The Grounder from The Sky

By veesio

100K 2.1K 288

After a few years of writing this on and off, I have officially closed it. I leave the ending to all of your... More

Chapter One: "You have no say in this"
Chapter Two : "We're not alone here"
Chapter Four : "They saw me"
Chapter Five : "Follow me"
Chapter Six : "Atom"
Chapter Seven : "I was with Finn"
Chapter Eight : "It will be ok"
Chapter Nine : "I'm going to the ship"
Chapter Ten : "I can't believe I made it"
Chapter Eleven : "I saved your life and I can also take your life"
Chapter Twelve : "Want another?"
Chapter Thirteen : "So, you want me to die!?"
Chapter Fourteen : "Don't you like my face princess?"
Chapter Fifteen : "I have work to do"
Chapter Sixteen : "They're back!"
Authors Note
Chapter Seventeen : "The Blade"
Chapter Eighteen : "I'll do anything to get it"
Chapter Nineteen : "I can protect you princess"
Chapter Twenty : "Please tell me it's not a 'who'"
Authors Note
Chapter Twenty One : "You did this!"
Chapter Twenty Two : "They can't help her"
Chapter Twenty Three : "The Note"
Authors note

Chapter Three : "You call this a rescue party?"

7.7K 159 29
By veesio

I woke up with the sun shining directly in my eyes.

"Ugh." I said as I covered my eyes and sat up.

I looked outside and it looked around 7am. Guess I should get ready.

I got out of bed and grabbed my black pants, grey t-shirt, black boots, and dark green hoodie.

I looked in the mirror over my little table and grabbed some bandage cloth and put it over my chest then put black paint over my eyes. I walked to my door, put my hood up and my sword on my back, grabbed my satchel and headed out for breakfast.

As I was walking to me and Rexs little hideout in the woods, something caught my eye. I looked around but I didn't see anything, then I started hearing voices. I hurriedly hid behind the nearest tree, grabbed my sword and scoped out the area.

A little farther away was Clarke, Wells, Bellamy and a guy whose name I didn't know. I put my sword back in its sheath and  got a piece of paper and pencil out of my bag and wrote to Rex saying that I saw some of the Skaikru walking about so I decided to follow them. I left the note under a rock where I know he would see it.

After walking for a bit Bellamy stopped in front of Clarke.

"What are you doing Bellamy?" She asked.

"Leave her alone Bellamy." Wells commanded.

He grabbed her right wrist and said:

"As soon as you take this wrist band off, we can go." Bellamy smirked.

I looked at her wrist and there was a thick piece of what looked like metal with flashing lights on her wrist.

"The only way The Ark is gonna think I'm dead, is if I'm dead. Got it?" She replied and jerked her wrist out of his hand. Sassy.

He went to grab her wrist again but then Finn showed up out of nowhere and said:

"You call this a rescue party? We split up, cover more ground. Clarke come with me."

"Better late than never." Clarke said as she walked away with Finn.

"I like to think so." He replied and looked back at Bellamy.

They split in two. Clarke and Finn at the left and the other three on the right.

I wonder where they were going.

I walked closer to the group of three to hear their conversation.

"I guess we got more in common than meets the eye, huh?" Bellamy said to Wells.

"We have nothing in common." Wells replied.

"No? We both came down here to protect someone we love." He paused and looked at Wells. "Your secret's safe with me. Course your situations worse, with Finn around Clarke doesn't even see you. It's like you're not even here." Bellamy commented and walked ahead.

Does Wells like Clarke? Does Finn like Clarke? Who does Bellamy like? This is just like a book I read. Something about a romance drama, love triangle, something.

They kept walking without talking for a good 15 minutes then started walking on a almost dried up river covered in rocks. I have noticed that Finn knew how to track, he's quite good.

He bent down to some rocks, touched them and pulled his fingers away to reveal blood and then, we heard painful moans.

"What the heck was that?" The nameless guy.

"Now would be a good time to take out that gun." Clarke said to Bellamy as she started walking towards the sound.

"Jasper." Clarke gasped.

He was tied to an almost dead tree, almost as if he was bait.

Clarke started walking towards him, I wanted to call out to her to stop cause I knew that this was a trap.

Just as soon as she stepped the ground below her collapsed revealing a bunch of spear like sticks in the ground.

She made a yelp noise as she nearly fell in but at last minute grabbed Bellamys arm. As he held her he looked hesitant to pull her back up, like he was thinking of just letting go.

"Pull her up!!" Finn yelled.

They pulled her up and Bellamy just stood there looking at the ground.

"We need to get him down." Clarke said.

"Murphy you're with me." Finn said as he walked around the hole in the Earth and started climbing the tree.

Murphy, who was the other guy, looked at Bellamy like "do I have to?"

Bellamy just shook his head towards the tree and Murphy made his way up.

Then, there was a low growl.

"What was that?" Clarke asked.

I didn't hear anything I must be too far away.

"I don't know." Bellamy replied.

I looked to where they were looking and saw what looked like a black panther.

I'm guessing they saw it too because Clarke said:

"Bellamy. Gun!" Clarke shouted.

He reached behind his back but, there wasn't anything there.

Then, there was a gun shot, then another.

Wells had the gun and was shooting it. He only got it like twice and it was still going.

He shot and then, click. He was out of bullets and the panther was going straight for Bellamy.

Okay, I have to do something. I don't know these people but, I'm a nice person, I guess.

I reached in my satchel and grabbed a dagger. Okay, focus.

I looked at Bellamy and then the bush were the panther was hiding. 

"Breath in, breath out." I thought to myself.

 As soon as it jumped out I threw the dagger right at it's head and it just fell on Bellamy.

They all looked at the panther and saw the dagger. Bellamy just laid there in shock panting. Shoot, I threw the one that Rex gave me, it had my name on it.

Bellamy pushed the big cat off of him and stood up, brushed himself off and looked at it's head he grabbed the dagger and to where it came from. Me. He was staring right at me. I was standing at an opening in the woods so he could see me clearly.

"Guys." Bellamy almost whispered and used my dagger to point at me.

Why am I not moving? I need to leave!

"Who is that?" Clarke asked.

I started backing up slowly. One slow step as a time.

"Wait!" Bellamy said and walked towards me. At first he was slow, but then faster.

"He could be the one that did this to Jasper!" He guessed and started running towards me.

Oh heck no, this time I ran. I darted trees, vines and roots sticking out of the ground.

He was a fast runner but, I was faster and knew my way around these part of the woods. He started to catch up. Ugh, I forgot to eat, low on energy.

"Bellamy! Leave him. There's no point." Clarke yelled.

He stopped running so did I. Why did I? I don't know.

I stood there staring at him. He tried walking towards me again. Does he not learn?

"Bellamy!" Clarke yelled again.

He turned to look at her and I took the opportunity to climb up the nearest study looking tree.

He turned back towards me looked around for me and didn't see me. He just sighed and walked back to the group.

I watched them get Jasper off the tree, carry him and the panther back to their camp. I followed them to their camp and then made my way to mine.

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