Deadly Beautiful (SuperCorp M...

By geek_and_nina

117K 5.4K 447

Set in a medieval era with tournaments, gladiators, and kings; Lena Luthor is the Crown Princess of a small k... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63

Part 29

1.8K 88 23
By geek_and_nina

A/N: Hey, there readers, I have moved this story's posting schedule to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! this does mean more work for me, but it is also more story per week! Enjoy!


the one where this is definitely flirting now and I am weak for tropes

Winn took the lead when it became clear Kara had no idea of where they were going. Kara used her time to fuss over Lena, making sure the cowl would keep her face covered well enough to keep her from being recognized. The likelihood was slim, but the possibility set all of their teeth on edge. Lena had not been allowed to go out among her people for a long while, but all royalty's faces were hard forgotten.

Lena had cheered up somewhat by the time they had trudged to the inn but was still exhausted. Kara was not sure if she had ever been so grateful to see a fire burning in a hearth before. She called for a stop before anyone could enter the small building. Ever wary, Kara wanted to be the first in, enabling her to put her own body between her princess and potential danger. Kara was not about to let her newly revealed status change their relationship. She had shut down any talk of lessening her duty to Lena immediately the few times a grumpy Lena had attempted to pick a fight.

"All seems to be well, milady." Kara told them after giving the space a thorough look over. The hearth seemed very inviting after the dark and cold tunnels, so the women allowed Winn to attend to their accommodations as they went to warm by the fire.

"There were only two rooms available. I assumed the two of you might be content to share?" he checked with them, placing their key in Kara's hand.

"I am sure we will manage. Thank you, Winn." Lena replied with a tired smile. "We will see you in the morning."

Lena's words were clearly a dismissal, and not a kind one at that. Kara resolved to discuss speaking more like a commoner with Lena later. Kara feared overcoming a lifetime of privilege might take some practice and considerable effort. The rest of Lena's regal bearing could be overlooked if no one paid close attention or knew what to look for. For now, however, all Kara craved was a warm bed and a good night's rest.

"Would you like to retire for the night?" Kara asks nervously, ready to get Lena out of the public's view as soon as possible.

"That sounds lovely." Lena said with a slight smile of relief. "I do believe more people have been looking at you than at me. We should have taken your notoriety into account and done more to disguise you as well."

"We will do better on the morrow." Kara said sheepishly. She had never much considered how well known she may be, probably due to her own lack of pride in her history as someone who killed for coin. "They likely only notice the passing resemblance and do not know my face. I do not know how anyone could. If I need a disguise, I could always cut my hair. It is my most recognizable feature."

"That is not necessary." Lena argued much too quickly. "I mean to say, you are probably right. I may just be being paranoid. Your hair is much too beautiful to be sacrificed so rashly."

Kara blushes a deep shade of pink at that, and self-consciously tucks a deep gold lock of hair behind her ear. She stares down at her feet, unable to come up with anything to say in response. Lena had never seen Kara look more girl-ish than she did at that moment. It almost seemed as though she was trying to hide her face. Lena thought she was entirely adorable. Lena could not tell what Kara thought of the exchange.

Lena knew she was blushing as well, as Kara checked their room number and took Lena's hand to lead her up to their small bedroom. The room was nothing like she was used to, but better than sleeping on the ground in the tunnels. They were nearly silent as they changed for bed. Kara stretched her shoulder and grimaced at the stiffness. She laid the gladius Lena had gifted her reverently beside of the bed and slid a throwing knife between the mattress and bed-frame within easy reach.

"Do not even think of rolling out those blankets. We have shared a bed before without any trouble. You are sore and stiff enough as it is and we are all relying on you. I need you in top shape." Lena ordered her firmly.

"As you wish, my lady." Kara replied with a half grin, almost mockingly. Lena took the small jab at least a little better than she had the rest of Kara's teasing.

"You have to quit calling me that." Lena said as Kara set the rest of their things to the side. "Not only are we actually of equal rank, we are both trying to pass as civilians. The both of us need to stop being so formal with one another."

Kara stared hesitantly at the bed. She felt awkward about their sleeping arrangements tonight and she did not know why.

"You are right. I will try to do better as well...Lena." she replied, still not making any moves to get into the bed. Her words sounded slightly forced as she remained glued to the floor. Lena turned the bed down and Kara realized Lena was doing her best to work through the absurdity of the situation as well. The least she could do was be as willing as the other woman. The small mattress barely fits them both. There was only one pillow and no matter how they rearranged, their feet and legs brushed. When the pair finally settled, Lena's cold feet were tucked under Kara's calves and both women had been reduced to helpless giggles.

" I feel as though we will eventually make our way through all this, do you not?" Lena asked her.

"Yes, I do. If we can figure how to fit in this tiny bed, we can do anything." Kara laughed back and turned to kiss Lena's brow gently because the moment just felt right.

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