Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.4K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



13.4K 391 169
By chibicandimei

The Next Morning


Photo Cred: Markdraws On DeviantArt


( Your POV )


To most it was just a couple hours later,to me though,it felt like a fucking eternity as I stared mindlessly at either Carl who was obviously asleep with the slow rise and fall of his chest Or I would be looking out the window watching as the sky slowly got brighter and brighter.At a certain point I heard the family begging to wake up and get ready for the start of the day,it surprised me a bit how they could all wake up so quickly without an alarm but I guessed it was a possible routine at this point.


They do live on a farm


I'm stupid.

I heard Carl groan a bit before feeling his head roll about on my lap,he attempted to shift his body while sleeping but unfortunately the pain woke him right up,"Oww.."He looked all around the room before he remembered his head was laying on my lap,so he looked up and saw me staring at him."I thought you left."

I gave him a small smile,"If I moved you might have woken up."

He closed his eyes again with a smile on his face,"I'm happy you didn't leave."

I smiled at him,the opened my mouth to speak but we both quickly moved our eyes focus to the rooms door at the sound of footsteps. We were met by Herschel as well as Maggie who stood behind him with a curious look.

"We heard voices,I thought Rick was here."

I nodded at him as I felt my muscles suddenly relax,I hadn't paid any mind to it but at the sound of footsteps my entire body had tensed up ready for battle.I hope Carl won't question it,that is if he even noticed. "Rick and Lori are resting with the others outside in the tents,he might already be awake."

"Thank you,"he said this slowly,his eyes never leaving mine,What is he so focused on?

He quickly checked on Carl,though quietly and carefully as Carl has gone back to sleep, before bidding farewell and heading outside over to the others.Still through the window I noticed him look back again at me one more time,almost as if to make sure I was real.

"What the-"

"We have never seen your face." My body stayed looking out the window,though I could easily tell Maggie was focusing on my facial features trying to read my reaction."At least not completely,all we've seen are your e/c eyes and your s/c skin."

I laughed the second I heard her mention my skin color,when I died the pigmentation in my skin,for obvious reasons changed. Even if it was only a bit,to me it was massive. "I have my reasons for covering up."

She stayed silent for a bit,almost as if pondering a question she had that easily rested on the tip of her tongue,but before she could I beat her to it,"No,I don't cover up so people can't recognize me cause I'm part of a bad gang or whatever."

She raised her eyebrow at me,"I - uh I didn't say anythin."

"Your eyes did the first time we met,"She looked away a little awkwardly,I can read people like an open book and to be honest Maggie is easy to read. "Hell when you first saw me you thought I'd kill you all after helping us,at least that what you thought because I hid my appearance."

Outside the window I heard something causing my eyes to flicker over to it, I could see Lori and Glenn coming towards the house,though to be fair it seemed as if Lori was running,nothing more obvious than that to show major distrust in me.Thanks Lori.

The sound of Maggie leaning the top part of her body against the doorway made me focus my view back onto her,she had seemingly crossed her arms,"People don't hide their appearance out of good intentions."

Carl continued to stay silent,actually,he continued to pretend that he was sleeping on my lap.I knew he was awake but Maggie didnt,"In that case ,"I finally looked over at her,"how would you answer if I said I hid myself for that reason

"Out of good intentions." The front doors creaking could be heard,at least for me and it was followed by quick footsteps,I imagined Glenn walking slowly behind a rushed Lori in utter confusion.He's a dork.

She looked past my face,she was debating if I was lying or not, before focusing back on my eyes,I'm not going to get my answer yet,because we are about to be interrupted by a distressed mother who stupidly asked someone she doesn't like nor trust in at all to watch her son,but,"Would you believe me?"

( Lori POV )

Is everyone in the house already awake? I turned over to face the direction that the voices where coming from but that's when I realized I was completely laying down,Am I not in the house? My eyes snapped open and I stared forward at what I expected to be my baby Carl ,curled up in a blanket in deep sleep on the bed,but I was met with a partially open tent with the voices outside becoming clearer with every passing second.

I shut my eyes for a few seconds when I finally remembered that I had asked Y/N to watch over Carl for the night,I don't know what had come over me enough to ask her to do that,what if she left him alone over the night or if something bad happened to him? Just thinking of the possibilities I sat up and was ready to get out of the tent and to race over to the house dressed how I was.I made a quick clothing change before exiting the tent and putting on my boots,as I did this Dale passed by with a " morning" greeting to which I kindly responded back,"Good Morning."

