The Infinity Coven Trilogy_A...

By nabiilah25

15.6K 6.9K 1.8K

She knew he meant trouble. Yet she loved him. When seventeen-year-old Quinn Sophia Richards leaves New York t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

392 174 14
By nabiilah25

"You jerk!," Shade yelled as he caught up with Ash. "Your idea of curing last night's hangover with fresh air is costing us dearly." A cold damp breeze slapped his back.

It was past four a.m, yet still obscure in the eerie woods. Droplets of rain moistened the soil as they fell, wiping off their footsteps.

Ash threw him a quick backward glance. "Spare me the lecture. Just run!"

"What do you think I'm doing already?" Ash beckoned him to run faster.

"Ash, because of you I'm into this mess. You better find a solution." He darted a look behind him, then touched the ground and sighed. "These vampires are moving faster. We can't cover our track for long."

"Damn! This whole thing about being chased is stressing me out," Ash muttered.

"Don't tell me you're losing concentration to connect to Dravon telepathically!" Shade glared at him. Ash nodded, a fearful look passed across his face.

He was in no mood to be killed because of Ash William's stupidity. "Well do something Williams," Shade tapped Ash's back as he outran him. Ash easily followed his pace.

"You know, at times like this, it crossed my mind how we would have been better if we had teleportation powers like Blackwell."

"We don't. That's why we are in this mess. Our powers are fading too along with him."

"That power of his is still intact." He faced Shade. "I seriously envy his powers. Sometimes I wish I had them."

"There's still a hope for us, Williams." Ash's silver grey eyes gleamed with curiosity.

"Quinn Richards," Shade said confidently.

"Princess! She's busy in that underground library. She can't help us."

"I'll try to communicate with her." Shade closed his eyes and focused on Quinn Richards. The telepathic call he sent out was almost a scream.


Quinn mindlessly drove back, her thoughts preoccupied by that old book and its disturbing contents. The blood running in her veins was that of cold blooded murderers, not that of saviours. She wasn't a witch, a saviour fulfilling her place in the scheme of the prophecy by finding a way how to keep everyone alive with her dark magic. She was a descendant of murderers. She carried the powerful blood of monsters.

It had stopped raining, and although the sky was still dark grey and overcast, pale beams of sunshine were dauntlessly trying to spread their warmth.

The beautiful picture of Georgina Blackwell still haunted her mind. She was pierced by the mental vivid image of Dravon's mother, her pale complexion and her gorgeous smile. How could her ancestors kill an innocent soul when their target was Saul Blackwell?

She would have pondered more on the Campbell witches if the infinity tattoo on her neck didn't burn. She darted a look in the rear mirror as she shoved back some of hair locks covering her neck. The tattoo had turned red from the burning sensation. The members must be in some difficulty. She checked her surroundings just in case she found something wrong close-by.

Quinn's heart pounded and she could feel the adrenaline rush in her.

She parked her car and sat still, her eyes closed, her mind dwelled on only one thing : the Celtic mark on her neck as the pain intensified. A clear image appeared out of nowhere. Two tall figures, Shade and Ash, in the woods. Why in the world were they in the forest at this time?

The creepy silent woods where they were located was on the other side of the town. With that disturbing pain, it was impossible to drive fast. One idea struck her restless mind : teleportation. She had seen Dravon do it so many times. Maybe she could execute it too. She just hoped that the magical blood she unfortunately inherited proved to be useful.


Ash muttered a savage oath as they stopped dead when a stone-faced vampire and a newly transformed blond vampire appeared before them. They would have chosen another way of escape if the three vampire elders hadn't circled them.

Shade and Ash looked at each other in despair. "Well, this can't be good !," Shade muttered beneath his breath.

"I miss Blackwell suddenly," Ash told Shade softly.

"Well, look at this. The hunters being hunted," the most dangerous elder said. Shade winced. He recognised that vampire. He was named Lorcan, an extremely powerful supernatural being, tall, with dark skin and a look of authority. The two other elders were right behind him, Siera, the ruthless ripper and Emrick, the hot-tempered elder.

"It must be a shock for you, the Infinity members with the mighty immortal's blood, to be considered as inferiors," Emrick taunted. "You, members, have killed numerous of our own. Now it's payback time." Siera stared at Shade for a long unnerving moment. Ash stared at his friend too, he had to give him credit ; Shade didn't even wince.

