The Cute Tattooed Guy (Discon...

By shrunotea

124K 4.6K 2.7K

❝He minded his own business until she bruised his ego.❞ _____________________ "He's hot," she pointed out, an... More

00: School
01: Introduction
02: Game On
03: Pranked
04: Slimes and Crimes
05: The Ruination
06: Mom
07: Crush
08: Pillow Tears
09: Teases and Surprises
10: Breaking Stereotypes
11: Advice
i'm sorry
12: Cigarettes and Smoke
13: Tardy
14: French Fries
15: No Whipped Cream
16: Couzane
i n t e r v i e w : s i l v e r
18: She's Gone.
19 : Darcy
okay guys

17: Cohesion

2.9K 102 49
By shrunotea

NOT EDITED. I'm so sorry for the long wait. Please enjoy. This one's a long one.


"I'm fucking bored," Samiha yawned, looking at me with utter distaste, "you suck at doing anything sporty."

I laughed and I shrugged, because it was true. I was okay at sports, but I kind of detested them because my body hated doing physical exercise. Samiha hated sports in general, and she was so much more sportier than me.

"Honestly," she yawned, "I suck at sports, and you make me feel like I'm the motherfucking queen."

"DON'T SWEAR," Sanjay and Kyle screamed, and Samiha rolled her eyes, waving them off.

"Shoo you little human beans," Samiha said, and I gave a small smile, because she was one of my most favourite people in the world.

"I'm not a bean," Kyle argued, and she rolled her eyes while I decided to read my book that was somehow mystically there all along.

"No, you're a baby," Samiha said, irritated, "now run off and do your boy stuff."

Sanjay looked somehow confused and shrugged, "What boy stuff?"

This poor child. He was about to get blasted with sharp words.

"I don't know. Like Taehyung's abs, or his deep fucking voice, or his cute face, or his-"

"That's girl talk," Sanjay interrupted, and Kyle went away because he was bored of the conversation, "I'm not interested in guy's abs. I'm going to leave because you're extremely annoying."

He shut the door fast behind him, while Samiha rolled her eyes.

"Get me a guy like Taehyung," Samiha prayed, and all I could do was stare, because even I wasn't that obsessed with anyone. But it was cute though.


"Tell me pretty lies, look me in the face, tell me that you love me even if it's fake, 'cos I don't fucking caaareee, at all," Samiha and I sang while walking home after buying groceries, and I decided to ask her some questions.

"I see you packed a lot," I stated, and she nodded, looking a bit wary. "It was supposed to be a surprise Silver," she said, and she averted her eyes, like she was hiding something, "I'm gonna be staying for the entire school year. Along with Sanjay."

"WHAT!" I screamed, because that was the best news I heard all day. I gave my cousin a hug and jumped like a kid on Christmas. I wasn't usually like this but my cousin was with me. For the entire year.

"This. Is. Amazing," I yelped, and Samiha laughed, and u started walking backwards, chatting random things with my cousin. I was just so ecstatic, I never noticed that I bumped into a hard chest.

"Silver," Beck laughed, a dimple arising from his cheeks, which made me melt. Stop blushing Silver, it's just a guy, it's just a guy.


Samiha, obviously noticing my discomfort, smirked at me in a teasing manner, almost laughing. I hardly blushed. Hardly. Even while watching porn. It's just. . . weird. I feel my heart combusting into flames and I feel all weird and shit, and I don't know why.

It's just weird, because I'm known as the independent woman. Apparently, independent women don't have crushes. Idiots do really make my day sometimes.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Silver?" Samiha asked with a laughing tone, which made me scowl. Idiot. All of them, blasted idiots. Idiots for making me talk to my crush.

Maybe crush.

"Beck, this is Samiha, my cousin. Samiha, this is my friend Beck."

Samiha started giggling, and Beck rolled his eyes, before offering me a small smile and a nod. He grabbed the cereal boxes from the stake and gave me a small wave, and I smiled at him back.

"Awe," Samiha smiled teasingly, "how nice."

I actually forgot about her for a moment. Oh lord.

"So," Samiha wiggled her eyebrows after seeing Beck leave, "what's going on between you and your 'friend' Beck?"

I hate myself.


"So let me get this straight," Samiha enquired, raising her eyebrows, "you both teased each other, then called it a truce? That fast?"

