 7.2K 4.4K

se·cret /ˈsēkrit/ Noun something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. Peggy Parker h... More



10.1K 392 897
By localtrashcanTM

Today was just not my day.

To start off this stressful Monday, I didn't get home till like 4 am due to fighting crime all last night. Plus, I stayed up an extra hour doing some homework.

I normally wake up at 7:00 to get to school around 8. However, I ended up waking up at 8. I didn't have time to properly bind or pack, so I ended up just putting on a large hoodie and quickly put on my packer. I then had to run to school, however, I ended up being 10 minutes late.

When I got to my first period, I ended up not having my homework. Luckily, that teacher is sorta chill so he said I can turn it in tomorrow.

When first period ended, I made my way to my locker. That's when I felt my packer start to fall. I then started to walk quickly to my locker, but because God hates me, I was stopped by the asshole himself, flash.

Before he could even make one snide comment, my packer fell out of my pants leg. I wasn't fast enough to grab it before flash had his hands on it.

"Well looks like Peggy here wants to be a boy," Flash said louder to grab everyone's attention. "Well penis Parker, take it back."

He then threw it down the hall. The bell them rung and he pushed me down before heading to class. I got up and got my packer. I then went to the bathroom (girls) and put it back in place.

For the rest of the day, I was called penis Parker, plus more transphobic/ homophobic names, and was pushed down a lot. Ned and MJ tried to defend me, but they can't just make a transphobic person not transphobic with a flip of a switch. The bullying got even worse during my last period, gym.

We were told to split up into two teams: boys any girls. I had two options, be ridiculed by choosing the boys side or I could submit to what everyone says I am and choose the girls side. I ended up just standing in the middle of the two causing MJ and Ned to try and make me just go to the side I'm comfortable with.

I was about to just walk to the boys' side when the coach Wilson saw that I wasn't on a side.

"Stark!" He screamed,"Get on a side!"

I looked at him and I tentatively walked over to the boys' side. Coach just looked at me before telling us we were playing dodgeball. Ned congratulated me on being brave enough to go on the boy's side, however, Flash wasn't so happy about that. The entire time we were playing, he continued to throw dodgeballs at me even though I'M ON HIS TEAM! I was so happy when gym class was over.

As soon as the last period bell rang, I ran out of the gym straight to my locker. I quickly ran out of the school only to be met by my boyfriend, in his suit covered in blood stains with weapons all over him, Deadpool.

"Hey, Peggy!" He said skipping over to me and wrapping me in a hug.

"Wade, you're getting blood all over me," I said nonchalantly while others were screaming in fear.

"Don't worry! It's dried!"

Even though many many students were afraid to come up to Deadpool and me, Flash freaking Thompson wasn't, or maybe he wanted to show he was brave.

"Well if it isn't penis Parker and her psychotic boyfriend. Oh, I'm sorry I meant his," he said laughing.

I paled. I hadn't told Deadpool that I was transgender. I was afraid he wouldn't love me anymore. Before I could say anything, Deadpool pulled out his katanas ready to kill Flash.

"What the fuck did you say you little bitch," he said walking up to Flash.

Flash looked terrified. He legit looked like he was going to piss his pants. Before Deadpool could actually hurt him, I got in between the two.

"Wade, no. Don't hurt him," when I said that, Wade dropped his katanas to his sides and started to pout.

"But he made fun of you! He deserves to be unalived!"

"No Wade. Just because some asshole decides to be a dick doesn't mean they deserve to be unalived."

"I'm right here!" Flash responded.

"Shut up or I'll let him kill you," I said facing Flash," so just shut the fuck up."

With that, he walked away mumbling.

"So why did he call you penis Parker and he?" Deadpool asked putting away his katanas.

I knew that I needed to tell him.

"Um... I'm transgender."

I was waiting for him to say something mean, but all he said was,"Cool. What's your new name then?"

I just looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Aren't you like, disgusted?" I asked as we started walking to the tower.

"No. Why would I be? I didn't fall in love with your genitals. I fell in love with your personality. So, what's your new name?" I smiled at him.

"Peter." I answered. I was so lucky to have him.

"Alright, then Peter. That name fits you very well." He said.

"Thanks. Alright, it's time for you to go." I said.

When we get a block away from the tower, Deadpool has to leave and I have to walk the rest by myself.

"Alright, bye baby boy!" He said wrapping me in a tight hug and peppering my face in kisses.

"Bye Wade," I said laughing and getting him off me.

He then teleported away. I walked to the gas station next to the tower and went to the bathroom to take off my packer. I then continued on to the tower.

When I walked in, I noticed that no one was there. I then went up to my room and got into my Spider-Man suit. Luckily, I didn't have work today, but o texted Dad and told him I did so I could go out.

I stopped a few petty thefts and just watched over the city for hours. Around 9, I realized that not much was going to happen so I decided to go home. However, when I was about to sling myself off the roof, I felt someone grab me.

As I was struggling, I was wondering why my spider senses hadn't gone off. That was until I heard the persons voice.

"Spider-Man! I'm your biggest fan!" The fangirling voice could only belong to the one and only, Deadpool. My spider senses didn't go off because Wade isn't a threat to me.

