What I Like About You (The be...

By marooncalum

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What I Like About You (The beginning)Chapter 1
What I Like About You (Party) Chapter 2
What I Like About You (Party continued)Chapter 3
What i Like About You (after) Chapter 4
What I Like About You (The morning after) chapter 5
What I Like About You (Plans Part 1) Chapter 6
What I Like About You (Carnival) Ch. 7
What I Like About You (Chapter 8)
What I Like About You (chapter 9)
What I Like About You (chapter 10)
What I Like About You (chapter 11)
What I Like About You (chapter 12) Hannah and Michael
What I Like About You (chapter 13) Jessica and Calum
What I Like About You (chapter 14)
What I Like About You (chapter 15)
What I Like About You (chapter 16)
What I Like About You (chapter 17)
What I Like About You (chapter 18)
What I Like About You (chapter 19)
What I Like About You (chapter 21) plane ride
Chapter 22

What I Like About You (chapter 20)

32 1 0
By marooncalum

Luke's POV:

Today I asked my girlfriend Molly if she wanted to spend the evening with me eating snacks and watching movies and having a lot of cuddles. I was super nervous as they day went on. But I put my fears aside and got dressed, the first step in preparing for our evening together. After I got dressed I went down to the lunch area and luckily I saw Calum and Jess sitting at a table. I didn't want to have to eat breakfast alone like a loser, so I went over to them.

While I was walking towards them, they both looked up and smiled, waving me down. "Hey Lucas!" Calum said with a huge grin. "What are you doing today mate?" He asked. "I'm actually just having some breakfast before I go to the store, to buy things for my stay at home date with Molly tonight! I'm kind of nervous about it to be honest." I frowned. "Aw, Luke! If it makes you feel any better, you're the first thing Hannah and I had to hear about when we got up this morning! I think she's very excited. You don't need to be nervous!" She smiled and pat my shoulder. "Really?" I smiled, getting butterflies in my stomach at the thought. "Yes really! You two are so adorable, I can't!" She spoke again, laughing a bit. "Thank you! That really means a lot. Because I like her quite a lot. I think I love her even.." I laughed a little, then stuffed my face with an egg to shut me up, not wanting to get teased by Calum. We'd finished breakfast, and went our separate ways.

I got into my car and sent Molly a text message. It read: hey babe, I'm in my car now about to leave to get everything we need for tonight! I can't wait! Love you! x

Not waiting for a reply, I put my phone in my pocket and started the car, then drove down to the store. I walked in, and went right to the snacks, not really knowing what she wanted because she just told me to get anything and that she'd like it either way. I settled on lots of chips and candy. I'd finished looking around and paid, then checked my phone. All Molly replied back was a kissy face emoji. I just smiled and shook my head a bit. 'Shes so cute.' I thought to myself. While I was walking back to my car, I saw there was a jewelry store in the shopping center across from the market I was at. I decided to go there and look around a bit. I wanted to surprise Molly with a sweet gift, because she definitely deserved it.

I got inside the jewelry store, and immediately started looking at the necklaces. It took about ten minutes of searching, when my eyes finally landed on the perfect one. It had two chains, the top chain had an 'L' on it, and the bottom one had a heart. 'Thats it.' I thought and smiled. I paid for it, then went back to my dorm. Now I had to set up for our romantic evening. I got the softest blanket that I owned and laid it across the floor, then throwing a bunch of pillows around it. Then I got a bunch of non-scented white candles and placed a few in different areas around the room, then lighting them. I'd re-arranged everything about five times over because I wanted it to be perfect. It had to be. Molly means everything to me and I plan on showing her that.

Before I knew it, it was 5 PM. I dialed Molly, and she picked up after the first ring. "Hey darling, everything's ready! I'm gonna change into something comfy then you can come over!" I heard her giggle on the other line. "Okay Lukey! I'll put on my favorite pajamas then I'll be over. Love you!" "I love you too Molly. I mean it." I smiled, as I heard her giggle again. "You're sweet Luke! But I'll let you go. We can continue this cheesiness when I get there!" We said our goodbyes, and soon after I changed into my pajamas I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, and smiled once I saw my beautiful girl standing right in front of me. She could have no makeup on and be wearing the simplest outfit, and I'd still be amazed by her beauty every time. I couldn't find the words to speak, so I just lead her in. Suddenly, my nerves had come back. "D-do you like it Molls?" I asked, scratching the back of my head nervously. "I love it Lukey! It's so beautiful! Thank you for doing this. It's perfect!" She smiled and hugged me. "Anything for my favorite girl." I spoke, then kissed her cheek.

