Lost In Time

By wolf_16

471 76 13

This story is for 17+ only ! contains - demons and angels - magic - alcoholic drinks -epic battles This is... More

The beginning
The key
A crazy man and illusions
Nice to meet you, i hate you more
Time to go home
A boy and his terrible climbing skills
The masks we hide
A father stalking his daughter
King Light
"Its not like that!"- Seishin
Strange sounds in the dark
Where is the Princess?!
I am ok, don't worry about me
Raziel and drunken sadness
A talk with Wine
A day with Lucca
Awake at midnight
Why are you keeping this secret?
"I just can't let her go."
Goodbye Raziel
The battle
Secret get away
The OverLord
The Arranged marriage
Sakkaku and the box
The Interrogation
Dreams and dark wishes
The vacation and a King
An old story.
The magic crystal.
The wolf and the rabbit.
A talk with the Author #1
The Talk.
Alone in the cold world.
Erase the mistakes.
The death and the maze.
Kira's death and the jail
A talk with the Author #2
The Creators, Pt.1
The Creators, Pt.2
Laine is drunk.
Magic Memories
Forever lost
The final chapter
Thank you, the end.

Is it a dream or reality?

3 1 0
By wolf_16

When they got into the back Cassiel was asleep, she looked really tired, she had something in her hands, it was a strange black object.

Raziel sat down, Ivy sat down across from her, Alva jumped up next to Raziel, he watched Ivy carefully.

So they were there. Hidden from them, Cassiel awoke after 30 minutes of the ride, she sat up, since they were in a dark room she didn't notice them.

She opened a small panel on the side of the black box, it began to glow, then it opened. She typed something, then it opened, a small creature jumped out of the box, they couldn't tell what it was because it was very dark in the room.

Then Cassiel turned on a light, Raziel, Alva and Ivy were hiding behind some large boxes.

It was a baby dragon?

The body was long and narrow, it was all black, when it breathed you could see through the skin into the lungs, the color of the fire in it was blue.

It looked up at her, then she took out a knife, she cut into her arm, her golden blOod fell to the floor, then the dragon went closer to her, she cut its paw, it's blue blOod ran down it's scales, she held out her bleeding hand, it put it's claw on her, their blOod fuised. Cassiel let out a small gasp in pain, she didn't show much emotion.

Then the wounds healed, the blOod disappeared.

The dragon stood up, it turned into a small boy, he had pale skin and black hair, his eyes were bright green.

Cassiel stood up, "What is your name C28?" She asked, C28 was the name on the side of the black box, he looked at her, "Aoimoku." He said, then he sat down, Cassiel opened a small window that lead to Ender and Seishin, they were talking, "male." She said, Ender looked back at him, she took out a pair of black clothes, then handed it to Cassiel.

"Why is your father deAd?" Aoimoku asked, he was looking at the floor.

"Because he got to old." Cassiel replied, she gave him the clothes.

He took off the default outfit (tan shirt and tan pants) and put on the black outfit, oit had a name on the shirt, it said "C28"

Cassiel knelt down to his eye level, "You can call me Cassiel, I will take care of you." She explained, he smiled, "Ok." He replied, Cassiel laughed, she genuinely smiled, that was something Raziel had never seen of her, Cassiel held out her hand, "Let's go sit in the front, we have so much to talk about Aoimoku."

They walked up the back, then the Carriage stopped, they got off, Next Seishin walked into the room, he opened the panel to a different box, it was a dark purple box, he typed a code into a panel on the side of the box, then a dark purple baby dragon appeared, it looked like is was made from mist, he did the same thing that Cassiel did, after his hand was healed the dragon stood up, it turned into a little girl, she had darker skin and long black hair, she had bright purple eyes.

"What's your name?" Seishin asked, she looked up at him, "Akarui." She said, her voice was quiet, she was shaking.

He smiled, then Seishin walked over to the window, "Female." He said, Ender turned around, she gave him a pair of black clothes.

He handed the black outfit to her, she hesitated to touch it but then slowly picked them up, Seishin walked over to the door on the back of the carriage, he waited for Akarui.

She put on the outfit, it was the same as the boy from before, but the word was different, it said- "R02."

She walked up to him and took his hand, she looked up at him, "Why is apart of your soul missing?"

