The Story Of Chandlyn

By Soulful_Soup99

24.1K 575 195

The Story of Chandler Riggs and Katelyn Nacon's relationship, from first kisses to marriage to children and a... More

New Hair
Nowhere I'd Rather Be
It Wasn't Real, I'm Not Going Anywhere
First Kiss For Real
Even When You're Sick
Supporting The Other Team
Damn Bird
We'll Get Through This Together
Best Road Trip Ever
I Love You
I Hate Fighting With You
Rainy Days
A Few Years From Now
Cheesy Is Great
Scary Movies And Sleepovers
As One Chapter Ends, Another One Begins
Our Place
We Were Just Sleeping
Instructions For What
Safety Dance
You're An Amazing Father
Thankful For You
A Day In The Life Of Beaky
In Pajamas and Christmas Hats
Quality Over Qauntity
They Still Were
We Won't Drift Apart
You Forgot To Lock The Door
See You Later Dad
A Little Less Nervous
More Than Friendship
You're My Brother
Yeah We're Dating Now
Cool Parents
An Unforgettable Mother's Day
Your Very Own Drawer
Over Thinker
The Beginning Of A Lifelong Friendship
Flowers And China Patterns
Worth It
Love Note
I Won't Let You Fall
Happy Birthday Lightweight
Happy First Father's Day
Two Little Aliens
The Wisdom Of Chandlyn...And Beaky
What Makes It Even Better
I'm Gonna Love You
A Typical Morning In The Riggs House
Sick Together
Titus And Dori
Broken Hearts Suck
Halloween Traditions
Beaky And The Bat

Safety, Love and Happiness

358 6 2
By Soulful_Soup99

Date: May 2017

The sun shone through the window and the light woke Katelyn from her sleep. She yawned and brushed a few loose strands of brown hair from her face.

She grabbed her phone and hit the home button. She smiled when she saw the text message that Chandler had sent her this morning. Every morning whichever one of them was up first would send a 'good morning text' to the other person. Normally it was something sweet and encouraging.

Today Chandler's text was so sweet it was like eating a full bag of gummy worms, luckily Katelyn happened to love gummy worms.

A bright smiled formed across her face when she read his words.

Chan😊😍: Morning Kat, I just wanted to say that I'm so excited for tonight❤️. I wouldn't want to go to prom with anyone but you and I can't wait to see you in your prom dress. You're going to look so beautiful because well you always do. I love you beautiful😘 and I'll see you tonight, have an amazing day and don't stress too much about getting ready. You'll look amazing. Love Chandler.😊😘

Her heart melted as she read the text. Chandler was just...he was amazing and he made her feel so loved and happy. Katelyn couldn't imagine what her life would be like without Chandler, being a couple for almost a year, they'd grown a lot together and Katelyn Nacon knew one thing and that was that she never wanted to find out what life would be like without him in it now that she knew how amazing it was to be with him.

A tiny chill went through her body when her bare feet made contact with the floor as she walked towards the bathroom. Today was a special day and she was excited, her stomach flip-flopping from joy and excitement.

She turned on the shower and stepped in, enjoying the hot water while she could. She was supposed to get her nails and hair done in an hour with Lizzie and Vivian.


"So Kat, you and Chandler got any plans for tonight?" Lizzie asked curiously as a stylist curled her hair.

Katelyn was currently getting her nails done and was trying not to flinch or laugh when the pomace stone made contact with her ticklish feet. She raised an eyebrow at Lizzie's question, not sure exactly what she meant.

"I told you, we're going to the party at the Hilton, aren't you?"

Lizzie and Vivian exchanged an amused look.

"That's not what we meant," Vivian said.

"What we meant was do you two have any plans for tonight as in after you leave the party?" Lizzie asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

Realization dawned on Katelyn and a blush creeped onto her pale face, "Um no I don't think so...we aren't planning on doing anything like that," she said shyly.