We both got comfy on the blanket, and I pulled a sheet over our laps. I got the snacks and put them in between us, and then put this first movie in. "This is my favorite film Luke, you know me so well!" She smiled, kissing my cheek and resting her head on my shoulder. My arm went around her shoulders and we started to watch the movie.

As we were watching Love Actually, I wrapped my arm around Molly and pulled her closer to my chest. My nerves had calmed down a bit mostly because just having her near me relaxes me but I started thinking about the necklace. Is it too soon? I mean, I want the world to know she's mine and the necklace kinda shows that she has my heart hence the little heart and the L below it but I'm afraid she'll get freaked out. "What are you thinking about?" Her sweet voice broke my train if thought. "Hmm?" I looked down at my angel. "You look like you were zoning out and I can tell you're nervous about something cause you play with your lip ring when you're nervous." She looked up at me with those gorgeous green eyes. "Uh it's nothing." I lied. I didn't wanna tell her because I sound like an love sick idiot. "Luke tell me. You can tell me anything." She reached across me to grab the remote and pause the movie. I sighed and bit my lip. "Alright... I got you something but I don't know if you'll get freaked out and think I'm being too pushy and I want people to know you have my heart but-" she cut off my rambling by getting on her knees and kissing me. "Relax ok? I would tell you if things were going too fast or if I was uncomfortable in any way ok? I think it's so sweet you got me something but I don't want you to feel obligated to get me stuff ok?" She cupped my face and smiled sweetly at me. I put one of my arms around her waist and my other hand cups her face as my thumb rubs her soft blushing cheek. "I don't feel obligated. I wanted to get you something special and in all honesty I would buy you the world if I could. That's how much I love you Molly. You keep me sane, you ease my nerves, you also give me butterflies and just the thought of you makes my heart race to the point where it feels like it'll burst. It's the most wonderful and confusing feeling I've ever had and you're the only one I ever want that feeling from." As I looked in her eyes I saw tears form and it looked like she was trying to hold back. "Please don't cry I'm sorry.. I was too open about all of it." She immediately shook her head as soon as I said sorry. "Don't be sorry. It's happy tears." She chuckled. "Besides, I always want you to be open with me. If something is bugging you just let it all out. Luke, I want you to know that I will always be here for you whether you need to vent, a cheering up, a laugh, anything really." She kissed my nose and smiled that smile that made me melt.

I wasn't able to say anything. I just had this big goofy grin on my face. "Hold on." I stood from my spot and went into my room. I grabbed the little silver and black box from my drawer and went back out to Molly. "Close your eyes." I beamed. "Really? We're doing this?" She laughed slightly. "Yes now close your eyes." I chuckled. She did as she was told and I went and sat behind her with my legs on either side of her. I opened the box, slid her hair onto her one shoulder, and hooked the necklace around her neck. She let out a slight gasp and her hand went right to the charms hanging on her chest. She opened her eyes and her face lit up as she saw what was on the necklace. "Oh Luke...." She beamed at me. "You like it?" I bit my lip looking at her beautiful face. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before I rubbed her cheek with my thumb again. "It's beautiful I love it. Thank you!" She pecked my lips and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. "I love you Luke." She whispered in my ear. "I love you more Molly..." I've come to the realization that this is the best feeling in the world no matter how confusing it may be.

I made it so we were laying down and I pulled her as close as I possibly could to my chest and we resumed watching the movie. After it finished we watched two more movies and not even half way through the third Molly had fallen asleep. I stopped the movie and lifted her bridal style in my arms. I made sure to blow out the candles and turn off the lights before carrying her to my room and laying her on my bed. I was about to pull the blankets over her when she mumbled something in her sleep. I couldn't quite make out what it was but it sounded like "I love you most". I got into bed and cuddled her. I wanted her to be the last thing I saw before I fell asleep so I just kinda watched her for a bit before I slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep myself.

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