Our Own World

By MapleDonuts

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When childhood best friends fall in love trouble seems to always come their way. And they seem to be living i... More

Our Own World
Chapter One - My Story
Chapter Two - I'm Losing My Friends
Chapter Three - Close Call
Chapter Four - Mistakes
Chapter Five - Midnight McDonald's Runs
Chapter Six - More Mistakes
Chapter Seven - Fights
Chapter Eight - Promises
Chapter Nine - The Note
Chapter Ten - Wrong Signals
Chapter Eleven - Date?
Chapter Twelve - Netflix and NO CHILL
Chapter Fourteen - Thank You For Saving My Life
Chapter Fifteen - Birthday Traditions
Chapter Sixteen - I Have PTSD?!
Chapter Seventeen - Feelings Are Confusing
Chapter Eighteen - New Boy In Town
Chapter Nineteen - Everything Hurts
Chapter Twenty - Divorce is a Tough Subject
Chapter Twenty-One - What am I doing?
Chapter Twenty-Two - What If It Isn't Fine?
Chapter Twenty-Three - Utter Shock
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Truth Is Out
Chapter Twenty-Five - Date Night
Chapter Twenty-Six - Cookie Dough
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Officially Official
Chapter Twenty-Eight - I Need a Long Nap
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Drama, drama, drama
Chapter Thirty - Fears Becoming Real
Chapter Thirty-One - Awkward Stuff...
Chapter Thirty-Two - I Need Therapy
Chapter Thirty-Three - Surprise
Chapter Thirty-Four - I'm No Longer A Slave to Fear
Chapter Thirty-Five - Vermont?
Chapter Thirty-Six - Prom Night
Chapter Thirty-Seven - I Love My Friends
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Time to Leave
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Never Let Me Go
Chapter Forty - What a Great Start...
Chapter Forty-One - New Life

Chapter Thirteen - The Meaning of Love

168 6 3
By MapleDonuts

Dakota came up to me upset and I asked her what the matter is.

"He-he said he loves you." She said. She looked as if she was about to cry.

"Who said that?" I asked.

"He doesn't love me." She started crying. It's Matthew. I thought. She only likes one guy. I don't want to see her crying. Why would he tell her that?

"Is it Matthew?" I asked.

"No. It's Ace." She said.

It was Ace? I thought she didn't have feelings for him.

"I thought you didn't like him anymore."

"Well, I thought I didn't, but when I went to dinner with Matthew, I basically forced myself not to like Ace... But then I realized I might not be able to get over him that quick."

"Alright, well I'll chat with him later, I have to go to class, if you wanna talk about this later, I'll see you after school and we can talk then okay?"

The last few classes were long and tiring. I asked Ace to walk me home from the school because Dakota took my Jeep and he did. When we got near the front door, he stopped and just stared at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

He just stroked my hair. "It's nothing... I mean-

I almost grabbed his hand and pushed it away but I couldn't. I know my mum would be mad if she saw us here like this. I took his hand in mine and guided him to the porch.

"What is it?" I asked. "Tell me now." I demanded.

"There's nothing to say." He whispered. I knew he was lying.

"Yes, there is." I said.

"I have to go now Camilla." He said turning away.

I grabbed his wrist and turned him around.

"What?" He shouted. "What do you want?" He said struggling to get free. I kept my grip tight and didn't let go. "Let go!" He said. "I don't want to be here! I have somewhere else to be now and I'd rather be there than stay here with you!" He raised his voice. I started to get the feeling when you're about to cry. I finally let go and said,

"I see. Well, I'll talk to you later. Thanks for walking me home." I tried to be as nice as possible.

As I got home, I put down my bag and fell on my bed. I started to cry. I can't believe he just said that. All I wanted was to know what he wanted from me. I almost kissed him right then and there to get the words out of his mouth. But I know my mum would ground me for life if I kissed a boy. Well I already did, but she hasn't found out yet.

I had to get dressed for work, so I put my hair up and put on my uniform. I put on a light layer of make-up, grabbed my phone and my keys.

"Mum, I'll be back at 8!" I yelled. "See you later everyone."

I got into my car and started it up. I drove past Ace's house and I sighed. I just can't believe we got into that stupid fight.

