Connor X OC- Become human

By rebbsycrellbelt

31.7K 1K 447

Jayne worked as an It Tech at the Detroit police station. She owed her job and her life to her god father Ha... More

Plain Jayne
A song to sooth a metal heart
Gun Training
Stay The Night
The birthday party
Unhappy Birthday
We All Fall Down Sometimes
Honeypot (slight Smut)
A Wasp In The Honeypot
Lovers quarrel.
I Like You. (slight Smut)
A new Connor
Not Today
Eden Club.
Let me take you to a sex club
Steal her away.
A family dinner
The Macarena
Please don't hate me
First Time (smut)
The Morning After
The Broadcast
When Worlds Colide (quick Smut)
Finding Jerico
Am I Deviant?
The Battle of Jericho
Church For Sinners (smut)
The Zeltaid Group
Two Connors Are Better Than One?
Hold On
Human Ambassador
Like Mother Like Daughter
Late Part 2
Oh Its Happening.
Finding Kamski.
Jealous Much?
President Warren
Well Thought Out Plan
Team Work
un-answered questions
Getting Creative (smut)
The doctor is in.
Rk 900
oh Canada
Home sweet home
not long
Keep away from me
Out Of Control
Finding Kamski......Again.
Hello, My Name Is Jayne. Did I Mention I Work In IT?
Little Brother.
Alone Time (smut)
Christmas Tradition
A Visit From The Christmas Fairy
And So Child Was Born
And So A Child Was Born Part 2
What now?
Trap In My Mind
Adam You Motherfucker!
Wake up Jayne!
an explanation.
Mind Palace
Back together.
Honey pot.... Again
Jayne in the Honeypot.
Everythings Fine
I need something from the shed.(smut)
the name game
Holy Mother
Hank, the man with a plan.
Lets Do This
Blending In.
Party Crashers
Friendly neighbourhood murder.
Dont Die
Chem Labs
All good things must come to an end.

Jayne the lap dancer.

546 18 6
By rebbsycrellbelt

I awoke the next morning, head pounding. I looked around my childhood bedroom from under the duvet cover. How did I get to Hanks house? I searched my brain for the events of the evening. 

Jimmy's bar. drink. hank lifting me over his shoulder. vomiting on Connors shoes. Thats it.

I groaned as a pain shot through my head. Why did i do this to myself? Why does anybody do this? I got up out of bed searching for my clothes when did I  take them off? i found them folded neatly on the back of the chair. I scratched my head pulling them on

"Hank?" I called out. Where was my phone? and my keys? oh lord. "Hank!" I yelled as I walked down the hall. 

"Jayne, good your awake I was just coming to wake you. hungry?" Connor said placing beans on toast on the kitchen table. I walked sitting down cautiously watching as Connor popped two aspirins into his hand. 

" its funny Lieutenant  Anderson has plenty aspirin in his house but not much in the ways of food"  He sat down handing me the aspirin and and glass of water. I nodded in thanks. unsure of what to say.

" I wanted to apologise for my behaviour on our date. I did not want it to end that way." he started. 

" Connor its ok. Really its not your fault" I interrupted my voice croaky from being dry"lets just put it all behind us. still friends?" 

"I hope so" he said a small smile crossing his lips. his LED turned Yellow he grew silent for a moment. 

" you should finish your food, a new  case has just come in" 


There wasn't time to go home to grab new clothes, so I was stuck in my going out clothes of Jean shorts and a sparkly top. Thank god I didn't get vomit on them. 

Hank was already at the station waiting for us.

"Good morning sunshine hows the head?" he teased 

"you know its been better. What have we got?" I said tucking my hair behind my ears. 

" Connor?" Hank said turning to him 

" A lap dancing bar in the fern dale district has reported a deviant who has assaulted two dancers" he responded 

" yeah knocked em out cold, it ran before anyone could catch it, according to the owner its been in before but they had no idea it was an android, until one of the girls clocked it in the nose causing it to bleed blue blood" Hank continued handing me the file. 

"right well we should go talk to the owner" 

"hes in interview room 1" Hank said 



He stood in the corner while Jayne and Hank sat down across from the bar owner. Connor scanned the man

 Mr Robert Santoro DOB 3rd June 2010. no criminal convictions. Owner several business in the area. 

"Mr Santoro, I'm Lieutenant Hank Anderson, and this is Jayne Patterson and this is Connor hes the android sent by cyberlife to assist on deviant cases.  I understand you would like to report an assault from a deviant in your club last night." Hank finished taking a seat next to Jayne. 

" Yes thats right. I didnt know they made detective androids now?" Mr Santoro spoke directly to Connor.  "Whats your model number?" 