"Pretty much," I shrugged, drinking some coffee, and Samiha laughed, throwing her head back and everything.

"So fucking cliché," she laughed, "damn and you oogle him like he's some meat you want to eat."

"I'm vegetarian," I raised my hand to make a point and she rolled her eyes, because I was the weirdo who didn't want to eat meat. But many people from my mum's side were vegetarians. But occasionally, I do eat chicken. I guess I'm a flexitarian.

"Liar. You are chicken yesterday," she pointed out, and I rolled my eyes.

Lies. I did not.

I had it day before yesterday, but she doesn't need to know that.

"I'M A SUPERCAR," Sanjay screamed, running back and forth, and Kyle started screaming something which I didn't understand. It makes me wonder how I'm related to these jackasses.

I looked at Samiha, who just facepalmed.

"Don't ask," she replied, shaking her head in obvious displeasure.

"I won't."


"What's for dinner?" Jason asked, finally coming out of his room, his eyes sunken and his throat groggy, like he didn't sleep for a few days.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" Samiha asked, and I looked at the sides of Jason's face worriedly. He's gonna spoil his health if he continues this.

"Why didn't you sleep?" I asked him, looking at him intently, making him let out a deep breath. "I was studying Silver," Jason said quietly, and I shook my head.

"You're going to sleep after dinner. Please Jason. Please," I requested, because I really didn't want my brother to end up in a weird ass situation. I'm that caring, I know.

"Fine," he let out softly, and he looked at me in the way he used to look at ma. This made me release eye contact with him, because I didn't want to remember all that pain.

Ma smiling.

Ma gasping for breath.

Ma shielding me when I had my nightmares.

Ma when she had her last breath.

Don't think about it Silver. . .

Don't think about it. . .

Don't think about. . .

Don't think. . .

Don't. . .

Samiha enveloped me in a warm embrace, or what her tiny figure could do anyway. It did make me feel better. I quickly let go, and I offered her a smile.

Jason had gone already. He must have drove away using Sanjay's supercar.



"BYE!" Samiha yelled in place of me, and she pulled me out the door, eager to walk with me. I was happier too.

We walked along the sidewalk, talking about random shit, about celebrities, about the random things in our lives.

"When I was on tinder," Samiha started, and I already started cringing.

Them boys on tinder. We all gotta be wary, oh my lord.

"This one guy asked me for my nudes," she started, and I widened my eyes because a similar incident had happened a few days ago.

I hope that guy wassn't who I think it was.

"I have no idea what his name is," she ranted, "it was Payne, something. His bio was just written as 'fuckboi.' I accidentally swiped right, and if led to him asking me for my nudes. Even after I texted him, saying that it was on accident. And he did it with perfect, aesthetic texting. Literally."

I widened my eyes. They were about to fall from their sockets. It sounded just like a person named Za. . .

I couldn't think of that.



Don't ship it.

Don't ship it.

Don't ship it.

Too late, I already shipped it.

"Show me the conversation," I asked her, and she cringed. She took out her phone, and she showed me the conversation after removing him from blocked contacts.

Yep, it was him alright.

3:00 pm

Samsam666: I accidentally clicked right, I'm so sorry.

LXayne: send nudes.

Samsam666: excuse me? omg what a hentai. Bye.

*this idiot has been blocked*

11:58 pm

LXayne: fuck I am so sorry. i thought i was sending it to Saylala666. again, i didn't mean any disrespect. i deeply apologize, it was a text sent to the wrong person.

LXayne: am i blocked? okay. i'm blocked. how nice.

LXayne: again ma'am, i am super super sorry. i hope you have a nice day.

"His apologies were genuine," I said, and I showed the phone to Samiha, who looked at the other messages, but she shrugged.

"It's still not nice to ask anyone for nudes though," she said, and I asked her for her phone for a minute.

I checked the account Saylala666. As I thought, it was a thirst account. She was obviously a very. . . erm. . . open person.

No hate and no judgements.

"Saylala666 is a thirst account," I showed her, and after looking at her account pictures, she cringed.

"That bio though," she cringed, which made me laugh.

"But atleast he was being honest," she said, letting out a deep breath. "Turns out, guys are okay after all."

I started laughing, and in such a short time, we reached the Pizza place. I was kinda disappointed, but after remembering Jason, I was kinda determined to get this pizza quickly.