"Oh come on Kate, you guys have been together almost a year and we all know how much you love each other so don't you think it's about time you test things out?" Lizzie asked.

Katelyn shook her head, "It's not...we're not...I'm not ready."

"What you think he won't like what he sees?" Lizzie asked with a tiny laugh.

"Can we just change the subject please?" Katelyn aske pleadingly.

Seeing their friend's demeanour they backed off, "Sorry," they both said at the same time.

"It's okay...let's just talk about something else," Katelyn said.

As the conversation changed to a new topic, Katelyn couldn't help but think about what Lizzie had said.

The truth was, she was ready or at least she thought she was but something about the thought of Chandler seeing her bare, it made her feel nervous.

She was nervous that when Chandler saw her bare, he would be disappointed.

She hated thinking that, she knew in her heart that Chandler loved her and how she looked and honestly she had never cared what a boy really thought of her appearance until she started dating Chandler.

Sure with Isaac she had tried to look nice but she never thought about being intimate with him. It was different with Chandler. Chandler was so caring and kind and loving and supportive and hot. She just didn't want him to see her and be disappointed by what she saw. She wanted to make love to him but she was nervous and sooner or later she knew that they would have to talk about it. Today, however was not the day. At least she didn't think it was.


"Chandler why aren't you dressed yet?" Gina asked when she walked into his room and saw her oldest son, lying in bed, playing video games.

"Because it's only one and we aren't leaving for Katelyn's till four. I still have plenty of time before I need to get ready," Chandler explained, not looking up from the screen.

"Just don't doddle, I told Natalie we'd be there by four so that we could take some photos before you two have to leave."

Chandler turned and flashed his mother a smile, "Don't worry mom, I'll be ready I promise."

Gina smiled and nodded before she left her his room.

Chandler smirked and turned his attention back to his video games. He couldn't wait for tonight and right now he was just trying to kill some time.


When Katelyn walked down the stairs in her red dress, she couldn't help but blush when she saw Chandler looking at her with a stunned look on his face.

Her eyes travelled from his head down to his shoes, he was wearing a standard tuxedo and a red tie. He looked so damn sexy in the tux and Katelyn's blush grew warmer at the thought of what was underneath that tux. As she stepped off the stairs and came to stand in front of her, her thoughts dissipated like a puff of smoke in the wind

"Hi," She said in a soft voice, her pale blue eyes full of happiness, "You look very handsome."

He blushed and smiled affectionately at her, " look...beautiful Katelyn, absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you Chandler," she said, her voice was soft and barely audible and for several moment they just stared lovingly at each other.

"Um sorry to interrupt but Chandler don't you have something to give Katelyn?" Gina asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah," Chandler pulled out a clear case from his pocket and opened it. A white and red flower was in the case and he pulled it out and slid it onto her wrist, "Do you like it?"

"Its lovely thank you," Katelyn said and then smiled when Chandler passed her another flower, this one had a pin on the back.

"Try not to stab me," Chandler joked as she pinned it onto his jacket. She rolled her eyes at the joke.

"You two look so adorable," Natalie gushed, "Now let's get some pictures before you two head off."

After spending the next few minutes taking pictures with each other, with their families and individually, Chandler and Katelyn headed towards his car.

He opened the door for her like the true gentleman he was and once she was in, climbed into the driver's side and slowly drove out of the Nacon's driveway and towards the golf club where prom was being held.

Their fingers intertwined and they smiled lovingly at each other.


Dinner had been amazing. It was breaded chicken in a wine sauce along with roasted seasoned potatoes and delicious greens.

Currently Chandler and Katelyn were dancing to Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect,' the new song was one that Katelyn had fallen in love with as soon as she heard it. The lyrics reminded her of her and Chandler's own relationship and she felt that in some ways it describe their relationship almost perfectly.

"I love you," she said and he smiled .

"I love you too, I'm having a really good time."

She smiled and rested her head against his, "Do you think I'm beautiful?" she asked quietly.