" I am a RK 800 Model, I am a prototype" Connor replied. 

"Mr Santoro it says here that you have seen the android before?" Jayne said 

"Yes thats right, please call me Robert. Jayne." he smiled at Jayne looking her up and down. Jayne smiled back blushing slightly. Connor felt something uncomfortable shift with in him. 

" I know the man who owns it, that is until he traded it in for a new, more sexier model" Robert continued flashing Jayne another smile. 

"Whats his name?" Hank said 

"Jared Kilkman" Robert replied not taking his eye off Jayne.

" So what happened?" Hank continued. 

"It came into the club a few nights ago and asked for two girls, he wanted them big busted, blue eyed, brown haired. Gorgeous. The staff assumed he was booking the girls for Jared since he comes in all the time. When the girls went into the room it was the android waiting for them, he said he wanted to have sex with them."

"What did the girls do?" Jayne asked 

" Well they laughed at it, assuming it was a joke but when they tried to leave but he attacked them leaving them unconscious and fled" he replied 

" you said in the initial report that it came back last night" Connor said walking around to stand by Jayne. he didnt like the way this man was looking at her 

"not to the same club, I own many" he winked at Jayne " it came into my other lap dancing bar asking for the same. exsept this time is didnt have its light thing. so the staff didnt even know it was an android. There wasn't any girls available so threw a glass at the bar man and left" he proceeded to pull out his phone 

" we managed to catch it on CCTV" he said playing the video. I watch as the android stormed out of the bar. It was wearing a shirt black jeans it looked smart and well groomed.

" he looks human" Jayne spoke softly. 

" I think its going to be at my other bar across town tonight. if its going to try again it will be there its the only one it hasnt tried" 

"Ok Mr Santoro we will get back to you later today with a action place to catch this son of a bitch" 

"Thank you Lieutenant" he shook Hanks hand 

"Jayne" he kissed Jaynes hand causing connor to twitch slightly. 

"Good bye Mr Santoro" I said holding out my hand we shook hands I must have shook to hard because he winced and pulled his hand away. 

" have a pleasant day" I said glad he was getting away from Jayne. 


Jaynes POV

" So androids wanting sex, what will they think of next" Hank slumped down in a chair in the office. 

"we should set up a team to be at the club tonight, in case it shows up" Connor said scanning the file. 

"im sure we wont be short of volunteers to go to a strip club" Hank laughed. 

"We cant send in any officers" I said turning to Hank " think about it its an android it can just scan them and find out their job and then leave before me can do anything about it . " 

" So what do we do then" 

" we could lure it somehow into one of the privet rooms. keep it somewhat contained" Connor said ajusting his tie as he stood up 

"how are we going to get it into a privet room?" hank said turning in his chair to face Connor. 

" we could send in someone undercover, someone who the deviant would want to interact with, brown hair, blue eyes" 

" you want to honey pot it" Hank leaned forward in his chair "that might just work. but who do we know who isnt an officer and fits the look" he continued. 

A thought suddenly found its was into my brain, and oh i wish it hadnt 

" I could go in" I said looking between Hank and Connor 

" No" Hank said shaking his head "not on your life" 

"Why not, the diviant comes in requests a girl, me. I take him to the privert room, lock him in and we arrest him." The plan was unfolding in my head " Connor can come be my back up put him in some plain clothes. You can put a video recorder on me. It will work Hank" 

Hank looked at Connor "Do you think that will work?" Connor nodded 

" from my calculations it should work. I can be with Jayne every step of the way lieutenant. I wont let anything happen to her" Jayne smiled thinking about Connor protecting her. 

"you dont even look like a stripper, theres no way he would buy it" Hank said dismissively. 

" you give me half an hour with the prostitute that Gavin arrested last night and i will look like a stripper"


Hank had cleared the sting with the captain and Mr Santoro ,everything was in place i just had to get ready in the uniform that Mr Santoro had dropped off . the word uniform was putting it lightly. It was a pair of black booty shorts, a pair of 8 inch stiletto  and a very ill fitting black push up bra with the club logo on it. Although Jayne had to admit it did make her boobs look amazing. I looked in the police bathroom mirror I could hardly believe it was me. I looked sexy. Like really sexy. 

when I entered the whole office erupted into whistles and cat calls. I blushed at the attention, god men where idiots. My eyes fell to Connor he was staring his mouth slightly open. as i walked further into the office he couldn't take his eyes off me it felt amazing. 

"Alright Alright! Control yourself thats my God daughter you ass-holes" Hank shouted taking off his jacket and wrapping it around me. The Office began to boo Hank as he did so. 

I laughed at Hank. I guess i was about to fur fill every fathers worst nightmare his little girl becoming a stripper. Well Lap dancer. 


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