He looked away from her, "i will tell you when you are older, you may call me Seishin." He replied, the carriage stopped, they went out of the carriage.

Then Ender walked into the room, she was holding a black outfit with the word- "E16." On it, she looked through the empty boxes, then she took out a Prussian blue box, it was older looking than the others, she set it on the floor, she sat down and picked up the box, then she opened a panel, she typed something into the box, but nothing happened, she looked up at the boxes from where Raziel, Alva and Ivy were hiding, she looked at it for awhile, then the box opened.

A baby dragon flew out, it was dark blue with bright white scales, it's eyes had one dark green and one light green. It sat on the floor, it seemed to be calm, Ender sat down next to the dragon, she looked down at it.

Then she took out her hand, without cutting her hand and the dragon's.... it was different from the others, the dragon took her hand, then it stood up, it turned into a boy, he had clear like glass crystals and a misty white hair, his eyes were the same color, "What's your name?" Ender asked, "Ula." He replied, she took the outfit and handed it to the young dragon, "Here, change into this, you may call me Ender." She said. Ender didn't smile, she seemed to be cautious of something.

He changed into his outfit, he looked at her, "Thank you, Ender." He said, he wasn't scared or loud, he was calm...

Ender stood up, the carriage stopped, then Cassiel, Aoimoku, Seishin and Akarui walked into the room.

At once Ender, Cassiel and Seishin lined them up in a row.

Then one by one they said to their dragon, "Transform." With that word each of the children turned back into their dragon form, they watched and waited for their next command.

Cassiel opened the curtain to the back of the carriage, "then everyone went outside, it was night time by then, the dragon's took flight. Their long wings fought the cold wind of the night. They were fast and strong.

Meanwhile Raziel, Alva and Ivy were sitting there, then they saw a shadow step into the carriage, they were quiet for some time.

Then Ivy whispered, "Are they gone?"

"No, I am not gone." Ender said, she was looking over the boxes at them, Raziel face palmed, Alva ran out to play with the dragons, Ivy nervously laughed.

"Now explain to me why you are here?" Ender said, her cold eyes stared into their souls.

"Uhh..." Ivy paused, "Because I wanted to go, She followed me. That's why." Raziel finished, they stood up, "Your going home." Ender said, she dragged them out of the carriage, "Oh Cass, Seishin. Look what I found." She yelled, Cassiel and Seishin looked at her, Cassiel laughed, "That's Seishin's daughter for you!" She said, Cassiel stopped laughing after a moment, then she looked at Seishin.

He had a worried face, then he facepalmed, "this is what I get for not checking the back before we left." He mumbled to himself, he sighed. "We can't take them, it would be too dangerous." He said, his eyes shifted over to Raziel.

"We have no more time, we cannot just bring them back, then we would be late." Cassiel said, she looked over to the dragons.

"I agree, we will just have to leave them in the Carriage until we go back, then we will make a suitable punishment for them." Ender said, she looked at Ivy.

"P-Punishment?!" Ivy said with a worried face, she stepped back.

Cassiel looked at them. "Maybe they should meet him, after all, Raziel is.." she was interrupted by Ender, "That's quite enough, let's stay here for the night." She said, Ender went back into the Carriage.

Seishin nodded, he looked over at Cassiel, "You can't tell her, she doesn't know." He whispered.

"I don't know what?" Raziel spoke up, she clenched her fist.

"That you are supposed to be at Lucca's wedding tomorrow! Nothing more." Seishin nervously laughed, Cassiel walked away.

She went over to the dragons. Then she told them something, they flew over to them, then they turned into their human form, they introduced themselves-

"Nice to meet you, my name is Aoimoku." A boy said, he was the shortest of all of them, he was looking at Raziel.

Then a girl that was a little taller than Aoimoku stepped forward, "I.. it's nice to meet you, i am Akarui." She bowed, she was blushing and looking at the ground.

Then the tallest stepped forward, he bowed, then he looked at Ivy, then at Raziel, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Ula." He said, his voice was deeper than the others.

Ivy smiled, "It's nice to meet you too, I am Princess Ivy." She said, then she looked over at Raziel, she was looking at Aoimoku.

"I'm Raziel." She said, she kept it short.

Then Seishin spoke up, "Don't get too attached to them, they are Dragons, they don't belong here."