Chandler was confused by the question, she should know his answer by now.

"Of course I do, you've always been and always will be beautiful to me," Chandler said, pure sincerity in his voice and she let out a content sigh and kissed him.

She felt somewhat relieved by his words, given what had been on her mind earlier today.

Maybe, tonight would be the night after all, the sincerity in his voice, it made her feel safe and comfortable and for the moment the fears she had earlier disappear and are replaced with feelings of courage and desire.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I'm ready Chan, if you are," she gave him a knowing look and he realized almost instantly what she's talking about.

"Yeah...I mean I'm ready," he said and she smiled and leaned up to kiss him. Their lips meant and within seconds their tongues began to duel, in a way it was a small preview for later tonight.


By the time they got to the Hilton it was nine.

Chandler and Katelyn had planned to sneak away right way, but somehow got dragged to a party in the pool area.

They spent the next hour socializing and laughing at the drunken antics of some of Katelyn's classmates, both of them remaining completely sober, wanting to have clear memories of tonight.

Around ten, Chandler was on the phone with his mom, letting her now that they made it safely to the hotel as per the agreement. As he hung up the phone, he felt Katelyn wrapped her arms around his waist and felt her rest her head on his back.

"Hey," she said in a soft voice, "You want to get out of here?"

"Sure," and before Katelyn could do anything, he scooped her up in her arms and carried her towards the elevator, her giggles made his heart swell.


From the minute he set her down, their lips became interlocked and they slowly found their way to the bed.

She giggled when his lips found the sensitive spot behind her ear and felt his lips along the slope of her shoulder.

She fumbled with the buttons on his white shirt, his jacket had been removed right when he set her down.

As she undid the last button, the passionate kiss they were in was interrupted when she felt his hands instinctively tug on the zipper on her dress.

"Wait," she said and pushed away.

"What's wrong?"

She looked away shyly, "It's'll think it's dumb."

He placed his hand gently on her chin and lifted her chin up so that she was looking at him, "No I won't, just tell me what's going on, are you having second thoughts? Because we don't have to do-"

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed when you see what's underneath," her voice was low.

"Katelyn, I love you and I won't be disappointed," he said sincerely.

"How do you know?"

"You're the most beautiful person I know and not just physically but your mind as well and I don't want my first time to be with anyone else, so trust me, I promise I won't be disappointed."

"I trust you."

In the next few minutes a majority of their clothing falls to the floor. When she removed her bra, she tried to cover her chest with her arms.

Chandler gently grabbed her wrists and looked affectionately at her, "Trust me," he whispered and let go of her arms. She nodded and her arms dropped to her sides.

He looks at her, amazed by her beauty and smiled lovingly at her, "Beautiful," he whispered softly, "You're so beautiful Katelyn."

The loving look in his eyes and the affectionate and sincerity in his voice, it completely removed any fears and doubts she had, it like her doubts have been batted away like a baseball player batting a ball out of the stadium.

She pulled Chandler into a passionate kiss and slowly they fell onto the bed, exploring each other lovingly.


"That was amazing," Chandler said softly as they snuggled in the hotel bed.

"Yeah it was..." Katelyn said as she listened to his heartbeat, the steady thump reminded her of a drum.

"I love you Katelyn."

"I love you too," she looked up at him and he noticed the tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" his voice was full of concern.

She shook her head and smiled softly, "No, these are happy tears," she kissed his chest, "Right now I'm feeling something I've never felt's this mixture of safety, love and happiness...and it feels so damn amazing."

He rubs his thumb along her cheek, "I know what you mean...I'm feeling the same way," he looked at her adoringly, "I love you Katelyn May and you're the most beautiful girl in the world to me."

She let out a tiny happy sob and placed a chaste kiss on his lips, "I love you too Chandler."

Soon sleep began to take them, but as they drifted off to sleep in each other warm and loving embrace, the feelings of safety, love and happiness remained, not just for the night, but for the rest of their lives.

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