"I've always had a soft spot for the olive green eyed one. Leave that one for me," Siera declared boldly. Her baby pink lips curved in a perfect smile, her flaming red hair dangling in the air.

At that moment, Ash desperately hoped for a miracle. What he didn't realised was that his wish was going to be fulfilled almost instantly.

A mass of dark purple orbs materialized in the center of the circle of vampires, their attention diverted on that. Next moment, they all stared at Quinn Richards, bold and unstoppable, still in her gold dress, her heels replaced with red low knee boots, her hands on her hips.

"Missed me anyone?," she asked bluntly.

"The Campbell witch?," Emrick voiced out loud. "No it can't be," Sierra answered. Lorcan whirled to glare at his two elder companions.

Ash raised an eyebrow playfully at Quinn.

"I get it Ash! I'm not rightfully dressed to be in the woods, again."

"And the boots?," Ash demanded. "Had a pair in my car."

"Nice." He grinned. Shade cleared his throat. "Not that I give a damn about your conversation, but we have a situation here." Quinn's gaze darted around. Nobody moved-yet.

"Oh that!" Quinn flashed a cruel smile of triumph. "No need to worry." Shade approached her.

"In case you are unaware, the elders are descendants of the vampire lamia. Without the complete control of our powers, it's practically impossible to wipe them off. Even the two others represent a threat to us, Quinn," he whispered in her ear.

"They might be strong but not more than the prince of the Shadows," Quinn told confidently.

"You mean...," Siera never got to complete her sentence when this time, a black massive orb took place and the most powerful immortal appeared.

Quinn turned to face Shade and Ash. "I forgot to mention, I brought back-up," she said.

"Hello Lorcan, long time no see!." Dravon ran a hand in his black hair and smirked at him. With his taller height, determined chin, aristocrat flare and devastating smile, the aura created out of him was that of pure dominance.

The two vampires that the elders brought along backed away. They were intimidated by Dravon.

Quinn gazed at the dominant immortal for several seconds. How can someone be so sinfully handsome! It actually hurts to see him so composed and perfect.

"But I thought the destroyer of the prophecy said the prince of the Shadows had become weak," the blond vampire shakily said.

"Oh, he did?" Dravon frowned and raised one dark eyebrow to his blond enemy. His fingers snapped, he vanished in thin air to reappear in front of the newly transformed vampire.

"Too bad he's wrong." He smiled wickedly at him. One hand reached forward, he ripped the vampire's heart mercilessly and watched him fall. Siera frowned while the other vampires surrounded Dravon to strike.

But he froze them right in time and threw away the heart he held in his hand like a discarded object.

"What's the hurry, descendants of the vampire lamia?" He gave them a cruel smile. "Nothing moves in this town without my permission."

He questioned Lorcan next. "Care to tell me why you, vampires, are roaming free in my woods without my authority?"

"The destroyer came to us and commanded us to eliminate your Infinity members. Without them, you will be powerless and at his mercy," the elder said between clenched teeth. They had the power to move only their eyes and mouths.

Dravon threw back his arrogant head and laughed. "So now, you inferiors of the Shadow world choose to obey your coward destroyer instead of me."

"We prefer to be on the winning side. We know he will take over once the prophecy is completed," Emrick added.

Dravon shook his head and gave Emrick a cruel cold smile. Siera shivered slightly, the fear undisguised on her pale face.

"Well whatever the excuse, the punishment of disobedience is death."

He strolled back to his members.

"Watch and learn, absolute fools, how the existing ruler always manage to protect his own." Ash and Shade remained silent. He glanced at Quinn and she nodded.

She held both her hands forward and Dravon grabbed them firmly. Next, a beautiful mass of purple and black smog appeared to form a big bubble of floating electrifying magical energy.

Ash and Shade watched in wonder as the bubble floated to them, then separated in four smaller bubbles and integrated in the bodies of the Infinity members.

Quinn didn't have words to describe how energised and mighty she felt suddenly. It was as if both her and Dravon's powers fused together and throbbed in her veins.

"Now, I feel better," Ash teased.

Dravon threw a sideway glance at him.

