Stand By You (RoadTripTV FANF...

By wolfess21

37.1K 1.1K 562

COMPLETED 4TH NOV 2018 Hi Roadies! Stand by You is a fanfic which I've been working on for a while now, it's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Get To Know Me!
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
A/N ~ Important Please Read
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
We Will Rise ~ Chap 1 Sneak Peak
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
I'm Alive...New Fanfic Soon

Chapter 56

316 17 6
By wolfess21

Naomi POV

A few weeks earlier - to the day she asked Jack out

We'd been sat next to each other watching movies since 10am now, it was now 2pm and I was hungry and also in need of a cuddle. Sighing I shifted to just fall on him, Jack froze looking at me "What..."

"Cuddles?" I asked smiling, he raised a brow "Sure, if you want."

Smiling I moved so he could wrap his arms round me, leaning into his embrace we continued watching the film, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. Like a sick sort of feeling but it wasn't a bad felt like a good feeling. I breathed in sharply as he moved his arms from my waist to trace patterns on my back. I felt the tension just leave me, I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

"You hungry? We have pizza I think," he said, I mumbled tipping my head to the side slightly "No, I'd rather stay here thanks."

A shiver ran through me as he traced a line down my spine, then began tracing patterns again, he said quietly "But it's 2pm and..."

"Hmm in a moment then." I relented, getting up, I followed him to the kitchen, looking at him closely. That weird feeling in my stomach intensified the longer I stared at Jack. He glanced at me smiling faintly "What?"

"Nothing," I mumbled ducking my head, he continued with getting the pizza out and putting it in the oven. Hopping up onto the bench next to him, I saw him check me out, I wasn't wearing anything special. Shorts and a vest top, my hair was pinned up into two buns with wisps framing my face.

"You want a drink?"

I watched him, hopping down I said "I'll get it, where are the glasses?"

"Top." he replied, stretching up I grabbed two glasses, nearly dropping them when I felt his body behind me. He chuckled "What do you want to drink?"

I choked my very inappropriate response of saying 'you' and said "Water please."

He went to go fill the glasses up, and I could feel the chemistry, I knew how he felt about me. I knew now that I felt the same but...god like hell was I waiting for him to finally get round to asking me out. Going over I said "I'm gonna do something, you can pull away if you want or whatever but..."

"Nay..." he began, I closed the gap quickly, kissing him, he had one arm round me pulling my close the other at the nape of my neck. Pulling back slightly he murmured "You"

"Shut up Duff and kiss me please." I replied, I was used to being the dominant one, and he was clearly not prepared for me to taking control. Pushing him up against the fridge, I kissing him hungrily, months, stupid months I've been agonising over whether I liked him like this or not. Now I was mentally kicking myself because this boy could kiss, I pulled back and kissing along his neck to his collarbone I said breathless "Jack, would you do me the huge honour of being my boyfriend?"

He stared at me, saying "Are you joking? Why'd you beat me to it Nay?"

I chuckled kissing him lightly, "Cause I want to call you mine, cause I finally figured out I love you too, cause I want to be around you all the time."

"I'll let you off then babe," he grinned kissing me again.

Back to present time

Shan POV

Naomi had just finished telling us how it happened, Jodie raised a brow "Cute, like seriously...Clo would you stop. Rye is not gonna be able to keep quiet much longer."

I stifled a laugh as I looked at my two best mates, Rye's eyes were half closed in pleasure, whilst Clo had given him a few hickey's. Clo mumbled "He will - carry on please."

"No he's not, anytime now he's gonna end up making some sexual noise that gonna have me hiding." Jodie huffed.

Clo had stopped attacking his neck and was instead sat behind him, arms round his stomach as she rested her head on his shoulder. Rye said roughly "You done?"

"Hmmm for now." Clo mused looking at him she giggled "be grateful I'm not like this all the time babe." Kissing him slowly she pulled away and getting up disappeared to the kitchen, Mikey snickered "You alright there?"

"Fine." he said clearing his throat.

Jack raised a brow "Uh huh."

Clo came back through holding a stack of letters, she began opening them as she sat on Rye; he rested his head on her shoulder. Smiling I leaned on Andy saying " know it's Brook's birthday soon, then their 6 month anniversary."

"Wait it's whose anniversary?" Clo frowned looking up, Rye smiled kissing her cheek "Ours, on the 17th October."

Clo blinked "Wait it's been 6 months nearly?"

"Yeah," Rye replied studying her warily, she snorted "I deserve a pen collection for putting up with you for 6 months."

"Oh shut up you, you love me really." Rye laughed.

"Who's up for doing a lively later?" Andy said, kissing my cheek and cuddling me closer.

Clo wafted the letter "Excuse me who was supposed to paying in charge of paying rent?"

I glanced at Jodie who frowned "I paid our rent. Why?"

"You paid our rent." Clo grumbled, "and whenever our landlord decides that he's not received it, who is it that has to be a kiss ass?"

I exchanged an amused look with Jodie who giggled "He likes you out of the three of us. Says we're intolerable."

Clo muttered "Someone give Jodes a medal, she used a big word."

"Ok Miss Moody." Jodie snickered, "what about the other letters?"

Clo glared at her "That's the one saying we're late on paying the rent, that's the one for the electrics and water."

