The Story Of Chandlyn

By Soulful_Soup99

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The Story of Chandler Riggs and Katelyn Nacon's relationship, from first kisses to marriage to children and a... More

New Hair
Nowhere I'd Rather Be
It Wasn't Real, I'm Not Going Anywhere
First Kiss For Real
Even When You're Sick
Supporting The Other Team
Damn Bird
We'll Get Through This Together
Best Road Trip Ever
I Love You
I Hate Fighting With You
Rainy Days
A Few Years From Now
Cheesy Is Great
Scary Movies And Sleepovers
As One Chapter Ends, Another One Begins
Our Place
We Were Just Sleeping
Instructions For What
Safety Dance
You're An Amazing Father
Thankful For You
A Day In The Life Of Beaky
In Pajamas and Christmas Hats
Quality Over Qauntity
They Still Were
We Won't Drift Apart
You Forgot To Lock The Door
See You Later Dad
A Little Less Nervous
More Than Friendship
You're My Brother
Yeah We're Dating Now
Cool Parents
An Unforgettable Mother's Day
Your Very Own Drawer
Over Thinker
The Beginning Of A Lifelong Friendship
Safety, Love and Happiness
Flowers And China Patterns
Worth It
Love Note
I Won't Let You Fall
Happy Birthday Lightweight
Happy First Father's Day
Two Little Aliens
The Wisdom Of Chandlyn...And Beaky
What Makes It Even Better
A Typical Morning In The Riggs House
Sick Together
Titus And Dori
Broken Hearts Suck
Halloween Traditions
Beaky And The Bat

I'm Gonna Love You

388 6 6
By Soulful_Soup99

Date: May 2022

"Okay and Grayson and Chris will escort their mothers down the aisle first and then join back with the others," Maddy said as she linked arms with Natalie to demonstrate.

Katelyn's sister-in-law had volunteered to act as the wedding coordinator for their wedding. It was something that both Chandler and Katelyn were incredibly grateful for. Not only did it save them an expense but it allowed both of them, Katelyn in particular, to get to know her better. The two girls had bonded the last few months and with the wedding less than a day away, Katelyn was incredibly grateful for her sisters in laws organization skill as well as her coordination.

"Yeah yeah, we walk them down the aisle, sit them down and then escort the bridesmaids down. Can we eat now?" Grayson asked.

Brighton smacked him upside the head, "Think with your head and not your stomach Gray, we still have lots to go over," she chastised.

Maddy flashed her an appreciative look, "Thank you Brighton. Now once the mothers have been seated, the groomsmen and bridesmaids will come down the aisle in pairs. That's Chris and Imani, Lizzie and Vincent, Corey and Sabrina and the best man will pair with the maid of honour," she looked through the small group of people, "Vivian that's you and Grayson."

"Then Mr. Lincoln will begin playing the Piano," she gestured to Andrew Lincoln who had volunteered to play the piano at the wedding of the young man who was like a son to him.

Andrew wasn't the only cast member who'd be at the wedding. Norman, Danai, Melissa, Ross, Lauren, Steven, Christian, Alanna, Jordan, Emily, Sonequa, Kenric and Khary would all be attending the wedding. Greg, Denise and Gale would also be in attendance.

Several cast members from T@gged and Neighbors would also be present for the wedding.

Christian and Alanna's daughters would serve as the flour girls, while Sonequa and Kenric's son would be a ring bearer along with Ross's son.

Neither Katelyn or Chandler had any young siblings or cousins to fill the role and given that 'The Walking Dead' had been a major part of their relationship and was where they first met, having the kids of some of their cast mates from that show seemed like a unique and beautiful way to incorporate 'The Walking Dead' into their wedding.

"And then Mark will walk Katelyn down the aisle and Beaky will sing 'Here Comes The Bride' you," she pointed at Katelyn, "will join Chandler at the altar, where the two of you will exchange your vows, exchange rings and then the pastor will pronounce you married, you kiss and we release Beaky who will lead the way out of the church," Maddy said somewhat breathless from all the talking.