I watched him walk away to the others as I quickly pulled up both of my shoes so that I could start making my way to the house,but I had to make a small detour to the others who were gathered around a table,before getting to them though I passed my Carol who was hanging out the laundry to dry."I can't believe I slept in,"I mumbled to her to which she sent a smile with the words,"You must have needed it then."

I should probably help her with the laundry ,I was supposed to but I slept in,with a silent sigh I walked over to the basket of laundry and pulled out some of the wet clothing,"Next time wake me up alright? Especially on laundry day." She sent me another smile before saying,"I can manage."

I began to place the wet but now clean clothing onto the hanging rope with Carol beside me doing the same,"Lori,I had an idea I wanted to run by you." I didn't look at her,instead I told her to continue,"Well that big kitchen of theirs got me thinking,I wouldn't mind cookin in a real kitchen again."I didn't respond cause I was still waiting for what the idea she had was,"Maybe we all pitch in and cook dinner for hershel and his family tonight?" I looked over at her with a blank stare and I noticed she was giving off a sad smile while looking at the ground,"I've been looking for things to keep my mind busy is all."

I decided to let her idea happen and I quickly chimed in,"Well considering all they've done for us,I say its the least we could do to thank them for everything."

I quickly finished with the clothing in my hand before walking over to the basket again,"Lori?" I looked back at her to see her hand clenching around the shirt she held,"You mind extending the invitation to the others? I just feel that it'd would feel more right coming from you."

I don't know how I should feel about this...Making sure to not give off any of the confusion I was feeling I asked,"How so?"

She gave a small semi awkward laugh before speaking,"Well you're Ricks wife,it kind of makes you our unofficial first lady."

"I-,"before I could really say anything I looked to see that Shane and Rick had made their way across the others at the table talking about the begginning of their search in the forest."Good morning guys,lets get going. We've got a lot of ground to cover today."

Is what Carol thinks what they all think whenever I speak,that just because of Ricks wife ..I..

I sighed,ignored my thoughts and continued to assist in the hanging of the laundry.I finished quickly and excused myself as I began to make my way towards the house when suddenly Glenn asked if he could come along.I said yes to finish the conversation and we headed to the house.

( Rick POV )

With us all gathered around the hood of the car I opened up the map of the surrounding area,we need to start the search fast,who knows how long Sophia can survive out there. "Alright," they all instantly looked up at me,"Everyone's getting new search grids today.If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found,then she might have gone further east than we've even been so far."

"I'd like to help."

Everyone turned to face one of the boys who had already been living here on the farm as he was a part of their family,if anything happened to this boy on my watch we'd be kicked out,I was ready to say no to him but he continued realizing I wouldn't say yes."I know the area pretty well and stuff."

He came over to stand by the hood of the car,I looked straight into his eyes,"Hershel's ok with this?"

"Yeah,"I don't know about this,"Yeah,he told me that I should come ask you." I nodded at him,unsure to be really honest but the more people the faster this would go."Alright then,thanks,"I said.

I turned back to the map hoping to continue the plan when Shane suddenly spoke,"Nothin of what Daryl found screams Sophia to me,anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse."

Andrea turned to face Shane ,who sat inside the car, with her arms crossed and a small glare on her face,"anybody includes her,doesn't it."

"Whoever slept in that cupboard,"Daryl explained by moving his hand to reach just above his hips,"was no bigger than yay-high."

"It's a good lead,"Andrea said hoping to make Daryl believe in his own find and I joined in with, "Maybe we'll pick up her trail again."

Behind Daryl who was about to speak again,came Dale carrying the bag that held our guns,Dale had only been listening in and wouldn't comment,"No maybe about it,I'm gonna need to borrow a horse."We all looked at him in slight confusion of why he would need a horse so he pointed at a spot on the map,"I'm gonna head up to this ridge right here,take a bird's eye view of the entire grid.I think'd it good spot,if she's up there I'll spot her."

TDogg who held his injured arm up, that was still sore from having received new stitches from Y/N,with his other hand nodded at Daryl,"That's a good idea,maybe you'll see your chupacabra from up there too."

I looked from TDogg to Daryl and back to Tdogg,"Chupacabra?" "Our first night in camp Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time he went squirrel huntin and he saw a chupacraba,"chimed in Dale who had been there to hear Daryl say this before.

