The Duet

Von aworldwithoutaname

46K 1.9K 655

Kat is the reserved, introverted nerd. Austin is the popular, attractive "bad boy". They have nothing in co... Mehr

The Duet
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Three

1.9K 77 22
Von aworldwithoutaname

The annoying sound of my alarm clock woke me up.

Wait alarm clock? I don’t even remember setting my alarm clock last night. Unless Kale did while I was asleep.

 I let out a groan and hit the thing so it would shut up. The neon green number read 7:30 am. All I wanted to do was stay and bed and go back to sleep. The temptation was stronger because I knew I was waking up early for Austin. After a few minutes I gave up and got out of bed to get ready for the day.

I went to my washroom and did my morning routine and changed into my black skinny jeans and my white long sleeve. I shoved my phone into my back pocket and threw on my white beanie. I ran downstairs and slipped on my white converse. I peered into the kitchen making sure everything was off. I grabbed my keys from the key hook before I exited out of the house.

The morning April breeze was cool but not so cool that I needed a sweater. It wasn’t too sunny yet and all I could hear was the sound of birds chirping. It was very relaxing outside at this time because everyone is usually still asleep. Austin’s house was two houses away from mine so I didn’t have to take the bus or walk far.

I walked up to the wooden front door and knocked three times. After a few moments later the door flung open revealing a shirtless Austin. He rubbed his eye with the heel of his hand and his hair was sticking up in different direction. This idiot just woke up didn’t he?

“Forgot I was coming?” I raised an eyebrow. He let out a yawn and stretched.

“No I just thought you wouldn’t show.” He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. I knew I should’ve just stayed in my cozy bed and go back to dreamland but no, I just had to get up and get ready because I actually thought he would be ready!

“So I woke up early for nothing?”

“Yeah basically.” He smirked and tried shutting the door on me. I jammed my foot before it fully closed.

“No. We are going to this stupid bonding assignment and you are not going to get out of it. If I’m stuck doing it so are you.” I hissed and pushed my way into his home.

His smirk was automatically replaced by a scowl. “Why the hell would you just barge into someone’s home? I didn’t let you in”

Oh how great. It’s not even 9:00 am and we’re already arguing.

“No you are going to let me in.” I said angrily. “You told me to come at 8:00 in the morning. What time is it? 8:00 in the freaking morning. Believe me, I don’t want to do this as much as you don’t but like you said, we’re doing this for the sake of our grade. Now suck it up and let’s get started”

“I live in this house and I choose whether to let you in or not. And I choose not to.” He yelled back. The tips of his ears were red, which was a sign he was angry. “Don’t you know any manners Kat?! Is that how your parents raised you?!”

“Don’t fucking speak about my parents!” I yelled back. “You know nothing!” At this point I was crying. It’s one thing for someone to bring up my parents, it’s another to bring them up and indirectly call them bad parents. My parents raised my brothers and I pretty well but that doesn’t mean were perfect.

Feeling embarrassed for crying in front of Austin I turned around and started walking back home. I heard Austin calling my name but I ignored him. When I reached my house I didn’t go inside. I didn’t need Kale worrying over me this early.

I sat on the steps of the front porch letting the cool morning breeze calm me down. I’m not mad that Austin brought up my parents. He doesn’t even know what happened; I can’t blame him for that. I only have myself to be mad at because it’s been almost four years since everything happened and I can’t get over it.

The sound of footsteps caught my attention as I played with the blades of grass. It was Austin walking up the driveway. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a white tee shirt. I was kind of shocked to see him here right now.

He took a seat in the empty space beside and we stayed silent for a while. I didn’t know what to say so I was hoping he would break the silence soon.

 “I’m sorry Kat.” He apologized. “Yes I was tired and in a bad mood but I never wanted to make you cry.”

I knew that he was truly sorry. Austin does, irritate me, make fun of me, argue with me but he would never hurt me purpose.

 “I’m sorry too.” I said, looking away from those beautiful eyes. “I shouldn’t have barged into your home like that.”

“Come over,” he stood up from the steps and grabbed my hand. “Let’s bond.”

He pulled me up and we both walked back to his house in comfortable camaraderie. It wasn’t that long of a walk.

When we arrived at his house he unlocked the door to his home and let me in first. He slipped off his shoes and I did the same. He led me into the living room.

“Nice living room.” I complimented as I looked around. The living room wasn’t big but it wouldn’t be considered small. There was an ‘L’ shaped couch in the corner of the room and a small table placed in front of it. There were two single couches beside the ‘L’ shaped couch. In front of the table was a fireplace with pictures on the ledge. Beside the fire place was a 36 inch flat screen that hung on the wall. The room had a warm cozy vibe that I really liked.

“Thanks.” We sat side by side in the ‘L’ shaped couch. “So what are we supposed to do?”