Le Café actually wasn't too busy tonight except for one group of about 5 people came in, but they were the biggest crowd. I was on duty until 9:00, so I grabbed myself an apple cider after my shift. I sat down at a table for 2; it was almost quiet since there was only another elderly couple sitting on the other side of the shop. I sat there thinking about Ace, when all of the sudden I got a call; from him.


"Hey Camilla... Umm I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for everything I said tonight. I wanted to tell you something but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth."

"And what was that?" I asked.

"Where are you right now?"

"That's what you wanted to say?"

"No, but where are you right now? Because I'm right outside Le Café and I think I see you,"

"Oh yeah it's me, come on in. We need to talk."

He hung up and entered the restaurant and I walked up to him. We hugged and then he excused himself to go get a drink. I sat there just thinking to myself about only one thing; I can't remember the last time I wasn't over thinking. Then an older lady came up to me. She asked me a question.

"How is love different now, then it was when I was a teenager?"

I think I had a confused look on my face because she added,

"I'm just curious to how different things are, I never had children and the only love I've experienced is from my husband."

I decided to answer her, not only because I didn't want to be rude, but it seemed like she genuinely wanted to know the answer.

"Well, most teenagers starting at around fourteen maybe, seem to think that relationships are just to have fun with the person you 'love'. It really doesn't matter if you're in love; all that matters is that you have fun with that person. But trust me that is not how I look at it. I don't have a boyfriend-"

"You don't have a boyfriend? Then who is he?" She asked, pointing towards Ace who was ordering his drink.

"Well he's my best friend, Ace. He's very sweet and we have a very close relationship."

"Would you say you love him?" She inquired.

"I guess so," I shrugged.

"How come you love him?"

"Ace has been my best friend since we were really young, we've been through everything together, there's never a moment that I've regretted spending time with him." I'm not sure why I'm telling a stranger all this.

"Why can't every teenage relationship be like yours?" The lady asked.

"Like I said, I have a different point of view on things than the rest of the world does. I guess that has a part in it. The biggest difference between love back then and love now, is people don't care about the other person as much, they don't seem to know the meaning of being in love."

"Do you know the meaning?" This lady had a lot of questions for me.

"Well, I think being in love means caring so much about the other person that you'd do anything for them and you feel like you're with the one who loves them most. I also think that love is putting someone else's needs before yours." After I said this, I realized that is how I feel about Ace. I am in love with him.

"Did you just realize you're in love with that young lad? Because you two seem great for each other. I've been to this coffee shop before and watched you two from a distance. It's amazing how much he cares for you, don't let him go; he's a keeper for sure." She winked.

The lady was about to get up to leave but I quickly called her back.

"Excuse me, what's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Elaine, but you can just call me Ellie. What is your name again dear? I always see your name tag but it just slips my mind as soon as you take it off." She laughed. "That's what happens when you're old like me."

"My name is Camilla; it's nice to meet you Ellie." I grinned, offering her a hand shake.

"Camilla that is a beautiful name, very vintage. Funny thing is my husband Michael and I, when we were expecting our first child, wanted to name her Camilla. She didn't survive though. We miss her dearly."

"I'm so sorry for your loss Ellie," I whispered.

"Oh thank you Camilla, well I better get going, I wish the best for you and your handsome man." She winked.

Then she smiled and went back to her table. I looked over to her table where her husband pulled out the chair for her to sit down, sat down across from her and held her hand. It just seemed so sweet.

Ace came back over with a peppermint hot chocolate and sat across from me.

"What was that lady talking to you about?" He asked.

"She was just asking me questions about being in love." I said.

"And what did you say?"

"I said being in love means you care so much about the other person that you'd do anything for them and it's when you put someone else's needs in front of yours."

"That's how I feel about you." He smiled.

"You do?" I said as I blushed.

"Yeah, that's what I was trying to tell you this afternoon... I'm so sorry for freaking out at you; I should have tried to see the situation from your point of view."

"I think I can forgive you Ace. And I need you to know that I'm in love with you too."

"You are?" He asked.

"Yes I am. I love you so much and I really don't think one fight should keep us away from each other. You've been such a nice friend to me and just because we got into one tiny fight, doesn't mean I have to be mad at you forever." I said smiling. We finished our coffee and headed out. Did I just friend zone and tell him I was in love with him in one sentence? I am so confused.


