Deadly Beautiful (SuperCorp M...

By geek_and_nina

117K 5.4K 447

Set in a medieval era with tournaments, gladiators, and kings; Lena Luthor is the Crown Princess of a small k... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63

Part 37

1.6K 79 1
By geek_and_nina

  the one where Alex is kind of suspicious and Kara is dealing with the burdens still upon her shoulders  


"Are you sure about this?" Alex asked her sister after most of the party-goers had retired for the night and Lena had gone blushing up to bed.

"Am I sure about what?" Kara asked, as though she did not know to what Alex was referring. She knew, she just did not want to have this conversation when she was so relaxed and happy.

"You and the princess. You don't think there is a conflict of interest there?" Alex asked, her face still, sober and tired. "One day you may yet want to reclaim Krypton for your own in the name of your family. Would not a relationship with the heir or queen of Luthor be an issue? Your own people may even view it as a betrayal of a sort."

Kara had had the same thought before and pondered it for what felt like ages. She had wanted this relationship for much longer than she cared to admit. Her heart and mind had been at war over the predicament since shortly after she had pledged herself to the princess.

"I can not worry about Krypton right now. They are my people and I care for them always, but I am in no financial or political shape to stake my claim at the moment. First, I must help Lena to take back her place, and if we are lucky, we might even be able to depose Lex Luthor himself. When we have everything else settled, we can take another look at me and at my throne." Kara said carefully, her heart heavy.

"I will hold you to that. You are my sister and my favorite person in the world. I intend to see you back where you belong." Alex said firmly. Kara could kind of understand her. If their positions were reversed she would likely feel the same way.

"Good to know I will always have you by my side and watching my back." Kara rested her head on her sister's shoulder, enjoying the quiet company of someone she had missed sorely for many years. Alex did not know how to respond to Kara's words, so she said nothing at all. Instead, she simply picked up one of her hands and laced her fingers through Kara's. Alex kissed Kara's temple and breathed shakily for a moment, her heart heavy with emotion.

"Get going now. Your pretty little princess will be upset if she wakes up without you." Alex teased. "Do not think I did not notice which bedroom you came out of this morning."

"Big sister, you had best remember I am more than capable of handling you in a fight now." Kara grinned, sitting up and shoving Alex playfully.

"Really now? I will take you on." Alex's eyes glitter with the thrill of a challenge. "Tomorrow at midday."

Kara feigns shock. "Alright then. I will be looking forward to it, but do not come crying to me when you find yourself looking up at the sky with a knot on your head." she offers her hand to her sister and they shake on it.

" You just might be getting too big for your britches." Alex was as sharp as ever, making a grab to pull her sister's pants down the way she had when they were kids.

Kara laughed at the attempt and skipped away easily.

"I will see you in the morning, Alex. Prepare to have your ass kicked." Kara advised and blew the elder Danvers sibling a kiss on her way up the rickety wooden staircase.

When Kara entered the room she shared with Lena, she found the princess passed out asleep on top of their bed, still dressed with her mouth hanging open. She chuckled softly to herself as she worked to get Lena's shoes off and the covers out from under her. Lena barely stirred as Kara did all of this. Her bleary eyes blinked a few times, but as soon as she caught a glimpse of Kara she would smile contentedly and settle back into her pillow. Kara loved that she had a soothing effect on the woman she loved.

"Scooch over." Kara hissed after changing into her sleepwear and sliding into the bed beside of Lena.

Instead of doing as she was asked, Lena turned and rested on Kara's torso, her face hidden in one strong (and healed) shoulder. Within moments, she was asleep again and Kara was quite stuck. Kara could not imagine wanting to be anywhere else ever again. She ran a hand through long dark hair and did her best to sleep as well. Deep in the back of her mind, Kara had a feeling the fight tomorrow with Alex Danvers was not the only one she needed to be rested for.

Something was coming, that much was for sure and Kara felt like she could almost taste it. So long as she had her princess, her sister, and her best friend beside her, she felt ready for anything.

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