The farmer boy just laughed at the ridiculous idea and he received Daryl full attention with a glare,"What are you braying at ,jackass?" "You believe in a blood sucking dog." Daryl scoffed at the boys answer,"Do you believe dead people walkin around?"

He went silent and instead reached over to grab on of the guns that had been laid out on the car by Dale,"Hey hey,"i grabbed onto it and pulled it back to the cars hood,"You ever shot one before?"

"Well if I'm goin out I want one."

Daryl being still angry just pulled his crossbow over his shoulder and with a glare responded sarcastically to the boy,"Ya and people in hell want some slurpees,"he then walked passed all of us towards the house to ask for a horse to use.

The boy had given up and was ready to walk off but Shane suddenly stood up and called him back,"Why don't you come train tomorrow,"he turned back with a raised eyebrow,"If you're serious about it,I'm a certified instructor."

Andrea butted in before the boy could even decide,"For now he'll just come with us." Shane rolled his eyes at her as we grabbed our stuff ready to head off,before we could leave he said,"He's yours to babysit then."

The boy came back over to the hood and I began to tell them all what we were going to do,after I had told them all the areas we were to check I looked over at Andrea,"Imma need you to go get Y/N to tell her what she'll get to search.She should be in the house with-"

"Y/N isn't coming with us today."

With a sigh I looked over to see Shane staring at me,"We need her,she was the last to see her and from what we've seen she is good at tracking others."

"Good at tracking others?" He scoffed," Don't matter if she gets lost herself,"he shook his head and closed the car door,"She isn't coming and we aren't gonna tell her anything."

( Glenn POV)

I followed Lori into the house ,though she was going to check up on Carl, I was looking for Y/N and Maggie who I hadn't seen this yet. Mostly Y/N cause when I woke up she was no where to be found,I was gonna ask Rick about it but he didn't seem at all worried so when Lori mentioned she was heading over to the house I assumed Y/N was in the house.

At least I think she's in the house.

....ok I really hope she's in the house cause there is no where else to go other than the forest

The second we stepped foot into the house Lori made a beeline for the room that Carl was using while I decided to go to the kitchen thinking that maybe they had forced Y/N to do chores again,plus I might get the chance to see her wearing that awful apron again. I hadn't even made it past the room Carl was in when I heard Maggie's voice apologizing to Lori,Why is Maggie in Carls's room?

I stepped into the room instantly getting Maggie's attention as she sent me a smile,then we both turned to face Lori and I saw Y/N pulling up her hood and mask at the same time,Y/N never shows anyone her face,did Maggie ask? That's when I noticed that Carl was now awake with his head laying on Y/N lap,actually maybe it was Carl.

I watched as Y/N attempted to slid carefully out of the bed without forcing Carl to sit up and possibly put him into a large amount of pain,in turn though she ended up hitting herself against the sharp corner of the bedside table,it sounded painful but she went on as if nothing has occured.Maybe it was Carl,Y/N would do anything for him and taking off her cover up isn't an exception.

Finally standing ,Y/N moved over to the foot of the bed so that Lori could close to the bed and sit beside Carl,"Thank you for staying up and watching him Y/N,"she had her hand over Carl's,"I really appreciate it."

Y/N had her eyes stay emotionless,like usual but I could tell she had a small smile on her face even if I couldn't see it cause of her bottom face mask,"No problem Lori,besides you guys needed your rest and it was about time you had it."

My eyes widened as Lori gave a small chuckle at Y/Ns response ,"I really did,and so did Rick so thank you, again."

Y/N nodded ,gave a small wave to a brightly smiling Carl and headed outside the bedroom with me and Maggie tagging along,What the hell was that? Lori doesn't hate Y/N? No ,I know she does,everyone in our group can see it. I realized Y/N was heading towards the kitchen,I sighed,At least I found both of them.

( Your POV )

She thanked me,Lori actually thanked me,internally I couldn't stop laughing at how much she, possibly, had to suck up her pride to thank me,especially in front of Glenn who was part of the group from the beginning of all this. Damn that was weird though,mostly cause when I looked at her eyes..

"She was being genuine,"I mumbled to myself as I stepped quite loudly into the kitchen to mask the fact that I had even spoken out loud.I just made my way to the sink,turned the faucet so that the water would run,and after removing my gloves I had to carefully remove the now dirty bandage over the palm of one of my hands.Once it was off I folded it so that my infected blood couldn't smear anywhere and I placed my hands into the cold rushing water.

