Young Avengers: Child's Play...

By ICrzy01

60K 1.1K 486

It all started when a young boy picked up a wallet for a young girl.... After that, a new partnership was bor... More

Child's Play
Sequel Following Endgame


1.3K 32 4
By ICrzy01

Peter POV

Homecoming was getting closer and closer as the days went on. I kept telling myself that on homecoming I'll finally tell Emma how I feel.

I was by my locker and noticed Emma at her locker with MJ. Emma's smile made my heart skip a beat. Everything about her made me feel like I was on cloud nine. And despite everything she has been through, she can still smile and be happy.

"So I heard you and Emma went homecoming shopping last weekend?" Ned asks sneaking up on me.

I nod as I grabbed my math book, "Yeah. We got a dress and I treated her to some coffee."  I said.

Ned smiles, "Man I am so happy for you man." He said, "After the whole thing with Liz last year, I wasn't sure whether or not you'd find happiness again."

I give him a look, "Jeez thanks."

Ned shrugs, "Look it's not rocket science, Pete. You're not a very open person, and I am certain Emma has no clue about your real internship with Tony Stark."

I forgot, Ned was the only one who supposedly knows. Emma knows because she's Static, but Ned doesn't know her identity.

"See," Ned said, "I can see those gears working in that head of yours. You wondering how you can balance school, the internship, and a relationship."

I shake my head, "No, I'm not. I'm just wondering if she feels the same about me." Which is completely true.

I mean, we've spent so much time together we know so much about each other. I know she loves to read and even sing. I heard her singing as we were heading to the tower after school one day, and wow her voice is amazing. We share similar taste in movies. Also, we're both teenage superheroes.

Ned placed a hand on my shoulder, "Don't get worked up, Pete. She likes you. I mean look at her," Ned motions to her direction, "She's a beautiful girl who wants to hang out with you. She could have any guy and she wants you."

"Yeah but how do you know tha-," I was cut off.

"Dude," Ned looks at me like I'm clueless, "She said yes to go to homecoming with you. I think she has the same feelings for you as you have for her."

I look from Ned to where Emma was. She was laughing at something MJ had said. I mean, Ned had a point. She seemed to want to be around me a lot, and it seemed normal to the two of us.

"I just-," I frowned, "I just don't want anything bad to happen if we were to- you know, date."

Ned looks at me, "Well guess you might have to tell her your secret," He said, "Or else things might get a bit complicated."

If only you knew, Ned. If only you knew.

Emma POV

After sitting through my last period class, I quickly escaped to meet up with Peter. I found him by his locker, I ran over and poked him on the shoulder with a smile on my face.

"Hi," I smiled widely at him, "Ready for hardcore training with Wanda and Vision?"

I see Peter rub his neck, "If I survive this time," He shuts his locker, "Is it sad I miss training with Natasha?"

I shake my head, "Nope."

We walk out of the school. Like we do everyday. It was pretty normal. To anyone who saw us, saw two high school students heading home. Or maybe they saw a young couple in love, because we were sharing laughs and smiles.

"By the way," I started, "My mom wants so many photos of us together for homecoming."

I see Peter's face turn pink, "Oh- uh okay."

I lightly shoved him, "This is my first homecoming," I said, "I skipped my last one because of criminal activity."

I see Peter grin, "I kind of ended up ditching my homecoming date because her dad was the criminal known as the Vulture."

I frown, "Ouch," I say, "That sucks."

He nods, "Haven't heard much from her since she left."

"Sorry about that," I said.

He shakes his head, "No- No, it's no problem." He said.

We crossed the street to lead us to the train station that we usually take. While we boarded and the train took off in its direction, Peter motioned for me to take the empty seat.

"Peter," I spoke up.

He looks from his phone to me, "Yeah?"

"Uh- I've been wondering about this for a while now," I frowned.

This wasn't the time to ask him how he feels about me. Not in public. Not on a train. However, I see Peter's eyes on mine.

"Everything okay?" He asks.

I shake my head, "I just- I wonder if my dad is really an awful man. Like was he always that person or if something made him into that."

Peter kneels in front of me, "I wish I could give you the answer you want, Emma. But honestly I don't know."

I frown while nodding, "I know."

He stands, "But I can tell you one thing," He started, "You aren't your father's daughter. You are your own person."

I see the smile on his face. I share the same smile on my face. He knew exactly what to say to make me feel better.

Suddenly, Peter's nerves changed. He grabbed me and pulled me toward the pole and held onto it. The train shook and then derailed. I felt the train car we were in, fall off the tracks.

People screaming. Everything felt like it slowed down. Then crash.

There were sparks and glass scattered everywhere. People crying and screaming. I slowly open my eyes to come back to the reality in this, noticing Peter still holding onto me.