"Sounds great, can we eat now?" Grayson asked again and this time it was Gina who lightly wacked the back of his head.

"Grayson be polite, you wouldn't want Chandler to act like this at your rehearsal dinner," Gina scolded, while Chandler smirked.

Grayson shrugged, "Who says I'm ever going to get married," Grayson said laughing. When he saw the look on Brighton's face he stopped cold and leaned away from her hard stare.

"Alright before my brother puts his other foot in his mouth, why don't we all head back to my mother's house for dinner," Chandler suggested. He may have been annoyed with his brother's comments but he didn't want to see Grayson and Brighton have a fight on the night before his wedding to Katelyn.

"Excellent idea," Mark said and slowly the group of people gathered at the front of the church slowly made their way down the aisle towards the exit.

As Chandler went to turn he felt someone grab his hand pull him back. He could tell by the static from the touch and the softness of the hands that it was his bride to be.

She turned him around and smiled softly at him, "Hey," she said is a soft voice. Her brown hair had gotten longer and now fell past her shoulders, ending just below her shoulder blades. She often curled it now and to Chandler she looked like an angel. His angel.

"Hey," he said back and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Can you believe that this time tomorrow we'll be married," she said, the excitement in her voice made his heart flutter.

"I really can't, it feels like yesterday we were kissing for the first time on set," Chandler said and they both smiled at the memory of the day nearly six years ago.

"When I met you for the first time way back in 2014, I never thought that I'd been marrying you," Katelyn said, running her hands through his short hair.

"I didn't either but the day I met you my life changed for the better," Chandler said, his voice full of emotion and she smiled at him before bringing her lips to his.

She ran her hands through his hair and she felt on of his hands rest on the small of her back before his tongue pushed against hers. She moaned as the kissed deepened and just as their faces started going flush from the lack of oxygen a voice startled them and forced their lips away.

"Hey save that for the wedding," Grayson called to his brother and soon to be sister-in-law as he leaned against the old oak doors that divided the foyer and the chapel, "Let's go I'm hungry," he yelled before walking away.

"I may kill my brother," Chandler grumbled as he interlaced his fingers with Katelyn's and hand in hand they walked towards the doors.

"If you're going to do that, at least wait until after the wedding," Katelyn teased, I'd prefer to get married here and not at a jail."

"Don't worry I just plan on telling Brighton or my mom on him If he keeps it up," he laughed, "and maybe a week looking after Beaky will smarten him up."

Katelyn laughed and together they left the church that tomorrow would be the place where they officially became husband and wife.


"I thought bachelor parties were supposed to fun," Grayson wined as he sipped a can of Root Beer and looked at the sight around him.

Chandler was texting someone, probably Katelyn if Grayson had to guess. God his brother and his fiancé couldn't go one night without talking to each other. It was kind of pathetic if you asked him. He was capable of going an entire week without talking to Brighton, he'd tried it once and while he lasted a week, her reaction to his little experiment hadn't been the best.

"You're the best man dude it was supposed to be your job to plan the party," Vincent said, glancing up from his laptop.

"Technically I'm not a bachelor anymore," Chris said as he tossed a bowl of chips onto the table.

"Technically I've been too a funeral that had more energy than this party," Grayson said.

"Funeral Party, Grayson loves funeral parties," Beaky squawked from his perched in Gina's den.

"While I have the PS5 set up if anyone wants to play," Corey said as he turned around from his spot on the floor. He glanced over at Chandler, "You in Chandler?"

Chandler looked up from his phone, "Huh?"

Chris walked over to Chandler and snatched his phone out of his hands, "Dude can't you go one night without talking to my sister?" he asked, amused at the expression on Chandler face. It looked like he was pouting but at the same time had bit into a lemon and was being forced to swallow it.

"Ever since I moved in with her three years ago we haven't really been apart for that many nights," Chandler said, ignoring the smirks on his friend's faces, "I mean there's been a few nights here and there but for the most part we've been together every night," he admitted.

"Dude that's his sister," Grayson said, pointing at Chris, "He doesn't want to know how many times you've been with his sister."

