Intern~Mark(NCT) PT.1

By autumn9knk

27.6K 598 155

Elyse is a new intern at SM entertainment where she'll be working with NCT, along side her best friend Frida... More

chapter oNe
chapter twO
Chapter three
chApter four
chapter fIve
ChapTer six
Chapter seVen
Chapter eiGht
Chapter nIne
Chapter TEN๐Ÿ˜‰โค
Chapter elEven
Chapter tweLve
Chapter thirtEen
Chapter fourtEen
Chapter fifEen
Chapter sixtEn
Chapter seventEen
Chapter eigHteen
Chapter niNeteen
Chapter twentEy
Chapter twentYone
Chapter twentytWo
Chapter twentytHree
Chapter TwentyfOur
Forty Uno (Joke smut skip?๐Ÿ’)
Forty Deux
Forty Three


488 11 11
By autumn9knk

Frida's P.O.V

After leaving Elyse and Mark; Jaehyun and I went to our room to get changed.

"Are we meeting with them later?" Jaehyun asked while changing his shirt which made me turn away and blush a little.

"Yeah, she would kill me if we didn"t. But knowing her and Mark they'll forget about us or ignore us." I laughed knowing how immature Elyse can be.


Aftee getting a text from Elyse ablut meeting them down stairs I grabbed my hat and went down with Jaehyun.

"Mark, of you don't stop saying Oh my god I will actually kill you." I heard from around the corner along with Mark's reply.

"Elyse, I- pshh." I couldn't help but laugh at them because they where fighting like an actual couple.

It actually is quite annoying that they haven't started dating yet. I hope something good happens on this trip.

"Jaehyun, I think your girlfriend is broken. She went from laughing into a deep thought." Mark said pointing at me.

"I can't be broken, you idiot." I said walking away with Jaehyun.

"She's not SM's robot like Taeyong." I heard Elyse said from behind and giggles after that.

"Let's go!" Jaehyun said pointing at the Go-Karts which made me smile because of how cute he can be.

When we got in line Elyse started hitting my arm which casued me to finally look at her.

"What." I asked demanding while she was pointing.

When I followed her finger to where it was pointing I realized that she wasn't excited about riding but about the guy who controlled it.

"What are you pointing at?" Mark asked looking at me and Elyse.

"The guy operating it, I think." Jaehyun said and I hit him in the gut causing him to glare at me which I did right back.

"Why?" Mark asked looking at the guy and back to Elyse in confusion.

"Because he's attractive." Elyse put her arm down on the rail and made googly eyes at the worker.

"No he's not." Mark huffed while leaning back.

"Mark, he is tall, has broad shoulders, nice hair, and even nice shoes." She looked at Mark up and down.

"What? I am tall, have nice hair, and even nice shoes." Mark got all defensive.

"Guys?" I asked but Elyse put up her hand and totally ignored me.

"Wearing the same pair of shoes everyday is not the same thing." She said before the line started moving.

The whole time while Go-karting Elyse was infront of me amd slowed down everytime she could see the worker.

When we got off Elyse didn't tale her eyes off him and slowed down her walk before Mark pushed her to walk faster.

"I want Ice Cream." I said while walking to a booth.

"After a little can we Go-Kart again?" Elyse asked and I really just wanted to slap her because Mark was literally right next to her.

"No." Mark and I said at the same time.

"Frida....." Elyse dragged on while with a whine, "you thought he was cute too."

"No she didn't." Jaehyun answered for me and I started to blush at how he was acting so I started to tease him.

"I mean he was..." I smiled.

"Because Frida's a nice person and won't say it I will. That guy was ugly, very ugly." Jaehyun started at me when he spoke the whole time.

"Yup, that's what I ment." I said nodding my head Jaehyun rubbed my head.

"Jae, my hair." I pouted and Jaehyun just wrapped his arm around my shoulders which made me happy.

"I hope you don't mind but- I want time alone with my Jae." I said holding Jaehyun's hand knowing it would make Elyse cringe and leave immediately.

Elyse's P.O.V

Looking at Frida and Jaehyun made me feel weird and cringe so I got up and walked away pulling Mark.

"Let's go back to where we were earlier." I said skipping and smiling.

I felt Mark stop and I did too.

"What? I want to see the guy." I said and Mark pulled his wrist out of my grasp and went the other way.

"Mark!" I yelled and chased after him.

"Go by yourself!" Mark said while he picked up his pace.

"Hey! Stop!" I yelled and ran.

When I finally caught up to him he seemed mad.

"Why are you acting like this?" I asled confused.

"Are you dumb?" Mark asked me and I was taken back.

"What?!" I asked.

"You must be. I am going back to the room." He walked away leaving me dumbfounded because we just got here.

******Time Skippy******

It's been about 4 hours from when Mark left and I keep thinking about what I did that made him upset but I have no clue.

Should I head back now?

I started walking back to the room and my heart pounded every step closer.

When I came to open the door I took a feel breath and opened it.

He's sleeping? I thought to myself as I saw him on the bed.

I walked closer to him and sat on the bed next to him.

"I don't know what I did to make you upset. I don't know what I should do. Maybe I am stupid?" I said looking down at my hands.

"Yes, you are." Mark's voice startled me. He sat up and looked at me.

"Look I'm sorry, can you tell me why you're upset? I won't do it again." I looked at him.

Mark just sat there not answering for a while and just sat until suddenly he pecked me on the lips then started to walk away.

I grabbed his arm and looked at him confused.

"I'm tired. I'm going to go wash up before bed." He walked away leaving me more clueless than ever.

A//N~ Damn, this girl is stupid. But so is my sister (Elyse) so it's accurate.

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