"After clearing this mess, I will take care of you, Williams."

Ash cursed out loud. "This is worse than the present situation."

Dravon returned his attention to his enemies. "Now since you are elders, I will grant you and your companion the satisfaction to fight for your life instead of finishing you all with a mere snap."

"This can't be good," the stoned-faced vampire analysed.

Emrick turned to Siera. "Kill the witch."

"Well, showtime guys." Dravon again snapped his fingers and freed the vampires from the time freeze.

They whooshed all at once to confront their selected members : Lorcan for Dravon, Siera for Quinn, Emrick for Shade and the other vampire for Ash.

Ash created a protective blue bubble, cocooning himself inside. The vampire kicked with all his force to break the shield of protection, but in vain. Ash floated in air as he sat in his created shield and used telekinesis powers to lift numerous deadly spiky branches which he ruthlessly sent in the direction of the vampire.

He watched without mercy as all the spiky woods pierced the body of his enemy.

The elders winced at that show.

"My turn," Shade announced. Dravon froze Siera and Lorcan and gave Shade the permission to proceed.

Lorcan and Siera watched in horror when Shade, with the help of Dravon's energy, disappeared. Emrick, confused turned in all directions and whooshed away when Shade split himself in three figures, each one with a white wooden pointed poisoned spike. All the figures attacked Emrick at once, the spikes slicing his heart, the poison burning the lifeless body to ashes. Then, the figures vanished and Shade was back on the ground, leaning against a tree, one finger readjusting his ear piercing.

"No...," Sierra screamed.

"Don't tell me, Siera, that you had a thing for that pathetic Emrick," Dravon taunted.

"Rest in peace Emrick," Shade mocked.

Dravon gave Siera a sardonic grin and a negligent shrug. "You never know." Siera gasped for air and screamed again.

"When will you free these two?," Quinn interrupted.


"You will pay for this," Lorcan threatened Dravon.

"I don't think so." Once again, both the supernatural beings were free from his spell but before they could react, Quinn and Dravon formed another bubble, this time a magical blue fire one which burned both the vampires. They kept screaming as the flames of the blue fire engulfed them, wiping off their existence.

Dravon gazed upwards. "Williams, get down right now!," he barked.

"I'd rather not Blackwell. When furious, you are unpredictable."

"You realise, because of your stupid idea, the whole coven was in danger, especially your twin brother. You are linked to Jason. If tonight, you got killed, Jason too would have been dead."

"Jason...," Ash whispered.

Quinn shook Dravon's arm. "Enough Dravon. No damage was done." His pair of sapphire eyes glanced at her intently.


"I'm sorry Blackwell. This won't happen again." He vanished right after.

"I need a nap," Shade whooshed away, not wanting to bother these two.

Quinn was left alone with Dravon in the forest. She wanted to tell him that she knew why part of him despised the witches, that she understood why he can't forgive them. After a deep breath, she spoke. "Dravon, I know who killed your mother."

He slowly turned to her, his expression cold. With extreme care, he held her face as if she was someone exquisitely precious. "Now is not the time to rake up the past. Go home and rest." She closed her eyes when he pressed his lips on her forehead.

When she opened her eyes, Quinn was in the guestroom of his mansion, alone.


A few hours later, all students were discussing the death of Luke. Everyone believed it was Scarlett's doing. The rumor spread like wildfire in Rossmore High School and they all awaited the mourning speech of the principal after lunch break and the confirmation of the real culprit.

The Blue Sorority elites all preferred to skip morning classes due to their lack of last night's sleep.

When lunch was over, an increasing crowd was gathered in the hall, murmuring. Scarlett made a dramatic entrance with her father. A eerie silence followed. Nobody dared to contradict the crazy queen bee now that they thought she was a murderer.

Lisa arrived first with Shade, with respective pair of sunglasses to hide their puffy eyes. The teachers eyed them strangely.

Several minutes later, Jade and Ash came, they also wearing black shades.

"Must be the new fashion," Scarlett broke the silence and honored others with her evil smile.

Jade quickened her pace and stood next to Lisa, not wanting to face Ash about yesterday's kiss. She felt terrible about it. Worse, she felt like she had betrayed Dravon. She wanted to be his perfect girl.