"Shut up Grayson," Chandler said, annoyed with his brother, "Not what I meant at all."

"Look Chandler, we all think it's great that you and Katelyn are so much in love," Corey said, leaning up in front on the coffee table, "But it's your last night as a single man, is there anything you want to do?" he asked, looking attentively at his best friend.

Chandler pondered the question for a minute before an idea formed in his head, "I could go for some fried chicken and fries," he said.

At that moment Grayson's phone buzzed and he looked down at it to answer a snapchat from Brighton.

"Oh wow fried chicken, this bachelor party keeps getting crazier and crazier," he said sarcastically. He glanced up and saw the other guys heading for the door, "Oh are we actually going?" he stood up from the chair, "guys wait for me," he called running towards the door.

"Bring me back some fries," Beaky called as the men left.


The next morning the girls were passed out in Katelyn old bedroom at her parents' house when Sabrina's cell phone rang loudly.

"Whose phone is that?" Lizzie groaned, covering her ears with a pillow.

"It's mine," Sabrina said sleepily as she reached for it, "It's probably Corey," she said turning her phone over.

"Why is he calling at seven thirty in the morning?" Vivian asked as she sat up from her sleeping bag.

"It's Maddy," Sabrina whispered as she put the phone up to her ear, "Hi Maddy what's going on?"

Her brow furrowed as she listened to the older girl speak on the phone, "Okay, yeah we can be there, yep we'll head over now," she said and slowly hung up the phone.

The girl all looked at her with concerned looks.

"Is something wrong?" Katelyn asked nervously, concern was prevalent in her pale blue eyes.

"No, everything is great," Sabrina said, reassuring her friend, "Maddy just needs our help setting up, so we're going to go over and help and be back by noon to help you get ready."

"Okay, just don't be late," Katelyn said, she checked her phone and smiled at the text she saw from Chandler, she became engrossed in reading it that she didn't noticed her friend throwing on clothes, grabbing their stuff and bolting towards the stairs.

Chan😊❤️❤️:So today has finally arrived. I can't wait for this afternoon when we finally become husband and wife. I love you❤️ with all my heart and you are my person, today is the start of a new chapter in our lives and I'm so excited to see what life has instore for us. Don't stress, relax and I will see you later, beautiful. Happy wedding day Katelyn, xoxo❤️❤️😘

Katelyn smiled and felt her stomach doing flips like a pancake as she thought about today. Chandler Carlton Riggs was the love of her life. He was her number one supporter, fan, best friend and confident. She saw a bright future ahead of them and as she snuggled back down in her bed and imagined all the wonderful things to come, she didn't noticed the rolling thunder or the flashes on lightning coming from outside the house.


"How exactly did the people we hired to set up the wedding end up in Canada?" Imani asked.

Maddy, Brighton and all the groomsmen and bridesmaids were gathered in the church foyer. Most of them wearing jeans, tights and t-shirts, certainly not appropriate clothing for the upcoming nuptials set to begin in six hours.

"I don't know, I told them Canton Georgia and somehow they ended up in Canada," Maddy said, shaking slightly as she paced around the room.

Chris put his hand on her shoulder and rubbed it affectionately, "Well we're here now so we can get this place set up," he looked at the people around him, "Can't we guys?"

"Yeah," everyone said, some more enthusiastic than others.

"I can see if anyone else can come and help," Corey offered.

"Perfect," Maddie said, "Okay we have just under six hours guys so let's get to work."


"I don't get how you're so calm, I was a bundle of nerves on my wedding day," Gina said to her eldest son, who was currently stuffing his mouth full of bacon and eggs.

Chandler looked up at her and shrugged, "That's because I'm a guy," he said between mouthfuls of eggs.

Seeing the look on his mother's face, he elaborated on his answer, "I mean I'm excited for today and to get married but I'm not nervous. We've been ready for this in a long time and I know everything is going to work out today," he said as he got up from the table and placed his dish in the sink.

Gina beamed with at her son with pride. He'd grown into a fine man who would make a wonderful husband and father just like his own father had been.

