The Saviors Of The Three Worl...

Von Kat17wild

54.5K 2.2K 184

Once Upon A Time... A Curse trapped every storybook character you've ever known between two worlds. The Curse... Mehr

The Birth Of The Three Worlds
Two Different Destinies (1)
Two Different Destinies (2)
Two Different Destinies (3)
Two Different Destinies (4)
Home Sweet Home (1)
Home Sweet Home (2)
Life Isn't A Fairytale (1)
Life Isn't A Fairytale (2)
Life Isn't A Fairytale (3)
Truth Breeds Truth (1)
Truth Breeds Truth (2)
I Will Always Love You (1)
I Will Always Love You (2)
I Will Always Love You (3)
I Will Always Love You (4)
I Will Always Love You (5)
Haunted By Dreams (1)
Haunted By Dreams (2)
Burnt Edges (1)
Burnt Edges (2)
Burnt Edges (3)
Burnt Edges (4)
Burnt Edges (5)
Beneath The Earth (1)
Beneath The Earth (2)
Beneath The Earth (3)
A Whole New World (1)
A Whole New World (2)
A Whole New World (3)
A Whole New World (4)
A Whole New World (5)
Trapped In A Nightmare (1)
Trapped In A Nightmare (2)
Trapped In A Nightmare (3)
Trapped In A Nightmare (4)
Over My Un-Dead Body (1)

Two Different Destinies (5)

2K 81 15
Von Kat17wild


The plan to rid their town of the Wraith was officially in motion.
Standing in the town hall, Mary Margaret and David hold up their brooms in preparation for the monster's arrival while Emma and Regina moved towards the table, with Jefferson's hat in the Mayor's hands.

As Regina places the hat on the table Mary Margaret glances over at her curiously, she was still confused to a certain degree.
Regina had made it crystal clear that the Enchanted Forest had been destroyed "I don't understand, I thought our land was gone." She mutters as her husband begins lighting up both of their brooms, making them more torches than anything.
"It is." Regina confirms as she begins twirling the hat, in an attempt to get the magic working "But sending it to a place that no longer exists...well, that's basically oblivion."
With her explanation completed, the previous Evil Queen continues to try and spin the hat to activate its power, but nothing was happening.

The only magical thing occurring in the room was the lights beginning to flicker, followed by a loud howl from the Wraith.
They were running out of time."
Emma couldn't help but gulp at the sound of the screaming creature and clutches her gun tightly preparing herself for the fight "Regina..."
"I'm trying." Regina assures her as she continues to attempt to spin the hat as the wailing continues to grow before the doors to the main hall slam open violently.

Spotting the Wraith entering the hall, Emma quickly turns to Regina in a panic, trying to hurry her up while Mary Margaret and David attempt to fend off the creature "Regina."
"I know." She snaps as David continues to battle the Wraith while Mary Margaret begins to pour alcohol along the railing.
Once she was done, David quickly rushes behind the gate before pulling out his lighter "Hurry!" He hisses at Regina before setting alight the railing, hopefully buying the four of them a few more seconds to get the hat working and banish the damn thing.

Emma groans before glancing down at Regina who was close to screaming at the hat that wasn't spinning as they needed it to "What is the problem?"
"Magic." Regina exclaims as she continues to glare at the hat, frustration fuelling her every nerve ending "It's different here."
Sighing Emma quickly bends down to Regina's level and places a hand on her shoulder to attempt to help. However, before she could utter a single word the hat begins to spin madly, finally opening up a portal.

Emma stares in shock at the swirling portal, however, her shock was quickly wiped away as she spots the Wraith get past David; heading right for Regina.
On instinct, Emma shoves Regina out of the way of the Wraith allowing it to go through the portal. But what the blonde didn't expect was for the creature to grab her ankle, pulling her into the portal too.

Spotting their daughter fall into the portal Mary Margaret and David both scream in panic "Nooo!"

Glancing over at her husband Mary Margaret shakes her head violently, they had already lost one daughter, she couldn't lose the other "I'm not losing her again!" She screams before leaping into the portal after Emma.



Dropping down through the hidden hatch, Buffy lands almost gracefully on her knees on the concrete fall. While she could imagine her landing looked pretty awesome, it hurt like a son of a bitch. Forcing herself to her feet, the blonde smirks as she spots Ward rushing towards a set of red double doors, probably in an attempt to hide away till the riot was over. Reaching into her pocket, the blonde grasps onto her shiv and without hesitation she launches it effortlessly through the air, sending it right into Ward's back, right between his shoulder blades.