Ash slowly went to her side and murmured in her ear. "No need to feel sorry. Just pretend that kiss never happened." Jade sighed and nodded. Thank goodness, for once in his life, Ash acted sensibly.

Jason accompanied Quinn for a change, him avoiding Lisa after her love confession. Lisa was too sweet for him. He wanted to pursue his dreams once the prophecy completed. Never did he even think of getting in a serious relationship before feeling accomplished. He knew Lisa would never understand that. She wanted something that never existed in the first place.

Quinn broke his thoughts. "Have you seen Dravon?"

"No," he replied. Ash waved at his twin but Jason ignored him.

"Hey bro!," Ash sent Jason a telephatic message.

"Where the hell were you after the party?," Jason sent back.

"Long story," Ash cut short.

Morgade Whitmore attended the gathering too when Mr. Moore expressed his sympathy and ordered two minutes of silence for the late Luke. Soon after that, the mob dispersed.

Morgade spotted Quinn and beckoned her to wait. Great, now what did he want? She sent a quick telepathic message to the rest. Help!

The coven members stayed back with her, feeling her panic.

"You guys can go. I want to talk to Miss. Richards personally," the English teacher commanded them.

Quinn gave them sideways glances, silently praying someone will do something. She didn't want to be alone with that cold teacher. Her instinct warned her off.


Scarlett and her two blondes laughed in the long hallway as they started the gossip that Mr. Whitmore and Quinn were having an affair.

Shade frustrated, punched his locker, unable to hear more of her nonsense, then faced the crazy queen bee. "Enough of your crap Bloom."

Scarlett gave him a feline smile, playing with her long ponytail. "You may shut me up but everyone can witness the truth." Nobody else dared to utter a word.

Just then Dravon arrived. Scarlett pulled a seductive smile on her powdered face and shifted her gaze to him. But Dravon, ignoring everyone directly went in the hall. Jade stood in a corner like a muted audience.

Lisa glanced at Dravon's back as he disappeared at the far end, wanting to question him about her family's hidden library. Yesterday, after Quinn left, she couldn't sleep, her mind coming up with unanswered questions. She needed to know who in her family kept archives on witches. It meant one thing. Her family was aware that supernatural beings exist.

The Rhodes family kept secrets from her but why? She just knew Dravon could help her. She needed to discuss this with him.

She felt connected to Quinn more now, knowing the fact that both their families hid major profound secrets.


Mr. Whitmore was about to utter something but he stopped when he assessed someone's presence.

Quinn was grateful the moment she saw his protector stepping in the hallway. She almost fainted with relief.

"Thank god, Dravon," Quinn ran to him hurriedly, threw her arms around him and hugged him hard.

She tensed for a moment, expecting him to thrust her aside. The blue eyes flickered with astonishment, then one dark brow arched and his mouth curved slightly at one corner.

"Quinn, let's go," was all he said. She was startled to feel his hard arm come around her.

Morgade gave him a dark vicious look. The well-known cursed immortal was standing in the same place as him. How dare he? The prince of the Shadows needed to fear him, not stand, sharing the same ground as him. He was the destroyer, for hell sake.

Dravon Blackwell had even succeeded to save his members from these vampires, now the Campbell witch from him, but for how long...

Quinn eyed them beneath her long lashes as both Morgade and Dravon glared at each other icily. Even if the white hall was spacious enough, right now it seemed smaller, their gaze threatening each other. The tension in the air was unbearable, almost frightening.

"Mr. Blackwell. How dare you interrupt me?," Mr. Whitmore menaced.

"I will do better." He lifted Quinn in his arms, gave Moregade a winning smile and went off.

All eyes bored on them in the hallway. But Quinn didn't care when she felt safe in his strong arms. It just felt right to be with him.

Moregade strode in the hallway, his anger apparent when he noticed Jade hiding in that corner.

"They are so much in love, aren't they Miss. Moore." Jade reflected on his words, numb and speechless. He went on. "Quinn and Dravon are just made for each other." Moregade watched Jade as two tears like crystal pearls flowed down her cheeks. She stifled a sob and ran away. Morgade enjoyed the scene in satisfaction. So what if he couldn't manipulate Quinn due to Dravon's growing obsession about his precious witch. He will poison the minds of the weaker members against each other.

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