"I'm so proud of you Chandler and your father would be too," she said and pulled him into a tight squeeze, her lavender scented perfume wafted through his nostrils.

"Thanks mom, I wish he was here today, but I know he's up in heaven watching over us," Chandler said, his voice filled with emotion.

Gina nodded, "Yes he will and he'll no doubt be cheering when you and Katelyn finally become husband and wife," she said pulling away from the hug and wiping her eyes.

"Along with Katelyn's grandma," Chandler added, "I really love Katelyn, I mean I don't think I could have done some things that I've accomplished without her by my side, she's my person and I'm gonna love her for the rest of my life," he said firmly.

"The two of you are a match made in heaven and not a single person could argue with that," Gina said as she embraced her oldest son once again.

She'd watched Katelyn and Chandler together over the past seven and a half years. They'd matured, grown up and become amazing young adults. The most amazing part was watching their love evolve and grow throughout so many different events over the past six years, some good and some bad, but not a single one had broken them apart and to Gina, Mark, Natalie and the rest of their friends and family, Chandler and Katelyn were meant to be.

She wished her husband was here to celebrate the day, with her and everyone else. After all, William Riggs had said that Chandler and Katelyn were going to get married someday from the first time he watched them interact together.

While it had taken everyone else a little while longer to see it, when they finally had they'd realized that William had been correct. Even though he couldn't be here today, Gina took comfort in the fact that he had been right and that he'd been watching over Chandler and Katelyn today.


"What Happened? Imani said the pastors hurt," Maddy cried as she raced into the foyer, the sound of ambulance sirens in the background.

"He was testing the sound system and he got electrocuted," Lizzie said as she fanned the smoke away from the now destroyed sound system.

"Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to do a sound check in the middle of an electrical storm anyway?" Vincent demanded.

"Look it doesn't matter, do we have a backup?" Maddy asked nervously, a couple strand of her honey blond hair had fallen from the bun and were now stuck to her sweaty forehead.

"I mean, I guess we could use some of Chandler's equipment," Vincent suggested, "I should be able to adjust it to serve as a sound system."

"Awesome, okay you and Grayson go and grab it," she looked around for Chandlers younger brother, "Wait where is Grayson?" she asked.

As if on cue, Grayson ran into the hallway, "Guys I can't find Beaky anywhere," he said.

"What do you mean? I thought he was down stairs in the reception hall?" Maddy asked. If anything had happened to that bird she'd never forgive herself and she knew that Katelyn and Chandler wouldn't either.

"Okay Chris and I will find the bird, Vincent and Grayson head over the other apartment and get the sound system, the rest of you finish getting the lights hung and flowers set up, the caterers will be here in a couple hours," Maddy barked orders like a little general.

No one argued with her, not even Grayson, he valued his life and he knew that by the tone in Maddy's voice that the she did not want to hear any arguments so instead he kissed Brighton's cheek and then followed Vincent out the door and into the nasty storm outside.

So far his Brother's wedding was chalking up to being a disaster


"Where is that stupid bird?" Chris asked as he and Maddy searched everyone closet, bathroom and office in the church.

"I don't know but if he got out in that storm, the wedding will be ruined and I doubt Chandler or your sister will ever forgive me," Maddy said, her lower lip trembled.

Chris placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey it wasn't your fault and the bird is fine, he's probably flying around somewhere in this place, Chris said as he kissed the side of her head.

"I know but we don't have a pastor and I promised them that this wedding would be perfect," Maddy fretted.

"And it will be," Chris said, "Why have you been so stressed about this wedding?" he asked.

"Because we eloped and I feel like we cheated your family out of a wedding," she explained as she opened a closet. All she found was a mop bucket and several rags, "I feel like I owe them and I just want this wedding to be perfect."

"You know, my family loves you and if you feel like we should have an actual wedding then why don't we do a vow renewal soon," he suggested as he opened another office door only to find it empty.

"You really mean it?" she asked, looking up at him lovingly with her hazel eyes.

