Star Eyes A Herobrine x Reade...

By DragonChampion4

18.9K 857 993

Y/N is a gamer she likes Minecraft. She is a nice girl but has a secret she has a crush. Who is it? What wo... More

Part 2-Herobrine goes to school
Part 3-Here
Part 4-Ewwwwww Stop Kissing
Part 6- Raw or Cooked?
Part 7-The Unknown POV
Part 8-Null
Part 9-The Hospital
Part 10-Herobrines Story
Part 11-Talk with the Team
Part 12-The Egg
Part 13-The Nether
Part 14-Back Here
Part 15-Revelations and major A/N
Part 16-Test 1, Test 2, Test 3
Part 17-Grey Evil, Grey Good
Part 18-MacDonalds
Part 19-The Boy
Part 20-Sure
Part 21-The Date
Part 22-Water
Part 23-The Creature
Part 24-Vallron's Story
Part 27-Shady Back-ally
Part 28-Not So Shady Back-Ally
Part 29-Fregan
Part 30-The Prophecy of Two
Part 31-Three's hearing difficulties
Halloween Special
Part 32-Revenge
Part 33-He's Back
Part 34-Moon
Part 35-The Town
Part 36-Tim
Part 37-The Start of a Journey
Part 39-Christmas Special (Attack of the Fan Girls)
Part 40-Pure Joy
Part 41-Change of Heart
Part 42-Story of Steve
Part 43-Wings of Lime
Part 44-Capture
Part 45-Unexpected Upgrade
Part 46-Just some little things.
Part 47-More Info on Jack
Part 48- It was to come.
Part 49-Bens Secret
Part 50-The Player
Part 51-Ender Magic
Part 52-We all have our Differences
Part 53- You are no Brother of Mine.
Part 54-Spying
Part 55-Justice
Part 56- Some King to King Diplomacy
Part 57-Mob Diets
Part-58 Infiltration
Part 59-Story Time
Part 60-The Battle Part 1
Part 61-The Battle Part 2

Part 1-Him

2.1K 49 260
By DragonChampion4

A/N Again sorry if this is a bad or short book it is my first time writing a book. And also could you please tell me if there are any mistakes because I am not good at spelling or grammar

Y/N (your name) 

B/N ( Bully's Name)

Mc/username ( your Minecraft username)

I get home from school and I am really excited to play my favourite game, Minecraft! I decide to create a new single player survival world. I would have played multiplayer on a server except B/N decided that I was not allowed to have any friends and I am worried that if she found out I might get hurt. So while the world loads up I decide to draw another picture of my crush, Herobrine. I unlock my box of drawing supplies and I look at all the pictures I have drawn of him. As I start another one I hear someone coming upstairs to my room and I quickly lock up the box again and push it back under my bed. Mum comes into my room a second later and says"Y/N dinner's almost ready ok, so come down soon".

"Ok mum". As she leaves my room I realize that my Minecraft world has finally loaded "I hate having such a slow computer", I say to no one in particular. As I spawn into the new world I start doing all the normal Minecraft stuff like punching trees making a little house and starting to mine (this is just what I usually do when I start out a survival world so if you do something differently just do that) as night time arrives I quickly realize I forgot to get some wool to make a bed( if you usually get wool as your first thing just pretend there were no sheep around). As I stay up all night listening to the sounds of the mobs I think I also hear the sound of footsteps but I shrug it off as my imagination. Then I turn around to see a creeper at my window about to explode. "Nooooooo!" was all I can say before the respawn screen popped up on my monitor. "Whyyyyyyy?" I yell before mum starts yelling at me from downstairs to be more quiet. I decide to just go down to dinner and then go to bed.

Next Day at school

"Hey look it's Y/N the girl with no friends" I hear as soon as I get into the classroom. The teacher has unfortunately not arrived yet. I turn to see B/N sitting in her usual spot.

"Oh hi B/N are we playing the game where we come up with fake names for each other because I have a great one, Hey look its B/N the girl with a brain". Everybody laughs until they get a glare from B/N. She then says

"I am going to get you after school". I don't show it but I am scared by that comment. I think about telling the teacher but I am worried that B/N will find out and hurt me even more so I stay quiet. After school I decide to try going home the back way to try and avoid B/N, it was longer but less known so maybe she would not be there. Miraculously I somehow make it home through the back door without being seen by B/N, who I saw waiting at the front door. I get home but my parents aren't home from work yet. I decide to play Minecraft again. I go back into the survival world I had played before. When I log in I realize something is different, there was a house next to mine and the hole from last night's creeper was fixed. My first thought was "I am in a single player world" then I thought "Maybe it is a hacker". Then I see him. He is just coming out of the house beside mine and I know at that moment it was him, Herobrine. But why did he not kill or grief me? Then he looks at me and in chat I saw "Herobrine: Well hello there mc/username."

"What is going on" I say out loud while thinking "is it really him or am I dreaming?". Then in chat he says

"Herobrine: It is really me and no you are not dreaming". Then I completely freak out and close Minecraft and hide under my bed shivering. Then I hear footsteps coming closer to my door thinking that it is mum home early from work. I rush to the door just as it opens and face plant into something. Looking up I gasp as I stare straight into two glowing white eyes.

A/N Sorry for the cliff hanger but I just love them also don't know when I will next update but hopefully soon. Also I will change my profile picture to something other than the standard but I will do that later also if you are reading this and I have already changed it just ignore this part and also I do not own the cover of this book I just took a screenshot of a video a while back I can not remember the video and anyway I talk to much so see you later Dragon Champions!

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