Star Eyes A Herobrine x Reade...

By DragonChampion4

18.9K 857 993

Y/N is a gamer she likes Minecraft. She is a nice girl but has a secret she has a crush. Who is it? What wo... More

Part 1-Him
Part 3-Here
Part 4-Ewwwwww Stop Kissing
Part 6- Raw or Cooked?
Part 7-The Unknown POV
Part 8-Null
Part 9-The Hospital
Part 10-Herobrines Story
Part 11-Talk with the Team
Part 12-The Egg
Part 13-The Nether
Part 14-Back Here
Part 15-Revelations and major A/N
Part 16-Test 1, Test 2, Test 3
Part 17-Grey Evil, Grey Good
Part 18-MacDonalds
Part 19-The Boy
Part 20-Sure
Part 21-The Date
Part 22-Water
Part 23-The Creature
Part 24-Vallron's Story
Part 27-Shady Back-ally
Part 28-Not So Shady Back-Ally
Part 29-Fregan
Part 30-The Prophecy of Two
Part 31-Three's hearing difficulties
Halloween Special
Part 32-Revenge
Part 33-He's Back
Part 34-Moon
Part 35-The Town
Part 36-Tim
Part 37-The Start of a Journey
Part 39-Christmas Special (Attack of the Fan Girls)
Part 40-Pure Joy
Part 41-Change of Heart
Part 42-Story of Steve
Part 43-Wings of Lime
Part 44-Capture
Part 45-Unexpected Upgrade
Part 46-Just some little things.
Part 47-More Info on Jack
Part 48- It was to come.
Part 49-Bens Secret
Part 50-The Player
Part 51-Ender Magic
Part 52-We all have our Differences
Part 53- You are no Brother of Mine.
Part 54-Spying
Part 55-Justice
Part 56- Some King to King Diplomacy
Part 57-Mob Diets
Part-58 Infiltration
Part 59-Story Time
Part 60-The Battle Part 1
Part 61-The Battle Part 2

Part 2-Herobrine goes to school

1.4K 35 124
By DragonChampion4

A/N So I did the next part pretty quickly but I hope you still like it. The art above is the drawing of him you do as a teenager. Art does not belong to me it belongs to this person: . If you don't want me using your art just tell me and I will take it of my book :)

A/C (age of your choice but it has to be the age that you would be in high school so that the story makes sense)

As I look up into those big white eyes I feel something start to work in my brain. "Wait, he should be killing me", and at that thought I run under my bed and hide.

"Mc/username that is a terrible hiding place and no I am not going to kill you". As I poke my head out from under the bed I realize that he just read my mind and quickly hide back under the bed again." Mc/username I see that you have finally realized that I can read minds". I decide to try and escape so I throw a rubber I found under the bed at the other wall and then run into the closet, my closet is one of those closets that is like a mini room and has a door into the other spare bedroom. As I run into the spare room I look out the window to see that B/N is still waiting out the front of the house and I decide that I would rather face a few punches from B/N than feel the wrath of Herobrine so I run out the front door. B/N turns around and punches me in the face. Only then do I see all of B/N's friends coming over to me. There's a flash and B/ N and her friends are holding their hands over their eyes. I hear the door open and I am pulled into my house. I look up to see Herobrine gripping my arm. I look at him for a second and then ask him "why did you save me?". We start walking back up to my room. Only when we are back in my room does he answer.

"I don't know" he says

"Also, my name is not mc/username that is just my Minecraft name my real name is Y/N". I look out the window to see that B/N is looking at me and she must have seen Herobrine because she yells up to me " What did I tell you about having friends let alone freak boyfriends?, I will have a chat with you at school tomorrow". I close the window and look back into my room and Herobrine is sitting on my bed looking at my drawings. "Hey stop looking at them they're private," I say but all he says is

"but they are of me, are they not?"

"Well yes, they are, but still."

"I like this one," he says". He points to one of him and me kissing.

"Ewww, but, like, how old are you?"

"367," he replies,

"Yeah, and I am only A/C so that's weird"

"What about this one?" he asks as he points to a drawing that makes him look A/C( the same age that you choose for yourself).

"Well I drew that one recently"

"I look the same age as you in it"

"Yeah that was the point when I drew it". Then he places the box with all the drawings on the floor and when I go to pick it up he is gone.

I go to school the next day feeling sick, I know it's just nerves about B/N but I still feel sick. When I get to class I sigh in relief when I see that B/N is not there and none of her friends are there either. I think that that is a little strange but I wait until the teacher comes anyway. When the teacher arrives he says "Ok class we have a new student today," I look at the door to the classroom and I am shocked to see a real life version of the drawing of Herobrine as a teenager I drew except that he has brilliant blue eyes instead of his normal glowing white ones. "Now class his name his Brine and make sure to introduce yourself and try to make him feel comfortable". As 'Brine' walks into the room he scans the room and once he sees me he walks straight over to me. He sits next to me and everyone gasps because B/N has banned anyone from sitting next to me or making friends with me, or talking to me or ... you get the idea. I try to act normal for the rest of the class and pay attention but it is not working and I keep getting distracted by Herobrine. As we are walking home I am too happy talking to Herobrine to notice B/N come out of the bushes and block the path home Herobrine (still looking like a teenager) puts a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see B/N blocking the path. "What do you want B/N?" I ask.

"Remember we were going to have a talk about why you should never have friends or anything of the sort" Her friends come out of the bushes and surround us . I yell at her

"I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU" but she does not listen. She tells me

"Y/N you need to be taught a lesson on listening to those better than you". At that I hug Herobrines arm tighter." You and your little freak boyfriend" she sneers at me. Then her smile disappears and I look at Herobrine and realize his eyes were now glowing the brightest I had ever seen them glow. Then the sword appeared in his hand.

A/N I know I know another cliff hanger but I just love then! Any way I do know that there are spelling errors in this story so please point them out for me and also I will give the parts proper names but I can't think of any at the moment. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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