Intern~Mark(NCT) PT.1

By autumn9knk

27.6K 598 155

Elyse is a new intern at SM entertainment where she'll be working with NCT, along side her best friend Frida... More

chapter oNe
chapter twO
Chapter three
chApter four
chapter fIve
ChapTer six
Chapter seVen
Chapter eiGht
Chapter nIne
Chapter TEN😉❤
Chapter elEven
Chapter tweLve
Chapter thirtEen
Chapter fourtEen
Chapter fifEen
Chapter sixtEn
Chapter seventEen
Chapter eigHteen
Chapter niNeteen
Chapter twentEy
Chapter twentYone
Chapter twentytWo
Chapter twentytHree
Chapter TwentyfOur
Forty Uno (Joke smut skip?💁)
Forty Deux
Forty Three


493 11 5
By autumn9knk

Elyse's P.O.V

Today is our last day as "couple" I'm kinda sad because me and Winwin have been getting along pretty great but I'm also relieved because everyone treats us as if we are really dating, except Mark.

Mark has been distant this whole time. He is always gone up to the roof and when I say I'll accompany him he just tells me to go by Winwin.

If Mark can't avoid me or Winwin he'll just stay opposite of us and keep talking to a minimum.

"Why are you staring off into space, you weirdo?" Autumn asked me with a smug look on her face.

"I'm planning out your murder in my head." I said with a smile.

"Where can I get a refund- return her?" Autumn said looking around.

"Autumn, don't be mean to your sister." Allyson scolded Autumn and she looked dumbfounded.

"Dude, she threatened me!" Autumn said irritated and Allyson just shook her head while Daniela laughed.

"When are you meeting Winwin for your last day?" Frida asked walking into the living room with her hair in a towel.

"In like 10 minutes." I took a drink of my water.

"What have ypu giys even done the past week?" Autumn looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"The fist day we walked to a cafe and got those sweaters-"

"Oh god, those where awful!" Autumn said shaking her head.

"The second day we went to see a movie. The third we to a Chinese restaurant. On the forth he had a schedule. On day five I had a schedule. Yesterday we had a picnic at the near by park." I said shrugging my shoulders looking back on how dull the week actually was to the outside view.

"Awwwww!" Allyson yelled while hitting things around her causing Autumn to move herself out of harms wsy and just being touched in general.

"Do you know what you're doing today?" Allyson asked when she finally calmed down.

"We're just hanging in U's dorm while the others are out or with 127." I nodded recalling the plan we made last night.

"You're going to have the dorm to your lonesome?" Autumn asked while raisng her eyebrows and I have never wanted to hit her more but thankfully Allyson did for me.

"Don't touch me!" Autumn screamed while holding her arms.

"Why are you guys asking me this all? Ask Frida some questions, she's actually dating Jaehyun." I looked at them all puzzled.

"Because we can guess at how boring they are together, all loveydovey and gross." Daniela said looking at Frida who was glarring at her already.

"I'm heading down now, bye." I got up and started walking to the door amd as I closed it from behind I cpuld hear them bickering among themselves.

I walked into U's dorm just on time as Lucas ran past me throwing his lomg libs everywhere rushing because he was late while making loud high noises.

I laughed at him and walked to Winwin who already was on the couch with popcorn and drinks with movies picked out to watch.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked taking some popcorn in my mouth and shoving it in my mouth.

"I asked your sister what your favourite movie was and she said The Interview and that you watched it like 80 times." He smiled wide at knowing he worked hard.

"Yeah, I love that movie!" I answered and his smile got bigger which melted my hear he's like a little child.

We started the movie but Winwin looked confused on what was happening because of the English so I turned it off before it finished and Winwin looked at be both puzzled and relived.

"How about some Video games? I've watched that movie too many times?" I smiled and pulled out BO3 and put it in and grAbbed the controllers.

I have played this game so many times with my sister and friends that I get a little over heated and competitive but so was Winwin which made me laugh.

We played for a long time but we stopped when Mark walked into the dorm.

"Mark-ah, I asked you all to stay out until 7 and that's in an hour." Winwin looked upset.

"Sorry, I wanted to get some things done." Mark walked away into a room and said nothing more.

"Doesn't Mark stay in 127?" I asked looking at Winwin.

"Yeah, I don't know why he went into Lucas's room?" Wiwnin answered but shrugged his shoulders along with me.

"Do you want to make something?" Winwin asked while getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Just ramen?" I asked while getting a pot.

"Let's make a soup, okay?" Winwin grabbed out things and started putting them on ths table.

"I'll do everything else while you wash and chop the veggies, good?" Winwin asked me while getting water and placing it on the stove anf going to cut the meat.

Honestly I don't know how I am really supposed to cut them but I'll just wash them really thorough and pray for help.

As I was done washing the vegetables my prayer came to life Mark walked out of the room he was in and headed to the door.

"Mark! Help me out?" I held up the knife and shrugged while he laughed at me and walked over.

"You don't know how to cut?" Winwin asked me and I shook my head and he giggled, "Glad you found help because I'm busy over here." He smiled at me and I suddenly felt inlighted knowing he wasn't mad for me bringing Mark.

Mark took the knife and started showing me various ways to cut but I didn't really care I just kinda admired him the whole time and so he gave up.

"Is today the last day of this fake relationship?" Mark asked me while he was cutting and I was sitting on thd countertop.

"Yeah, it's the last but only for our fake relationship but our friendship will last a long time." I winked at Winwin and he laughed.

"I'm glad we feel the same way." He winked back at me.

"Tomorrow we're going to the resort together, right?" Mark asked looking up at me with water in his eyes from the onions which caused me to laugh.

"Yeah, we are but your eyes." I said while laughing and whipping the tears with my sleeve.

"Who am I going with?" Winwin asked me.

"All I know is that I'm with Mark, Frida is obviously with Jaehyun, Allyson is with Lucas? Autumn is with Haechan I think or Renjun and Daniela is with Johnny or Jisung? I don't really listen when they talk." I laughed at myself.

Mark finshed what he was doing and so did Winwin and they put it all in the pot and we sat down on the couch.

"How long will it take?" I asked looking at the time which is now 7:40.

"About 30 to 45 minutes." Winwin rubbed his neck and Mark and I chuckled.

"The guys will be back by then." Mark said showing Winwin the time on his phone.

"Oh, then I guess they'll end up devouring it.." Winwin looked down.

"I wasn't too hungry either way but I had fun, best day." I smiled and gave Winwin a hug and then got up.

"We are leaving in the morning so I should head down." I started walking to the door.

"Wait! I'll walk out with you." Mark said putting his shoes on as I waited.

"Don't forget to bring your sweater, we may not be together but it's cute." Winwin smiled when Mark and I walked out.

"I am not wearing that sweater in public." I mummbed and Mark laughed with me.

When I got into the dorm Allyson bombarded me with questions I answered but the whole time she was squealing and being abnormal.

After I somehow made my way into my room I started to pack before taking a shower and heading to bed.

A//N~ There are 1358 words in this chapter! Be thankful you and be patient!

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