"Yeah we could do like a wow renewal or something and maybe someone from my family could go online at do that thing that lets you be legally able to marry people."

At those words an idea popped into Maddy's head, "Chris you're a genius," she squealed, throwing her arms around him and kissing him hard.

"I am?" he asked.

"Yes! I can get ordained and marry them," she said, "it'll take me ten minutes," she said.

"That's a great idea," he said, pulling her into his side, "See I told you that everything would work out," he said.

"Lockett get me an exit down that alley," a cry came from somewhere close by.

"Where did that come from?" Maddy asked as they followed the noise which sounded like gunfire and explosions.

"Right here," Chris said and he opened the door.

Beaky was perched in the middle of the room, sitting on a chair, staring intently at the TV, which by a quick glance Chris could tell, was playing Battle Los Angeles

"Beaky where have you been?" Maddy demanded.

Beaky cocked his head to one side, looked at her directly with his beady little eyes and squawked, "Fighting Fires and Blowing Shit Up."

Chris snorted, leave it to the bird to quote the movie. He turned towards his wife, "At least the bird is in one piece," he said with a shrug.

"Should we like get him out of here or something?" Maddy asked as they stared at the bird watching the TV.

Chris shook his head, "Coming from experience, it's a bad idea to interrupt that bird when he's watching TV," Chris shuddered at the memory of last Halloween, "We'll just come get him later," he said.

Together they quietly left the room, relieved that they had found the bird but confused as to how Beaky got in there and managed to turn the television on.


Katelyn stared out the window, watching the rain pour and hearing the roaring thunder. On many rainy days, Katelyn and Chandler used to spend the day in bed, cuddling, kissing and watching movies. Today however they were doing something even better, they were getting married.

"It's a lighting storm," Mark said from the table where he, Gina and Natalie sat drinking coffee.

Katelyn turned around, her hair in curlers and a fluffy green rope wrapped around her body, "I know but rain or shine Chandler and I are getting married today," she said.

Katelyn didn't care if it rained on her wedding day, heck she didn't care if it snowed or there was a tornado. They'd both waited for this day and nothing was going to stop them. If they had to get married in the parking lot of the locale McDonalds then so be it, but they were getting married today.


Katelyn had been right because around three hours later guest were filing into the church and filling the pews faster than ants went after food at a picnic.

Chandler watched everything unfold from the altar. He was grateful for the air conditioning inside the church. Despite the storm outside, is was very warm in the church and Chandler felt like an oversized marshmallow in his tuxedo. He loosened his tie and turned towards his future sister in law, who was standing next to him.

Maddy's hair was in a tight braid and she was wearing a turquoise dress that ended halfway down her legs. She saw the impatient look on Chandler face and smirked, "Relax she's going to show up."

"Oh I know, I just can't wait to kiss her as my wife for the first time," he said softly.

They both turned and watched as Chris and Grayson walked their mothers down the aisle to their seats. The ceremony would start very soon.

"How's the pastor?" Chandler asked in a low voice.

A shocked expression appeared on Maddy's face, "What do you mean?"

"I mean he got electrocuted so I just wondered if he was okay."

"Yeah he his...but how?"

Chandler smirked, "Both my brother and your husband have big mouths and Katelyn and I were aware of everything pretty quick," he smiled at her, "You did great Maddy, really thank you," he said.

She smiled but before any words could form the music started playing and they both turned to face the aisle.

One by one, each pair made their way down the aisle, Grayson and Vivian were last and come to stand at the altar.

And then Chandler saw her.

Katelyn was walking down the aisle with her arm around her fathers. Her white dress had the flowy and slim shape of her mother's dress but the patterns on the dress were based on his own mothers dress. Her soft brown hair was curled and a Lillie was in her hair. When they got to the altar, Mark kissed her on the cheek, smiled at Chandler and took a seat next to Natalie. Chandler held out his hand and helped Katelyn up the two steps.

Beaky flew in front of them singing Here Comes The Bride until he reached the front pew where he landed and sat beside Gina.

Katelyn and Chandler smiled lovingly at each other as they joined hand.