I shrugged. All Mr. Elliot told us to do was bond. But how do we do that?

“Do you have any ideas?” I asked.

“Uhm...” he said tapping his chin. “20 questions?”

I nodded my head. We both positioned ourselves on the couch so we were sitting cross legged, face to face. We started asked each other 20 random questions about each other. From the first five questions I learned that Austin likes dogs, his favourite food is pizza, his favourite color is red, he enjoys mystery movies and he has one younger half-sister.

“So you only have only two brothers right?” he asked me. “Kale and Logan?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I’m the youngest and only girl.”

“Ah so they must be very over protective of you.” Austin said.

“Yeah but I don’t blame them”

He nodded and went back to silence. The only sound that was being heard was the tick of the clock and our breathing. I was starting to feel awkward so I killed the silence before I did something really stupid and/or embarrassing.

“So where’s your sister?” I asked curiously. I haven’t seen her since I arrived.

“Upstairs, probably still asleep.” I looked at the clock that hung on the wall behind the couch. It read 9:15. Of course no one was awake at this time.

“Ohh. Your parents are at work?” I asked.

“Yeah. They should both be home at around 8:00 this evening.”

“Where does your mom work?”

“She’s a doctor at the hospital. My dad is a mechanic.” He said. I smiled. I found it cute that even though his step dad wasn’t biologically his father, he still calls him ‘dad’.

“What?” he questioned looking confused. He looked cute when he looks confused. Like a lost kitten.

“Well he’s more of a father to me than my actual father.” Before I could say anything else, a little girl came walking down the stairs in her blue nightgown. She ran into the living room to Austin. That’s probably his half-sister.

“Good morning Arianna.” Austin lifted her up and placed her on his lap.

“Who’s her?” the little girl asked pointing to me. I started feeling self-conscious with myself so I looked down. Sometimes the stares of people make me really anxious.

“Arianna this is Katrina.” Austin introduced. She jumped off his lap and walked towards me. She stared at me for a while and then said “You’re pretty Katrina.”

I broke into a smile. “Thanks Arianna.”

Austin took Arianna to the kitchen to feed her some breakfast. I followed them and sat with Arianna at their kitchen table. Austin got her a bowl of Reese Puffs and poured her a glass of milk.

“I don’t like milk.” She pouted. “Why do I have to drink it?”

“Because if you don’t, you won’t grow strong.” Austin answered. “Now eat up princess.”

Arianna obeyed his words and started putting spoons full of that chocolaty cereal in her mouth. He offered me something to eat but I declined. I wasn’t feeling hungry.

“So I guess you’re helping me baby sit today.” He said.

“Okay. At least we have something to bond over.” My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and saw that Kale had texted me.

Kale: you’re at Austin’s house?

Me: Yup.

Kale: Okay just making sure. Please don’t go killing each other.

I rolled my eyes at his text.

Me: Yeah, yeah

“So what shall we do with my sister today?” Austin asked. “She usually goes over to my cousin’s house which is across from ours but they’re not in the country.”

“I don’t know.” I turned to Arianna. “What do you want to do today?”

She set her now empty glass of milk onto the table and made a face. “Milk is yucky.”

“Ari answer Kat’s question.” Austin said.

“I want to go to the park.” She said. “I want to play with Kitty Kat.”

I smiled at her nickname for me. “Okay. Go change out of your pyjamas and we’ll go to the park.”

She jumped out of her chair excitedly and ran up the stairs. I got up as well and collected Arianna’s empty bowl and glass and brought to the sink.

“Hey you don’t have to do that.” Austin insisted

I shrugged. “I know.”

After a few minutes Arianna came running down the stairs wearing a pair of blue jeans and a pink tee shirt. She grabbed her sweater from the coat closet and hurriedly put on her black and red velcro shoes. I put on my shoes and so did Austin. When I got up Arianna grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.

“Slow down Arianna.” I giggled. “We have to wait for your brother.”

Austin locked their front door and we started walking to the nearby park. Arianna held onto my hand for the whole time, even when I told her my hands were sweaty. All she said was ‘that’s okay, my hands are sweaty too’ When we arrived, the little girl made me run with her to the swing sets so I could push her. Austin took a seat at the bench in front of the swings and watched us.

“Higher Kat, Higher.” Arianna demanded.

“Your wish is my command.” I said and started pushing her a bit harder so she would go higher. After she wanted to get off swing, we played tag. Austin joined us too. I haven’t ran this much since I had Phys. Ed.  When it was lunch, we left the park and went by to the McDonalds across the street from the park.

“What do you want Ari?” Austin asked when we entered the building

“I want happy meal.” She said excitedly.

“Do you want anything Kat?”

I shook my head. “Nah I’m good.”