"Then why did you give them life?" Ivy asked, she stepped closer to them.

"They are not for us, they are for.." Seishin stopped himself, "never mind, just forget about it, say... Ivy." He paused and looked at her, she looked at him.

"You don't have wing right?" He asked, Raziel walked over to Cassiel.

"Yeah..." she replied, she looked at Akarui.

"Do you want to fly?" Seishin asked, Ivy's eyes lit up, "How?" She asked.

He looked over at Akarui, she walked over to her, then she turned into her dragon form.

"You can get on... only if you want.." Akarui said quietly, Ivy got onto her, she was just the right size to ride on.

"Hold on tight, ok?" Akarui said, Ivy held on, then she opened her wings, then she shot into the sky, Ivy yelled in excitement.

Then Ula and Aoimoku joined them, she was flying. Really flying.

Meanwhile Raziel was talking to Cassiel, Alva was with Ender.

"What were you talking about?" Raziel asked.

Cassiel didn't look at her, "It's nothing, besides, it's not my place to tell you." She was standing away from her.

"Please... I need to know." Raziel stepped closer.

Cassiel was quite for a moment, she turned around to face her, "I can't..." Cassiel mumbled, Raziel was about to say something but then Ender yelled for everyone to come inside the Carriage.

Raziel started to walk back.

"He would k1ll you." Cassiel whispered, Raziel didn't say anything.

They went back to the Carriage.

Ender had blankets set out for them, there were 5 set out, 3 for the dragons and 2 for Ivy and Raziel, after they settled down everyone fell quickly asleep, MeanWhile Ender and Seishin were talking, Cassiel was driving.

"That's definitely Raziel, I could tell she was going to go with us, that's why I packed the extra blankets, I guessed that someone would join her, I was correct about that as well." Ender explained, Alva was laying on Cassiel's lap.

"It's not her fault for the way she doesn't remember." Cassiel spike up.

"I know but it's like she is a different person." Seishin sighed, he looked up at Ender, she was leaning back on the seat, she was looking out the window.

"He took her memories from her and replaced them with happier ones, it was for the best, there is nothing that you could do." Ender said, she looked back at Seishin, he had his eyes closed.

"I know but.." he paused.

"Enough, look, you can't change the past, what you did was the right thing. You can only help her for the future, now shut up and let me drive." Cassiel said with a tired voice.

The room grew quite, soon Seishin fell asleep against Ender.

(Poor old man) Ender thought as she looked at Seishin.

"Are you ok?" Cassiel asked, she didn't shift her view to her but she could tell something was off.

"Do you think that she has a right to know about the accident?" Ender asked her.

"She isn't an adult yet, even though we treat her like one the fact is that she couldn't handle it, we must leave it up to her father, her real father." Cassiel explained.

"Your right, I should dwell on this." Ender said, she looked back at Seishin.

After a few minutes of silence Ender fell asleep, Cassiel was focusing on the road, suddenly a figure appeared, making Cassiel slam on the breaks, The figure stepped forward to the light, it was a man, he was covered in cuts and bruises.ll
He limped over to them, Cassiel got out and ran to him, she helped him walk over to the back, there was a step there for him to sit down, he looked at her, his eyes seemed familiar....

"Thank you lass." He whispered, his breath showed in the cold air of the night.

Cassiel smiled, "Why are you out this late? Where is your family?" She asked, she looked over at him, then she sat down next to him.

"You see..." he paused, then he let out a loud cough, "I don't have any family." he said, he smiled, his old face was filled with sorrow.

Cassiel looked into his eyes, they were different from normal travelers, he had one cracked eye and one rainbow eye.

Cassiel turned in shook, "If I may ask, are you a TimeKeeper?" She asked.

He stood up, "i must be going now, it was a nice time talking to you, Kasshieru." He said, he started to walk away.

"Fath- Dad!" Cassiel yelled as she chased the figure, he was gone.

Cassiel woke up suddenly from the side of the road. She was in the driver's seat.

"I must have parked here and fell asleep." Cassiel said out loud, she looked over at Seishin and Ender, they were asleep.

Cassiel started the Carriage again and got back onto the road. "Just a dream." She whispered...

"Only a dream.."

As she drove away a man stood there, he watched as the Carriage disappear into the distance,

"What a shame." He whispered...

"A father lost in time."

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