Maggie came over to the sink to see dried blood just falling off my hands and into the drain,I know I should be worried about the fact that see's staring but I don't care right now,besides she already knows about this wound.She is the one who placed a bandage on top of it.I continued to just leave my hands in the rushing water.Eventually I began to rub the palms of my hands together to remove the last bit of blood,and dirt actually,that had been piling up on my skin.I went to turn off the water but Maggie did it before I could and she came back with a paper towel to dry my hands."Thanks." She nodded at me then she bit her bottom lip wanting to question me,and I could clearly see that she wanted to but it seemed that she was waiting for me to say something about it,"What is it?"

Her eyes shot up to meet mine,"Why was there so much blood on your hand that came off?"

At the word 'blood' Glenn who had decided to sit and chill on one of the kitchens chairs instantly stood and walked over to the both of us,"What blood,where?"

Maggie pointed at my hands which were covered in the paper towel in an attempt to get dry,it wasn't working cause all the water on my hands had soaked the paper towel.Now it was just a moist mess hanging over the palms of my hands,I sighed as I removed the towel and threw in into a small trashcan I had spotted."It's nothing really,I just hadn't washed up in a few days so all the blood just piled up."

Glenn didn't care and he grabbed both of my hands and raised them so that he could see them clearly,that when he noticed and remembered the injury I had gotten when I saved him from his almost death with a gigantic gilled walker that was stuck in the well."You never got it cleaned?"

I shook my head and took my hands back,"It would heal on its own so it wasn't important."

"Or it could have gotten infected Y/N,"Glenn for once didn't sound as cheery or stupid as usual,it actually got me to look at his serious face. "Maggie clean her wound right now."

Maggie knew I didn't want it but seeing as Glenn was being persistently annoying she left the kitchen to go get supplies to disinfect it and then place another bandage on top."Glenn,its not important besides the wound is almost gone,cleaning it now would be a waste of supplies."

"It's not a waste if its been infected."

I rolled my eyes,grabbed my gloves off the counter and made my way over to one of the chairs in the room,I am not in the mood to deal with this right now,Glenn came over and sat in front of me.These are times I wish I could just yell straight to his face that I am not human,and I can't die from a stupid infection,the only way I could die is if I'm killed like a walker.I looked up at him to see that he was staring at me,also the fact that in a few seconds of thinking he had gotten a lot closer,One day I'll tell them,I just hope that by that point they wouldn't just instantly kill me like a walker.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to you,"he said this in a low voice,his eyes flickering from my eyes to the point where he suspected my lips to be beneath my mask,"Y/N." I just stayed still and with each second he just inched closer and closer until his lips were over mine,well I am still wearing the mask,does this mean that Glenn just inadvertently kissed Shane?

When he pulled away his voice had gone tomato red tot he point that it actually worried me,he seemed like he could pass out any moment,"Are you ok-"

"I'm back."

I looked over at Maggie and held out my injured hand,she took note of Glenn just looking away but she guessed it was out of annoyance so she shrugged it off.She placed the supplies on the table in the kitchen and poured some of the disinfectant over my hand causing all the of the skin it touched to bubble up cause of infection.Shit,I forgot it does that to my skin in general.

Maggie thankfully didn't question it,she only focused on the wound as it had finished bubbling up so she wiped the left overs off and then she put some ointment over it and finally the bandage was pressed firmly over the palm of my hand."There I'm done."

I began to move my hand to see the comfort level,more like if I would be able to fully use my hand if I needed to punch Shane,"Thanks."

She nodded and noticed that Glenn had finally returned to facing us,his cheeks were still a little pink,"Hey Y/N?" I looked up at Maggie who ignored Glenn who was standing up and heading out of the house,"You said you hadn't washed up in a while,right?"


"Come with me,I'll lead you to the bathroom so you can shower,"I nodded stupidly as my brain hadn't processed what she had said until she stepped out of the kitchen.

"Wait,shower?" I stood up and went after her,thankfully she hadn't gotten far and I was able to see that outside the front door Glenn was sitting on one of the rocking chairs while fiddling with a guitar.Where the hell did he even get a guitar from? "No Maggie it's ok,I don't wanna use your shower,I mean I'm just a random person."

"Nope,too late come on!"

God dammit.



I'm sorry for taking so long,it's my fault,please don't hate me.


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