 As he crashes to the ground letting out a horrifying scream, Buffy merely strolls over to him calmly and yanks the keys to the red door from his hands.
"Hi there." She teases with a wiggle of her fingers before slamming her foot into his face knocking him out old.

Stepping over his unconscious form, the blonde stares up at the red door. She had put herself through 6 months of hell to get into this room, spent even longer trying to figure out where everything was being held.
The second she went through those doors, she would finally achieve her last goal...other than ending Ward's miserable existence. And honestly, given how long she had been building up to this moment, all the high expectations she had...she was a little nervous.

Inhaling tightly, Buffy forces her mind off the nervousness filling her and focuses on all the girls she would be protecting by destroying those files. Once those files were gone, she would be the only one in existence who knew where the rest of the Slayers were and where they were hiding. They would be safe finally.
The past few years since Sunnydale and all the pain she had endured would be worth it.

So with that, the 26 years old woman finally unlocks the doors and pushes them open revealing what seemed like a shrine to the supernatural.
There were shelves of spellbooks and scrolls as well as the files on Slayers and different creatures. What was more intensive than that though, was the weapons.
She recognized a few of them, between the Hammer she took from that Troll ex-boyfriend of Anya's and the Sword she had received from was kind of creepy.

However, what drew her eyes the most was the familiar red and silver axe hanging in the center of the room. The weapon that she had pulled from the stone. The weapon that helped her spot The First Evil and Caleb.

The Scythe.

Stepping up to her weapon, the blonde couldn't help but feel tears fill her eyes as she takes it into her hands for the first time since it was taken in San Francesco.
It still had that feeling, from the second she touched it, she felt as though it belonged to her.
Inhaling tightly the blonde smiles down weakly at the weapon, as strange as it may seem, this weapon was now the closest thing she had left to a family...she wouldn't lose it again.

Twirling it in her hands she grins proudly before slamming it at the bookshelves beginning her demolition.
Letting out a loud scream, the blonde throws all of her anger, her rage, and her grief into destroying everything.
The books, the computers tracking for the Slayers she hid away, all the files.
She tore it all apart.
Stepping back the blonde wipes the tears that had fallen down her cheeks away before pulling out the lighter that Gunn had given her. Grabbing the bottle of scotch from one of the desks she quickly begins pouring it out over everything she could.

She needed to fire to spread quickly.

With everything now drenched in alcohol the blonde throws down the lighter, watching as the papers being to burn and the fire begins spreading.
Knowing she didn't have long to get out of here now, she rips her vest exposing her stomach. Using the fabric she wraps it around her mouth and nose before grabbing the army jacket off one of the hooks as well as the large rucksack.

While she needed to burn the papers, some of the spellbooks she would need just in case she had to get her witch contact to re-hide the girls with her magic.

Shoving some knives in the bag she quickly grabs a gun holster, placing the scythe through the hole before attaching it to her hip. Coughing loudly as she feels smoke beginning to fill the room she quickly grabs the black army boots in the cupboard, slipping them onto her soaked feet.

With everything she needed in hand, Buffy quickly moves to head for the emergency back door only to let out a loud scream as she feels a bullet cut right through her shoulder sending her crashing to her knees.
"Ahh!" She howls as she grasps her bleeding shoulder before glaring at her shooter, and there, sure enough, was Ward. That stupid smug smirk filled his lips despite the fact his face was covered in blood.

"You destroyed all my work..." he hisses taking a threatening step towards her, his gun still aimed at her head "You're dead."
Buffy couldn't help but scoff "Been there done that." She snarks before quickly jumping out of the way making sure to avoid both the spreading fire and the reign of bullets flying her way. Rolling across the floor, the blonde groans as she feels a bullet graze her cheek, bending down she ignores the sheering pain of the heat from the fire and lifts the metal table in front of her launching it right at Ward, sending him flying back against the wall.

The table pinning him down as the fire began to circle him.

Yanking the Scythe out of her makeshift holster, the blonde yanks her rucksack over her shoulder before strolling over to him, an emotionless glare filling her green eyes as she moves to stand over him.
"You took everything from me." She hisses tears filling her eyes as she glares down at the figure who ordered her friends and family to be eliminated. The man who set her up and made her a fugitive. One of the men who in the past four years had made her a living hell, made her feel like a monster.
"You call me an abomination, a genetic wanted a monster...then fine." She breaths before shoving her newly booted foot onto his lower back and shattering it, leaving him completely paralyzed from the waist down.