I raised a brow "Doll we both paid the bills."

Clo glanced between us "Give me the proof."

Jodie got up from Brook and picking up a piece of paper said "He signed it and everything,"

Grabbing the piece of paper and the letter she grumbled "We'll see if he still favours me at the end of this the prick."

She slammed the front door going to the landlords place which is, the whole top level. I whistled "World War 3 people."

"Quick get the popcorn." Jodie laughed, Jack asked "But you guys aren't late with your payments are you?"

I said dryly "No, it's just our landlord is a total jerk at times, we're the only ones who've managed to not be constantly leached of money. Cause Clo, is like a freaking a tornado if something's wrong...not surprising though."

"Yeah...she grew up doing this sort of stuff." Jodie frowned, the door opened, Clo prowled back in slamming an envelope down. I looked at the envelope "What is that?"

"You'll never guess what?" Clo said, "every other tenant was up there demanding to know what he was on about with the late payments. Apparently he was trying to get more money to then evict everyone."

"We're being evicted?" I gaped at Clo.

Jodie yelled "Clo we don't get any of the deposit money back or anything? We have nowhere to move into? Are you-"

"Shut your face for one moment." Clo snapped, "I got our initial deposit money back, because when Shan and I signed the contract, I read through it and crossed a line out that said we'd not get our money back. I did the same on yours Jodie. He never picked up on it, but in court legally, he's bound to the contract as he accepted my strike outs."

Jodie stared at her "You're having a laugh? The initial deposit was freaking £1,500. How is £4,500 in that envelope?"

"I'm going back for the rest." Clo huffed, "the weasel."

I coughed "So bright one, what are we doing now? How long do we have to move?"

"A month." Clo said, "legally that's the amount of time they have to give you, I also made sure to yell it so the others knew it too."

Jodie grinned "Does he hate you now?"

"Let's just say," Clo said picking a letter up, "he met his match and he'll lose."

Brook said worried "You've got to find a place in a month though that you can move into?"

"Brook has a point." Naomi said looking at us three, Jodie looked at Clo then at me "Guess we're going flat shopping."

" house shopping." Clo corrected, "I need more rooms thanks, we all do."

I looked at her then at Jodie who raised a brow "You're gonna use the inheritance aren't you?"

"Yes." Clo said grabbing another letter opening it she frowned, grabbed her phone and rang someone "Mars? No, have you gotten a letter from dad? he sent me a letter asking bout Mam."

Andy mumbled "Yeah but a mortgage..."

"Oh yeah Mars do me a favour how much is in the fund?...uh huh," Clo began writing something down, "ok so I'm splitting this into don't be a silly. Yeah, no I'm attempting to remember what we were dealing with when we were with Rick and mortgages dummy."

She went silent writing something else down, humming she flipped the page over "Oh no we're getting evicted...yeah...always knew he was a weasel. Ok, so am I best to put in my name or in ours?...don't be stupid I'm not putting it in mine and Rye's. I'd slap you if you weren't in France. No...ok, yeah I'll go to the banks tomorrow. Thanks Mars, say hi to the others for me, and the babes."

Hanging up she circled something, I asked "I have a question."

"Shoot." she said coming back over.

"Why don't we just rent?" I asked.

She eyed me before saying "Because I'd rather be able to own a property than be held at the mercy of a landlord Shan. I'm sick of answering to others for a dwelling place...I want a home for once in my life. A home to share with two of my best friends. Now, get searching weirdos."

"Where are you going?" Rye asked.

Clo glanced at him "I have stuff to get done babe."

"But you can do it later." Rye pouted, Clo chuckled ruffling his hair "Or I can do it now."

Rye sulked "You're leaving me in couple central."

"Would you like to help me sort out finances, sorting out potential properties for me, Shan and Jodes to go see?" Clo raised a brow at him, he said "You do the finances, I'll look at houses."

"Of course you'd rather do the fun one." Clo sighed as he got up kissed her lightly and went through to her room. Shaking her head she grabbed her paper, Andy chuckled "Team work there."

"Yeah Chye's a great team." Jodie giggled.

Clo glanced between them rolling her eyes "Idiots."

As soon as she went into her room, Becky said "I can't wait to watch them live together."

"...I think Rye may get kicked out if he touches her books." Naomi snickered.

I raised a brow "Erm no...he's the one person who gets away with it."

"Huh..." Jodie said looking at me, "you know now that I think about it whenever he used to pick her books up before they were dating, she didn't totally freak out."

I smirked "We all know why that is."


Silence. Then Clo yelled "I LOVE THEM EQUALLY NOW SHUT UP I'M BUSY!"

Naomi snickered leaning into Jack who hugged her close. It seemed a new chapter was beginning for Clo, Jodes and I...maybe one of our best chapters yet.


Soooo not sure how good that was...sorry if the Jaomi scene sucked, I promise I'll try and get better with writing Jaomi scenes. I just find it easier to write Shandy, Chye and Brodie to be honest. Anyhoo, do you guys have any plans for the day? Let me know in the comments, my plans are probably going to revolve around writing some more chapters, finishing  book I started yesterday and maybe doing some blog hopping and drafting out my Weekly Wrap Up on my blog. What about you guys?

Much love, thanks for reading, Clo xox

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