"Pete," I say softly.

Peter groans and opens his eyes, "You- You okay?"

I nod and noticed there was no injuries on me. I look at Peter. He seemed fine, probably sore from the fall.

"You okay?" I ask.

He nods.

People who could move, were getting out of the train car. That was the same for Peter and I. As we crawled out, we hear more screaming and more chaos.

Standing there was a new Warlord. At least a person in a similar suit.

"Emma Sterling," This man had an Asian accent.

My eyes widen, "Tha- That voice."

Peter looks at me, "Em?"

The man in the robotic armor lands in front of us, "It appears your father doesn't value your life. What a pity however," He grins, "I can make you useful."

He went to grab at me, but Peter grabbed me quickly and pulled me away. We rolled on the shattered glass. I groan and look up at the man.

"How about you hand over the girl," He said to Peter, "And no one else has to get hurt."

I felt Peter's grip on me and I glance at him. He wasn't going to hand me over. I know that and he knew it too.

"Fine," The man said, "Guess I have to do it the hard way."

He fires his blasters at us. Peter and I quickly get up and begin to run. We ran like an civilian. We weren't in our suits, we couldn't endanger anymore people. We needed to get away from all of this.

I turn my head to see the armored man flying in our direction, "He can fly!" I yell at Peter.

Peter pulled out his mask and then grabbed a hold of my waist. He fires a web and it sticks to the building wall as we swing across the skylines.

I press on my lightning earring, "Mask online."

My mask appeared across my face. I turn to see the armored man a bit behind us.

"We need help with this," I said to Peter.

Peter said nothing.

We swung from building to building until were far enough away from any potential harm to the citizens.

We land in a junk yard and so did the armored man. He looks at us, seeing the masks on both of our faces and chuckles.

"So you two are Spider-Man and Static, huh?" He spoke.

"And who the hell are you?" Peter asks.

I never seen him like this before. He was angry but not the usual angry when a bad guy steals from an old lady, no this was different.

"I am the brains behind Warlord," He grins, "Call this suit Warlord 2.0."

"That didn't answer our question," I said, "Who are you exactly?"

The man grins, "Oh Emma, darling. You must remember me?"

His voice. His voice remained me of that day. I took one step back and then made my hands into fists. I ran forward and jumped into the air, firing my electric bolts at the man.

Peter POV

Karen had asked if we wanted backup, so I had told her to contact Tony. When Emma attacked first, I quickly jumped into action. I saw the blasters on the hands of the suit much like the one Michael fought us in.

I fired my webs at it, and then webbed the man in the face. He stumbled back, and I tackled the man to the ground.

I punched the guy once, only for him to use his arms to slap me off of him.

"Peter-!" I heard Emma yell.

I stumbled to stand, that hit made me see double.

"You two think you can really defeat me?" He asks.

Emma looks at the man and then made her hands into fists. The electricity was growing bigger and bigger. Her eyes turned completely yellow.

As the man was about to attack me, because he didn't notice Emma, Emma fired high levels of electricity at him. The man stumbled back and then was given a powerful electric punch by Emma.

Emma went to slug him again when we both heard laughing. I stood up and limped my way back over.

"You are more of success than you realize, Emma." He said, "The results proved exactly what we wanted."

Emma said nothing. She held her hand back to punch him again. Electricity engulfing her. I couldn't stop her even if I tried.

"Emma," I spoke softly, "We got him,"

Emma looks at me, her eyes returning to blue. She turns to the man. He was laying in a beaten armor robotic suit. He still had a smug look on his face.

Emma looks at the man to back at me.

"Iron-Man is coming," I said, "We got him."

The man chuckled, "Just like you got your father,"

Emma turns to him, "You didn't win, Kaito."

The man grins, "So you do remember me, kid." He chuckles.

Tony was on his way. But I wanted him to show up sooner. Kaito, or whoever this man is is continuing to torture Emma by continuing to get her upset.

"You remember what we did to you," He grins, "You know your father demanded we tested it out on your first."

Emma made her hands into fists. I stepped over and held onto her wrist so she couldn't do anything.

"He never cared, Emma." Kaito said.

Emma, pushed me away, and then charged forward at Kaito and punched him in the face. Not once or twice, she kept going. Sobbing and punching.

I ran over and pulled her off of him after the fourth hit. She sobbed into my chest, as this happened Tony arrived to the scene. He looked at what had happened before him.

"What happened, Underroos?" He asks me.

"We found the guy behind Warlord." I said holding onto Emma.

Kaito was unconscious from Emma's hits. She held onto me, sobbing into my chest as I held onto her for comfort. Tony looked from the man to me, but mostly Emma.

Tony walked over and placed a hand on Emma's shoulder, "Let's get you home, kiddos." He said.

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