"ZANE! BUY ME PIZZA!" Ella screamed outside the cake shop, and Zane hit her on the back of her head, making her scowl and hit him back.

"Calm down Ella. I'll buy you my pizza if you promise not to flirt with my friends again."

Ella pouted and did the puppy dog face.

It was really cute, I wasn't sure how Zane could resist it.

"That doesn't work on me Ella. It hasn't worked since I was six," Zane admonished, and Ella mumbled something inside her mouth, which made Zane smirk.

"Say that again?" Zane asked teasingly, and Ella said that she wouldn't flirt with his friends again."

"One slice of pizza for you," Zane said, looking at Ella, who was smiling.

"Yay!" she jumped, clapping her hands excitedly.

The girl must have crossed her fingers or something.

I looked over at Samiha, who looked surprised as fuck. Her eyes were twitching and her mouth was curled up and she looked a combination of pissed and blushing.

I know, I've never seen an expression like that before.

"What happened?" I asked her, my voice faltering, because I knew exactly why she was pissed and blushing.

"Silver," she murmured quietly, losing patience, "that's the guy who asked for my nudes."

I know.

I cringed as I remembered that memory.


A few days ago, I don't know when.

"Zane, buy her some pizza for god's sake," I compelled him, and he looked at me with murderous eyes, and I cringed once again.

There are too many cringeworthy moments in my life.

"See! Even Silver agrees with me," Ella argued, and Zane glared at the both of us.

"I'm fucking broke, Ella. I can't always buy pizza for you when we go out," Zane said, and Ella glared at him.

"Why the hell not?" Ella glared at him, and Zane shook his head, rolling his eyes.

It was obvious, he was thinking something personal. I'm not going to pry.

Zane's phone started ringing with so many messages, that he had to catch his phone as it kept vibrating out of his pocket.

All of them are from tinder.

Oh lord.

Zane started typing something superfast to each chat, making me curious about what was going on.

"What're you doing?" I asked him, and he smirked that idiotic smirk he had after Ella went.

"I'm asking for nudes. Ya wanna see?"

"You're joking, right?" I asked him, disgusted and kinda weirded out by his question. Who asks that? Apparently Zane.

Zane rolled his eyes and smiled that sarcastic smile, "Of course I am," he said, cringing, "only a few people can see junior. Not you."

"I don't want to see it," I argued.

"Your loss," Zane laughed, and I shook my head. "How do girls have a crush on you?" I giggled, and he smiled that smile that would have worked on everyone else but me.

"It's all in the looks."

"Yeah the ugly ones."

Zane cast a glare, and I laughed, before Zane shook his head.

"Don't worry Silver," Zane said, "I send them only to thirst accounts. Not the actual ones."

"Thank god, those poor girls," I teased him, and he waved me off, not paying any heed to my comments.

"Hey guys, I came back from the restroom," Ella came back, eating a pizza from no where. "What'd I miss?"

"Nothing Ellie," Zane smiled, "let's go. I'll talk to you later Silver."

I waved off to Zane.

We may sound flirty, but we're really not. We're just friends.



"Oh fuck," Zane looked at his phone and he looked at me, panicking. I gave him an expression, asking him what happened.

"I sent the 'send nudes' thing by accident to an innocent soul. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I feel like as piece of shit. She's gonna think I am a creep. Oh lord. Why. Why. I'm gonna check before asking anyone for nudes. Everyone knows I'm a thirst account. Then WHY!" Zane ranted, slapping his forehead for the thousandth time.

So many people send nudes. I don't know why they get shit for it. Zane was eighteen, he could do what he wanted to do.

"Even if she's blocked you, just explain. When she unblocks you, she might know it's a misunderstanding."

I looked skeptical. He saw it on my face.

"She's not gonna unblock me, is she?" Zane asked me, looking annoyed and irritated with himself. Or me. Or at everyone. I don't know.

"She isn't."

"Well fuck. Isn't that great," Zane walked away with his head down low, and I shrugged and let out a sigh, before waving hi to Beck and his friends.

I pity that girl.



I pity my cousin for the fact that the guy she thought was creepy was actually one of my best friends. After I saw Zane and Ella drive off, I pulled Samiha from her reverie and tried to change the subject.

"So," I asked her, "what pizza do you want?"

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