"Family and Friends we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two wonderful people," Maddy said, "Chandler and Katelyn, everyone here can agree on two things. The first in that you two are a match made in heaven, and the second is that no matter what, the two of you will continue to stand up against whatever life chooses to throw at you. In your short lives you have faced difficult times together and while it was no doubt hard , we should celebrate that it continued to bring the two of you closer together in every way possible. You two are a fine example of true love and we would all love to hear what you two have to say to each other."

Chandler looked at Katelyn lovingly and smiled, "Katelyn May Nacon, you are the only person I want to spend my life with. You are my best friend but more than that you are my soulmate. You challenge me every day and push me to try new things. Everyday day we spend together is an adventure and I know that there are thousands more to come, each one bringing us closer. You amaze me with you kind heart, your down to earth personality and your sense of humour. You've been by my side through one of the hardest things I've ever gone through and I'm forever grateful for it. I promise to you that no matter what happens, I will always love you, protect you, support you, help you, laugh and cry with you and most of all go on any adventure with you. I love you," Chandler's eyes were wet when he finished and he watched as Katelyn eyes crinkled as she tried to keep herself from balling.

She sniffled and opened her eyes, love and content filled her pale blue orbs as she smiled at him.

"Chandler Carlton Riggs, you are the only boy I have liked that I have have never cried over. I've cried with you, through sorrow and through joy and while your emotional speeches can bring me to tears, they are tears of joy, love and happiness. You've been my best friend since that day I met you on set when you gave me a tour and while I didn't know it yet, you have turned into much more than that. You're sweet and funny and talented and you have the biggest heart of any guy I know. Watching you interact with children makes me even more excited to start a family with you when the time comes," she turned towards her parents and Gina, "And no I'm not pregnant yet but one day we will make you grandparents," laughter erupted from the audience.

She turned back towards Chandler, "I can't promise a perfect marriage and I can't promise it will always be easy but what I can promise you is a life together filled with adventures and happiness and most of all love. I'll stand by you through any storm, because I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Chandler and Katelyn would you please exchange rings," Maddy said. She smiled as she watched them slid the gold rings which had been made with all four of their parents rings onto each other's finger.

"With the power investment in me by the state of Georgia, I am happy to pronounce you husband and wife," she looked at Chandler, "Go ahead and kiss your bride."

Chandler obliged in an instant. He dipped Katelyn and pressed his lips to her, her soft hand resting on his face and they kissed as a married couple for the first time. It was magical. It was their first kiss as a married couple and so far from their last.


For the reception Chandler and Katelyn had forgone the normal fancy dinner and had gone with a buffet.

While everyone enjoyed food, maybe cast mates told stories of the young couple. Speeches from Vivian and Grayson and a toast from Mark followed.

And after Chandler and Katelyn carried out the tradition of shoving wedding cake into each other's faces, Vincent who was the MC announced it was time for the first dance.

(AN: Listen to I'm Gonna Love You by Jennifer Love Hewitt while reading this part.)

As the song started to play, Katelyn listened to the lyrics. She loved this song. It describe their relationship perfectly.

They were each other's angle in disguise and they'd shown each other new thing and helped each other to see the world in a different way. Chandler's happiness and love was like a thick blanket that kept her warm and safe and they had and always would keep each other's hearts safe.

One day things changed and they had feelings for each other and now here they were starting a journey together that would last eternity.

"I'm gonna love you for the rest of my life," she whispered as they held each other close and swayed around the dance floor.

He kissed her lightly and smiled at her, their foreheads resting against each other's, he whispered softly, "I'll spend the rest of my life loving you."


"So Gina and I wanted to prepare a little something for the happy couple," Natalie said into the microphone as the two moms walked onto the staged.

"Oh god," Chandler mumbled, worried looks on both his and Katelyn's faces.

"So we got together and came up with a little something and we asked the bridesmaids to help us out with it," Gina explained as she beckoned for the girls to join her and Natalie on the dance floor.

Sabrina, Imani, Vivian and Lizzie joined them on the floor and Natalie turned towards Vincent, "Let's get this party started."