Ignoring his screams of pain the blonde turns her back on him just as the fire begins to start spreading up his legs "But at least, I'm still a pretty monster, plus, hey...I don't pay others to do my dirty work."

With that, the blonde yanks the hood on the army jacket over her head heading straight for the emergency exit leading towards the woods.
However, just as she reaches for the handle a bright bubble of purple and blue light forms underneath her feet, causing her eyes to widen at what looked like a weird-looking black hole portal opens up "Uh oh." She breaths before screaming as the spinning ball of bright purple light sucks her in, dragging her down and away.



She had woken up on the side of the road, leaned up against a big oak tree, with her sleeping baby sister in her arms.
There had been no sign of their family or anyone they knew.

Emma and Buffy were completely alone in the world, with nothing but each other.

This was the exact reason why, the very confused little girl, had refused to let go of her sister since the second the nice police officer had brought them to the hospital. She could barely understand what was going on but all she did know for certain was that she had to keep her little sister safe.

No matter what.

"Emma, right?" A new voice pipes up causing the little blonde girl to glance up from her sister's sleeping face to look at the man in front of her.
He was dressed in a suit with a long black cloak and a funny-looking hat on his head "I'm Mr. Whistler. Myself and the Doctor need to check on your little sister." He tells her softly gesturing to the Doctor who stood beside him.
Emma gulps through her tears as she clutches onto her sister's pendant "I go too?"

 At the little girl's innocent question one of the nurses steps forward smiling down at her "We're going to get you some food, then you, me, and your sister. We're going to meet a lovely lady, she's going to find you girls a new home."

The little princess ever so innocent and wanting to believe the best in people nods softly before reluctantly allowing Mr. Whistler to take her baby sister into his arms.
"Be quick." She practically orders him "Sissy needs me."
Whistler chuckles softly before nodding his head sharply at the young girl "I understand Miss. Emma."
With that, the nurse pulls the small toddler out of the room as Whistler adjusts the now crying little girl in his arms. Turning to the doctor who was waiting for him having no idea of what was about to happen, the speaker for The Powers that Be reaches into his pocket and blows dust into the Doctor's face "I was never here."

Turning away Whistler begins making his way out of the hospital intent on heading to the split in-between worlds. The portal that would allow him to exit this world and return to The Demonic World, where the baby's new family were awaiting her arrival.
Glancing down at the green-eyed little girl he smiles weakly at her "You're going to do great things...Buffy Summers."

And as the youngest sister, became Buffy Anne Summers: the daughter of Joyce and Hank Summers...the elder sister, became Emma Swan.

Her memories of her real parents from those two years in the Enchanted Forest began to fade, seemingly nothing more than a dream.

With nothing but that small sun charm as a reminder of her long-lost baby sister.



"Goodbye, my sweet girls."

"Find us."

As she gasps awake, the strange unfamiliar voices filling her head were quickly forgotten as Buffy shoots up.
Groaning the blonde stares up at the bright sky above her, before slowly sitting up only to let out a small screech as the bullet in her shoulder shifts. Hissing she clutches onto her bleeding arm before frowning as the sounds of birds chirping fill her ears.
Taking in her new surroundings the blonde's eyes widen as she spots the forest surrounding the building roof she had landed on. Clutching her arm to her chest, the blonde pressed her other blood-soaked hand to the stonewall beside her, using it to haul herself up to her feet.

However, as she stands and finally manages to get a real look at where she was she couldn't help but feel her eyes widen in horror. She wasn't standing on a roof, she was on a partially destroyed bridge that used to connect one wing of the building to another. But this wasn't just any building, Buffy was almost certain that right now she was stranded on what almost seemed like a demolished castle.

 A freaking castle.

Scoffing in disbelief she allows her eyes to scan over the castle before they fall on the four figures below her. Four women, one in what seemed like battle armor, the other in some weird corset princess gown, and the other two who were being tied up in ropes, while a horse waited nearby. The blonde couldn't help but stare down in confusion, she was pretty sure as hell that she wasn't in Kansas anymore.

Honestly, she had no idea where the hell she was, or where that damn portal had dragged her.

All she knew was that she was in unfamiliar territory and she was beyond screwed.

"What the actual fu..."


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