Thou Shalt Not Kill (The Lost...

By hailiebop13

10.9K 270 29

After she and her friend are attacked, Sage moves to a new city. She now works at a bar and only one year int... More

The Meeting
Around Town
A Therapist's Visit
Dinner and A Hunt
A Blind Date
A Simple Misunderstanding
An Unexpected Trip
A Funeral
A Game of Paintball
Another Day, Another Dollar
The Truth Revealed
Holiday Hell
On The Way to Dinner
Prelude To a NeverEnding...Life?
Laddie's Nightmare

Snow Day

347 9 0
By hailiebop13

    As I opened my eyes I realized that the TV was still on; a rerun of Seinfeld playing. David wasn't in the room so I got dressed before going to the bathroom to pee. I brushed my hair and washed my face so that I looked halfway decent. I could hear the radio blasting Christmas carols while Sam sung along as he cleaned the guest bathroom. The smell of food made my stomach rumble so I headed into the kitchen to eat. Lucy was rolling out dough for the desserts that she planned on making ahead of time, "Aww, sleepy head, good evening!" I smiled while digging around for a clean bowl and spoon to make cereal, "Good evening, Lucy. You're already working hard." She giggled, "I want Christmas to be perfect. It's our first impressions to your parents. Just like when I made that steak dinner for you!" I chuckled causing milk to fall out of my mouth. When I had finished eating I made sure to wash all the dishes and clean the counters so she wouldn't have too. I grabbed my coat, "I have to make a run over to my place; more gifts! I'll be back in a jiffy." I waved at her as I walked away. I didn't see anyone else as I walked out the house and froze at the sight before me. The weather had been wrong...very wrong. Two feet of snow hadn't fallen; five had! Eventually I arrived at my destination and grabbed Small Paws crate to bring her with me this time, I didn't want to leave her by herself again.

    Carrying her crate and the box was a balancing act but somehow I managed to make it halfway up their driveway before dropping them both. Small Paws let out a hiss at the sudden snow that was now in the crate with her. I laughed a little, "Oh, calm down! It's just a little snow." I picked her up first and used my right hand to drag the box behind me up the stairs and into the house, "I'm back!" After making sure all the gifts were okay I let her out of the cage and she took off to lay by the fireplace. Placing the gifts under the tree was fun because I got to look at all the others that had been put under there already. I saw several for my parents which I'm sure would make them feel even more comfortable while visiting. I heard Laddie yelling from the backyard and Lucy called out to me, "Sage? Are you able to go out and see what's going on?" I jogged through the kitchen, "Sure thing." I opened the door walking outside, "What's wrong La-", my face was hit by a snowball. Marko and Paul laughed hysterically. Slowly I turned my head to glare at them, my left hand reaching for snow of the guard rail. Marko noticed first, "Oh shi-." My snowball hit him in the chest before they could turn and run. It was a good thing that I hadn't removed my jacket because Laddie was practically buried under all the snow. He shook his head free of snow, "Those jerks!" Before I could make a reply of any sort he started making snowballs and putting them in his pockets to chase them down, "Well aren't you going to help?" I immediately started to make ammunition.

     I followed Laddie as he stealthily maneuvered us to where all the guys were standing around. Marko and Paul were making forts. Michael was rolling snow up into a giant ball. I guess it was for a snowman because Star had a smaller one in her hands, "Hurry up Michael." David and Dwayne were also making a snow-vampire. It had icicle fangs. I rolled my eyes at the two grown men; still kids at heart. Laddie elbowed my arm and stuck three fingers in the air counting down to one. As his last finger went down we both jumped up and he yelled, "Attack!" Before the others realized what was going on snowballs were raining down on all of them. Laddie ran over to the forts and started to smash them yelling evilly. I ran out of ammo and David's grin made me turn on my heels and run for it. Sadly, I didn't make it very far before he tackled me into the snow, "Oh you think that was funny, do you?" I laughed trying to get out from under him, "Yes, because it was!" He began to tickle every inch of me that he could get too. My laughing rang out into the frosty air until I was laughing so hard that no sound would come. I had tears running down my face as I finally got out from under him, "On my god I can't breathe." Slowly I calmed down and could breathe normally. He licked his lips, as we noticed one of his hands was still holding onto my side just underneath my right breast. In a flurry of movements, I was out of breath for a very different reason. David's hands began to unbutton my coat when we heard running footsteps coming our way. I stood up frantically as Laddie ran past us without a word, "I'm going to go in now. It's too cold out here." David nodded walking away from me, "I'll be in later. I have to, you" I nodded and hurried back towards the house.

    Lucy was still in the kitchen, "Oh good, could you close the oven for me?" I smiled and closed it, eyeing the pie shells on the counter cooling off. "I can't wait to see what all you are making!" She sighed, "Well, I just hope everyone likes it all." I nodded and hung my coat up. Star came into the kitchen, "I'm done being outside tonight. Is there anything you want help with in here?" Lucy nodded licking her fingers, "Actually, I thought it would be fun if everyone made their own stocking. All the stuff is in the living room, just avoid the piano guys. They just got here and Max is showing them where he wants it." We looked at each other and then head towards the living room. Star spoke first, "I bet they're cute." I nodded as we sat down on the couch and waited for them to come in. We giggled at the fact that we were about to flirt with delivery people, but it was all in good fun. We sat up straight as Max voices came floating into the room, "Yeah be careful please, I wouldn't want to have to redecorate anything." Simultaneously, we put an arm on the back of the couch and turned to watch as they carried it into the room. The four of them were way older than we thought they would be so we just leaned back into the couch. I looked over at her, "So how are you going to decorate your stocking?" She sighed, "I don't know. Probably just with my name in something shiny." I pursed my lips, "Yeah, I'm not sure what I want to do either." The guys, who had come in, were now checking out the piano. Sam was getting the stuff out to do his stocking and motioned for us to join him. I smiled and hopped up pulling Star with me, "Come on. Let's bedazzle an old sock." She rolled her eyes at me but joined anyway.

    David sat down beside me, "Warm enough now?" I nodded as I held my hand out to Sam, "Pass the glue please?" I felt it hit my hand and pulled the cap off. Slowly I squeezed the glue out in the form of my name which I topped with green glitter. Sam had drawn an elf holding a present on his and was hanging it up already. Laddie's was covered in giant buttons of snowmen and stickers of Santa's sleigh. David used black glitter to put a giant capitol D, followed by a tiny avid upon his. He then attached bells along the entrance and gave it to Sam to hang up next to his. I raised an eyebrow, "That's it?" He smirked and came close to my ear, "It really only needed the D." My eyebrow still raised I turned my head to the side, "I don't get it...oohhhh, never mind." I blushed, proceeding to finish decorating my own with gold stars and snowflakes. I hung it up next to David's and blushed again thinking about what he had meant. After the others had finished we cleaned up and turned the TV on. An episode of Family Matter was playing. I felt David's hand sneak around my waist, as he came in closer and placed a soft kiss on the exposed skin at the nape of my neck. It sent shivers down my spine causing me to moan slightly. He chuckled as our eyes locked, his intense and beckoning. He took my hand in his and led me upstairs so we could be alone.

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