Intern~Mark(NCT) PT.1

By autumn9knk

27.6K 598 155

Elyse is a new intern at SM entertainment where she'll be working with NCT, along side her best friend Frida... More

chapter oNe
chapter twO
Chapter three
chApter four
chapter fIve
ChapTer six
Chapter seVen
Chapter eiGht
Chapter nIne
Chapter TEN๐Ÿ˜‰โค
Chapter elEven
Chapter tweLve
Chapter thirtEen
Chapter fourtEen
Chapter fifEen
Chapter sixtEn
Chapter seventEen
Chapter eigHteen
Chapter niNeteen
Chapter twentEy
Chapter twentYone
Chapter twentytWo
Chapter twentytHree
Chapter TwentyfOur
Forty Uno (Joke smut skip?๐Ÿ’)
Forty Three

Forty Deux

531 12 2
By autumn9knk

A//N~ The last chapter was more of joke so don't expect smut🙈🙉🙊.

Mark's P.O.V

"Oh my gosh." I said pulling on my hair looking down at my watermelon juice. (He doesn't like coffee, right?)

"What is weong with you?" Haechan looked at me taking a sip of his green tea( bc I like it👍)

"Shut up, Donghyuk." I let out a sigh.

"Are you a tease or an asshole with no feelings?" Haechan shook his head at me.

"Why did I bring you, I should have brought Jaemin."

"Yes you should have, Mark."

"Do you like her?" Haechan asked me but I couldn't answer.

"I think should figure it out soon." Haechan then grabbed his phone as Autumn called him.

"Hmm?" Haechan answered the phone and I could hear Autumn's voice screaming.

"ALLYSON!! WE-OH MY!!" Autumn was screaming and Haechan and I left the quite cafe.

"GUYS!" Autumn screamed as we FaceTime her while walking back.

"What?" I asked confused about why she was freaking out.

"TAEIL!" Elyse came out of nowhere and I could just feel my heaet skip a beat when I thought about last night.

"Hyung? What about him?" Haechan asked.

"WE WALKED IN! THEY! I CAN'T!" Autumn was throwing her head back and laughing. (Insert motorcycle engine)

"Maybe we shouldn't say..." Elyse slapped Autumn's head causing her to drop the phone.

"Autumn, we'll see you in a few minutes." I took the phone from Haechan hung up.

"What do you think was going on?" I asked but Haechan only paid attention that I took his phone from him.

"Give it, you snake." Haechan glared at me and I handed it over while repeating my question.

"What do you think they were on about?" I asked making Haechan get a confused look on his face.

"How would I know? I know as much as you." He shrugged.

"Autumn and Elyse-" i was cut off by Haechan.

"Yeah, what are you going to do about the situation?" I just sat quiet as he asked.

"Earth to Mark! Ello?" Haechan tried his best to speak English to get my attention but it was no use I was once again quite.

🎶Neo got my back culture things, tech tech on my mind 🎶

"Are they calling you again?" I asked looking at Haechan's phone.

"No, it's Frida." Haechan answered the phone and I could hear my name being said.

"Mark, you have a problem..." Haechan looked at me holding the phone out.

"What's the matter, Frida?" I asked calm but the response wasn't the same.

"WHAT'S THE MATTER????!! A SCANDAL!" Frida yelled so loud ppl walking by gave looks.

"About Me?" I asked and once again Frida started yelling.

"A DATING SCANDAL MARK!" Frida yelled at me and I was confused.

"Calm down, who?" I asked and it took a few seconds before Frida couod calm down.

"You know the girl you're age that goes to school with you from Gugadan?" Frida started.


"SO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS!"  Frida screamed and I hung up the phone.

"We have to get back faster." I said starting a fast jog.

Not to long I saw Elyse standing in the door way but when I went to go to her she turned away with her arms crossed.

Before I could go after her and see why Frida stopped me.

"What's going on with you and Mina?" Frida asked with an angry face backed up along with Jaehyun, Autumn, and Allyson.

"She's a classmate and I MC with her and Omg Sungwoo." I stated but they didn't seem to believe me as they're faces didn't change.

" I promise." I spoke truthfully but not even Jaehyun believed me.

"Guys, why would he be with Mins when we all know be has a thing for Elyse. Come on don't be idiots." Haechan put his arm ovee my shoulders thinking he helped me out but I just got angry.

I stormed out the loby and started running as i hit the sidewalk.

Elyse's P.O.V.

"I can't believe him!" I yelled pacing around my room.

"I can't even look at him!" I threw myself on the bed and screamed into a pillow.

"What a jerk." Allyson huffed.

"Damn, you also have to share the room with him." Daniela said and I slamed my head back into the pillow and kicked mt feet as she spoke.

*Skip after a long and unhelpful day*

I laid in bed listening to music and reading Wattpad on ny phone when I saw light come from the door.

I looked up to see who it was and it could only be Mark.

"Elyse...I..." He started and I threw pillows and blankets on the ground and then went under the covers pouting.

"Elyse, can I sleep on the bed?" Mark asked and I sat up looking him dead in the eyes.

"Dogs sleep on the ground." I felt the smallest but of a ping in my chest as I said that but I just put my headphones on and laid there.

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