I decided to go see Mary Kate today to see if I could apologize for all the things I said. I know it's a little late but I've been so busy lately I completely forgot about it. Ace and I drove over to her house that evening.

"I'm just coming to spend time with you Cam; you have to figure out this one on your own." He smiled.

"I know," I said focusing my eyes on the road.

"Sorry if that sounded rude but it's true. You have to have other friends other than me. And you have to resolve your own issues with them."

"I know," I said again.

"Are you mad at me?" Ace asked concerned.

"No, I'm mad at myself." I whispered.

"Why? You have nothing to be upset about."

"I ruined my friendship with Mary Kate just because of her stupid boyfriend. How could I let something so little come between us? I feel like nothing is going to be the same between us because of me."

"It's not all your fault; she kind of pushed you away. And it's not something little. It's her twenty-three year old boyfriend. It's a huge deal."

"I know but I was the one who said all those rude things about him." It was true, I never liked to admit it but I was a little harsh on the guy.

"But she did put words in your mouth, didn't she?" Ace asked.

I just ignored the question. I technically did say all those things and she just repeated them in a worse tone and few more details.

"So you're saying you said all those things to her about her boyfriend?" Ace interrupted my thoughts.

There was a silence. I hated admitting what I did wrong but I knew it wasn't right.

"I did say some things but they weren't to that extent. And she kind of over exaggerated a bunch of the things I said."

My thoughts slowly clouded my mind. Will she want me back in her life? What's going to happen to us? Is she going to yell at me?

"Cam watch out!" Ace yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Before I could even think about something else, a car came out of nowhere while I was driving through an intersection and hit my car.

I scream and I see Ace reaching over and covering me with his arms. Everything goes black.


I flicker my eyes open only to see blood all over the vehicle and I see Ace sitting in the seat beside me with blood all over his arms. The police were trying to get us out of our car. I start to panic and scream in pain. I can't keep my eyes open much longer as I see blood and a car wreck everywhere.


The next moment, I'm in the hospital getting bandaged up. I think I passed out after I saw all the blood and damage. I see my whole family sitting in the waiting room, just outside my room. I try to call for them but my voice is strained, probably from screaming so much.

I see a nurse come in to check on me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Is Ace okay?" It was honestly the only thing I was concerned about right now. My voice was strained, and my body aches all over.

"He's doing fine, just a lot of cuts and bruises. And you'll be fine as well, just a couple of broken bones and a few cuts from the glass. You'll both be good in no time."

"Okay, thanks." I said to the nurse. "Can you ask my parents to come in?"

"Of course," She smiled.

My parents came rushing in to hug me.

"Thank you Jesus, she's okay." My dad whispered, kissing my hand. He started to tear up a little.

"We were so scared for you!" My mum sobbed. "The police said it wasn't your fault and that it was a drunk driver who hit you straight on. Ace took most of the damage because he covered you. If he wasn't there, you could've died."

"Can I see him?" I asked. "I need to thank him."

"In a few hours honey, but you should rest your eyes a little." My mum spoke softly, brushing my hair out of my face.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep right away. My body absolutely drained.


I woke up quite a while later to Ace whispering with Dakota. I opened my eyes slightly.

"I think she's awake," Ace smiled. I can tell he smiled, because sometimes he makes a noise as he's smiling. I smiled too, then opening my eyes fully, I saw Ace coming towards me. "Cam, you're okay," He laughed hugging me. Then he started sobbing.

"Ace, how could you do that for me?" I whispered sheepishly. "You could've died."

"Losing you would've been the hardest thing ever and I'm so happy you're okay. I would've died for you any day Cam." Ace whispered, holding my hand.

"I should have died. Why did you do that?"

"I did it, because I love you, so much." I smiled and brought him closer to me.

"Thank you for saving my life." I sobbed. "I don't think I could ever repay you."

"You've been saving my life since the moment we met. There's no need to repay me." He laughed. I think he realized I wanted to kiss him so he leaned in closer and asked, "You're going to try to repay me with a kiss?" He muffled.

I just nodded. He leaned in close enough for me to wrap my arms around his neck. I was still lying down so it was weird but I didn't really care. I pressed my lips to his without any hesitation. I didn't care if we weren't dating; I just needed to show him how much I really cared about his heroic act.

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