Vincent nodded and hit the music.

It took all of them a few second to realize what song it was but once they did they didn't know whether to laugh or run and hide.

(Listen to I'm So Excited.)


Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen

Tonight we'll put all other things aside

Give in this time and show me some affection

We're going for those pleasures in the night

Natalie (with the Girls):

I want to (love you, feel you)

Wrap myself around you

I want to (squeeze you, please you)

I just can't get enough

Gina and Natalie:

And if you move real slow

I'll let it go

Sabrina with the Moms and Bridesmaids:

I'm so excited

(Sabrina: And I) just can't hide it


I'm about to lose control and I think I like it

Sabrina with the Moms and Bridesmaids:

I'm so excited

And I just can't hide it

And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know

I want you

Imani and Lizzie:

Oh, we shouldn't even think about tomorrow

Sweet memories will last a long, long time

Natalie  (with Vivian):

We'll have a good time, baby, don't you worry

And if we're still playin around, (boy, that's just fine)

Vivian with the Moms and Bridesmaids:

Let's get excited (Vivian: Oh)

We just can't hide it


No, no, no, no

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it

Lizzie with the Moms and Bridemaids:

I'm so excited

And I just can't hide it (Imani: No, no-oh)

I know, I know, I know, I know, I know

I want you, I want you

Gina and Natalie:

Want you, o-o-oh

Sabrina (with the Moms and the Bridemaids):

Ooh, boy

I want to (love you, feel you)

Wrap myself around you

Vivian (with the Moms and Bridesmaids):

I want to (squeeze you, please you)

I just can't get enough


And if you move real slow

I'll let it go

Gina and Natalie:

I'm so excited (Imani: Woo-wee)

The Moms and the Bridesmaids:

I just can't hide it (Imani: Oh yeah)

Sabrina with the Moms and Bridesmaids (Imani):

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it (I like it, I like it)

I'm so excited (So excited)

And I just can't hide it (I just can't hide it)

Gina and Natalie with the Bridesmaids:

And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know

I want you, I want you

The Bridesmaids (Natalie):

I'm so excited (Do what you do to me)

I just can't hide it (You've got me burning up) (Imani: Yeah)


I'm about to lose control and I think I like it (Lizzie: I think I like it)

The Bridesmaids (Gina):

I'm so excited (I think you get to me) (Natalie: Yeah, yeah)

I just can't hide it (I've got to give it up) (Imani: Oh woah, oh)

The Moms and Bridemaids:



I know, I know, I want you, baby (Gina: I'm so excited)

Gina, Natalie and Bridesmaids:

Do what you do to me (Imani: Oh, woah, yeah)

You've got me burning up

And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know (Imani: Oww, oww)

I want you, I want you

Throughout the entire performance, everyone laughed, so more than others. Chandler and Katelyn cheered as their mothers shimmied across the dance floor. Was it Embarrassing? One hundred percent, but it was also funny and hilarious.


The Congo line continued around the dance floor, led by Mark Nacon as everyone danced to 'I'm A Believer," performed by Andrew Lincoln and Beaky.

The past few hours had been filled with eating, singing, dancing and some good old fashion wedding tradition.

When Katelyn tossed the bouquet, it was caught by Sabrina. Laughter erupted at the look on Corey's face.

Of course when the garter was accidently caught by Corey, it was clear to a certain few people that Katelyn and Chandler may have been plotting something. Still though it was a good time, and while things started to wind down, Chandler and Katelyn both felt like they had an abundance of energy. Of course they would need it for their plans for later tonight


Later as they left the reception hall, while everyone released balloons and Beaky screaming "Bye," almost a million times, the newlyweds turned towards each other and embraced in a passionate kiss.

Their wedding had been something unique. It was certainly something special, which perfectly suited their wedding. After all their love story so fair had been special for sure. However it was unique and one of a kind. It wasn't perfect and it wasn't a fairy tale. But it was their story, the story of Chandlyn and it far from over and so far it had been amazing which left little doubt in either of their minds that it was about to get even better!

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