“You sure?” he asked. I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. When he went in line to get their food, I brought Arianna outside and sat at one of the tables.

“What do you want to do after you finish eating?” I asked.

“Let’s watch Frozen!” she said excitedly. “I love Olaf, he’s my best friend.”

Austin came back with their food and we made our way back to their house. We kicked off our shoes and went into the living room. Austin set the bag of food on the table and the 6 year old girl took out her happy meal and started devouring it like she hasn’t eaten in ages. It was adorable.

Austin put on Frozen and took a seat next to me on the couch. He took out his fries and burger and started eating it as well. The three of us spent the rest of the afternoon watching Disney movies.

At around 6:30 Arianna fell asleep in her brother’s arms. He excused himself and brought her up to her room. As I waited I went on my phone and saw that I had three text messages that were all from Sophia.

Sophie: How’s it going with Austin?

Sophie: Are you dead or are you actually having a good time with Austin?

Sophie: Text me when you get this so I know you’re still alive.

I shook my head in amusement. Besides what happened this morning, I enjoyed being with Austin and his little sister. Austin came back downstairs and plopped down beside me.

“Thanks for helping me babysit.” He smiled. Not a mocking smirk but a genuine smile.

“No problem. I’ve always wanted a little sister.” I shrugged.

“Ari took a liking to you pretty quickly.” He pointed out. “You’re so good with children.”

“Aha yeah, I did prepare for it.” I said sheepishly.

“What do you mean?” He asked

“Don’t worry about it.” I said quietly, averting my gaze to my hands.

“Come Kat. Tell me.” He prodded. I sighed and shifted my position so I was sitting more comfortably and facing Austin.

 “My mom was pregnant three years ago. It was a girl. I wanted to be the best sister I could be for her so I kind of prepared myself for it. But we lost her.” I looked away avoiding his eyes. But I felt him stare at me in shock.

“How did she die?” he asked carefully. And that was the hard part to answer because now I’d have to explain my mother’s accident.

“My mom got into a car accident almost four years ago. Sadly she died before the paramedics even got to her. She was still pregnant with my sister.” Tears were threatening to spill but I held it in. I had to.  

“I’m sorry.” My voiced cracked. “Talking about my parents is hard for me. Even just the mention of them makes me want to bawl my eyes out.”

He rubbed my back soothingly. “What about your father?”

“He’s still alive I think.  He left Logan, Kale and I three days after my mother died. At first Logan didn’t have enough money to take care of Kale and I so we were put into the foster system. After a year they allowed Logan to take us under his care because he had enough money to make sure we had everything we needed.” I explained.

“I’m sorry.” He said sadly.

“Don’t say that.” I said a bit harshly. I hated when people say sorry whenever I tell them about my parents.

“No not for what you told me.” He said quickly. “But for what I said this morning.”

I shrugged. “It’s alright. You didn’t know.”

“I’m home!” a feminine voice yelled. Austin got up and I followed, not wanting to be alone in their living room. The woman was dressed in purple scrubs and white nurse shoes. Her brown hair was tied into a high ponytail. Her brown eyes and facial structure resembled Austin’s.

“Hey mom.” He greeted as he kissed her cheek. “How was work?”

“Busy as usual.” She turned to me and gave me a smile. “Katrina Winters?”

“Uhm yes?” I said feeling nervous. How did she know my name? I don’t think I’ve ever met her or talked to her before. Austin was probably thinking the same thing and asked how she knows me.

“Your Logan’s sister right? He works in the same unit as I do.” She said. “You two look alike. And he talked about you and your twin a lot.”  

I nodded. I never knew Logan worked with Austin’s mother, what a small world. I wonder if Logan knew that he worked with Austin’s mother. She welcomed me to stay for dinner but I said no telling her I have to get home.

“Austin can walk you home.” She chirped. “Don’t want a beautiful young lady like you walking alone at this time. I hope to see you soon Katrina.”

“Bye Mrs. Desmyn.” Austin and I exited the house and started walking to my house. He walked me all the way to the front porch. Before he could leave I grabbed his arm.

“So I’ll see you Monday.” I said awkwardly.

He chuckled. “Alright. Good night nerd.” I watched walk off the driveway and onto the side walk. I stayed outside for bit thinking about the events that happened today. Surprisingly we only argued once. We were actually civil with each other. We didn’t kill each other. We were both alive after spending about 12 hours with each other.

What an accomplishment. 

A/N: Yay for a longer chapter! (:  I'm actually so proud of myself that I'm focused on writing the story and not giving up on it especially since I've been busy this whole month.

I tried my best to write this and I know it isn't that good. Hopefully my writing will get better through out the story. That's my goal anyways lol. 

Hopefully I can update again this week. Until then read/vote/comment and happy reading! (: 




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