"Hey Deadpool," I said getting out of his grip.


I laughed at my boyfriend's fanboyishness. I then remembered that I was in my spider man suit, so he didn't know it was me.

"Well I hate to do this to my idol, but I kinda have to unalive you. If I don't I won't get the money." As he explained that, my eyes widen.

I quickly shot a web and slung myself away. He already knew I was trans and there was no way in hell I was gonna tell him I'm also Spider-Man. I kept swinging in different directions to lose Deadpool, but I knew I couldn't. When he gets a job, he always completes it. I was so blinded by panic that I didn't see when he teleported right in front of me.

"Got him!" He said excitedly. "Now since you're my hero, you get to chose how you die! Would you prefer decapitation, asphyxiation, or being shot in the head?"

I knew then I had a limited time to get out of his hold, so I did the only thing I could. I used my enhanced strength to rip off Deadpool's arms.

When I did, he just looked at me and his arms that where in my hands.

"Really? If you wanted a hand job that bad you could've just asked." I then threw down his arms grabbed his teleporter and went back home.

When I reached home, I took off my suit and checked it. There was a lot of blood on the suit. I put it back in my secret spot with the intent to clean it later. That's when my phone started ringing.

I walked over to it to see two things. One, it was already midnight so him chasing me took way longer than I thought it did, and two, Wade was calling me. I quickly answered the phone with a hello.

"Hey baby boy," he sounded muffled and far away on the phone.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Do you think you could come and pick me up? This fine ass motherfucker named spider man fucking tore my arms off," I tried not to laugh.

I said I would and asked him where he was even though I knew where he was. Once I got an answer, I decided to use his teleporter and go to him. I was then teleported 2 blocks away from him. I made my way over to him.

"Hey baby boy!" He said happily when he saw me.

I smiled wide at that. "Hey wade."

His arms were already slowly coming back.

"Ready?" I asked.

"How are we gonna get there?" He asked.

"I'm gonna carry you," I said as of it was obvious.

Wade started to laugh. I glared at him and his laughing was reduced to a chuckle.

"No offense baby boy, but I'm pretty sure you can't lift me- oh shit never mind." As he was speaking, I went over and picked him up thanks to my enhanced strength.

I walked him all the way back to his apartment. When we finally got there, I put him in his bed.

"Thanks Peter," he said turning on his side.

"No problem."

I started to leave when I heard Wade say,"HEY! Where's my good night kiss?"

I laughed and gave him a quick peck. Once I was out of his apartment complex, I teleported home. Once there, I stripped down to my boxers and put on a tank top.

Before finally going to sleep, I decided to check my phone. When I did, I saw that I had a bunch of notifications. Most were on social media and some texts from Ned and MJ. I decided to read the texts first.

Ned: have you seen what flash did?! I swear I'm gonna punch him for you.
Ned: are you ok?
Ned: don't do anything stupid!
Ned: Peter
Ned: I'm coming over if you don't answer.
Ned: I'm coming over. I'll be there in 30 minutes tops.

Ned sent that 37 minutes ago, so he would be here soon. I then worriedly checked the texts from MJ.

MJ: Peter don't check social media. Flash is being flash and saying some horrible homophobic stuff. Please don't check any social media.
MJ: Peter why aren't you answering Ned and I.
MJ: I'm coming with Ned to see you.

I knew that I had to see what they were talking about so I quickly signed into my Instagram. When I did, I had 100s of notifications. I checked Flash's page to see what he did.

When I did, I wanted to scream. Apparently someone had gotten a video of what happened in the hallway and sent it to him. It was now everywhere.

The caption underneath said, "Isn't sad that some girls think they're guys? It's sick. Penis Parker is exactly what's wrong with this world. You sick fuck."

The comments were even worse then the caption. There were a few people who were trying to defend me, but most of them consisted of go kill yourselfs and transphobic slurs.

I started to cry when the door to my room opened. I looked over to see MJ and Ned there. They both rushed to me and gave me a hug. I cried into their shoulders. When I finally stopped, we sat down on my bed.

"Why didn't you respond to our texts?" Ned asked.

"I didn't have my phone on me till now."

They just nodded. We sat in silence until I heard my phone ring. It was dad. I quickly answered if with a hello.

"We need to talk as soon as I get home," dad said quickly. I paled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't think that I haven't seen what's going on on social media."

I didn't want to but I started crying again.

"Hey hey hey," dad said through my crying,"I'm not mad ok. Well I'm not mad at you. I understand. It's hard to come out. Steve doesn't know ok? He barely knows how to even use a phone, let alone how to use social media. We'll talk when I get home, but you're not in trouble ok? I'm 100% ok with you being trans Pegg- what's your name? Sorry I just realized I shouldn't say Peggy."

I laughed. I was so glad that dad was ok with it.

"Peter dad."

"I like it. It suits you. Anyway, I have to go but when o get home we'll talk ok?"


"Alright. Love you son."

I smiled and teared up again. "Love you too dad."

I hung up and then explained to Ned and MJ what happened. They both smiled and said that they were glad that my dad accepted me. They soon went home so that I could talk to my dad alone. I then laid on my bed waiting for my dad. Today was a stressful day.

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